maid-of-time-writes · 11 months
I’m still alive!! I’ve just been busy with existence </3
If you’d like to chat tho shoot me a dm, I’m not the best at writing but I def enjoy it
trying 2 find mutuals on the writing part of the hs fandom is so hard </3 most blogs r DEAD !! where r u guys !?
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Due to the fact that this blog is gaining a bit of traction, I have decided to make a masterlist of my writing, characters will be added as I go
John Egbert
> General hc’s
> dating a reader who’s clingy and makes cringe jokes
Jade Harley
> Cuddle hc’s
Dave Strider
> Finding out he has feelings for you
> General hc’s
Rose Lalonde
> comforting you after a bad day
Karkat Vantas
> dating reader who’s big on comforting him
> Moirail hc’s
Eridan Ampora
> Cuddle hc’s
> General hc’s
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i was one of the ppl that asked 4 john/male reader and 2 be more specific i want a cis male reader insert whos clingy and makes rlly cringe jokes alot
pls and ty
Auuugghhhh sorry I haven’t been writing much!!! Kinda got distracted and ended up not doing much so I may be a bit more slow with everything
John x Reader who’s clingy and makes cringe jokes
* As the resident jokester John would LOVE your jokes, he may poke fun at them sometimes but it’s lighthearted and he ends up laughing anyway.
* He’ll also add onto your jokes, making them even cringier and full of references to movies but he doesn’t care, he’s having fun with you and that’s all that matters!
* If any of his friends poked fun at the two of you he would roll his eyes and start bantering with them, holding your hand while doing so.
* He doesn’t mind your clinginess, it’s part of what makes you- well- you! And he loves you!!!
* You guys always have SOME sort of physical contact, he isn’t uncomfortable with PDA, he loves you and the world should know it!!!
* He loves cuddling and hugging you, especially while you both joke and talk about random stuff
* You both are literally just two peas in a pod
* As mentioned in a previous post jokes are VERY important for him, so he definitely enjoys your jokes!
* He absolutely adores you and will always let you know <3
I’m so sorry this feels too short TwT didn’t really know what to write
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Absolutely love the way you wrote eridan omg!!😩 Do you have any general relationship headcanons for him?
Oh wow, people actually liked the Eridan hc’s!
I could try general hc’s, tho I won’t guarantee they will be great TwT
General Eridan Relationship Headcanons
* This relationship would most likely take a lot of time and effort, Eridan’s personality is full of false bravado and colorful insults but since he genuinely loves you he would try his best to tone it down and be better about it.
* He’ll try to change himself for the better, learning how to be more genuine and just nicer in general, it’s hard but he’ll do it for you.
* At first he may act high and mighty if you’re a land-dweller. He acts as if he’s doing you a favor, as if you need to bask in his presence.. though slowly but surely he’ll warm up to you and realize that you may not be so different after all.
* When his mask breaks and you can genuinely trust each other he’ll start showing that he’s excited- yet apprehensive. He doesn’t know how this will go and that worries him, but with your help he’ll pull through.
* Like in the cuddle headcanons, he absolutely loves ranting about his interests and being genuine for once. It feels good to let down his walls and actually talk to somebody who cares about him. Of course he’d listen to your interests too, absolutely lovestruck and gazing at you (or the text on the screen, depending if it’s in person or not) with heart eyes, resting his head on his hands and leaning in on the table listening to your every word.
* He tries not to make everything about him, wanting to make you feel wanted too. If you want to do something with him then he’ll do it, dates are very frequent with the both of you typically choosing where to go.
* Of course he still occasionally acts “holier-than-thou” but now it feels.. less defensive, and if you were to point it out and joke about it he would only get flustered, not genuinely angry because now he trusts you.
* I love the whole “Eridan gets flustered over liking things” scenario but I also absolutely love exploring how it would feel to Eridan if he genuinely could trust someone, if he could let the walls he’s built up his whole life down around a single person who’s done nothing but love and care for him, and for that he would be eternally grateful even if he doesn’t show it.
* This dude is super clingy omg
* Whenever you two go out he will be holding your hand the entire time as a subtle way of saying “fuck off I’m dating them”
* He’ll also get jealous easily rip </3
* If anyone tries to flirt with you he’ll get super defensive about it, the troll would know not to mess with him after that though seeing as he’s a fucking Violet blood (which omg that sounds terrifying now that I’m thinking about it)
* As a violet blood he’s very loyal to you, willing to go through hell and back to keep you safe.
* He’s so happy that he met you, he can’t believe someone as amazing as you is his s/o <3
I don’t feel 100% confident about this TwT might’ve gone a bit too far with the “trust” thing. If you have any criticism or advice please let me know!
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can i pls hav john x male reader hcs
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Oh wow, you guys REALLY want John / Male Reader
…unfortunately I need you guys to specify on what you mean since this is my first x reader blog and I also don’t really specify any pronouns for the reader. Is there a specific personality? Is he trans? Do you have something else in mind?
Plus I already did some general headcanons for John so my brains kinda slumped in that area, please give me more specific ideas, I would definitely appreciate it!
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could i have some dave / reader hcs pls :3
Omg!! I’m super glad people are interested in my writing!! I don’t rlly know what you want specifically so I’m just going to do general Dave hcs :D
Dave / Reader General Headcanons
* He absolutely loves spending time with you doing anything
* From gaming to simply chatting about random things you both are interested in, he’ll enjoy every second with you
* He’s probably the type to remember random facts about you, or things you comment on and he’ll randomly act accordingly, like if you comment on wanting a random item he’ll get it or if you mention your birthday even once his brain will immediately be like “write that down- write that down!”
* He loves listening to you talk. You can go on for hours about something that he won’t understand at all and he’ll just stare at you lovingly.
* He also loves teasing you.
* You aren’t safe from his flirting or teasing, he will make you blush and he will laugh when you do it (not because he’s mean but because it’s cute).
* Stuff like physical affection is super new and weird to him, but he’ll try to get used to it if you’re big on hugs and stuff, just take it one step at a time.
* He loves banter and just making witty comments, he loves the flow of a conversation between two people who understand each other.
* Definitely see him making songs for you, he wants you to know how much he loves you outside of affectionate words, and this is his way of showing it (though he may keep the songs between you and him, he doesn’t want anyone else knowing he’s secretly a sappy dumbass under his cool persona)
* I feel like he would sometimes call you over just to peck you on the nose or something and walk away as if it didn’t happen
* Very smooth when it comes to sweet talk and smooth moves™️
* Like if you slip and the thing you’re holding falls out of your hands he’ll easily catch you by the waist and casually catch the random thing you’re holding, he’ll have a smug expression all while doing it too.
* He probably stares a lot because he absolutely adores you and still doesn’t know how he was able to get someone this amazing
* He loves you no matter what, and he will always be your personal knight <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
do you have any moirail headcanons for karkat and reader?👀
WOO!!! First Quadrants request!! As previously mentioned I’m super new to Homestuck so I might not be the best at writing moirails ^^” though I’ll try my best!
As per usual if you have any criticisms, requests or you just wanna say something random don’t be afraid to send an ask!
Karkat Moirail hc’s
* Like the last Karkat ask he is not too comfortable with sharing his feelings at first, it’s new and strange and while comforting you is… kind of easy (he’s more used to pacifying aggressive trolls rather than feels jams stuff) the sharing his own feelings is definitely a whole other bag of worms.
* It takes a long time for him to open up, he’s so used to a hardened shell to hide his personality so actually being vulnerable for once is scary, though he’s absolutely happy that you put time and effort into being his Moirail, it means a lot to him.
* Whenever you stop him from arguing with others or being cranky in general he’s internally very thankful, he’s always stressed out and having someone keep him in check is reassuring, especially when it’s someone he cares about.
* Of course he will definitely make sure you’re in check too, calming you down when you’re angry, letting you vent out your frustrations, he doesn’t admit it but he cares about you a lot (it’s kinda obvious too, but shhh)
* When he gets more comfortable with his feelings he’ll start actively seeking you out to vent, if you’re not too comfortable he’ll tone it down but he definitely sees you as a person he can seek comfort from.
* Karkat also makes sure that you are aware that you can come to him too. Everyday at least 2 or 3 times he checks up on you if you haven’t talked in a while, he doesn’t wanna come off as overbearing so he doesn’t try to bother you too much.
* He will listen to all of your problems attentively, and sometimes adds comments to encourage you. He wants you to know that you’re heard and seen, and will do anything to help.
* I feel like when it comes to feelings jams he would cuddle up with you as you both rant abt your feelings, most likely having a movie or something playing in the background as you talk. Perhaps after a few hours the feelings jam dissolves into something totally unrelated and you both start arguing about something small like “is it pronounced gif or jif”
* He’s just super grateful to have a Moirail like you, you don’t know how much you mean to him <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
I heard you need requests! :D
May I ask for some General Elwurd hc’s? Also make sure to eat food/drink water if you need to!!
❤️Yesss! More Hiveswap! This shit is my bread and butter, such a shame that so many people discredit it because it isn’t directly related to homestuck.❤️
Character(s): Gaegrl Elwurd/?????? Elwurd, GN Reader-Insert
TT: Headcannons
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): none
-It takes a lot for her to commit, but when she does she’s your ride or die.
-I honestly think she’d really like you to play with her hair.
-She’s almost definitely taller than you so I hope you’re into that
-You guys sit together and listen to vinyls (or whatever troll counterpart) on her couch.
-Everything around Elwurd seems so warm and cozy, I bet she would be a good cook.
-If you have a comfort food she’ll make a little date night and try to recreate it.
-You wear her clothes (she’ll totally wear yours too if they’re big enough for her)
-Just picture this: You come home from a night out, she puts on a record you like, you guys sit by what you’ve figured to be a television eating reheated leftovers and cuddling on the couch.
❤️hope this was okay!❤️
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Hiiii ^u^
Could I perhaps request Karkat x a reader who absolutely HAS to comfort him and is big on physical affection? Someone who finds giving comfort comforting hddjdjdnfjdj
Ty and have a nice day/night <3
Haven’t written for KarKat yet so this will be interesting! I didn’t know if you wanted a troll or human reader so I chose human, though I tried to make it as ambiguous as possible! Once again if anyone has any criticisms don’t be afraid to inform me of such!
Karkat with a reader who needs to comfort him/is big on physical affection
* First I would like to point out that every time you comfort him or like- hug him he doesn’t know?? What to do??
* Like at first he pushed you away but slowly got used to it, half of the time he still doesn’t know what to do and gets super flustered about it, he tries to hide his blush by burying his face into you.
* He’s super confused on what quadrant you consider him in, often forgetting that you don’t exactly have quadrants, so he sometimes awkwardly tries to calm you down when you don’t need it and it ends up being funny as hell
* Man’s the love expert but literally has no first-hand experience
* He does find your comfort reassuring and slowly starts talking about his problems to you, seeing you as a source of comfort that’s.. different from moirails, yet it feels nice and reassuring.
* After an entire life of hiding blood color and acting aggressive he finds it scary-yet-relieving to finally let his walls down and to be who he really is. There’s no stress, no fear, no betrayal just.. just you and him, cuddling while you both talk, and while it’s different it’s nice.
* He’s super touch starved so he absolutely loves it when you hug him and other types of physical affection, though he never openly admits it
* You’re such a breath of fresh air compared to everything else he deals with, like a safe spot among the chaos. He always comes to you whenever he needs a break.
* Just being in your company helps a lot, you have no idea <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
May I ask for some Jade cuddle hc’s?
And are you also writing for Hiveswap or just Homestuck??
jesus breakdancing christ this is almost a whole month late, i think i might owe you my life anon. btw, i do write for hiveswap! just not every character, i'll make a list at some point. ANYWAYS!
okay, first off, may i say that you picked the best human to cuddle with
jade is incredibly affectionate! sometimes. overly so
that aside, how does jade cuddle? well, i'm glad you asked!
have you ever cuddled with a big dog? like, a really big dog? specifically one of the ones that don't seem to realize how big they are?
it's basically that
it is a very messy cuddle
just a lot of tangled limbs
she will NOT lay still for any amount of time
she will shift around, nuzzle you, stretch, change positions, etc etc
loves kissing your cheek
also likes listening to your heartbeat/the general sound of your body, so she'll put her head against your chest
it's very cute
you might get her hair in your mouth on accident
she also might squeeze you too hard and give you a bruise
but other than that
best cuddle ever
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
could you do john / reader general hcs?
Oh my god I’m so sorry for not replying to this sooner! I don’t know how to write for John so idk how accurate this will be TwT
I’ll try my best! Criticism is always welcome
John Egbert general Headcanons
* I feel like he would absolutely love holding your hand, just small PDA makes him really happy, he loves always knowing that you’re by his side.
* Have a weird mannerism or a signature way of typing? He’s going to subconsciously pick it up! Whether it be a strange way you pronounce something, something you say a lot, or just some mannerism in general he will definitely start mimicking it without realizing! At first he realizes that he’s doing it and tries to stop but if you encourage him he will definitely stop worrying about it.
* Absolutely LOVES movie dates- I mean- it’s kinda obvious that he does! If you don’t like going out then you both can snuggle up on the couch eating popcorn and other sweets with a blanket covering the both of you, he’d probably have a hand over your shoulder if you guys did that. If you guys did go out though he would do that stereotypical holding hands in the movie theater thingy.
* I saw someone say in another John x Reader something along the lines of “jokes are like another love language to him” and YES!! He absolutely LOVES JOKES!!! He will make shitty jokes to you and be super clumsy while flirting and probably make a fool of himself but you laughing WILL make it worth it!! He probably does the “does it hurt when you fell from heaven” pickup line atleast once a day and half of the days he accidentally falls while trying to lean on a wall, and after he does he probably tries to recover by saying “well shoot- guess I’ve fallen for you” like he’s so endearing and silly and I love him omg :D
* He probably compares you and him to movie couples, and tries to reenact some romantic movie scenes sometimes because that’s like- his way of showing affection or something.
* He just wants to show you how much he loves you <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Hi! Love your writing, can I request something for Eridan if that's okay?? Maybe cuddling headcanons like you did for Jade or any other relationship headcanons whichever you prefer, ty<3
Hey! Thanks for reaching out to me!! I don’t rlly write for Eridan so this will def be a challenge which I’m super glad to do because I really wanna learn more about the trolls and how they work!! If you feel as though I wrote him a bit out of character or have any criticisms of how I portrayed him please don’t be afraid to point them out, I’m more than happy to learn how to properly write the trolls!
And for anyone else, please don’t be afraid to send asks, requests are super helpful for writing practice!
Eridan Ampora Cuddle Headcanon’s
* Holy shit this dude is so touch starved and he won’t admit it, he always boasts about how strong he is and that he doesn’t need a bit of affection but immediately melts whenever you two start cuddling.
* Like this dudes hive is literally a wrecked ship in the middle of the sea he is TOUCH STARVED OMG
* I feel like he would melt if you held his face in your hands, just a small thing I’d like to add before really getting into the cuddling
* He def likes to be both the big spoon and little spoon, he wants to know that your alright and that you’re in his arms and he can protect you but at the same time he wants to be reminded that there’s finally someone that will stay with him, that he won’t be alone anymore, that finally after all this time everything’s ok now
* The first few times you two cuddle you would be the one to initiate it, he would be super awkward about it because it’s all new and weird to him
* But slowly he understands how it works and he learns that it’s ok to ask you to cuddle and he would try to put up this false bravado while blushing intensely
* If you ever point out that he’s blushing while you two are cuddling he would try to deny it as much as possible, getting more angry and flustered and it’s super cute, but he’s not serious about any of the anger, he would never truly be angry at you!
* He doesn’t like to cuddle around other people, he’s too embarrassed about any PDA so you two typically cuddle in his room or something.
* If he’s comfortable enough he will rant about anything he’s genuinely interested in, ur probably sitting on his lap or something as he hugs you and talks about Alternia’s rich culture or something else.
* He feels really safe around you and feels super lucky to have someone like you <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Dave Strider finding out he has feelings for you
[writing this at 6 am without sleep because yes, also send asks <3]
* He doesn’t know why but he’s always felt like he could lower his guard around you, even before you both played the game (if you knew him before it)
* At first his feelings would effect him subconsciously, for example his songs being influenced by you whether its because you enjoy a specific genre, enjoy the sound of a specific instrument, like a specific way lyrics are structured or maybe you both started collaborating together, in some way it changed his work and everyone but him notices.
* I feel like it would be obvious to everyone but him and you that he has a crush. Like- John & Rose would tease him so much about it and Dave would try to play it cool as if he hasn’t ranted to them about the cute thing you did when you were both hanging out a few minutes ago.
* If he actually thinks about how he feels about you for a minute or two then it would hit him that OH SHIT HE DOES HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU.
* Cue the internal panicking.
* He probably asks Rose for advice on what to do, since she’s probably the most insightful of them all (I mean she literally has a troll gf) and also has the “Seer Powers™️” it would be obvious to go to her.
* He probably tries showing off a lot more, trying to get your attention with cool (& mostly stupid) shit he does while half of the time failing in the most funniest way possible (more because he’s nervous rather than because he’s not good at it). Though your laugh is worth the embarrassment of messing up.
* Most likely tries to plan ahead on asking you to be his S/O, trying to do an elaborate thing most likely related to music but he probably just accidentally blurts it out or you blurt it out or something, and his brain like.. blue screens because OH MY GOD W H A T.
* He cannot believe that it just happened so casually so he just has to process it.
* The entire time he’s blushing like crazy but STILL trying to keep up the cool kid act as a way to hide how awkward he is.
* You probably go out to get boba or something else calm and walk in the park talking as a first date.
* He’s just really happy that you return his feelings, you mean the world to him <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Rose Lalonde comforting her S/O after a bad day
* Rose will notice if you’re feeling bad whether you hide it or not, she is not only a very perceptive person but she also has her Seer of Light abilities which would help uncover your feelings very quickly.
* She will immediately set you down on the couch and get a bundle of blankets to cuddle up in, kissing your forehead sweetly before going to make your favorite tea, or hot chocolate, or whatever hot beverage that comforts you along with your favorite food/snack. She’s always prepared in every situation, especially ones where you need to be comforted.
* Once she comes back with the food and drink she’ll cuddle up next to you, sharing the blankets while side hugging you with one hand and asking what’s wrong, she’ll be 100% paying attention to you if you’re venting to her and she’s an amazing shoulder to cry on if you need to.
*if you don’t want to vent she’ll understand, and will instead put on some calming music (most likely some type of dark academia) while either having some idle chat as you try to recover from whatever happened or she’ll just lean on you in silence, enjoying the calmness of the situation and hanging out with her partner <3
*she just wants you to be happy, it’s what makes her happy too <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Cuddle Headcannons with Jade Harley
* Due to being isolated for most of her life, I think that she would definitely be attached to you a lot, always trying to hold hands or having some form of physical contact because she absolutely adores you, which includes lots of cuddles!
* Wanting to relax? Cuddles! Having a bad day? Cuddles! Tired? Cuddles! She takes any chance she can to just embrace you in her arms because she loves you.
* I like to think that while you two are cuddling she would randomly kiss you and giggle to see your reaction, whether it be on the forehead, nose, cheeks or even the lips. It would simply be a random kiss of pure affection <3
* I think she would be a small spoon when it comes to cuddling, definitely loves to hear your breathing and heart beat as you hold her close.
* Adding onto that she definitely falls asleep. Like- that’s not up for debate. She will fall asleep and you either have to fall asleep too or stay there and wait it out, you are not getting out of that situation even if you had something to do.
* If you’re having a bad day she’ll be the big spoon and she’ll try to distract you from it by talking about her interests or something new she did today, if you do want to talk about it though she will definitely hug you and listen to what you need to vent about, adding small comments here and there, and in the end giving you advice and reassuring you that everything will be fine. Either way after the conversation she will whisper sweet nothings in an attempt to comfort you.
*she just absolutely loves you, you have no idea how much you mean to her <3
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Hello There! I’m Maid/Mod of Time (MoT for short) and I’ve decided to start writing Homestuck x Reader stuff!
Requests: Closed
Inbox: 5
General request rules
> No Incest, Pedophilia, Noncon, etc.
> If you can please be specific with requests, I’m new to writing x reader stuff
> You can ask for specific quadrants, I may not be the best at it tho since I’m pretty new to Homestuck [finished reading August 28th]
> Currently will only be doing Headcanons, don’t feel confident with scenarios atm
> Please take into note that I am a minor
> I will also write for familial/platonic stuff (it will be labeled “+ reader” instead of “x reader”)
Characters I won’t write for
> Dirk/Bro
> Jake
> Basically any of the Adults lmao
> Literally all of the Pre-Scratch Trolls
> Gamzee
> Equius
> Vriska
> Calliope or Caliborn
> any Prospitions/Dersites unless it’s Platonic Mayor because he rocks
That should be about it, I apologize if I don’t get to your request immediately!
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