marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Tarot Cards Meaning
Major Arcana
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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Okay so I wanted to take a minute to post the new setup on my workbench. Let me preface by saying I’m not a witch that believes that you can’t show your altars to people. This is not a dedicated alter/workbench. I wouldn’t show you my ancestral altar or my deity altars because those are more personal to me. I feel like this is me showing my creation to give inspiration to others.
Everything here does serve a purpose but I’m really the only one who is going to understand what all is going on here, and the layers of everything. I won’t go into detail but take inspiration.
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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Such bent trees forming an archway are used as portals to the World of Spirits in witchcraft, by healers.
Here is someone's experience posted on Reddit.
Walked through portal in woods? So I have never posted here. I consider myself a pretty rational person. Personally an atheist, don't really 'do' spirituality. But in my mid-teens I had an experience that still makes me scratch my head.My family and I grew up in SW Montana, near a major river there. Our valley was known as a place the local Indian tribes had a lot of reverence for. The rumor was (unauthenticated mind you) that the area we lived, near this river, was a place regularly used for vision quests, etc. I do not know if this is true, I just think perhaps a connection.The actual event - my older sister and I were walking through the woods on an island formed where this river forked and then joined back together. Island is roughly 1/2 mile long, quite large, overgrown cottonwood forest on it. Very peaceful and meditative, I spent much of my childhood scampering all over it. Never had any strange 'experiences', just a very soothing and wonderful place. This particular day, however, was somewhat different. The weather was perfectly beautiful, golden sunshine filtering through the trees. We were calmly walking through the woods, when I felt what I can only describe as a 'figurative tug' in the center of my chest. It felt like a fishing line was hooked into my heart, and I had little choice but to walk in the direction I felt it was leading.At this time in my life I was far more open to spiritual / supernatural experiences, so I know I was far more likely to 'believe' what I was feeling. My sister noticed the change in my focus and behavior, and asked if I was ok. It was if I could not speak, or think, only follow this feeling in my chest. My sister knew something was up, and followed along. I kept following this feeling, this tug into the cottonwoods, where the trees were closer together. The feeling was so odd, I felt completely captivated. I did not want to feel or follow anything else. As we went further along, I felt that whatever this was, was leading towards an opening between two trees that had grown and arched together over a dry streambed. I know - typical - a natural 'doorway'. As I walked closer, this feeling of - joy, awe, just...happiness grew and grew. As my sister and I stepped through the trees into this dry creek bed clearing, the tug stopped. Instead, it was if the light itself became more real. Golden, rich, as if you could now touch and feel it. Outside noise faded away, I felt as if time stopped. It was the same forest, and yet completely not the same. As she and I are standing there, silent and soaking this in, I see something black, two foot tall dash across the clearing. Either this thing came from behind one tree and disappeared behind another, but I'll be damned if it didn't look like it came from under one tree, and...dove under another. Either way, I only got the quickest look. But I had never seen anything like it in these woods before (or after for that matter).Shortly after this, both my sister and I noticed that this feeling, this change to the world around us faded away. In a few seconds, it was clear we were standing in the same forest as before, nothing different from the last hundred times we had walked there. We walked home in silence, as we both had felt something profound.
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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What is Protection?
Protection is safety from spirits, hex's, ex's, and any other bad mojo in your life.
What herbs can I use for protection?
St. John's Wart
What crystals can I use for Protection?
Apache Tear
Black Tourmaline
Clear Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Petrified Wood
Here are a few protection jars
Protection Jar 1
Incense Ash
Sea Salt
Bay Leaf
Egg Shells
Clear Quartz
Garlic Skin
White or Black Candle
Protection Jar 2
Black Obsidian
Hawaiian Black Salt
Black or White Candle
Protection Jar 3
Ivy Leaf
Egg Shells
Bay Leaf
Sea Salt
Incense Ash
White or Black Candle
Protection Spray
Moon Water
Moon water is optional to be added in all of these.
You can be protected from Siglils, crystals, and herbs. (Sigils will be a later post) Charging your crystals will help them protect you or do what they are supposed to do. Don't forget to charge your spell jars, too!
Don't forget you can make your own spell jar by mixing the herbs and/or crystals I have listed. You don't have to use the spell jars I have listed, you can make your own. Remember to do more research on herbs and crystals before you use them!
(The next post will be on moon water)
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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How to use a sigil wheel.
A tutorial. 
I rarely use this method myself, but I know people are always looking for tutorials on different methods of sigil making and not finding any. I’ve had a few different people asking for more graph based sigil making techniques, and this is a fairly well known one that fits that category. I hope this tutorial is coherent and answers questions instead of making things more confusing. If you have any questions, however, never be afraid to ask.
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
What Tarot’s Advice Would Sound Like if the Cards Were Your Friends
The Fool
“Why are you such a coward these days? When we were 12, you said you’re a Gryffindor. Liar.”
The Magician
“You can do it! Not because I believe in you, but because I’ve seen your competition and they’re fucking losers.”
The High Priestess
“Is the sky blue? Is it cold inside the fridge? How does it feel to be asked questions with answers that are so obvious?”
The Empress
“You have to stop and smell the roses. If there are no roses nearby, that’s your fault. The fuck didn’t you plant some?”
The Emperor
“I’m fit because I work out. You’re not because you don’t. Instead of being jealous of me, just go to the damn gym.”
The Hierophant
“Nothing has changed. The sun still rises every morning. The moon still borrows its light. Your ex is still a little bitch.”
The Lovers
“Learn to love yourself before you love someone else. Where will you put the icing if you haven’t baked the cake?”
The Chariot
“Unlike your mom who waits 30 minutes when you said you only needed 5 more, life won’t put up with your lazy shit.”
“Don’t cover your scars. They’re proof that you lived. And that you were a dumbass sometimes, but a dumbass who lived.”
The Hermit
“It will rain today. You’ll get mud on your shoes and the traffic will be a bitch. Stay inside where nothing can hurt you.”
Wheel of Fortune
“Luck’s all around you. Buy a lottery ticket. Ask for a raise. Tell your ex you still love him. Unless he’s a fuckboy, then let him rot.”
“Remember that asshole who always called you fat in kindergarten? Check their Instagram. Ask them who’s fat now.”
The Hanged Man
“You only have two hours to chill. So either take a nap or watch a movie. Not both. Learn the meaning of sacrifice.”
“Something’s dying today, and it looks like it’s your fashion sense. Green and red, really? What are you, an elf?”
“Breathe in, breathe out… In, out… Ten more times. And if you still wanna slap someone after, then fine, I’ll hold the bitch down.”
The Devil
“Don’t move on with your life. Don’t get over shit. Just spend the whole night obsessing about your 7-year-old mistake. DO IT!”
The Tower
“You know how most of the time you just fade in the background? This isn’t one of those times. Go out there and burn the place down!”
The Star
“Take a day off. Go on YouTube. Listen to one of those subliminals shit. Try it for fun. Maybe it will work. Who knows?”
The Moon
“Actually, it’s very clear. You’re just muddling the facts with your delusions and fantasies. Girl, you’re better than this.”
The Sun
“Whatever you did… it’s not the end of the world. And what if it is? Everyone who witnessed your stupidity will also perish. It’s all good.”
“That thing you’re thinking of? Do it. That person you’re crushing on? Ask them out. Last chance, boy. It’s now or never.”
The World
“You’re in a very good place. Thank your past self for crawling so you could run. Go do something stupid. You’re totally protected.”
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
tomorrow is valentine’s day
please, please, please don’t perform *love spells!
most love spells that you’ll do involve taking away the free will of someone else.
the “get my ex back,” “make (insert name) love me,” etc. spells that you see? Those are manipulative magicks.
manipulative magicks are dangerous, and could quite possibly backfire in the worst way. taking away someone’s free will… i shouldn’t have to explain why that’s wrong.
if you’re trying to use these spells to get your ex back… sweetie, you’re hurting and you need to heal. i know it hurts. i know it does. but magick isn’t going to fix it. it’s not going to make it hurt any less. if y’all broke up, the Universe, your deities, your ancestors, whoever/whatever you believe in… they caused it for a reason. heal from your hurt, and you’ll come out stronger on the other side. use this time to figure out who you are, as a person, as a witch. learn to love yourself and let yourself blossom into something beautiful.
if you’re using these spells to make a certain person love you… if they’re meant to love you, they will in time. if you’re meant to be together, you will be, when the time is right. you can’t force someone to love you. not only that, but if you look at it with soulmates in mind, you’re taking someone else’s away… and leaving yours without you.
there are some alternatives, though!!
one alternative for a “get your ex back” spell is a “self-love” spell. spells of this nature will help you heal from certain aspects. they allow you to learn how to love yourself, and encourage you to.
another alternative for these types of spells is a cord cut. Cord cutting is done in multiple ways: candle spells, knot magick, and even a full cord-cut ritual. these magicks break connections and allow you to heal from any pain and/or trauma that your ex has caused you. it is a slightly more advanced type, so if you’re a baby witch or fledgling, please have someone with more experience assist you.
an alternative to “make (insert name) love me” spells are “attract a lover” spells. these spells don’t take away anyone’s free will; instead, these spells put into the Universe that you are ready to love someone, thus the Universe will send you someone. this someone will be who you need in this time of your life, and will teach you what you need to know.
i know some people in the community will scoff at this post. some believe that it is okay to perform love spells. those are your beliefs. that is okay. these are mine.
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Ancient Greek Dream Sachet
Used if you have a past life in Ancient Greece, if your ancestry lies in Greece, and to connect to the Hellenic pantheon.
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Bay leaf
Morning Glory leaf
Milky Quartz
Crackle Quartz
Past Life Sigil
Mortar & Pestle
Cloth bag
What to Do:
Mix the herbs in the mortar and pestle. Do not crush to a powder! Once you’ve done this, set it aside to allow the gods to bless the herbs.
Pick up each stone and hold it for a moment. Feel it’s energy, and ask it to assist you in your past life regression. Place them, one by one, in the bag.
Pour the herbs into the bag, thanking each one for assisting you.
Activate the sigil and place it in the bag.
Tie with a purple string and sit it on the altar, recite the incantation over it, activating the sachet.
“Mother of Darkness, Mother of Night,
Allow me to access the Sight.
Show me what I wish to remember,
Let the light of my past life burn to ember.
In the Dream realm, I walk,
Allow the past to talk.
Mother of Darkness, Mother of Night,
I ask that you hear my plea and answer my plight.
I am now ready to seek
What my life was as an Ancient Greek.
In the Dream realm, I explore
My past life to its core.
So mote it be.”
Notes & Correspondences:
Oregano — when worn on the head, encourages psychic dreams, connected to Aphrodite.
Mint — mental clarity, connected with Hades & Persephone.
Rosemary — improves memory & clarity, connected to Aphrodite.
Thyme — enhances memory, divination, eases sleep, wards off nightmares, connected to Aphrodite, Ares, and Athena, connected to third eye chakra.
Bay — used for protection and divination, connected to Apollo
Morning Glory — used for astral travel, connected to Nyx
Flint — used for past life regression and grounding.
Milky Quartz — connect with your inner self.
Amethyst — assists with meditation, associated with crown chakra, connected to Dionysus and Nyx.
Hematite — awakens the memories of the subconscious, used for grounding, connected to Hephaestus, Hades, and Ares.
Pyrite — used for meditation and divination, connected to Athena and Persephone.
Crackle Quartz — connected to the crown and third eye chakras.
Purple — enhances intuition.
You may use a different incantation, this is just the one I used.
“Mother of Darkness” and “Mother of Night” refer to Nyx, my matron.
We’re going to ignore the fact that it’s in a divacup bag
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Let’s talk about past lives!
It has a lot to do with reincarnation, and the Wikipedia definition for that is:
“Reincarnation, also known as rebirth or transmigration, is the philosophical or religious concept that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death.[1][2] Resurrection is a similar process hypothesized by some religions, in which a soul comes back to life in the same body. In most beliefs involving reincarnation, the soul is seen as immortal and the only thing that becomes perishable is the body. Upon death, the soul becomes transmigrated into a new infant (or animal) to live again. The term transmigration means passing of soul from one body to another after death.”
With that being said I subscribe to a belief that we are put here and reincarnated until we learn the lessons we are meant to. We sign a soul contract when we enter into this plane of existence. That contract holds all of the things you must learn over your lives. That is my personal beliefs though and I don’t expect everyone to follow the same beliefs.
I’ve learned I have many past lives, I’ve figured this out through visions I get (I’ll give examples) or past life regression sessions.
An example of a vision of one of my past lives is: I was at work in an automotive parts manufacturing plant. The job I was working required me to take a stack of parts and place them in industrial bins. I walked back from a bin and to my station to grab some parts. I grabbed the parts differently than I normally would.
I grabbed the parts as if they were some kind of rifle in my hands. As I did so I was walking to the bin to pack them away. Before I reached the bin everything around me went black. I wasn’t carrying parts, but I was carrying a rifle with a bayonet on the end. The area around me began to come into light as I noticed where I was.
I was on the battlefield, I was in a green (not camouflage) outfit. The air around me was thin and cold. I felt the brisk cool air on my face as the smell of gunpowder and iron filled my nose. The next thing I know there was a grenade that went off not too far from me and one of my platoon members. As my hearing was shot and vision starting to unhaze, my friend was shot in the shoulder, hip, and chest. He was bleeding out.
Everything began to the fade back to black and I was back in the automotive plant. That was wild because it was my first ever random vision of a past life.
Since that experience in roughly 2020 I have come to know 2 other people who share that same past life.
On my journey into witchcraft I’ve been able to make countless mojo bags, spells, mirror magic, ect for past life regression. I’ve only recently been able to enchant a key that I’ve had for quite some time to be able to access my past lives.
The key works like when you are meditating with the key, you will be transported to a room filled with doors. Each door is the door to your past lives. Choose a door, put the key in, and go learn about your past lives.
I’ve come to know that in my past lives I’ve been:
A Viking worrier
I remember looking around and being on a boat, shield and sword at my feet as we collectively rowed on from Scandinavia. My skin was littered with scars, but my heart was filled with honor
Native American child
My tribe stayed along the river sides, it was easy access. Me and my sister were creative and crafty alike, our parents were medicine people of the tribe. Anyone who needed healing were brought before. One day our tribe was completely ransacked, all of my people where killed by the colonizers. My sister and I were both drowned.
Medicine man/ healer
I’m not entirely sure the the time era, or region this past life was ini get a very strong Australia feeling from it, but I had brown skin like the rest of the people in my small village. I stayed in a Hut on the outskirts of the village. The surrounds were dry and desolate as me lived potentially cliff side. I remember on countless occasions mixing different slaves, herbal remedies, wet mixtures, rituals, ect. For the village people. I had a rather large almost black staff with 2 or 3 rattles made from dried bulb like fruit. I remember my body covered in white paint markings, and I would generally just wear a make shift brown/tan shreds of cloth
I’m not entirely sure what my initial role was, but I was on the battle field near 6 or 7 people. The enemy threw a grenade, the people around me where blown back as the dirt around me was thrown violently into the air. My vision blurred and my hearing went out. When my vision focused one of my platoon members was in front of me and had sustained 3 bullet wounds. He bled out in front of me.
Those are the main past lives I remember. These have come to me in visions, past life regressions, or dreams. But every last one of them were as real as you and I. Down to feeling of the beads of sweat running down my face, or smell of brisk autumn air.
I will make a future post on what can be done for past life regression. I hope you enjoy my past life’s stories I’ve accumulated thus far!
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Okay, big called out for this one. It has to be my BIGGEST Love Language besides affection and gifts 💙
Love Languages but Make it Witchy
drink this tea it will help
I got u a rock
let me cleanse your energies
meditate with me
I have a spell for that
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Persephone Offerings
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"Persephone is the goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Hades, and the goddess of spring growth along with her mother, Demeter."
Large Altars:
Pomegranate juice or wine
Honey or honey infused wine
Honey made from flowers
Spring water
Floral tea
Flower or herb infused water
Breads, grains, cakes, sweets, etc.
Sweet fruits
Flower crowns
Flower arrangements
Potted plants
Floral scented incense
Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented incense
Purple, magenta, indigo, green, and black candles
Statues or paintings of bats, rams, and/or deer
Small/hidden Altars:
Pomegranate seeds
Pomegranate candies
Dark chocolate
Spring flowers
Wild flowers
Fake flowers
Crushed mint
Small animal bones
Fake or animal skulls
Toy coffins
Floral scented perfumes
Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented perfumes
Gems such as crystal, quartz, agate, black onyx, pink tourmaline, obsidian, coral, and jasper
Plush toys of bats, rams, and deer
Devotional Acts:
Tend to a garden or keep a plant
Learn herbalism
Learn about flowers, try baking with them, using them in bath spells, etc.
Make a playlist of songs that remind you of Her
Meditate outside
Go on nature walks
Clean up nature trails
Smell the flowers
Celebrate the coming of spring and Her return
Likewise, celebrate the coming of fall and Her departure to the underworld
Honor the dead
Visit graveyards
Clean up graveyards
Donate to those who can't afford a funeral service
Honor the fae and work with them
Honor Hades
Honor Demeter
Artwork from Smite
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Basic spells for novice witches and ways to create a spell
Creating your first spell can sometimes be difficult and overwhelming when it's hard to find reliable resources on the creation of spells and types of spells you can do as a novice. I'll cover the ways you can create a spell and give you some ideas which you can do as a beginner. In terms of spells, nothing is closed to a novice so long as you do the research for it. Here we go!
Ways to create a spell
There are loads of ways of creating spells from quick ways such as jars, dressed candles, cauldron spells, sigils to long complex rituals, theres no right or wrong way to create a spell. I'll cover some of the simplest ways to do one here.
Jars- jars are one of the simplest ways to do a spell. They usually involve filling a jar with ingredients and sealing them in some way- usually with coloured wax corresponding to the spell (E.g. black for protection, red for strength etc) Ingredients for these usually include; herbs, petition papers, ashes of a sigil, crystals, precious metals, glass etc. Simply choose what corresponds with your intention and add it to the jar. These jars can be worn as jewellery, placed around your home, buried in your yard, placed on your altar, carried on your person. This also applied to bags and poppet magick.
Dressed candles- dressed candles are another very simple way to do a spell. Dressed candles involve dressing a candle with herbs which correspond to your intention and burning the candle down. Ways to get your ingredients to stick are; melting with wax or using an oil (eg olive oil).
Sigils- sigil magick is a very common form of magick used to create a spell. And ways to create a sigil are endless. They can be little elaborate pieces of work or simply just a few lines drawn and programmed with intention. These sigils are usually burned to activate, however non fire alternatives include: ripping them up, using an oil to activate, sticking them up around your home etc.
Enchanting- enchanting deserves a spot on it's own and if you scroll further down my page, there will be a post I have reblogged explaining some of the ways to do enchanting.
Creating oils and sprays- using oils in your spells is a great way yo add more to your spells. Creating an oil usually involves infusing a base oil such as olive oil with ingredients according to your intention. The same applies to sprays here. Sprays can be used in your room for a variety of different purposes. Whether they be cleansing, banishing, adding a layer of protection etc.
Kitchen magick- kitchen magick is a great way to create a spell without it being too obvious. This makes it perfect for witches who are closeted for whatever reason. You can add intention into the food you cook or bake to create some great spells. This also applies to teas.
There are multiple things used in a spell aside from the method of doing them, this usually will depend on the witch and thier practice. Some use colour magick, cosmic magick, use days of the week and magical hours, some might involve the deities they work with or might ask a deity for help in a spell (this also applies to other entities) and much more.
The ways a practitioner will do a spell will change and develop according to thi6er practice. You might find that some ways of creating a spell dont work for you compared to other ways. The ways to do a spell are infinite and the ways listed above are just some simple and easy ways to do them.
Spells you could do as a beginner
This list isnt an exhaustive list. There are loads of spells out ther which you can complete and do. Any spell can be done with enough research into what you're doing. Here will be a list of ideas for you to take away from this. You can use the ways above to do this. It's best to do further research into the ways of doing a spell first, you might find none of the ways above will work for you and will need a different way.
Here are some examples of what you can do!
Self love
Anxiety aid
Academic achievement
Divination aid
Astral projection aid (Research about astral projection before attempting)
Psychic enhancement
This list isnt exhaustive. These are just what I can think about from the top of my head. There are loads of spells out there which you can do! And these are just some examples!
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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What is Moon Water?
Moon Water is water that is charged by the moons energy.
What phases of the moon are best for what I need?
Full Moon
Charging Items
Waning Moon
Letting Go
New Moon
Fresh Starts
Setting Intentions
Waxing Moon
Taking Action
Where can I use Moon Water?
Moon water can be used in many places, and here are a few that are most common.
Spell Jars (Moon Water can be used for cleansing and protection)
Watering Plants (This comes in handy if you are a green witch)
Add it to your drinks {Only if you got it from bottled water or the normal water you drink} (It can help set your intentions, especially if you do stirring magic)
Wash your hands with it (This gives you a little boost of energy before rituals, or even daily tarot)
Moonlight bath
Cleanse/Charge Crystals {Make sure the crystals are water safe} (This cleanses and adds energy to your crystals)
You can even add it to watercolor paints
What Crystals can I use in Moon Water?
Any type of Quartz is water safe (Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst)
Citrine, Green Aventurine, and Shungite are all water safe.
What if I want to use my moon water on a crystal that isn't water safe?
Well, you can just set the crystals around the glass of moon water for them to charge.
(Or you can still set your crystals in the moonlight to charge)
Crystals that go with the Phases of the Moon?
New Moon - Laboradite
Waxing Cresent - Tourmalinated Quartz
First Quarter - Carnelian
Waxing Gibbous - Smoky Quartz
Full Moon - Moonstone
Waning Gibbous - Green Aventuring
Third Quarter - Lapis Lazuli
Waning Cresent - Bronzite
If you have any questions on moon water, please let me know, and I'll answer them!!
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
☕🌿Coffee Magic🌿☕
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☕Flavors + Correspondences☕
Almond(milk): mental clarity + fortitude, luck, abundance, healing + good health
Amaretto: opening the mind, warding against negativity, creativity, luck
Blueberry: aids in memory + mental clarity, calmness, youth + glamour magic, restoration, aura cleansing + strengthening
Caramel: aids in changes + transformations, soothing quality to spells, good in Fae magic, increases tenacity
Chestnut: warding + protection, prosperity, longevity + increase stamina
Chocolate: self love + nurturing energy, ancestral magic, grounding, love + sexual prowess
Cinnamon: spiritual + personal power, healing, success, lust, luck, prosperity, strength
Clove: protection, actualization of desires, banishing negative + hostile forces
Coffee: inspire creativity, clear emotional + spiritual blockages, dispel nightmares, fortitude + increased stamina, encourage diligence
Coconut Milk: confidence + aid in glamour magic, strength, beauty, love
Cow milk: nurturing, fertility + prosperity, protection, abundance, aid in motherhood
Hazelnut: self-love and compassion, inspiration, creativity, wisdom + insight
Honey: happiness, offerings + Fae magic, sweetness, love, prosperity, healing, passion, spirituality
Irish Cream: dreams + intuition enhancer, prosperity, growth, aid in change
Peanut(butter): stability, aid in manifestation + intuition, attraction, energy
Pecan: spiritual purification + protection, abundance + prosperity
Peppermint: healing, purification, psychic powers + transformation, sleep, prosperity, passion
Pumpkin: wishes + dream fulfillment, protection + guarding, prosperity, magic enhancer, love
Oat(milk): tradition + ancestral work, health, stability + fortitude, beauty + youth, comfort, home magic, healing
Raspberry: invoking fertility or love, kindness + compassion, desire fulfilment, creativity, libido + sex magic
Sugar: used to amplify spells, sweetness + love, attraction, comfort, Fae magic
Soy milk: success + strength, growth, healing
Toffee: playfulness + youthfulness, friendship, easing transitions, courage + strength
Vanilla (creamer or vanilla extract): love, release of stress + anxiety, success, vitality + healing
🔮Bonus Magic Tips🔮
Pick ingredients for your coffee that align with your ambitions for the day.
It can be used as an offering to deities, spirits, ancestors, etc.(e.g. for Sif I sweeten the coffee with oat milk + honey but for Hel I leave the coffee black for an offering)
Consider the way you stir! Counterclockwise banishes and repels negativity, clockwise invites + brings energy to you.
Stain pages for you journal, spell work, or book of shadows! You can also use a strong brewed coffee and a paint brush to paint sigils onto the pages! .
See the full post + bonus recipe at the hidden hearth patreon.
References: The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook by Karen Harrison
**Disclaimer: a lot of the nut and milk correspondences are personal + intuitive**
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
Crystal Knot Magic
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Knotting a crystal net is very easy if you are able to use your fingers for this kind of crafting.
They are often called crystal "wraps" and many tutorials can be found on Youtube.
There are many, many ways to make a crystal net. The style you use determines the final appearance. More importantly for us, the style you use determines how many knots there will be, and their size.
We can draw on four common elements of magic: Crystal/mineral correspondences, color correspondences, numerology, and knot magic.
The stone (or other object) is like the battery which holds and radiates power. The object you net should correspond to your core intent.
The color of cord or thread you use can modify or hone your intent. For example, if using clear quartz, the color correspondence might be doing most of the work.
Then again, this spell will work with cotton twine and a river stone, so just do whatever suits you.
The total number of cords you use dictates how many knots total will exist in your spell. Crystal nets are made by tying two strands of cord together. If you use four cords, you will have eight working ends, and therefore you will tie four knots per row. If you have five cords, you will have ten working ends, and you will need to tie five knots per row. I align my numerology to the number of knots, not strands, because the knots themselves are holding the magic.
The knots are used to tie intent and bind power. I create most of my charms in a style that has one big starter knot at the top and one big finishing knot at the bottom. There are tons of ways to utilize knots in this project. The first knot can hold the only intent, while the rest bind powers to support it. Or the intent can be split into its composite parts and each part gets its own knot. Or every single knot can have something unique, or they can all be identical... lots of options.
Conceptually, the inner object is the focal point or battery of the spell. The knots can be understood as tools that the object uses to carry out your will, instructions to guide the object in its work, vessels that carry additional power (like tidepools on a beach), or tangles that capture and bind up unwanted forces.
To perform this sort of magic:
1. Learn how to make the nets first from an arts and crafts perspective :) you can cut the cording off to re-use the same stone later. It is really frustrating to try and do a craft in a ritual headspace if you have to learn the craft simultaneously!
2. Gather up your cording and object to be netted. Do any ritual techniques you prefer to prepare them.
3. Decide how you want your intent to be tied in. Do you want to use the same phrase for each knot? Do you want to chant your intent continuously while you do many knots? Etc.
4. Make the crystal net in your ritual headspace/magic zone. Pour your intent into each knot in whatever methods you choose.
5. I recommend making the final knot of your project into the seal which completes and finishes the amulet ("so mote it be," "as my will it has been done," etc).
6. If you did not raise and direct energy during the spell, ensure the amulet is charged afterwords. Like all amulets and talismans, it requires feeding and repowering as time goes on.
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marcellus-nile-born · 2 years
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Cleansing your home with the elements
Working with the elements is so much fun for me because I find it easy to connect to them as I can strongly sense their energy. After all, they surround us. The traditional elements are Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. In some paths, there is also the fifth element – spirit or Ether. Everything around us is made up of elements, and we may use those energies for our benefit.
Before you begin the magical cleansing, cleanse your space in the mundane sense. Wash the floor, clean up the dust, make the dishes, return stuff to where they belong, etc. It will bring good vibes already. When the space is organized and clean, let the magic begin. But before you start, make sure you are grounded, focused, and aware. You may do meditation or prayer to reach the proper state of mind.
Step 1 – Water and Earth
You will need a bucket of water, ½ cup of salt (as a representation of the earth), and a bowl for later. You may use simple water and salt, or their variations such as moon water for an extra boost or black salt for assisting in banishing the bad energies, it is up to you, but the most important ingredient here is your intention.
Mix the salt in the water, charging it with your intention to cleanse your space of anything that isn’t serving you for good. Fill the bowl with the water and save it for later.
Wash the floor (yes, again 🙂). Start from your bedrooms, and work moving towards your front door. Visualize the salty water collecting the energetic dirt and melting it. When done, take the bowl you’ve saved earlier and wash your windowsills. In the end, get rid of the water flushing it in the toilet.
Step 2 – Fire
You’ll need a white candle. Charge it with your intention to cleanse the space. Now lit it up, and start moving clockwise by the walls around your space, starting from your front door. Stay for a while in spots where the candle starts smoking (usually in corners, and around screens), this is a sign of negative energy in there. Visualize the bad energies burning in the flame. When you’ve completed the circle and have returned to the front door, this step is done, and you may get rid of the candle.
Step 3 – Air
This step is for banishing any leftovers of bad energies and inviting good vibes to your space.
You’ll need an incense or smudging stick, like dried Sage or Palo Santo, whatever feels right to you. Now focus on what you want in your space. Burn the incense moving clockwise in each room, nominating the things that you wish to invite to it - like inspiration for making great meals in the kitchen, passion in your bedroom, harmony and peace in the living room, etc. Visualize the smoke take away any left negativity and bring in the vibes you are interested in.
When you are done, thank the elements for assisting you in your practice, and enjoy your refreshed and well-charged space.
I hope you’ll find this guide useful. Also, I would like to hear from you guys about how do you cleanse your space.
Thank you for reading and Blessed be 💜✨
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