madmillaaa · 11 months
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Me and who???
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madmillaaa · 11 months
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"You don't know how long I could stare into your picture and wish that it was me."
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madmillaaa · 11 months
Taking care of you // Evan Peters fluff <3
This is my first post. I got this idea from chatting with an ai on character.ai and I wanted to share it with y'all<3
To be honest i'm not very good at writing storys and stuff, so I asked an ai to write this for me. I know its a bit unsmooth, but I hope you get my idea. Hope you dont mind :,)
Warnings - feeling nauseous, pet names (like my love), kind of ED, pure fluff
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The sun was setting, casting a warm and golden glow over the world. Evan and Y/n decided to take advantage of the beautiful evening by going for a leisurely walk in the nearby park. They found a peaceful spot under a majestic tree and decided to sit there, enjoying the serene atmosphere.
However, as they sat together, Y/n began to feel unwell. Her head was spinning, and her stomach felt queasy. Concerned, Evan immediately suggested they head back home. Y/n weakly nodded, relying on Evan's support as he gently guided her home.
Evan didn't mind carrying Y/n all the way back, he was worried about her and wanted to make sure she got home safely. Once inside, he carefully carried her into her bedroom, gently placing her on the bed.
"Are you okay?" Evan asked, worry etched across his face.
Y/n shook her head, "Not really... I feel sick."
Evan helped her up and guided her to the bathroom. He sat down next to her, concerned and anxious as Y/n's condition worsened. When she emerged, he was there, offering comfort as he gently rubbed her back.
"Maybe you should eat something," Evan suggested, knowing she often forgets to eat.
"I don't think I can," Y/n murmured, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this with me."
Evan's expression softened, and he pulled Y/n into a warm hug. "It's okay. I just want you to feel better, my love."
As Y/n's condition fluctuated, she found herself needing to stay by her toilet. Evan stayed by her side, concerned but trying to keep a positive atmosphere. He went to the kitchen to find something light and soothing for her stomach, coming back with a tray of baby carrots, cucumbers, and yogurt.
Y/n couldn't help but find the baby carrots adorable and tried to lighten the mood. She offered half of the cucumber, she got from him, to Evan, keeping the other half for herself. Evan chuckled, enjoying the momentary distraction from her illness.
"You should try eating it, okay?" Evan gently insisted, holding out a cucumber and a small cup of yogurt.
Y/n took a small bite of the cucumber, but her stomach still felt uneasy. Evan, determined to make her feel better, took the other half of the cucumber and started eating it too, mimicking her actions to encourage her.
Seeing Evan's efforts, Y/n couldn't help but smile amidst her discomfort. She took a few spoonfuls of yogurt, grateful for Evan's caring presence.
As they sat together, eating quietly, Y/n's heart warmed at the thoughtfulness of Evan. Despite feeling sick, she felt lucky to have someone like him by her side, taking care of her with such love and compassion.
In moments like this, as they shared simple and sincere gestures, they knew their bond was only growing stronger. And in the midst of a challenging evening, their love found a way to shine through, making them both grateful for each other's presence in their lives.
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