meddlesomeminx · 6 years
telegion ━ ★
             @meddlesomeminx  wants  a  baby  david  !!!
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 ❝            there  are  some  flowers  in  the  middle  of  the  field  over  there  .            ❞                      he  points  .  the  field’s  real  wide  :  at  least  what  ,  like  half  a  mile  long  or  something  .  so  that’s  a  fourth  of  a  mile  just  to  get  to  the  center  .  but  he’s  been  through  all  of  it  ,  and  he  knows  there’re  flowers  in  there  !                      ❝            purple  .  or  maybe               red  too  .            ❞
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“OVER THERE?” she repeated, eyes looking toward where the boy had indicated. She has no doubts that he was right  ━ he would know more than herself. There was a subtle floral scent in the air, her senses attaining just a small hint of it, but that was enough to convince her. A light smile comes forth as she tilts her head toward the child, and asked, “Would you like to show me? Red is a favorite color of mine.”
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meddlesomeminx · 6 years
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Natalie Dormer in In Darkness (2018)
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meddlesomeminx · 6 years
rebelrised ━ ★
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❛ I  find  it  really  hard  to  believe  spontaneous  human  combustion  is  a  thing,  but  apparently  it  is.  I  could  think  of  a  few  people  who  should  be  burst  into  flames. ❜
★  @meddlesomeminx  ┊ STARTER CALL.
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“IF IT MATTERS ━ I DON’T TRY AND MAKE A HABIT OF IT,” her statement more calm than what she was feeling inside. BURSTING INTO FLAMES, that felt about right. Fingers ━ oh, those fingers were hers, weren’t they? ━ flexed as a burning sensation coursed through her. But it wouldn’t do any good in showing any of what she was feeling at the moment. It would pass, after all. It always does. Five times now. She did, however, took the opportunity to sit down ━ her legs felt a bit too new to stand on their own just yet, a soft grunt leaving her lips as she took to rest. “I wouldn’t recommend it, either, unless these people are truly deserving of it. Especially since they won’t fair well as I have. Though I suppose that’s the point.”
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meddlesomeminx · 6 years
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meddlesomeminx · 6 years
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    main verse – timeline┊fresh out of the academy a novice at this trade
romana’s first incarnation, the original you might say. raised on gallifrey, her main ambition was to be the best. this ambition, however, did not entirely serve her well at the time academy, earning her the nickname of ICE MAIDEN among those of her class. popularity was not a virtue, however, and so she cared not about the opinions of others and concentrated on her studies which had earned her a triple first when graduating. it was fresh out of the academy that she came to join THE DOCTOR in the quest to collect the pieces of the KEY TO TIME, her first real adventure away from gallifrey. she learns things she would never have the opportunity to experience back on gallifrey. there was more to the universe than being the best at studies, getting top marks, there were PEOPLE living in this universe and their lives meant something. she was not an ICE MAIDEN, not anymore. the big turning point for her was in the doctor and romana’s search for the sixth and final segment to the KEY TO TIME had turned out not to be some inanimate object that they could simply pick up, but that of a living, breathing girl; the PRINCESS ASTRA OF ATRIOS. the thought of this young woman who had her own thoughts, feelings and a L I F E being turned into a mere piece of a puzzle that beings outside of her control wanted ━ it was all too much to bear. letting her frustrations known, she proved to be self-sacrificing, even under the torture of the black guardian’s henchmen, she refused to give up any information towards the key to time. when all was resolved, the key to time was scattered once more and she continued her travels with the doctor ━ which was more or less fleeing from the black guardian ━ through the use of the randomizer and it was then that she decided for a c h a n g e . . .  (  m ary t amm fc. )
open to most fandoms, especially those dealing with sci fi but not limited. crossovers are welcomed and loved. like this post for a starter / follow.
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meddlesomeminx · 6 years
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    main verse – timeline┊the most noble of them all
romana’s second incarnation, whether the regeneration came about due to being weakened from the conclusion of the chase after the KEY TO TIME or simply because she felt like a change will never be quite known. she’ll refuse to say either, you can guess if you’d like. deciding on taking the likeness of PRINCESS ASTRA, whom romana and the doctor had just met in their last adventure, she seems to take on a lighter tone than her previous self. her sense of justice is more grounded, a fierce loyalty to those that deserve it. in her continuing travels with THE DOCTOR, she discovers herself more as an individual, learning more and more about the universe ( and pocket universe or two ) around her. and then her time with the doctor comes to an end, deciding it was time to part ways and have her own adventures in a universe not of her own ━ until the day she decides it was time to come h o m e, returning to gallifrey and soon becomes MADAME PRESIDENT... and then the time war begins. despite her efforts in trying to prevent the declaration of war, it happens whether she likes it or not, and the years takes its toll on her to the point that a change was in order...  ( l.alla w.ard fc. )
open to most fandoms, especially those dealing with sci fi but not limited. crossovers are welcomed and loved. like this post for a starter / follow.
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meddlesomeminx · 6 years
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    with everything crashing down i shall rise to the occasion
romana’s third incarnation, born in the thick of the TIME WAR. finding her previous incarnation wearing thin, she decides it’s time for a change, a new face, a new body, a different way of leading her people to victory. she is confident and optimistic in accomplishing this feat, by whatever means are necessary. sweetly sarcastic, calculating to a fault, a seeker of justice at every turn and at times going above what is needed. she will not let gallifrey fall prey to the daleks. she is determined to not ever let that be an option and she will fight with everything she has to make sure of that.  ( ol.ivia w.ilde from tr.on fc. )
open to most fandoms, especially those dealing with sci fi but not limited. crossovers are welcomed and loved. like this post for a starter / follow.
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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Defiance 1x12
Amanda and Kenya
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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Louise Brooks | A Social Celebrity (Malcolm St. Clair, 1926)
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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    main verse – timeline┊i have endured many a thing and i shall endure much more
romana’s third incarnation, older and endured within this WAR. she is hardened by the time that has passed since she had first regenerated, earning her title as WAR QUEEN. she is cold. sarcastic. calculating. the time lords’ dream for a madame president to lead them to victory. she stays upon gallifrey, feeling it is best to keep the war and the fight as contained as possible -- while also acknowledging that casualties outside of the two warring worlds are inevitable. she is determined to end this war to an end, the years already wasted in fighting are long enough, certain that the means justify the ends. despite her lack of sentimentality -- which has brought a slight strain to her friendship with THE DOCTOR, she above everything else, wants to bring peace to gallifrey once more and end this conflict with the daleks -- though there are times she doubts it possible.  ( louise brooks fc. )
open to most fandoms, especially those dealing with sci fi but not limited. crossovers are welcomed and loved. like this post for a starter / follow.
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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Macarena Sambade, These lovely endings
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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    main verse – timeline┊i’m fighting this war and it’s winning against me
romana’s fourth incarnation, regenerated within battle. A gentler version than her war queen persona, emotions rule her, yet she still remains as fierce and compassionate a leader as when she was first elected as lady president of gallifrey. they are losing. which prompts romana to seek out allies to join together and allows her to travel to other worlds and broker alliances. the time lords LOSE THEIR FAITH in her to bring this war to a victorious end enough to the point that rassilon was RESURRECTED -- forming a COUP against her. when rassilon tells her of his plans for the END OF TIME she refuses to give him information concerning the doctor’s location. in a bold move of defiance, she taunts him, which leads to him growing furious enough to BREAK HER MIND and imprison her in such a state in a void ship outside of gallifrey. the intent is to have her be obliterated with the rest of the universe -- which thanks to the doctor, did not come to be. she is stuck in her broken state until she gathers enough energy to regenerate and thus, makes her escape.   ( mia kirshner fc. )
open to most fandoms, especially those dealing with sci fi but not limited. crossovers are welcomed and loved. like this post for a starter / follow.
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
selfscribed --
her disbelief says enough & & though insult could be taken, he’s had too many years to CONSIDER IT from all the angles. it’s easy to lose trust, especially in this world where nothing is for certain. but he’s tried his damn hardest to keep at least those he LOVES secure & & if that means keeping his partner’s reckless back, then that’s what he’ll have to do. so the commander gives her a curt nod, eyes kind. “i know you can.” reassurance. she’s more capable than half the men he’s worked with. “& & let’s not think about all the ways this can go wrong. let’s stay positive.”
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STUBBORN? probably. but aren’t all the best soldiers? ( stubborn enough to stay the course while death chases heels ). “well you’ve got one now & & i’m not about to let you go in there alone. we fail, we fail together.” THE TEAM MENTALITY. no man left behind. or woman. eyes flicker to the device in her hand & & lips purse as if in thought. “then let’s get looking.”
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     I KNOW YOU CAN, HE says, with reassurance she hadn’t felt in what had to be millennia, give or take. It seemed all the more fitting that the source of such reassurance was certainly NOT FROM HER OWN KIND. It would have to have come from someone that did not know of her true self -- yet she appreciates it all the same. And she would do all that she could to make sure he will go home, S A F E.
A CHUCKLE comes from her at the mention of staying positive. “Optimism? I’m afraid mine has opted out a while back -- but I’ll do my best.” They were running out of time, and she knew it. Every second ticked by and with that, every decimal percentage for them coming out of this successful dissipated. Pressing her lips together, she took a good look around, the lights above their head shone brilliantly -- a pure white color to it, not a tinge of yellow. Which was surprising in this time period. Almost...fluorescent. “....there is definitely a greater power source in use here in this facility... The only reason it's gained so much attention as it has is for its technological marvels... Which I don’t believe came about naturally...” Alien, perhaps? That was the first go to in possibilities for explaining things that did not make sense. And then there was...
“I remember overhearing one of the guards talking about a recent remodel, which was very last minute. If we found the schematics for this remodel, then perhaps we could find the location of this much more powerful source. One they’ve made sure to hide.”
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of ‘not trying.’ I tried with all my heart.
Louise Brooks in Looking for Lulu (via wordsnquotes)
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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     main verse --  timeline┊i’m not anyone anymore just a ghost
romana’s fifth incarnation, she travels time and space through the use of time lord technology, a time ring. she will sometimes refer to herself as ASTRA HEXA, as she is thought to have perished within the TIME WAR and prefers to keep her survival known only to those she trusts. her mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be, which is a sore subject for her, due to the damage inflicted by rassilon during her previous incarnation. her opinion of the time lords, her people, is filled with disappointment, bitterness, and shame. she’s determined to make up for what the time lords lacked; caring of the universe and Time itself. ( natalie dormer fc. )
open to most fandoms, especially those dealing with sci fi but not limited. crossovers are welcomed and loved. like this post for a starter / follow. 
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meddlesomeminx · 7 years
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Louise Brooks, King of Gamblers (Publicity Still), 1937  
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