#Phoenix fire coven
greenwitchcrafts · 10 months
August 2023 witch guide
August 2023 witch guide
Full moon: August 1st in Aquarius
New Moon: August 16th
Blue moon: August 30th Aquarius into Pisces
Sabbats: Lughnasadh August 1st

August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Corn moon, harvest moon, ricing moon, barley moon, dog moon, fruit moon, grain moon, herb moon, red moon & wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder cedar & hazel
Herbs/plants: Basil, bay, chamomile, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St. John's wort,
Flowers: Angelica, marigold, sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, fire agate, garnet, red jasper & red agate
Colors: Gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Authority, appreciation, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power &vitality
Sturgeon moon gets it's name from the high numbers that are caught at the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain in North America during this time of year. The names come from a number of places including Native Americans, Colonial Americans & European sources.

Also known as: Lammas, August eve & Feast of bread
Season: Summer
Symbols: Scythes, corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, green, yellow, red, orange, light brown & purple
Oils/incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle & chickens
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Foods: Apples, grains, barley cakes, wild berries, cider, honey, potatoes, rice, sun shaped cookies, blackberry, corn, nuts, breads, blueberry. berry pies & grapes
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, all grains, blackberry, corn, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, grapes, myrtle, oak leaves, pear, rye, blackthorn &wheat
Flowers: Sunflower, cyclamen, heather, hollyhock & medowsweet
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Demeter, Freya, Grain goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Kore, Mother Goddess, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Zaramama, Ereshkigal & Ianna
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Dumuzi, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Power:  Agriculture, changes, divination, endings, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Sun magick, rituals of thanks/offerings, bounty, abundance & fire magick
Bake fresh bread
Weave wheat
Take walks along bodies of water
Craft a corn doll
Watch the sunrise
Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
Donate to your local foodbank
Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
Give thanks to the Earth
Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
Clean up a space in nature
Plant saved seeds
This cross-quarter fire festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo & the seventh sabbat of the year. It represents the first harvest when the Earth's bounty is given for the abundance received.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
In some traditions, this day honors the Celt god Lugh, the god of craftsmanship; He is skilled in many things including wheel making, blacksmithing & fighting. Though there is some discrepancy as to why Lugh is honored on this day. Some tales say it's because he held a harvest faire in honor of his adoptive mother, Tailtiu.

Farmersalmanac .com
Boston Public Library- The Origins & Practices of Lammas/Lughnasadh by Dhruti Bhagat
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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AKA: this one quote from Book!Frollo made my mind go crazy. 
Yes, I was listening to “It's A Dangerous Game” from the Jekyll and Hyde Original Concept Recording
(also, please forgive my Latin, I used google translate)
Reader/Yuu is female and has hair (which is implied to be long)
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It was mesmerising, how perfectly your bodies melded and moved together, how easily and harmoniously you were brought to a hitherto unknown rapture. To be caught up in such a state, where you were free of the chains that bound you to the horrors of purgatory and had ascended you to heights you had never felt before, to feel him guiding you to a place where you had never even begun to dream about.
Minutes had passed since the twelfth ring of the Bell of Solace yet the two of you stayed in your tower, pressed against a shadowed alcove, away from everyone and everything, your hands wandering and blood singing as the rest of the city drifted off into their fanciful visions of the dusk.
With the Witching Hour descending upon you, veiling you in the covers of the night, you only had the stars and the spirits above as witnesses to this tryst, your secrets laid bare for their silent judgement.
But their judgement didn’t matter, nor did your schoolmates’, if the silent covenant between you and him were to be obeyed, if the unvoiced sermon in blue flickers that glowed against the scorching green of his eyes that seared into you as he took a lock of your hair and pressed it against his lips were to be acknowledged.
His cold touch, like fire, burning your figure as it trailed across your face, your neck, your shoulder before settling on your waist, pulling you closer - long, chilling fingers burned along your skin, setting ablaze every thought, every word, every semblance of rationality. 
“Pulchra,” you could feel his voice against your mouth, wafting and caressing like tendrils of smoke, sonorous to your ears, “puella pulchra, so pure, so perfect. Like a goddess in mortal form.”
You could do nothing but listen, to submit to the dark velvet of his dulcet tones, to close your eyes and let this fiery passion incinerate and eradicate the demons that plagued you. Ordinarily, you’d be against this, to let your shackled hands hand the reins of your petering control to another, but his providence proved otherwise. With your destiny enshrouded in so much unknown, the danger of staying and the risk of fleeing your perennial torment in the clutches of your captors yet with Rollo before you, you felt at peace. 
Fate, free-will, nothing mattered in this sanctuary he created.
His conviction begets your reprieve, his resolution ameliorates your soul from the horrors that had stained it with their inky fingerprints. The singing brushes of his fingertips cleansed you, and like a blazing phoenix, you emerged anew. 
With both great reluctance and great desperation his lips left yours and made their home at the apse of your neck, whispers of orisons against your skin, your name an endless epiclesis. 
Even with your sight inhibited, you could see the worship in his gaze, through the reverence in his touch, the cardinal way he regarded you in every action. His hands gentle yet formidable as they kept you against him, the golden shank of his ruby ring digging into you with the pads of his fingers.
“I wanted to see you again,” his deep timbre, dark, soft and smoky against your ears, “touch you, know who you were, see if I would find you identical with the ideal image of you which had remained with me and perhaps shatter my dream with the aid of reality.”
“And?” you hear yourself say, too lost in the fiery haze, too blinded by the flaming reds and golden ambers that danced under your eyes.
“At all events, I hoped that a new impression would efface the first, for the first had become intolerable to me. I sought you, Prefect, again to behold you. When I had seen you twice, I wished to see you a thousand more times, to always have you in my sight. You claim to be magicless, Angelum Meum, yet you have completely bewitched me. With you, I’m no longer my own master. You’ve become my salvation from perdition, shown me the true meaning of righteous. Please, I say in obsecration, grant me the blessing of speaking your benediction, of proving how far my devotion runs. Let me be your acolyte, your protector against the tainted crowd.”
His lips pressed against the apples of your cheeks, his hands on your waist, the fury of the flames within you.
It’s dangerous. But this fire won’t char you, won’t scar you, won’t leave you tearstained and broken.
It emboldens you, ignites the snuffed out hearth within you.
You nod once, a small jut of your chin through the keening of your throat and you slowly feel the ribbon of your nightdress tugged loose before it falls and pools at the ground at your feet.
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halopedia · 4 months
Starship Saturday — Spirit of Fire
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Launched in 2473 as a colony vessel, the Spirit of Fire was eventually requisitioned by the UNSC and refit to combat the Insurrection. However, these upgrades would see use following the onset of the Human-Covenant War.
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Having a pivotal role in the Harvest campaign, the First Battle of Arcadia, and the Battle of Trove, the UNSC Spirit of Fire found herself adrift for 28 years until arriving at the Ark where the ship and her crew are locked in combat with the Banished.
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shiftingpath · 5 months
Exalted Secret Santa 2023 Complete!
Thanks for another excellent year, friends. This year was actually tied for most participants to date, to the point of having some trouble formatting this post. (tumblr fears our power.)
Thanks are in order to many: -to @theuncrucified for her work boosting on discord. All my thanks for spreading the word! -to @delvesdaily for pinch hitting, and to everyone else so quick to volunteer. -to @mechanicalriddle, my second-in-command and second set of eyes. -to our longterm participants who return year after year, I am always happy to see you back. -to newcomers who've only just arrived, you bring so much fresh life to this event. thanks for trying something new! -to those who don't participate, but still find time and interest to comment on the pieces!
I hope we can see you all next year!
Please take the time to check out the submissions; the characters are always so cool and the art is consistently amazing. Thank you all for the hard work. Happy Calibration!
to @butch-king-frankenstein from woolymonster: Meteor King Rahu
to @caprichista from maribunart: V'neef Runai and Salu
to @delvesdaily from grimmjowjaegerjaquez: Pretty Boy
to @eatenbyfaeries from delvesdaily: Vervain
to @fiontan from frostmantle: Gale
to @fourwillows from shiftingpath: Kifimbo
to @frostmantle from hamsandlich: The Sentinel of Blasphemous Covenants Sealed in Silence
to @fullmoonspecial from fiontan: The Phoenix Knight
to @gforceworks from delvesdaily: Laughing Sister
to @grimmjowjaegerjaquez from fourwillows: Cold Fire Hunter
to @hamsandlich from paint-lady: The Seraph of Promised Silence
to @heedra from sondersonne: Daia Shan
to @keirangoldenwatch from moonstar-mush: Seren Witt
to @kessinder from sly-works: The Cultivar of Bloodied Sunsets
to @maribunart from toxinfox: Lei-xin, Ivy, and Kilani
to @mechanicalriddle from eatenbyfaeries: Pleione
to @moonstar-mush from fullmoonspecial: Spears-to-Billhooks Nazmiya
to @paint-lady from theuncrucified: The Marionette Dancing on Bloody Sinew
to @shiftingpath from caprichista: Flame-Eating Moth
to @skarchomp from keirangoldenwatch: Candor That Draws the Horseman's Blade
to @sly-works from heedra: Exquisite Toffee Spinifex
to @sondersonne from thedashingduke: The Brigand Queen of the Western Wyld
to @thedashingduke from mechanicalriddle: Komoh
to @theuncrucified from gforceworks: Kalara
to @toxinfox from kessinder: Anjali, Kaveri, and Malati
to @woolymonster from skarchomp: The Left Hand of Hell
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All Smiles (Carlisle Cullen x OC)
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You’d think that that part would’ve been easy. You’d think that the minute he heard of the vision he’d have run. You’d think that that insatiable desire to fight for his family would’ve sparked a fire within him to leave and allow Rosalie and Emmett to take the reins. 
No. Not by a long shot.
Instead, here we were two hours later. Still on the couch. Still nowhere closer to getting him to see reason. 
“I can’t just leave you, El,” my husband said. “You’re still ill, and you’re not getting any better. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened while I was away.” 
Placing a hand on my growing belly, I gave him my most disapproving look. Once his eyes caught mine, he immediately looked away, chagrined. 
Clearing my throat, I began. My voice was even hoarser than in days past (if that was even possible at this point).
“Honey, let’s be realistic here. You staying here isn’t going to increase the probability of a timely recovery any more than you leaving. What’s more, this little guy enjoys the pampering I’m getting. He’s not going to want to end this anytime soon.”
As a phoenix, a resurrector of the dead and believer in the goodness that the life of all beings brings, I’m capable of connecting with any being, those that are living, dead, or on the periphery. In this case, our son, the little dude in my belly, would be considered as a being on the periphery. He’s alive but not co-existing with us in the land of the living just yet. However, despite that, I have been able to establish a connection with him that allows me to determine who he is, who he’s going to grow up to be, and what he’s capable of. 
With respect to what he’s capable of, manipulating situations is a big one. And while it might seem like this is a malicious act on his part, the truth is that he has good, kind intentions. Out of his love for me, he wants his father to continue to shower me with his love and compassion. He wants his father to remain dedicated to his mother. Ultimately, this allows our child to understand Carlisle better. It goes without saying that their bond has strengthened over the last few months. At this point, my husband can barely keep away from the both of us. 
So, how did our little guy manipulate the situation this time? Well, it would seem that he compromised my immune system somehow, leaving me with one of the worst flu strains I’ve had in years. And the best part is that he’s the only one that can decide when it will end. Not Carlisle. Not me. Not medical science. Just him. And considering the fact that his father has been within close proximity around the clock, I wouldn’t count on any reversal anytime soon. 
“That doesn’t mean you should be without medical assistance. Rosalie and Emmett, albeit resourceful, aren’t doctors,” Carlisle retorted, his hand moving towards my bump, waiting for his son to kick him hello. 
Soon enough, it happened. We both grinned down at the beautiful creature just waiting to make his appearance. Only a few more weeks to go. 
Looking down, I responded. “I know they’re not doctors, sweetheart. I just think that we shouldn’t take any chances where Bella’s concerned. She’s still human. And she has a family. What if that were him?” 
“I understand what you mean. She will be our daughter-in-law sooner than later.”
“Much sooner than you think.” 
Alice isn’t the only one that had visions in this coven. I do too. The only difference is that mine are pretty inconsistent. I’m always given myriad possibilities and unable to determine which is the correct one. Yet, we had all agreed that any vision would be taken seriously because it’s validity depends on the choices one decides to make. In this case, we don’t know if Bella’s decisions are going to force her into a potentially harmful confrontation with Jane in Volterra or not. Only time will tell. 
But that was why Alice and I wanted Carlisle to be out there with Bella and Edward. Just in case. 
That yearning doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere though. 
“Please, darling,” I said. “Do it for me. I’m telling you that I feel well enough to have Rosalie and Emmett watch over me. If I didn’t, I would’ve demanded that you stay.” 
It was so obvious that he was torn. His gaze turned away from mine and down to our son once again, his brows pinching in both frustration and agony. “I know, darling, I know. It just doesn’t sit well with me. As a husband and a father, it’s my duty to be present and attentive to your needs as well as his. I feel like I’m doing you both a disservice by traveling to Italy when there’s been no indication that she’s been harmed.” 
“If it’s any consolation, I still believe she’s at risk. I just have this gut feeling.” 
Mulling that over for a few moments, my husband sighed in resignation. “Then it’s settled. I’ll go. Let me go speak to Rosalie and Emmett.” 
At that response, I leaned forward from my spot in front of, let’s just say, a ton of support pillows, completely preventing Carlisle from moving away from me. 
Cupping his cheek, I smiled at him. “You’re such a good man, Carlisle Cullen. I hope you know that.” 
His hand reached up to his cheek to grasp mine, leaving all the unspoken words to be heard and appreciated with just that one touch. 
“Now, remember that her nightly dose of Amoxicillin must be given at eight o’clock if she wants to be eligible to take it early tomorrow morning. And as far as comfort levels go, she’ll want her pregnancy pillow that’s laying on our bed upstairs, the heating pad for her lower back–which is in my office–, and some tea as well. Earl Grey, to be specific, which can be found—”
“Carlisle, it’s okay, we’ve got it,” Rosalie said, sitting down next to me. “Eloise will be in excellent hands, so you don’t need to worry so much. We’ve read your notes three times over and will consult them if need be. Plus, she’ll have her phone on her, I’m sure, so you can contact her whenever you please.” 
“Rose’s right, Carlisle,” Emmett interjected. “We promise to be extra vigilant and prudent. We understand how important they both are. We love them too. But it will all work itself out. It doesn’t look like she’s going anywhere anyhow.” 
All her husband could do was nod, watching as I shrugged and blew my nose. The look of agony on his face was all I needed to know that this separation was going to destroy him. But it needed to be done, for the sake of our family and our sanity. 
“Thank you. Thank you both.” 
Dropping his carry-on, the only bag he was bringing, my husband came to kneel beside me on the couch. Kneading his fingers through my hair, he pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead, savoring the last few moments we would have together for a few days.
Him and me both. 
“I’ll see you soon, okay? Call me if you need me.” 
“Will do, sweetheart. Now, go be amazing. I’ll be here, keeping our little one safe,” I said, watching as our son wanted to get in on the action. 
Kissing my forehead one last time and then my lips, he moved to place a long, loving kiss on my belly. 
“I love you both. I’ll see you soon.” he said, all smiles. 
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wtfastaroth · 10 months
My rewrite of the winx club universe ☆
This is a small catalog of the things I'm writing and working on for the world building of my rewrite, eventually I'll put the links to the posts as I publish them.
• Witchcraft ☆
• Fairies and Pixies ☆
• Historical context ☆
• Ancestral Witches and Darkar ☆
• Coven: Childrens of Lilith ☆
• Solaria, Narcissus and Elias ☆
• The Damned Souls ☆
• Cloud Tower ☆
• Red Fountain ☆
• Alfea ☆
• Pandora Academy of Occult Arts ☆
• Planets of the magic dimension ☆
• Trix families ☆
• Lilith ☆
• Nymphs☆
• The Dragon's Flame and The Phoenix's Fire☆
• The Onyx academy accident☆
• Tha Dragon Olympics
• Original Characters
• The wars
• Playlist to make you feel like you're in my version of Winx
• Inspiration board for my rewrite on Pinterest
Also, if youre new here ↓
U can call me Asth or Carla🪻
I'm mainly part of the Winx fandom but sometimes I post about Dr.Stone and Magi: the labyrinth of magic.
Enter the tag #artistic asth to see my drawings.
(English is not my native language so sorry for any mistakes)
Encontre mais informações aqui
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Who is ivy and what is she like?
Oh! Ivy. She is the daughter of Nigel Thrall and Rose from American Dragon: Jake Long. In the Lunaverse, Rose and Nigel are together, after Jake and Rose broke up out of mutual terms. Rose is hunting down dragon slayers across the globe, while Nigel works in an office in a Magic Ministry for wizards that the World Dragons contacted occasionall, and still help Jake Long from time to time. Ivy try to please her father even through he spend his time working in his office at home or at works. He spend time with his wife. But he does spend time with her, but to disciplined her. He hope that she would become a perfect in his image and follows or at least make a legacy to make the Thrall's name be well-known and proud of. Nigel is protective of Ivy as he lost his other daughter a long time ago. Nigel would sometime have heartfelt moments with her likes take her to an aquarium and camping. I am going to give an king explanation on Ivy Layla Thrall. I am going to warns you, my answer may contain spoilers of @princess-lunalu’s A New Phoenix Rising about Ivy, if she will be introduce in the series though. I do not know when she appear and which chapters she will be in. You have been warn.
Ivy is @princess-lunalu’s Blossom Utonium (PPG) x AJ (Fairly OddParents)’s first daughter, Bea Grey’s friend and a member of Bea’s Liberty League, @princess-lunalu’s Blossom Utonium (PPG) x AJ (Fairly OddParents)’s twin daughter, Destiny Grey’s former mentor in magic, a pupil to @animeclub78’s fanchild of Amity Blight x Luz Noceda x Willow Park (The Owl House), Kinoko Noceda in Plant Magic (preferably the poisonous and predatory plants to expand her usage in Plant Magic, with the exception of Glyph Magic), and @princess-lunalu’s Wonder Woman (DC: Super Hero Girls) and Thor (Marvel)’s daughter, Stella Thorsdottir’s girlfriend. She is also a part of a coven where she interacts with fellow witches in meetings, sabbaths, and in rituals.
She is a magic user, whose prefers to be identify as a witch, rather than a wizard. However she does use wizard’s spells taught by her dad (such as levitating objects and turning stones into gems). Ivy does use her magic to punish bullies. Ivy prefers using Plant Magic, and dabble in dark magic before. Ivy prefers using necrobotany when using dark magic and made a contract with an Earth Underworldian Plant Demon named Willow. Ivy recently learn more about glyph magic from one of the magic teachers in Phoenix Academy, Marcy Boonchuy and Luz Noceda, Kinoko’s mother. Ivy rely on The Green for help, because her magical power alone is not strong enough. Her Plant Magic can thrive in forest. Although, Ivy have been avoiding going to forests for now because of her fear of what is in the forest that is not suppose to be apart of after her traumatic experience of a camp fire incident at Camp Green Lake (cannot tell you further details because it is massive spoilers). Not only that, as a witch, she rely on the faith of higher beings, and she pick The Asgardians. Though some of the gods do not trust her because she is a witch who dabble in dark magic, and because of the Asgardians’ bad blood toward Amora the Enchantress. Which was why Ivy had a rocky and tense start when meeting Stella’s father, Thor. Eventually, he soften up, seeing that Ivy is a good person and cares about Stella’s emotions, and learn the reasons why Stella love Ivy. Other than Plant Magic, Ivy use fireballs spell, create and manipulate portals, use summoning magic, healing magic, potion-making, and bubble Magic. She is even taking up alchemy to expand necrobotany. Her stamina used to be bad and mana drains fast as a result, now her stamina improves. Ivy still have controls over her magic but have less powers, but when stressed, tremendous powers appear.
Ivy can make curries, so far she can make Toast Curry and Sausage Curry. Stella loves eating her Toast Curry.
Since her father taught her magic at a young age, her mother, Rose taught her acrobatic, hand-to-hand combat, and swordsmanship (which she develops at The Themyscira summer camp when she was in an 11th grader, and still honing her swordsmanship with her mom).
Ivy and Bea are best friend from Phoenix Academy for 10 years. They used to go trick-or-treating, hangs out eating noodles at Goh-Rong, having a shopping spree, and going to the spa. Ivy understands that Bea been overwhelm as she try to be the perfect image Blossom wanted and watch as Bea gave up her favorite extra curriculum activities as she barely have free time after giving up her free times which she does not like, until the point she have a mental breakdown. She was always there for her and comfort her. Bea slowly becoming better and changes for the better as she began to bleach and cutted her hair, and gave up a few things Ivy and Bea used to loves to do. But she accepts that…. Because she will do anything for her best friend, even if it means sacrificing her own feelings, self-worth, her reputation and career for Bea, her causes, and Bea’s family. Ivy hide her sadness well, never wanting to bumming Bea out. Making her a valuable asset for Bea and Headmistress Blossom. That is only Ivy’s perspective, my interpretation for her after doing a roleplay with a few members of The Lunaverse Squad on Discord. Please do not bash my friends by sending hate asks, I really do appreciates it. Please do not attack them. It just that Ivy being pressure by others would give her mixed feelings. In their (Bea’s and Blossom’s) perspective, they see her as a trusted ally since Ivy know about Destiny’s secret lineage from her second father. I do hope one day Ivy will explains to Bea and Headmistress Blossom her feelings.
Ivy taught Destiny how to fly on a broom (before Destiny learn how to controls her demon transformation and portal manipulation), finding glyphs, knowledge on the Ley Lines, giving her Latin lessons, potion-making, lesson on familiars, magic detection, a bit of plant magic, summoning magic such as demon summoning and bringing artworks to life. Though, most of the lessons Destiny is given are pointless because Destiny became more powerful and is consider a sorceress because Destiny self-taught herself, thus she is now a sorceress. This cause Ivy to change her lessons multiple times to the point, Destiny doesn’t need her help at all (especially when Destiny have Raven Roth as her mentor and Destiny having a talking and knowledgeable grimoire). A witch teaching her apprentice who wants to be a sorceress is becoming one already. Ivy is also jealous toward Bea’s little sister. After all, sorceresses are more powerful than witches according to the magic class system. It did not stop her from continue her teaching at the end of her mentorship. All Ivy ever wanted was… An apprentice who value her mentor’s teaching and use the skills and knowledges she earn. And after the explosion incident in Phoenix Academy caused by Mammoth, Ivy is bound on a wheelchair, after losing a leg, she stopped teaching Destiny because Destiny wanted Ivy to recover from her injuries after rescuing students that were under the rubbles and undergoes rehabilitation while continuing her education so she won’t repeat and unable to graduate with her friends and girlfriend. So it was all for nothing. Ivy hide this sadness not wanting to make Destiny feels bad. Despite Ivy beating herself for not being the mentor Destiny wanted her to be, she comforts Destiny with her religion struggles, and had done researches on Shinto, kami offerings, the prayers, and rituals to perform for Destiny. She made sure Bea help her little sister, Destiny. I do wanted her to suggest to Destiny to visit Tsunami Grand Shrine of America and the Shinto Shrine in Townsville, or make a kamidana. The purification rituals Destiny perform can purify the evilness within her so she can get better controls of herself being a cambion. That way, she won’t attack her love ones and defend the weaks. Not just that, she can contact kami, divine spirits to guide her when using magic detection.
Okay, I should not be talking about Destiny, it is all about Ivy, even though I am explaining Ivy’s relationship to Destiny as her former mentor, and how she make an impact in Destiny’s life. Anyway… Ivy is a rescuer in The Liberty League, using her portal manipulation/spatial magic and as a healer using her healing magic. Ivy works on the garden in The Liberty League HQ, growing healing herbs and plants use for potions. (She have a green thumb after all. She have a rose garden and a foxglove garden at The Thrall Residence). She desire to be in the frontline more than the backline. However because she is now a wheelchair bound hero, there are people who are worry for her safety.
I hope I answers your question anon. Thanks you for sending me this ask. I really appreciated. Here are artworks of Ivy before she is wheelchair bound. Each made by wonderful artist. First artwork is made by the fabulous @laylaylamode and the second artwork is made by the stunning @princess-lunalu.
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Hello! First of all: love this blog! Second: I read a lot of queer books and as it turns out a lot of them weren’t already on your spreadsheet so uh. Sorry in advance for what I’m about to do to your inbox/queue 😅
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders
The Time Slip Girl by Elizabeth Andre
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
The Queen of Cups by Ren Basel
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
This Wicked Fate by Kalynn Bayron
Werecockroach by Polenth Blake
In the Vanishers’ Palace by Aliette de Bodard
Wain: LGBT Reimaginings of Scottish Folktales by Helene Boppert and Rachel Plummer
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown
Tremontaine: The Complete Season One by Patty Bryant, Malinda Lo, Racheline Maltese, Joel Derfner, Ellen Kushner, Paul Witcover, and Alaya Dawn Johnson
This Other World by AC Buchanan
In Memoriam by Nathan Burgoine
The Dark Beneath the Ice by Amelinda Bérubé
Felix Ever After by Karen Callender
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron
Once & Future by AR Capetta and Cory McCarthy
The Brilliant Death by AR Capetta
XX by Angela Chadwick
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
The Vela by Becky Chambers, Rivers Solomon, Yoon Ha Lee, and SL Huang
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
The True Queen by Zen Cho
The Terracotta Bride by Zen Cho
The Water that Falls on You From Nowhere by John Chu
The Shape of My Name by Nino Cipri
A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djèlí Clark
Girlhood by Cat Clarke
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova
Dreadnought by April Daniels
Sovereign by April Daniels
Thornfruit by Felicia Davin
Nightvine by Felicia Davin
Shadebloom by Felicia Davin
Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
Stay Another Day by Juno Dawson
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Bitter by Akwaeke Emezi
The Drowning Eyes by Emily Foster
Bingo Love by Tee Franklin
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman
The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez
We Go Around in the Night and Are Consumed by Fire by Jules Grant
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
The One Hundred Nights of Hero by Isabel Greenberg
Keeper of the Dawn by Dianna Gunn
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
The Outside by Ada Hoffman
The Fallen by Ada Hoffman
The Infinite by Ada Hoffman
Mindtouch by MCA Hogarth
Sing the Four Quarters by Tanya Huff
The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson
The City of Woven Streets by Emmi Itäranta
Godkiller by Hannah Kaner
Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann
The Beast of Callaire by Saruuh Kelsey
The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion by Margaret Killjoy
An Excess Male by Maggie Shen King
Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
Crimson by Niviaq Korneliussen
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
The Faerie Godmother’s Apprentice Wore Green by Nicky Kyle
Avi Cantor Has Six Months to Live by Sacha Lamb
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
Goldie Vance Vol. 1 by Hope Larson
Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lawlor
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie
Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
Not Your Sidekick by CB Lee
Not Your Villain by CB Lee
Not Your Backup by CB Lee
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
The Fox’s Tower and Other Tales by Yoon Ha Lee
Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Adaptation by Malinda Lo
Inheritance by Malinda Lo
Natural Selection by Malinda Lo
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
The Hand, the Eye, and the Heart by Zoë Marriott
Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald
Luna: Wolf Moon by Ian McDonald
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
Forbid the Sea by Seanan McGuire
In Sea-Salt Tears by Seanan McGuire
The Unbinding of Mary Reade by Miriam McNamara
An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows
A Tyranny of Queens by Foz Meadows
All Out: The No-Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages ed. Saundra Mitchell
Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott
Princess Princess Ever After by K. O’Neill
The Tea Dragon Society by K. O’Neill
The Tea Dragon Festival by K. O’Neill
The Tea Dragon Tapestry by K. O’Neill
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Loveless by Alice Oseman
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
Stormsong by CL Polk
Soulstar by CL Polk
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Tiger’s Daughter by K Arsenault Rivera
The Phoenix Empress by K Arsenault Rivera
The Warrior Moon by K Arsenault Rivera
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland
Birthday by Meredith Russo
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
Dying for a Living by Kory M. Shrum
Two Dark Moons by Avi Silver
History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
The Edge of the Abyss by Emily Skrutskie
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding
The Traitor’s Tunnel by CM Spivey
Nimona by ND Stevenson
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver
Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time by KM Szpara
As I Descended by Robin Talley
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
Drowned Country by Emily Tesh
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull
Crier’s War by Nina Varela
Iron Heart by Nina Varela
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo
Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
System Collapse by Martha Wells
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang
The Red Threads of Fortune by Neon Yang
The Descent of Monsters by Neon Yang
The Ascent to Godhood by Neon Yang
Waiting on a Bright Moon by Neon Yang
Taproot by Keezy Young
Phew! Finally got all of these queued! Thank you so much for the list, and for arranging them so neatly, which definitely made it easier to transfer over to a spreadsheet!
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me1-atonin · 2 years
so i saw this post and could only think of what tracks the rest of the traffic smp members would be in and what their palismen would be (in my opinion)! i’m also going to try and not make all the palisman birds and cats since those seem to be super common!
skizz, mumbo, and lizzie are all included but disclaimer! i do not know a lot about some of the others on here and my info for most of them is just from stuff that i’ve watched including stuff outside of the traffic smp! this is just for fun so enjoy!
• grian: abomination and oracle. i like the abomination wings he has in the art and i feel like being a watcher is just very oracle like. pesky bird palisman!
• scar: illusion, plant, and beastkeeping. i like that the art has him in the illusion track with his crystals and stuff (his shady businessman side) but also consider the fact that he is a tree elf in season 9 of hermitcraft (plant) and is always taking care of/wrangling some type of animal (the ravager, the charged creepers, the jellie pandas, etc.). jellie is his palisman ofc.
• jimmy: potions. i think i just have potions in my brain for him bc it’s the yellow track/coven and i associate jimmy with yellow. i can also see this funky little guy just mixing stuff up and half of the time making smth really cool and have no idea how he did it and the other half is just stuff blowing up. his palisman would either be a canary or a cod. i can’t decide lol
• tango: construction and abomination. he’s always doing/making something super cool and i feel like that’s what these tracks do. palisman is a phoenix. why? i like the fanarts where tango has firey hair and phoenixes are like always on fire and it would make a sick palisman.
• joel: illusion and construction. i like to imagine him as the matholomule of the mcyt universe as a whole. he’s kinda annoying and a jerk (affectionately) and is just a guy who wants a bit of chaos and is egotistical upfront. he has soooo many illusions! his best one is the one where he makes himself 11 feet tall! crazy! he’s also one of my favorite builders (hence the construction) but is not afraid to use his construction abilities to fight (provoked or unprovoked he will kill over the slightest things). his palisman is literally just a tiny shrek.
• etho: this one’s hard but i think he would like to study abomination magic. why? idk i didn’t know what to put etho in. he’s kinda a mysterious guy and i kinda like to think he would be just some neutral ground guy that shows up once in a while to either help or just blow stuff up. his palisman would be a polar bear bc i feel like it matches his aesthetic nicely.
• ren: bard. i mean the guy is very theatrical and his instrument/weapon would be a lute. his palisman would be a husky bc it’s gotta be a dog and i think that’s his favorite breed?
• bigb: healing? idk i don’t really know much about bigb other than the fact that he really likes cookies and grian loves him. i think it’s only fair that his palisman is some sort of cookie that comes alive when off the staff.
• martyn: plant and oracle. watcher lore type stuff and inthelittleWOOD thanks to @booisghost for the plant track suggestion! his palisman would be a song bird also thanks to the person above! (sorry this one’s lame i don’t watch martyn)
• cleo: oracle. they look undead when you use them and theyre powerful. that’s all she needed to know when deciding what type of magic she wanted to study. her palisman would be a king cobra because snakes are badass, intimidating, she made a snake base and her season 9 hair is made of snakes
• impulse: healing and potions. yeah the man may like some chaos once in a while but he’s just a gentle boi and would gladly heal injured ppl. potions are simply for the chaos side and maybe how the concoctions in the season 8 candy factory were made. his palisman is a buffalo.
• bdubs: plant. he moss boi. the scrunkly scrimblo. his palisman is a moon or redstone clock that comes alive when off the staff (kinda like bigb’s) and it has to be very cartoonish with big eyes that match his so they both just look at you like 👁👁 all of the time
• scott: bard and plant. i’ve got a deeaaal with destiny and flower husbands. i also think he would use a flute. that’s all the explanation you’re getting. i have so many ideas for what his palisman would be but i narrowed it down to either a stag or a llama.
• pearl: plant and beastkeeping. plant = for empires farm girl. beastkeeping is because of her love for tilly/aliens/dragons. her palisman is some funky alien creature that is upside down for some reason (if you could even really tell). nobody knows what it is, including her but she loves it with all her heart. she doesn’t know what it is bc she found it in the woods one day and it turned into a staff for her and she was like “lol ok i guess this is mine now”
• skizz: construction. don’t know much about the guy but he seems like he would be good for the construction track/coven simply based off of vibes. i think it would be cool of him to have a black bear palisman.
• mumbo: abomination. i think he would kinda be like alador bc in my mind his redstone contraptions are like the abomatons. i would do smth with the end crystals but idk what type of magic that would be so yeah. i honestly don’t know what his palisman would be but it would definitely have a mustache.
• lizzie: bard, illusion, and oracle. we all know that lizzie is musically talented and she could use that to her advantage during fights and her music weapon of choice would be a trumpet. she’s also very crafty so i could see her using illusions too (maybe even her empires 2 skin is an illusion but she’s not strong enough to make it complete at all times). she’s also in the oracle track because she thought it was cool and why not? her palisman is an axolotl or a fox.
anyway this was really fun to make and lmk if you agree or disagree with any of these! i’m open to suggestions :D
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tauman942 · 1 year
Thanks for the list! :D
Do you by chance got anything on eldar too? :O
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The Path of the Eldar series – various
The Path of the Warrior – Gav Thorpe The Path of the Seer – Gav Thorpe The Path of the Outcast – Gav Thorpe The Path of the Renegade – Andy Smillie The Path of the Archon – Andy Chambers The Path of the Incubus– Andy Chambers The Masque of Vyle – Andy Chambers (Harlequins) Valedor – Guy Haley (Craftworld) The Hand of Darkness – Gav Thorpe (Ynnari)
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Rise of the Ynnari series – Gav Thorpe
The Ghost Warrior (Ynnari) Wild Rider (Ynnari)
Phoenix Lords series – Gav Thorpe
Jain Zar: The Storm of Silence – Gav Thorpe Asurmen: The Darker Road – Gav Thorpe Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan – Gav Thorpe
Short Stories Dark Son– Gav Thorpe (Drukhari) The Path of the Foresaken – Rob Sanders [Part of an anthology] The Howl of the Banshee – Gav Thorpe [Part of an anthology] The Treasures of Biel-Tanigh – Andy Chambers (Drukhari) Bellathonis and the Shadow King – Andy Chambers (Drukhari) Midnight on the Street of Knives – Andy Chambers (Drukhari) Faces – Matthew Farrer (Harlequins) Wraithflight – Guy Haley (Craftworld) [Follow on to Vaelor] The Last Days of Ector – Guy Haley (Craftworld) [Follow on to Vaelor] Farseerby William King (Craftworld) The Curse of Shaa-Dom – Gav Thorpe (Craftworld - Outcasts) The Victim’s Dance – Ben Counter (Harlequins) The Turn of the Adder – J.C. Sterns (Drukhari) Void Crossed – J.C. Sterns (Drukhari) Rise – Ben Counter (Drukhari) Fireheart – Gav Thorpe (Ynnari) Shadows of Heaven – Gav Thorpe (Ynnari) Wraithbound – J.C. Sterns (Craftworld/Aeronautica)
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The Carnac Campaign series
Nightspear – Joe Parrino (Craftworld/Exodite) Sky Hunter – Graeme Lyon (Craftworld/Aeronautica) Spirit War – Rob Sanders (Craftworld/Exodite) [Part of this anthology]
Books that involve the Aeldari and they aren't the novel's protagonist Warrior Coven – C.S. Goto (Deathwatch) Craftworld Ulthwe Firedrake – Nick Kryne (Salamanders) Drukhari Tome of Fire – Nick Kryne (Salamanders) Drukhari
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Just Some Queer Books I Love
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Just some queer books I love:
Date Me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Once Upon a Princess by Clare Lydon Harper Bliss
The Perfect Assassin by K.A. Doore
The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly
Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
May the Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Six Angry Girls by Adrienne Kisner
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Powers
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee
Perfect Rhythm by Jae
The Boy in the Red Dress by Kristen Lambert
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite
I'll Be the One by Lyla Lee
Snapdragon by Kat leyh
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
Rock and Riot by Chelsey Ferundi
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Colthurst
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
In the Vanisher's Palace by Aliette de Bodard
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
The Night by May Archer
How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole
Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins
The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson
This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone
Spell Hacker by M.K. England
This Coven Won't Break by Isabel Sterling
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow
Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie
Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy
Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
Court of Lions by Somaiya Doud
A Little Light Mischief by Cat Sebastian
The Afterward by E.K. Johnston
A Study in Honor by Claire O'Dell
Beetle & the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole
The Disasters by M.K. England
Scorpio Hates Virgo by Anyta Sunday
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petrus
Once & Future by A.R. Capetta
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
A Phoenix Must Burn edited by Patrice Caldwell
Crier's War by Nina Varela
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lixendynx · 8 months
I’m actually very interested in your monster au, so if you don’t mind, could you explain some of the lore behind it? And what is everyone anyways? Thanks :)
This is crazy long, so sorry so under the read more it goes, but first…
Thanks for taking an interest (:
HEhe I get to talk about my silly little brain project
First off, I want to say that as of right now the goal is to find a species and place for each member of the Gen 1 Cast with campers from ROTI and RR serving as background characters (sorry if you like PI or TD23, I haven’t seen either) I still have some that still don’t have a place so if anyone has any ideas, lemme know.
Anyway, the main ‘plot’ is a war between the elemental courts, of course sparked by Heather and Alejandro.
The Burromeurtos were a very prestigious and well known family of monster hunters, and yet Alejandro was never as good as his family wanted him to be. And the pressure got to him, leading him to leave his family behind in order to pursue The Ice Queen, Heather. Her court consisting of the Ice Dancers, and two fairies she had taken from the Earth court, Lindsay and Beth. Alejandro manages to convince Lindsay and Beth to help him take Heather to a big, magic volcano. She fights out and manages to escape, but Alejandro ends up plunging into the lava, become reborn as the Fire Elemental/Phoenix hybrid. Ezekiel fishes him out and Alejandro manipulates him as well as Lindsay and Beth to join his side, declaring war on the Ice Kingdom.
Meanwhile, on an island completely run by werewolves, there are also satyrs there, I guess. Cody, who had previously failed in a hunt and mauled by a bear wants to make it up to his herd by fighting the werewolves to expand their hunting grounds. DJ doesn’t want him to. But one of the werewolves, Geoff has met a mermaid, and fallen in love.
There’s more, like the Air Kingdom, graveyard, and Vampire Coven, and I’m sure more will come, but in terms of story, that’s what I have.
Alejandro - Phoenix/Fire Elemental, Formally Human
Beth - Pixie
Bridgette - Mermaid
Cody - Satyr
Courtney - TBD, elf maybe?
DJ - Satyr
Duncan - Lich
Eva - Ghoul
Ezekiel - Goblin
Geoff - Werewolf
Gwen - Vampire
Harold - TBD
Heather - Ice Elemental
Izzy - Mummy/Zombie
Justin - Siren (Aquatic)
Katie - TBD
Leshawna - TBD
Lindsay - Pixie
Noah - Ghost
Owen - Frankenstein’s Monster
Sadie - TBD
Sierra - Human, cryptid enthusiast
Trent - Siren (Aerial)
Tyler - Winged Person (?)
Dawn - Earth Elemental
Scott - Shark Mermaid
Mike - Shapeshifter??
Dakota - Dakotazoid
Lightning - TBD; Something Aerial I think
Sisters - Emma is a ghost and Kitty is some sort of zombie maybe (?)
Rockers and Step Brothers - Werewolves
Goths - Vampires
Ice Dancers - Some sort of ice sprite??
Okay not as long as I thought, but still.
Odds are I forgot something, but I am always open to thoughts, questions, and suggestions. Once more, thanks for taking an interest in my silly little AU (:
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ma-lark-ey · 1 year
Ranking Harry Potter books as I read them for the first time. This post took five weeks to write.
1. The Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone, 5/10 (12/24/22) - Good first book! Hermione is. The actual worst but that's okay she’s eleven. I binged it in two days and I was very satisfied. It wasn't great, it wasn't bad. It was just a pretty good book all around, so it’s get a middle ground rating to provide room for others. (post mortum (thoughts after reading all of the books): I think Sorcerer's Stone is deffo on the weaker side of the series, but it's VERY fun to think about what the fuck these kids were getting into at eleven years old with their fucking Wizard Chess, knowing all the trauma they're going to endure by the time they're seventeen. )
2. Chamber of Secrets, 2/10 (12/29/22) - LITERALLY TRASH. i had to force myself through this book. It was awful. It was so. I think the only part I liked was Fawkes. (post mortum: No yeah all of my thoughts on this book remain the same. I do like the call back to the basilisk corpse just vibing down there, and I like Myrtle a lot and wish she was more of a character in later books since she was (presumably??) Tom's first murder, even if accidental.)
3. Prisoner of Azkaban, 9/10 (1/05/23) - GOOD book. Dragged a bit at times, but was MUCH better than Chamber of Secrets. Obsessed with Sirius, obsessed with the map, obsessed with everyone. (post mortum: I THINK ABOUT THIS BOOK SO MUCH. SO VERY MUCH. i am haunted by the fact that Remus Lupin lived all those years thinking the only people to ever love him unconditionally and adapted to his illness and went out of their way to make his life better all either died or suffered fates worse than death at this point, and he fucking comes back to Hogwarts and elects to pretend he doesn't know Harry??? PROBABLY TO PROTECT HIM?? DEVASTATING dude. Devastating. And he probably thinks that it has something to do with HIM that all of his friends are dead and it's NOT, REMUS. IT'S NOT. and also just. the fact he became close with Harry anyway, and the way he hugs Sirius the second he sees him and the way, the way, the way. I think about the line "DIE! DIE RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS!" Daily because that says so much about both Sirius and Remus, known outcasts and loathed, disowned children. The blood of the covenant, you guys. The blood of the fucking covenant.)
4. Goblet of Fire, 8/10 (1/11/23) - LOVED this. Best so far fr. I still. Dont understand the hype around Draco. Its deffo because of his actor, I’d put money at it. I laugh at his silly ass every time he enters the screen. I’m obsessed with Cedric and I’m obsessed with him and Harry’s dynamics. This is also the first point to make me SOB so extra points. I’m just leaving space for something to be better though I DOUBT IT. (post mortum: I spend everyday understanding why and loathing the fact Cedric died. "kill the spare." what haunting words. What a devastating blow. I think it would've been more devastating if he was one of the people Harry brought back with the stone in that brief period at the end of Deathly Hallows, but also the way he's just left, forgotten.) 5. Order of the Phoenix, 4/10 (1/18/23) - this book could have been my favorite, if it was like, four hundred pages shorter? I think a lot of the issues I have with this book is that is should have been split into two different books or something. I see why it couldn't have been and following the whole 'seven years of school' thing, but this book does have a lot going on all at once making it overly long. I do think it was good, though. (post mortum: WHY DID I NOT TALK ABOUT THE FIRST USAGE OF HARRY'S UNFORGIVABLE CURSES HERE??? No let's go back. I think I just couldn't get over how long it was, but Sirius' death did fully fuck me up really bad, and the fucking way. The way Harry chases down Bellatrix after that, the way his first Unforgivable Curse is in agony because his father figure was just killed right before him. The way Remus drags him away. The way it all goes down is soooooo much to unpack. ALSO THE IMPLICATIONS THIS HAS FOR REMUS. I think he and Tonks had something going on in this scene, but seeing Sirius die like this caused him to backtrack and then we get the whole little background arc with them we see in book six.)
6. The Half-Blood Prince, 7/10 (1/23/23) - This was really good!! i know in the fanbase it's a very disliked book?? Because a lot of my friends are hp fans and say the fandom hated this one, but i think it was really good !! I see where the Drarry popularity came from in this one (*cough* train car and bathroom scenes *cough*) and I do think that final scene with Dumbledore added SOME sympathy to Draco's character, so that's good. i still don't like him thought. I'm intensely in afeared of the Deathly Hallows, though. During that final fight I was SO scared my boy Remus was gonna bite the dust and I cannot have that. I can't. They already took Sirius they have to let me keep the wolfboy he's whats holding me together (post mortum: so, after reading this book I sent my friend a list off characters I didn't think I'd emotionallly handle very well dying in Deathly Hallows, which was, quote, in ranked order "Lupin, Tonks, Fred, George, Mad-Eye Moody, Neville, Luna." and y'all. But, back to the Half-Blood Prince. The scene at the end with Bill and Fleur and Tonks and Lupin.... Tonks using Fleur as a jumping off point to call Remus on his bullshit,,,, Remus trying to get Molly and Arthur to back him up and they both just 'no, dude, you're fucking in love and we all see it, you just have unsolved issues because you've never been loved like this before and anyone you have loved has died tragically.' Like SHIT MAN. I should talk about someone who is not Remus fucking Lupin but I really have no thoughts not about Remus Lupin, my favorite plush is literally named Moony and I have another named Prongs. Like. Unwell behavior.)
7. Deathly Hallows, 6/10 (1/30/23) I think this book is a fairly good conclusion the Harry Potter narrative, but it also suffers from the same issue every book in this series has of taking fucking forever to kick in with the drama and cramming it all in the last third of the book, so points off. Points off again for orphaning Teddy Lupin OFF SCREEN like that. Points back for Percy trying to protect Fred’s body like that what the FUCK. Points off for only killing one Weasley twin what a cruel and unusual punishment for George specifically. Points back for the entire existence of Molly Weasley Points off for Harry doing the MOST out of character thing and apparently not fulfilling his only promise to Lupin of raising Teddy if anything happened to him? Like yeah Harry was like, 17/18 but also this is HARRY “keep my promises to people I trust and admire even if it means burning bridges” POTTER. he would’ve fistfought anyone to keep that promise to Remus and when he realized he’s Bad at Babies™️ he would’ve employed the help of Molly and Arthur. I die on this hill. More points off for Harry not naming his daughter after Minerva McGonagall? Like. Sure his mom is important to him or whatever but Minerva was like, the female Dumbledore to Harry? Like, she constantly put her ass on the line for him and he always recognized this and he leaned on her MORE than Dumbledore. What. The fuck. Even like, Lily Minerva Potter would’ve been fine by me. Give this woman SOMETHING. Christ on a cracker. And that’s Harry Potter thoughts in summary. I don’t accept the epilogue, nor do I accept the Cursed Child in the first act I’ve read. Except Scorpius Malfoy, I fucking love this little dude he’s so wild. Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.
Oh also, James Potter infected my brain within the four scenes or whatever that he had and I'm apologizing in advance to my followers for the coming Marauders Era Lark Era we're about to enter. Sorry Mutuals, I'm subjecting you to Remus Lupin and James Potter thoughts.
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theomnicode · 2 years
One Punch Man, The New Game+
So if Saitama is a depiction of a character at the endgame with maxed out stats...
Genos is definitely the depiction of a character who's your low level JRPG character party member who's just going along for the ride on the story but he's always going to be underleveled for the main storyline because your main character is already capped and you can't be bothered to grind levels anymore, so he never gets enough exp.
So this low level char always goes against opponents vastly higher level than himself and gets wrecked, whenever you decide to use them to get exp. Over and over again.
Fortunately, your main character has infinite supply of Phoenix downs and you can always reset the game from a save point.
What about if you make New game+ though? And just keep repeating the storyline? Like time travel stuff?
Then we go from Final Fantasy to Dark souls.
The initial or game cycle, created upon starting a new character, is called "New Game" or "NG". Upon killing the final boss, and choosing either ending, the player's character will be thrown into the next game-cycle, known as "New Game+", or "NG+". If the player continues to play through and beat the game with that same character, the cycle continues, with the third cycle referred to as 'New Game++', or NG++, and so on. NG+ is a significant jump in difficulty from NG, but from NG+ to NG++ the difficulty will only increase slightly. Difficulty will continue to slowly grow with each game cycle, until it plateaus at NG++++++ (NG7/NG+6) and beyond. Moving into a new game cycle such as NG+ will reset all killed Bosses and NPCs, just like it was in the first game-cycle. The difficulty will also increase, because enemies will have more attack power and health points, and they will yield more souls
What will carry over to NG+
Most items and equipment will carry over, along with character Soul Level and Humanity, to the next game-cycle.
Magic already obtained will also carry over.
Current covenant membership and rank will carry over.
Kindled Bonfires will retain their level.
Estus Flask upgrade level will remain the same.
All sins are absolved.
Some Keys are kept:
The Master Key will not be lost.
The Bottomless Box will not be lost.
What doesn't carry over
Most keys and key items will be gone.
The Repair and Smithboxes will be gone.
All the Embers have to be found again.
The Covenant of Artorias Ring will be lost.
The Orange Charred Ring will be lost.
The Rite of Kindling will be lost.
The Lordvessel, and its warping abilities, will be lost.
Any costumes unlocked to purchase from Domnhall of Zena must be earned again. (with the exception of Great Lord Armor)
Sin will be lost, so the new game starts sin free.
All unlocked doors and shortcuts will close.
The shortcut to Lost Izalith can still be opened if the player remains a Chaos Servant +2.
Wait a second... I found something... (I did not expect this I was just making a funny ref) Orange Charred Ring
An orange ring enchanted by a witch. Reduces lava damage. Since his sores were inflamed by lava from birth, his witch sisters gave him this special ring. But fool that he is, he readily dropped it, and from that spot, a terrible centipede demon was born
Greatly reduces lava damage.
Adds fire damage element to kick motion.
Acquired from
Dropped by the Centipede Demon.
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... it does look like centipede demon and ceaseless discharge doesn't it?
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...That has to be a Lordvessel reference too. Or legit same source material. There's no way. No wayyyy.
(It was just a prank bro)
Is OPM just Dark souls NG+? Or more like, NG+++ because we're in third era of change?
...is Saitama just replaying his life or going to? Is this the cycle of samsara (rebirth) depiction?
Is this why we introduced time travel and why future Saitama fused with his younger self...?
Is this why Saitama has conflicting self-images?
Is this why Murata-sensei made a tweet pointing towards Isaac Asimov's Mr.Boy? And a tweet about Keanu Reeves who's most famous for his breakthrough in the Matrix?
The story takes place in the year 2096 in the town of New Canaan, Connecticut, and centers on Peter Cage, who goes by the nickname "Mr. Boy". Peter has lived for 25 years but possesses the body of a 12-year-old as a result of continually undergoing genetic modification ("twanking") to reverse his biological clock. This process is done at the direction of his wealthy but emotionally distant mother. His mother has assumed the form of a three-quarters scale replica of the Statue of Liberty (also through gene twanking), which Peter lives inside. Peter has only ever interacted with his mother through robotic avatars which she controls – her private quarters in the statue's head are inaccessible.
The Matrix is a 1999 science fictionaction film[5][6] written and directed by the Wachowskis.[a] It is the first installment in The Matrix film series, starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, and Joe Pantoliano. It depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, the Matrix, which intelligent machines have created to distract humans while using their bodies as an energy source.[7] When computer programmer Thomas Anderson, under the hacker alias "Neo", uncovers the truth, he joins a rebellion against the machines along with other people who have been freed from the Matrix.
Is that why he has that piggy bank on his tv stand?
It's a memento? A memento mori?
Memento mori (Latin for 'remember that you [have to] die') is an artistic or symbolic trope acting as a reminder of the inevitability of death. The concept has its roots in the philosophers of classical antiquity and Christianity, and appeared in funerary art and architecture from the medieval period onwards.
Because Piggy Bancon, the monster, took his money so he can no longer pay for the toll cost of mon, currency, to cross the Sanzu river into the afterlife? The toll that was stolen by humans first and then also taken from them too, so Saitama decided he'd be a bloody hero and intervene?
(Pluto, King of the underworld reference at the end of season 1 anime, is also a pig)
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And also when he tries to pay for the grocery store in episode 1, a giant fucking feet destroys the entire doorway and leaves a giant footprint and there's a moon on the background of Beefcake?
Because the destroyed doorway is a reference to Torii gate, like Saitama's shadow looked like Torii on 169 cover? And OPM god directly blocks him from moving to the afterlife?
So Saitama ofc had to punch him, to save humanity and himself and became the Abominable fist that went against God. By going against the designs set out for him.
A torii (Japanese: 鳥居, [to.ɾi.i]) is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred.
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(my reaction rn)
"Our dreams of future feats, our sorrows of the past, that we all have etched deep down inside our souls Will they help us along or will they hold us back We may never know until the end of time Still, we hope that finally days of serenity will come When we'll find it in ourselves to forgive each other's sins Even if we tried to split apart, we're so important to each other That we never could forget, no matter what Our bond can teach us our kindness is another kind of strenght That you can use just by reaching out your hand It's something dear to us we couldn't bear to live without So I swear I'll make it back to you I swear that I'll come back here to you"
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If that's not a depiction of soul fire then idk what it is. And the song is extremely telling.
Susanoo (スサノオ; historical orthography: スサノヲ, 'Susanowo') is a kami in Japanese mythology. The younger brother of Amaterasu, goddess of the sun and mythical ancestress of the Japanese imperial line, he is a multifaceted deity with contradictory characteristics (both good and bad), being portrayed in various stories either as a wild, impetuous god associated with the sea and storms, as a heroic figure who killed a monstrous serpent, or as a local deity linked with the harvest and agriculture. Syncretic beliefs that arose after the introduction of Buddhism to Japan also saw Susanoo becoming conflated with deities of pestilence and disease.
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Home is a goddamn metaphor for the soul innit? And home is is where the heart is, like the heartbeat that guides Saitama back home when he has lost that map.
Idk if at this point we're talking about same soul inhabiting different bodies, like different player characters being played by the same player. Which would explain all the parallels and similarities honestly.
So, how does the game end then?
To Link The Fire
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Triggered by defeating Gwyn, Lord of Cinder and lighting the final bonfire. By choosing this ending you succeed Gwyn as the next - "Great Lord" and accomplish the designs of Kingseeker Frampt. By linking the fire, The Chosen Undead embraces self-sacrifice, thus revitalizing the land and banishing The Curse of The Undead.
The Dark Lord
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Triggered by defeating Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, then leaving the boss arena without lighting the final bonfire. By choosing this ending, you become The Dark Lord, The True Lord Of Men, thus realizing the designs of Darkstalker Kaathe. As The Dark Lord, you will usher in an Age of Dark... an Age of Men, and your Lordship shall prevail as the supreme sovereign.
Regardless of the ending you've chosen, you will be transported back to the cell you started the game, in the Northern Undead Asylum, after the credits roll. From here, the stakes will change slightly.
Well then.
(I had thought about soul reincarnation before but not dark souls lmao)
(Saitama turning to break the 4th wall while looking at the monitor or whomever is monitoring him though)
(and being a doofus while doing it)
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(lmao tatsumaki)
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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Your Shadow Element - based on your Zodiac Sign
Your Shadow Element – based on your Zodiac Sign
By The Alchemist. Posted on April 13, 2019
There is so much discussion about the ‘shadow element’ of each zodiac sign or each natal chart. Let me be clear before we start analyzing further. As there are no documented accounts of any ‘shadow’ element from the ancient philosophers and magi, ‘shadow elements’ most usually are terms created by Covens or Orders. Therefore, these Shadow elements you are about to read are inspired by ancient texts, yet are new born terms, taught be the High Priest of the Sacred Phoenix.
So for the first time, exclusively on Magical Recipes Online you are going to learn which is your shadow element based on the views of High Priest of the Sacred Phoenix.
NOTE: Do NOT copy this lesson or ANY part of it without our permission. Send inbox for information.
Elements of Witchcraft
According to the Wisdom of the Old Religion, four are the Elements on which this World was built upon. Ancient Priests & Priestesses, the Magi and the Witches taught us that this plane is made of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Furthermore, there is another Element, the 5th Element which animate and balance the other four. The fifth Element is called Aether – or Spirit.
So let’s deepen the knowledge of the Elements. Each Element corresponds to one direction of the Compass. Thus, Earth corresponds to the Northern direction, Air to the Eastern, Fire to Southern and Water to Western. But as modern physics has proved, for everything that is, there is another things that doesn’t. Matter and anti-matter. Yin and Yang.
The nature of each Shadow Element
In the same way, each element has a shadow twin. This non-element, or shadow Element is actually a part of the Element and has always been this way. Most of us refuse to see it and only focus on what is easy to understand. Although we don’t easily realize it, this Shadow Twin is so important and only if we learn how to embrace it, we will be able to capture the very essence of each element. Thus tap into the source of its power.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: Darkness
Everybody knows that the key Element of these signs is Fire. What most don’t realize is that the fire is not only producing heat, but also radiating Light. In all traditions, hermetic, magical or religious, the beginning of Creation is initiated by the ‘Spark’ of Life, the source of Light. Fire represents life itself. Light equals Existence. The moment of coming to life and knowing we exist.
Darkness on the other hand is the absence of Fire, the eclipse of the Light. However, as we’ve explicitly analysed in our Eclipse Magic, on the moment of the Eclipse, the energy of the Sun or the Moon is not decreased. However, the energy is just transmuted, giving us the chance to break the obstacles and move on. In the same way, Darkness is our fear of non-existence. Some are afraid that Death is a situation where their personality and ego is demolished. That’s what makes them anxious, violent or exaggerate with their fiery nature. It’s when they lose their faith.
What we need to understand is that the Sun rises and sets and then rises again. Light and Darkness are always together, just like a candle will always create a shadow. Don’t be afraid of your non-popular self. You are human so you will make mistakes and unfortunately you will hurt someone and probably not just once. Forgiveness is the key.
Furthermore, we need to leg go of this fear and embrace that our mortal life has an expiration date. Yet we don’t lose our existence, we just transmute to something else. We are a living alchemical reaction. Remember, there is no such thing as a real end. This is the greatest illusion of this Realm.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Chaos
Everybody knows that the key element of these signs is Earth. This actually means that everything they know, everything these people realize, is that ‘living requires effort’. They take for granted that their lives demand from them to keep on trying to create a better future.
So, what these Zodiac Signs usually do – especially if they have many natal planets in these signs – is confine themselves and their passions or even sacrifice their instincts, to create something stable. These people are usually the hard workers, the ones who slave for their career or to earn their ‘living’. Moreover, they usually move according to their plans or goals, and they get nuts when things go out of schedule!
Their shadow element is Chaos. This means that what these people need to embrace their passions and their instincts which are probably stronger that all other signs. However, the problem is that these Zodiac Signs are completely terrified of facing their deepest desires. What they need to know, is that only if they embrace Chaos, they will be free and surely built a fruitful future. Chaos is their enemy because they don’t believe in themselves (enough) and they often choose what’s more safe than what really suits them.
Remember, Chaos has an order too, although we don’t actually realize it because of our human mind’s capacity. You will only be happy, if you stay true to your heart. Don’t be afraid of your dreams. Embrace the infinite possibilities of your Chaos. You are capable of winning no matter what.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: Oblivion
Everyone knows that the key element of these signs is Air. What Air symbolises is in fact the energy matrix we all breathe and interact with on a daily basis. Air is the intellect, what makes us humans, our logic and our thoughts. It’s what made us advance and rule this World. Mind over matter.
What Air hints is that our thoughts, our memories, our experiences make us who we are. We filter what we live and compare it with our memories and how we’ve already reacted to similar occasions and responded accordingly.
The Shadow Element of these signs is Oblivion. They fear that once they lose control of their memories, they will stop being who they are, reacting like someone else. Well, that’s true but that’s not something bad necessarily. In fact, Oblivion goes hand to hand with Air because, this quality that can actually liberate them and live their lives without prejudice.
Oblivion is essential every now and then, because only if you learn to let go of the past you can move on and conquer more of your goals. Life has no rules and what has happened is not sure that will happen again. What hurt us can now be our ally. Your mind may successfully work with thinking patterns, but if you liberate it using oblivion, you can reach your truest potential.
Memories can leave open wounds. We are not perfect. Thus we’ve made many mistakes. We can be fooled and fooled some more again. Naturally, there will be moments we want to forget because the ripple effect of their repercussions are still obvious. However, we can use Oblivion to stop hurting and start the healing process. Let go of the past.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: Void
Everyone knows that the key element of these signs is Water. The ocean the seas, the rivers and the lakes are all united. In alchemy Water symbolises empathy. This is the key secret, which can help us understand the peculiar personalities of these signs. What we know of these signs is usually a result of what they have felt from the beginning of their lives, their fears, their disappointments, their dreams and their hopes.
Well, feelings are not easy yet they are the key to open the most powerful gates of magic, as they are linked directly with the Astral Body. However, emotions can also poison our aura, creating a forcefield of pure negativity attracting bad luck and continuous suffering.
The Shadow Element of these Zodiac Signs is the Void. In the Void, nothing reacts. Emotions have no ripple effect, no radiance, not power. What one feels cannot be ‘communicated’. It feels like a hollow shell, like nothing exists. However, what we need to understand is that the Void is extremely important if we want to access the power of our emotions.
The Void can help us bring balance between the dramatic side of our feelings and our need for peace. Therefore, once we embrace the Void, it can act as a nonconductor for our feelings, helping us identify the source of our reactions, and analyse our feelings further. This will eventually aid us in gaining control over our feelings, thus empower our Magical potential.
What’s Your Shadow Element?
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A practitioner of Witchcraft. Stereotypically seen as a woman, but anyone of any gender can practice. Instead of possessing magic themselves, they use already magical items to help them weild the power around them. Inspired by Sparks witches also have grimoires many specialize in different types of magic, like healing, practical, or battle magic.
Some use wands, which can only be created with the wood of a nemeton. There are rituals to anoint and keep the magic within locked down. They can also be infused with other magical objects like a phoenix feather and that wand specializes in fire or rebirth magic.
There are many rites and rituals to give thanks to the earth for sharing it's power with them and though there are cultural practices and holidays they differ quite wildly across the world.
Witches also have covens, usually a group of 3 or more that practice bigger magic or practice how to better stabilize it. Being in a coven means being in a family there is an incredible amont of trust needed to join. It's common practice to share spells among the coven
Some witches connect with magic through their religion and practice for or to deities, but that isn't necessary.
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