magick-sims · 11 days
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The Ultimate Decades Challenge: X
This challenge was originally created by Zombie Cleo to get your sims from 1890 to 2010 and play throughout history. The way I play this challenge has been modified and designed so that you start in 1300’s England and make it ALL the way to current day America. The point of my decade's challenge is to, of course, challenge yourself but at the same time: live as historically accurate as possible and get your family's legacy to survive to modern times without dying out. You can expect a lot of tough times, death, and heartache...but still fun times as well.
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magick-sims · 2 years
Sims 4 Encanto challenge!
Encanto Sims 4 Challenge
By Junebug203 
*Can be used as a challenge or as a legacy, please credit
Can play any lifespan you’d like
-Try to line up the cousins being born according to the movie
-Things can be moved around to your liking, this is only an outline
-Name and make your sims however, the character names are just for clarification
-Babies and toddlers share one room until they become children
-Once a toddler becomes a child they get their own room, except Mirabel( when becoming a young adult she can claim the toddler room as her own)
-Successful lineage Aspiration
-Family-oriented, Maker, Snob
-Civil planner career
-Marry a cheerful and/or family-oriented sim
-Have three children, (try to have one right after the other)
-The spouse must die after all three children are born
-Sim must wear a piece of black clothing in each outfit after spouse’s death
-Active in the community, NAP plans, etc.
-Sim is very close to the Isabela sim but distant to the Mirabel sim
-Becomes closer to all of family after Mirabel brings back Bruno
-Master Chef Aspiration 
-Family-Oriented, Neat, Foodie
-Doctor Career
-Master Herbalism
-Marry a clumsy sim
-Opt. max spouse’s piano skill
-Nerd Brain Aspiration
-Gloomy, Paranoid, Loner
-Must leave household as a young adult after fight with Abuela, is brought back by Mirabel sim when adult
-Super Parent Aspiration
-Erratic, Perfectionist, Hot-headed
-Painter Career
-Marry a romantic sim
-Get the storm chaser trait
-Freelance Botanist Aspiration
-Green Fiend, Self Absorbed, High Maintenance
-Go for Business career then switch up to Gardener
-Get engaged but then break it off, don’t get married until adult
-Max flower arranging Skill
-Be distant with Mirabel then get closer when older
-Neighborhood Confidant or Soulmate Aspiration
-Bookworm, Romantic, Proper
-Career is optional
-Marry a writer sim
-Bonus if you marry Isabela’s ex-fiancee
-Body Builder Aspiration
-Active, Perfectionist, Dance Machine
-Athlete Career (Body Builder)
-Max Wellness Skill
-Master Actor or Chief Of Mischief Aspiration
-Goofball, Creative, Glutton
-Acting Career
-Big Happy Family Aspiration
-Creative, Family-oriented, Ambitious
-Freelance artist Career
-Max Embroidery Skill
-Also has a huge fight with Abuela then leaves to find Bruno and brings him back, afterwards she mends relationship with Isabela
-Friend of the Animals or Country Caretaker Aspiration
-Animal Enthusiast, Cheerful, Vegetarian
-Career is optional
-Max Pet Training Skill
-Close to Mirabel sim
-Have each sim color coordinate their outfits with the character they portray
-Can play as an actual legacy challenge
lmk what you guys think and any suggestions!
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magick-sims · 4 years
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WINGS-TZ1016 ( To be published Oct 16, 2020)
Colors:20 All lods Compatible hats Hope you like it! 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This work is forbidden to modify the model twice or make it to other game platforms. Piracy is prohibited. If you do this, it will seriously affect the creative passion of the creators
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magick-sims · 4 years
20 Gen. Disney Princess Challenge- Sims 4
Generation 1: Snow White "I'm wishing for the one I love to find me today"
Founders have humble beginnings, so what's better than Snow White? To start, create Snow White. Storytellers may create her as a teenager and make her evil stepmother, but this is not a requirement. When Snow White becomes a young adult, this story begins.
- Must be female
- Must have 7 children (dwarfs)
- Each child must have one negative trait (e.g Gloomy, Glutton)
- Each child must have the same baby daddy
- Each child must achieve something before their teenage years - this can be reaching level 5 in a toddler skill, reaching level 3 in all toddler skills, completing their childhood aspiration, or becoming an A grade student in school
- Snow may never answer the door to strangers or talk to elderly women
[EPS]: Parenthood - each child must age up with at least one positive character trait. This number can be increased if you're looking for more of a challenge.
Generation 2: Cinderella "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep"
Although you had six brothers and sisters, you always did the cooking and cleaning. Yet, somehow you loved it, as it transported you away from your chaotic home life. When Cinderella becomes a teenager, this story begins.
- Must have 'Neat' and 'Foodie' traits
- Must clean the house everyday and cook every meal
- May not marry until mother dies (This does not have to be of old age, but it may not be cheated)
- Have a maximum of 3 children
Generation 3: Tiana "The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work"
Your family has barely accomplished anything over the past two generations, and you're here to change that. This story begins when Tiana becomes a YA.
- Must have 'Ambitious' trait
- Father must die before end of YA
- Must have food Aspiration
- Must marry a Sim with green (This can be hair, eyes, skin etc)
[EPS]: Dine Out - Tiana must own and run her own restaurant
Generation 4: Aurora "I walked with you once upon a dream"
Thanks to your mother's hard work, you have everything you always wanted in life, apart from love. Your father was overprotective of you, and rarely let you out of the house. This story begins when Aurora becomes a YA.
- Must have the 'Lazy' trait.
- May only have 3 or less friends. (Family can count if you wish)
- Must meet future spouse at night while parents are asleep
- Elope (you can run away if you wish)
- Have a maximum of 2 children - (twin girls are preferred if playing Anna or Elsa next)
Generation 5: Anna "We only have each other, it's just you and me"
Your sister locked you away and you never knew why. As toddlers, you were the best of friends but now all you have are dreams. When Anna is a child, this story begins.
- Lose all contact with your sister until YA
- Find love with a criminal
- Experience near death at the hands of your lover
- Find someone new after becoming BFFs with your sister
- Marry, have one child
Generation 6: Rapunzel "You were wrong about the world, and you were wrong about me"
Your mother never trusted you or the outside world. You never knew of her past, and never wanted to. All you ever got was solitude, but that didn't matter. When Rapunzel is a teenager this story begins
- Must have 'Loner' and 'Art Lover' traits
- Must reach at least level 8 painting before YA
- May only ever leave the house for school
- May never have friends until wedding
- Elope - you have no friends anyway, have kids
Generation 7: Belle "People think I'm odd, so I know how it feels to be different"
You always loved books and visited the library often. You never cared for looks, just beauty within. Everyone wanted you, but you turned them all down. You wanted to chose your own destiny. When Belle becomes a YA, this story begins.
- Must have 'Bookworm' trait
- Date at least 5 men
- Meet the man of your dreams - an ugly Sim
- Marry, have kids
- Your spouse becomes beautiful (Changed in CAS) after first born child
Generation 8: Mulan "Could it be, that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart"
Your parents always wanted you to bring fortune back to the family and marry someone of high status, but you didn't dream of love, you dreamed of glory. When Mulan becomes a YA this story begins
- Must have 'Active' trait
- Must join Astronaut career
- Fall in love with a co-worker once you reach the top of the career choice
- Marry, have kids
Generation 9: Jasmine "A whole new world, a hundred thousand things to see"
You hated being rich and living like a princess. You find comfort in Raja, but nowhere else. All your father wants is for you to marry rich, but you want a life without riches. When Jasmine becomes a teenager this story begins.
- Have a best friend (Raja)
- You cannot leave the house unless it is for school
- Must marry a poor street rat
- Lover must be in the criminal career
- Have a maximum of 4 children
[EPS]: Cats and Dogs - Raja must be a pet and reach companions while children
Generation 10: Merida "If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"
You always wondered why your mother gave up her riches for a poor boy. Your adventures lead you into trouble, and you were nearly always grounded. When Merida becomes a teenager this story begins.
- Have the 'Self Assured' trait
- Lose your siblings and mother in an unfortunate accident
- Seek out a way to change the past but fail
-marry and have more than one child
Generation 11/optional 5 : Elsa "Yes I'm alone, but I'm alone and free"
Your parents always questioned where your powers came from. You were a quiet type after... the accident. All you wanted was to be alone, unable to harm anyone. When Elsa becomes a teenager, this story begins.
- Must have the 'Loner' trait
- Must not talk to siblings until YA
- Must be different in some way
- Run away as a teenager (Storytellers may have her sister find her and bring her home)
- Never marry and only have one child (it was an accident, you swear by it)
Generation 12: Pocahontas "You think I'm an ignorant savage, you've been so many places, I guess it must be so."
You come from different worlds, yet the love of your life is forbidden by your family. When Pocahontas becomes a teenager this story begins.
-Fall in love with a "different" kind of Sim
-Marry that "different" kind of Sim.
-Run away and elope
-Have a maximum of 4 kids
Generation 13: Megara "I won't say (I'm in love)"
You never had much attention as a child, but you didn't mind, everyone only seemed to do you wrong. Now you're set on finding love just as your mother before you but just as life before things aren't as easy as they seem. When Megara becomes a toddler this story begins.
-must have the 'Independent' trait as a toddler and max all skills
-must have the 'Loner', 'Unflirty', and 'Free spirited' traits after aging up
-must join some kind of club of only women
-must marry a man she meets at the gym (her hercules), any man she has a romantic interest in that she doesnt marry they must despise each other
-may only have 1 child
Generation 14: Giselle "I guess a new experience, could be worth trying"
You grew up in a perfect fantasy world where everything was perfect for you but when you grow up a tragic event leaves your family broke and you have no choice but to leave home and face the real world. When Giselle becomes a YA this story begins.
-must have 'loves animals', and 'perfectionist' traits
-must move out of her family home to a different city
-cannot marry her first love
-must marry someone who is married already and has at least 1 child, they then can have their own children only once they get married
Generation 15: Elena "Born to lead with fire in her soul, grace in her heart. This is her time."
You grew up as a princess in a kingdom full of magic, but at a young age you were forced away from your parents to find your own way in life. When Elena becomes a teenager, this story begins.
-she, along with any siblings, must live with her grandparents
-traits: 'ambitious', and 'kindness ambassador'
-must be in the politician career and work your way up to national leader
-after achieving this she may marry and have children
Generation 16: Moana "One day I'll know, how far I'll go"
You grew up as the heir to a legacy, born to rule over others; however you want to explore and see the world. You know your choices make you who you are and you hope that one day they will show you the world. When Moana becomes a teenager, this story begins.
- Must have the the 'Loves the Outdoors' trait.
- Must have 'Curator' aspiration
- Must have a close relationship with her Grandmother (who dies before Moana becomes a YA)
- Run away from home and meet Maui and become BBFs with him.
- Marry and have children (7 if ariel is the next generation, does not have to be the same father, all girls, ariel is last born)
Generation 17: Ariel "Someday I'll be part of your world"
You've always loved the water and dreamed of becoming a mermaid. Sadly, this never came true but you did find the man of your dreams, and that was good enough. When Ariel becomes a teenager this story begins.
- Must have a 'Loves the Outdoors' trait
- Must own a pool and swim in it everyday
- Must marry a beautiful Sim with at least one trait the same as your own
- Have kids
[EPS] Island Living - Ariel is a mermaid, adjust the above rules to fit the EP.
Generation 18: Melody "What's too dangerous?"
You always wanted to be a mermaid like your mother but you didn't get so lucky. You were always kept away from anything too adventurous as your parents saw danger at every turn. When Melody becomes a teenager this story begins.
-must have somekind of socially akward trait, and an adventurous trait
-must gain the cold resistance trait from points store
-must have at least level five skill in dancing and singing
-must find merkelp and become a mermaid without buying or cheating for it
-must marry a merman
-have twins(1 girl and 1 boy) and adopt 1 child(sofia)
Generation 19: Sofia the First "The new girl in crown"
You were adopted into a rich, noble family, very different from the orphange you grew up in. You plan to learn to be the perfect princess unlike your mother before you. When Sophia is a child this story begins.
-must max the following skills: charisma, piano, singing, and violin before becoming a young adult
-must have a good relationship with her two siblings
-must complete any degree at university while living at home
-may only move away from home after marrying and then they may have as many children as they like
Final, Generation 20: Venelope "You really are a bad guy"
You're different than your perfect ancestors before, you've never fit in so you're here to be the best despite what everyone thinks of you. You want to take down the big bad guys in town even though your childish ways may have you stumble along the way. When Venelope becomes a YA this story begins.
-must have 'Childish' trait
-(bonus)have to get an A in school before aging up
-rank up to triple agent in the secret agent career
-take down Nancy Landgrab one way or another
-eventually live in a big mansion and do what you want because you have completed all the generations
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magick-sims · 4 years
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honeymoon skin
skin blend of Ooooohhh…Smooth skin by @lumialoversims and Gigi skin by @chisimi
you can find it in skin details
male and female
teen - elder
each include three versions: plain, light freckles, and dark freckles
custom thumbnails
download: sfs | mega
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Clare used this for summer as a toddler.
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Clare got this from a cc shopping video.
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magick-sims · 5 years
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charlotte-roses toddler hair.
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Clare uses this in the dream house
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Angelas-Boutique Pacifiers - 3T4 ♥
30 Swatches
Soft Silicone Pacifier (Hearts) [DL]
Stars and Moons Pacifer [DL]
original version - here & here  @emysimss​
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Voidcritters Pacifier ♥
Credit for the mesh to @emysimss
Custom Thumbnail 
[SimFileShare] or [SimsDom]
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Stranger Things poster recolors  ♥
basegame compatible
10 designs
if u use it, please tag me so i can see it! :)
Download: Simfileshare
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magick-sims · 5 years
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LeahLillith Melly - Kids Version ♥
adult version
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Wings ON0703 - Kids Version ♥
adult version
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Wings ON0703 ♥
adult version
[Kids] & [Toddlers]
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Wings ON0423 ♥
adult version
[Kids] & [Toddlers]
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magick-sims · 5 years
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Sketchbookpixels Lilac - Toddler Version - 3T4 ♥
a headband for your toddlers
55 swatches
credit goes to @sketchbookpixels
kids version can be found HERE
[Big] & [Small]
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