mackey-ado · 3 years
im back, i’ve been busy with life, and stuff. I will try to write fanfics whenever I can!
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mackey-ado · 3 years
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i spent two whole minutes on this meme don't let it flop
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mackey-ado · 3 years
Im Yours (Aang X F!Reader) Pt 3?
Toph and I were told to stay back at the cave.
“ Toph, can I tell you something? “ I asked eagerly. “Sure anything for my little friend!” Toph said while looking- well facing me. “ I uh...” I paused for a moment, not knowing if I should tell her or not.  How should I say it, “ Hey, Toph, i’ve been keeping a secret from you guys im the Embodier!  The Emodier is like the Avatar, but more connected to the spirits. Since the connection of the Avatar and Emodier is so tight, when Aang got frozen, I turned to stone. It’s like we were destined to save the world… or something. “I’m...I am the Embodier!” I said, looking at her. “Y/n… thank you for telling me.” I was shocked by her response, I honestly was expecting something sarcastic. “ I knew all along that you  were keeping something from us, I could sense it. You were lying about being an EarthBender. I promise, your secret is safe with me!” She said, picking at her toes before she gave me a warm smile. “So have you mastered all of the bending styles?” She asked while popping a small piece of fruit in her mouth. “ sort of… i’ve mastered Air bending, water bending and most of earthbending.” Toph nods, and stands up. “So has Aang, he still needs to learn Fire bending, maybe once you tell him you guys can practice together!” Toph said smiling. I looked down and let out a long and confused sigh. “You are going to tell them…right?” Toph asked, as she looked up from the ground. I was bewildered by her actually caring about this situation. “Soon hopefully!” I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.“So Y/n, where are you from, the Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, or the Air Nomads?” She asked sitting up more. “I’m fro-” I was cut-off by Aang. “Y/n we’re back!” Aang said skipping back into the cave. “Well… how did it go?” I asked walking towards Aang, hugging him. 
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mackey-ado · 3 years
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mackey-ado · 3 years
Hello everyone, it’s been a while heh heh, I’m going to start working on my fanfics again. 
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mackey-ado · 3 years
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mackey-ado · 3 years
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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mackey-ado · 3 years
Every writing advice ever: If you’re having trouble with a scene, skip it and write a different part of the story.
Me: If I don’t write in chronological order, I will die
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mackey-ado · 3 years
Stop and watch my favorite part in season 3, also the song is called Rise by Katy Perry
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mackey-ado · 3 years
hello, just wanted to say im working on part 2 of I’m Yours. Im sorry ive been so busy with school
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mackey-ado · 3 years
people saying 2020 over but rlly its just the first of 10, this year is 2020 1 next year 2020 2
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mackey-ado · 3 years
I sadly dont own any of these edits!
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mackey-ado · 3 years
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just some atla memes i found funny @noyakru @mangle-lovefoxy10
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mackey-ado · 3 years
ahahahaha remember when this was a thing!!!
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mackey-ado · 3 years
I´m Yours Pt 1/2 Bender!reader x Aang
It was the next day and Sokka, Toph, and Katara went to a market to purchase supplies. They told Aang and I to wait outside, so we were just standing side-by-side in silence. “So, uh…. I like your clothes! They kinda match mine,”Aang said while blushing, trying to break the silence. I let out an awkward chuckle, before fiddling with the outfit nervously. 
“Oh well-” I began to say before being interrupted by a man two times bigger than Aang and I. “What are you two kids doing? If you’re gonna skip school you should at least change outta your school clothes,”The man said, crossing his arms and looking at us with an irritated expression. I looked to my side at Aang with a facial expression that clearly said ´uh oh.’
We were sitting in our seats. Aang changed his name to Kuzon to avoid being exposed as the Avatar, and as for me, Izuma. The teacher continued on with the lesson, not passing us a second glance. I slowly turned my head to look at Aang, whose eyes were focused on the teacher. I smiled to myself, placing my hand on my chin. ‘He’s perfect,’ I thought to myself. His beautiful hair fell on his headband so naturally, I pointed out.  
“Kuzon, Izuma’s staring at you,” Some kid pointed out. I felt my face warm up at being called out. I felt like I was going to throw up, I have never been this embarrassed. “Oooh!” The class teased. Aang looked over to see my eyes tearing up. I laid my head in my arms to avoid Aang’s gaze. “Everyone settle down!” The teacher scolded the class. 
When we were at recess, I tried my best to avoid Aang. “Izuma!” Aang called out. I looked behind me to see Aang running towards me. I paused where I was to give him the chance to catch up. When he finally reached me, he was out of breath. “I'm sorry, are you ok?¨ Aang asked. “I´m ok Aa- Oh, I mean, Kuzon.” I corrected, stopping myself from blowing Aang’s cover. I gave him a hug, causing him to nuzzle his face into my neck. I felt his warm breath, which sent chills down my spine. He pulled away, looking into my eyes with a soft smile.
School was over finally. “School’s finally over, Momo.” Aang said happily. Momo poked his face out of Aang´s shirt. I giggled, Momo was clearly trying to get out of his shirt. “Hi Kuzon.” A girl said to us, causing Aang and I to jump. The girl laughed. “Don't worry, I'm not a tattle-tale. I´m Onji by the way.”
 Aang and I went back to the cave. “Where were you two?!” Katara asked Aand and I in a scolding tone. “School,” Aang and I said at the same time. ¨Wha- School? We were worried about you guys!” Sokka said. “Can we go back?” Aang asked. “No!” Sokka scolded firmly. 
“Aw… but we were gonna learn about a secret river that leads into the palace,” I said. Sokka squinted his eyes and placed his hand on his chin. “I do love secret rivers.”Sokka stated. “Ok you can go back, just try to keep a low profile.” Katara said. Aang and I nodded. 
Everyone was asleep. I, on the other hand, haven't even managed a wink. ‘I can’t keep lying to them like this. I´m not an earthbender, well I am in a way, it's confusing.’ I thought to myself. I got up and went outside. I sat down, closed my eyes and started to meditate. “Y/N?” I heard a voice behind me call out. I turned my head to see Aang rubbing his eyes. “Are you ok?” He sat down next to me. 
“Wait, why were you meditating?” Aang asked. “Who- me? Meditating? Pfft, you got the wrong girl.” I retorted. Aang raised an eyebrow, not buying what I said. “I was meditating,” \I finally decided to admit. I looked down at my fingers nervously. “Y/n.. can I ask you something?” He asked, trying to sound casual. “Sure, you know you don't have to ask, you can just tell me.” I said looking at him. 
“Can you be my meditating buddy?” He asked in a childish tone. “No.” I replied. He looked down at the dirt with a sad look. “C´mon Aang you know I was joking.” I said, feeling bad for what I had done. “Yeah, I know. You wouldn't miss a chance to spend time with a handsome guy like me!” He stated. I laughed at what he said. “Think what you wanna think Avatar Aang!” I said in a playful tone. “I'm going to go back to sleep.” He said, standing up and walking away. I thought about what the next day´s would be like. I have to tell them, soon. 
Aang and I were walking to school. “So…. Why were you staring at me yesterday?” Aang asked. “What? Oh….. That… Well I needed to see what your hair colour looked like.” I said trying to sound smooth. “Oh..” Aang said, he sounded kinda disappointed. “Hey Aang, I figured out why our clothes are similar! We go to the same school…” I said trying to make a joke, clearly I was bad at making jokes because Aang looked at me in a way that said ‘please stop’ 
We turned left into an alley that looked pretty creepy. Aang grabbed my hand, and slowly walked through. I blushed at Aang’s actions. “Hello pretty girl.” A man said, tugging onto my hair. “What's a pretty girl like you doing with a slob like this…?” Another man asked. Aang looked at me with wide eyes. “Don’t touch her!” Aang said, pushing the man away from me. “Aang, we should go…” I whispered. Aang nodded, and he started walking a little bit faster.
“Quickly, to your seats.” The teacher said, standing in front of her desk. We sat down before the teacher said to stand up and say the fire nation pledge. Aang mocked the whole thing. “Kuzon… as a consequence for mocking our pledge, we will start with a pop quiz.” The teacher said in an upset tone. The class groaned as a response. 
“Question 1, what year did Firelord Sozin battle the Air nation army?” The teacher asked in a dull tone. Aang raised his hand. “Kuzon, you idiot, don’t!” I whispered to him. “Kuzon?” The teacher said, raising an eyebrow. “Is that a trick question? The Air-Nomads didn’t have a formal military. Sozin defeated them by ambush.” Aang explained, everyone’s face looked surprised. 
Aang must have noticed his mistake, because he looked at me with frightened eyes. “Well, I don't know how you could possibly know more than our national history book...unless you were there 100 years ago….” The teacher said to Aang, disapproving of his answer. “I’ll just write down my best guess….” Aang said, rubbing the back of his neck. He sat down and quickly wrote down an answer, trying to avoid the stares he was getting. I was in the middle of writing something when a crumpled piece of paper was thrown at the back of my head. I picked the paper up and read it: Meet me at the bench during recess.
“Izuma?” The teacher said in an annoying tone. “May I ask you to hand over the piece of paper? Now!” She said grabbing it from me. “Oh Izuma’s got a note, allow me to read it to you all. It says, ‘Meet me at the bench during recess’.” She said, Aang whipped his head to face me. “Who gave that to you?” He whispered to me. I shrugged, not knowing why he cared so much about it. 
When we were at recess, Aang ignored me. “Hey… uh Kuzon I liked your dance.” Onji said to Aang. I watched from afar, feeling a little hurt that Aang wasn’t talking to me. I had no idea why, although I wish I did. “Thanks Onji, I could show you it again if you like?” He offered. I remembered that I needed to meet with someone. I slowly walked to the bench and saw a tall guy with bronze eyes and black hair. When I approached him, he blushed. Then his eyes widened and I raised my brow, looking behind me to see what he was gawking at. When I turned around, I saw Onji’s boyfriend throwing punches at Aang. I ran over to the crowd to get a good look at the fight. Aang wasn’t throwing punches, he was more like dodging them. When the boy gave one swift blow at Aang, Aang jumped out of the way, sending the boy to fall on the ground. “KUZON!” A teacher yelled, the fight ceasing at the call. “Picking fights on the second day of school? You will bring your parents in after school to discuss your behavior.” The teacher said looking down at Aang.  “My p-parents?“ Aang repeated, sweat dripping down his forehead. I gulped, knowing that he- well… didn't have parents. I tried saying that as nice as I could.
Toph and I were told to stay back at the cave.
“ Toph, can I tell you something? “ I asked eagerly. ¨Sure anything for my little friend!¨ Toph said while looking- well facing me.
Thank you @noyakru for helping me with this! I really Love working with you, and cant wait to work with you more!!
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mackey-ado · 3 years
I think i´m in love
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mackey-ado · 3 years
Toph and aang were way more powerful than any other atla duo. His glowing arrows and her ability to sense your next move? Twelve year olds could’ve conquered the world. But y’all ain’t ready for that conversation.
(Sorry not sorry :P)
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