miguelsfangservice · 23 days
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader Warnings: Angst/comfort, fame has caused reader a lot of pressure and insecurities. Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere. No, he is not losing it (yet); it's just that it’s kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you? Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend, after all.
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The days after the whole drama with Ashley are nothing but a PR nightmare, everyone gets slandered and just a whole war has started in comment sections all over social media; Miguel tries to distract you by trying to make you go to the HQ with him, but you are hell bent on staying home and, eventually, giving up and reading comments online about the hiatus your company announced just hours after the incident.
Most people are blaming the company, but many others go straight for your throat; and they attack the biggest insecurities you had since you decided to leave the group for a while and go solo.
Some of the girls that used to be your teammates reach out and try to comfort you, cursing Ashley under their breath and trying to make you feel better about the whole ordeal.
But nor Miguel’s or their words work to make you feel ok.
There’s a few comments that catch your eye while having breakfast with Miguel one morning a few weeks after the announcement:
<<Looks like #Y/N couldn't handle the pressure after all. Always thought she was just riding on the coattails of the group. Solo career? More like solo failure.>>
<< It's sad to see #Y/N crash and burn like this. Guess she wasn't as talented as she thought she was. #SoloFlopped #Embarrassing.>>
Another one, with about a thousand likes says:
<<Who does #Y/N think she is, anyway? Leaving the group was the biggest mistake of her life. Now she's just another idol desperately trying to stay relevant. #Pathetic #GroupWasBetterWithoutHer>>.
You try to keep scrolling, tears pooling around your eyes. Miguel notices right away, he could see you getting pale and quiet while staring at the holographic display on your wrist.
He puts his hand on top of it, blocking whatever you were reading from you.
“You need to stop” he whispers. “Reading idiotic comments online won’t help”.
You nod, not looking at him, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within you; from sadness, to anger, to defeat and some bitterness towards Miguel. But the rational part of you and, above all, the love you have for him has been keeping you from lashing out on Miguel.
He’s been postponing his Spiderman things to hang up with you at home, but every time he had to leave the room to receive a call from his comrades you knew he was needed, which made you feel a bit guilty.
“You’re right” you put your hand on top of his. “It’s just hard not to… it feels like there’s an itch in my brain and the only way I can alleviate is by reading all that”.
Just when he is about to reply, someone starts calling him; Miguel curses, taps something on his watch and mutters ‘sorry’.
“Miggy, you need to get out of those pajamas and go be a hero”
“It’s fine, I­- Peter’s got everything under control”.
“That thing has been blowing up for the past few days; he may have it under control but maybe he needs a hand, love”
Miguel hangs his head a bit, defeated.
“This is my fault and I don’t know how to fix it”
“If you want to help me, I just need your support and trust on whatever decision I make” you try not to sound angry at him, but there’s probably an edge to your voice that he notices, because he lets go of your hand and tenses. “That’s what I need from you, Miggy; I know that even with what happened back at the company you were just trying to help, but I think what I need the most right now is you supporting me, even from afar while you help save the day.”
Miguel’s expression softens as he listens to your words, but still with a pang of guilt stabbing at his heart. He knows he hasn't been handling things perfectly; Miguel is aware his sanity is constantly hanging by a tread and that seeing you struggling with the pressure and schedule was just too much.
"I'm sorry” he murmurs, reaching out to cup your face gently. "I've been so focused on trying to fix things that I forgot to just be there for you, I guess I forget I don’t have to intervene on everything..."
You nod, a small smile tugging at your lips. "You have your hands full with several universes, you don’t need to carry my problems too, you know?"
Miguel nods, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you for understanding, cielo. But please know that I'm here for you, always. Even if I can't fix everything, I'll do my best to support you… without making another scene, I hope."
You lean into his touch, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over you. "I know you will, Miggy. And just knowing that you're here for me means the world, with a dramatic scene at my job and all."
In comfortable silence, the weight of the world seems to lift off your shoulders, if only for a moment. You find solace in Miguel's presence, grateful for his unwavering support. But despite the temporary reprieve, you know that the battle against the hurtful comments and relentless pressure is far from over; when he leaves to save the world, you’ll stay at the apartment with no one to stop you from reading, to keep you from your own negative thoughts.
“You should come with me today.” Miguel suddenly breaks the silence, he walks to your bathroom and opens the faucet. “I know you refused the last hundred times I asked but… I really would help you to meet them, it will take your mind away from all that”.
The idea of accompanying him to the headquarters has crossed your mind before, but the thought of facing the other spiders and being surrounded by the chaos of his world always filled you with anxiety; sneaking into the HQ had felt safer.
 You already did not feel good enough for your world, much less for a world full of superhumans.
But now, as you look at Miguel coming out of the bathroom with his face wet from washing it, a hopeful yet hesitant expression, you find yourself considering his suggestion. Maybe, just maybe, it could be a welcomed distraction from the constant onslaught of negative comments and thoughts.
Taking a deep breath, you finally nod, a small smile playing at your lips. "Okay, Miggy. I'll go with you today."
Miguel's eyes light up with genuine joy, a light you are sure no one has seen in years… only you. He is suddenly crossing the room to pull you into a tight embrace. "Thank you, cielo. I promise, it'll be good for both of us. But if they don’t let you breath you just need to tell me and I’ll…"
“Make a scene?”
He groans, embarrassed and you can’t help but laugh at his slightly rose tinted cheeks.
As you cling to him, a sense of relief washes over you. Maybe stepping out of your comfort zone and facing the world outside your apartment is exactly what you need right now.
Every time you step into the HQ you can’t help but gawk at what Miguel has built. And you always get a sense of warmth in your heart, knowing he has people that goes through the same things he goes through…things that you can’t fully understand, no matter how much you want to; so it’s good he can go to his friends when you can’t help him with stuff like this.
This time, you enter the HQ without hiding, you go through the lobby and, just as you thought not everyone here would know who you are, you see in the corner of your eye, a Spiderman saying something to another one, looking directly at you, which has others doing the same.
You want to lower your head, a little embarrassed but as you are about to do it, you look at Miguel.
He always holds his head high, no matter what. And you notice how different he looks in this context, with all this amazing super heroes looking up to him and his leadership; even with the whole Miles fiasco, he was able to amend his bad choices and regain his peoples trust.
Seeing him walk proud around the place he has built with blood, sweat and tears makes you feel a bit better.
If Miguel can walk proudly, so can you. Specially while you are by his side.
As you continue walking, more super heroes start noticing and you can see some of them reacting like just regular fans; it’s cute seeing the lenses on their suits doing a half moon downturn, indicating their smiles.
Feeling a surge of determination, you straighten your posture and walk alongside Miguel with newfound confidence. Despite the curious glances and whispered conversations happening around you, you hold your head high, mirroring Miguel's unwavering pride.
As you make your way through the HQ, you can't help but marvel at the incredible diversity of the so called “Spider-Verse”. Each superhero you pass exudes strength and resilience, their unique abilities a testament to the countless battles they've fought to protect their respective universes. And, obviously, you can’t forget but admire their suits and gadgets you know they must make with all the love and care of the world.
“You got quite a few fans around here, you know?” he murmurs in your ear as he swings with you in his arms around the place; you make the mistake of looking down, it makes you dizzy and you have to press your body tighter to his, Miguel chuckles. “It all began with Hobie and then Miles spread your music here like wildfire.”
“Kids got a good a taste” you say smugly, but with a pink tint in your cheeks. It’s good to know that you got some support.
"And they have excellent taste indeed," Miguel agrees, his voice filled with pride. "But then again, how could they not be fans of yours? Your music has a way of touching people's hearts, no matter what universe they're from."
“Miguel, you adorable sap” You hear Peter yell behind you. Miguel groans and rolls his eyes. “Hello, miss. Nice to see you again.”
“Hi, Mr. Parker” you reply with a smile.
Peter makes a fake wounded sound. “Please, please no “Mister”, makes me feel old”
“That’s because you are” Miguel tells him just when you finally land on the hallway leading to Miguels office, you keep walking alongside him, but much closer when you start seeing all the anomalies in their respective cages. Some of them eye you up and down, as if you were the prey. If they were to break free, you know you would be. “Now we need to get to work, Parker.”
“Everything is under control; you shouldn’t be back from your days off so soon”
“If everything is under control why Jess wont’s stop sending messages and calling? So has Margo.” Miguel counters, his tone serious.
Before Peter can respond, an urgent message comes through on Miguel's communicator. His expression shifts, a mixture of concern and determination crossing his features. "We've got trouble," he says, glancing at you. "A Venom anomaly has been detected. I need to go with the others to check it out."
You nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Be careful," you tell him, squeezing his hand reassuringly. Your heart starts beating up fast; Miguel has told you a few things about the type of things he fights, so you are aware of how dangerous a venom anomaly can be.
Miguel nods, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he turns to Peter. "Keep an eye on things her, Parker. We'll be back soon."
With that, Miguel rushes off, leaving you and Peter standing in the hallway, the weight of the impending danger hanging heavy in the air.
“Are you hungry?” Peter asks, trying to sound cheery again, but you can sense his concern. “There’s some really juicy ‘Migueburgers’ in the cafeteria”
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miguelsfangservice · 6 months
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader Warnings: Angst/comfort, fame has caused reader a lot of pressure and insecurities. Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere. No, he is not losing it (yet); it's just that it’s kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you? Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend, after all.
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The way home is awkward, at best. Usually, when Miguel had time to pick you up he would convince you to swing with him to your shared apartment, but now he walked alongside you, never letting go of your hand, caressing your skin under his fingers once very few minutes.
You knew he was anxious about the whole ordeal and, honestly? Even though you would rarely get angry at him, a part of you felt some bitterness towards Miguel.
“I did not mean to behave that way I did  in front of everyone” he mutters.
“Miguel, I don’t want to talk about this now, please­…”
“Cielo, no, we need to talk about this now, alright? I know I messed up by bringing the subject at that time but I don’t think I regret it.”
“Seriously, Miguel? I’m probably getting benched for god knows how long and that’s all you have to say for yourself!?”
You are face to face with him know or, well, with his damn height more like head to chest. People have started walking around both of you after you decided to release your hand from his hold and stop walking.
“No, of course I feel bad for the damn outcome but I don’t regret telling Ashley what she needed to hear!” you can tell he’s trying not to yell too loud as to not attract too much attention.
“I’m not a child, Miguel! I could have handled this myself and privately!”
You can feel your blood start boiling when he lets out a disbelieved chuckle, rolling his eyes and putting both his hands inside his pockets; Miguel looks down and gently shakes his head.
“And when were you exactly planning to do that?” Miguel raises his head to look at you and the harsh expression on his face makes you shiver a bit. “When you let yourself hit rock bottom so they could get their money?”
“Miguel­— “
“I was not lying back there, you know?” he visibly relaxes and tears spring to your eyes once more when you remember what Miguel said to Ashley, you knew, deep down, he was right; she was manipulating you…but the worst part was that you were letting her do it. “You are more than enough, if they can’t possibly see that it’s their loss, not yours. You are way too good to conform to just this one company and Ashley knows that, acting like you are the one who should be grateful to be working with them and not the other way around.”
Miguel’s heart breaks even more at seeing your state, your bitten raw lips, shaky hands and bags under your eyes. He puts his right hand over your cheek and caresses it, you close your eyes and lean into his touch.
You feel weird, sweaty and sobbing like a kid in the middle of a street full of people, but Miguel’s rough hand spread a delicious and comforting warmth all over your body; the best way you could describe what Miguel’s touch makes you feel is that of coming back home and nuzzling yourself into your comfy bed after a long and cold day out.
He’s definitely your weakness but also your biggest strength, no one could ever disarm you the way he does.
Extending your arms towards him like a child wanting to be held, Miguel moves his hands towards your waist and pulls you towards his body; with your face to his chest, you let yourself cry as much as you want to, choosing to forget everything and everybody else.
“Let’s go eat something and then you’ll probably need a good long day of sleep” he whispers softly, caressing your hair.
“I think I’ll need a shower first; I feel gross.” you mumble against Miguel’s chest and he chuckles.
“You don’t smell that bad--”
You feel Miguel freeze, which makes you open your eyes and look towards the voice calling him.
Peter B. Parker was half joking when he told Jess he believed Miguel to be dating someone, so him following Miguel around was more or so to kill some time, Peter really did not think he would end up finding something interesting.
But, oh boy, he could not have been prepared for the scene before his eyes. The ice cream Peter had purchased a few minutes ago melting on his hand as he looked at the couple hugging in the middle of the street as if they were on a romantic movie.
Miguel looks at him as if Peter had caught him stealing something, but his shock is quickly replaced with visible anger, which lets Parker know he is in so much trouble; it truly seemed like a funny idea to follow Miguel around for a bit to see what was up with him, but now? Yeah, no, he probably preferred to be fighting Rhino or anyone else right now.
“What the shock are you doing here, Peter?”
Peter stammers, trying to find the right words. "I...uh, wasn’t spying or anything. I just happened to be in the neighborhood, you know? And, uh, I saw you guys hugging, so, I thought I'd say hi. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, you know?"
You shift uncomfortably, feeling a mixture of emotions – from the lingering frustration of your earlier argument to the awkwardness of being caught in this intimate moment by an unexpected spectator.
“Oh” when you lock eyes with Peter he gives you a nervous smile and waves at you. “Um—Your ice cream is dripping.”
Miguel sighs, he knew he did not want this relationship to remain a secret from his friends forever, but this was not the way he wanted them to find out. Leave it to Peter to make things harder for him, it even surprises him he did not bring Mayday with him to spy on his boss.
“I’m Peter, by the way... and you are?”
You can’t help but laugh a bit at his nervousness, you shake his hand and when you tell Peter your full name something seems to click in his head.
Peter's eyes widen in surprise as he processes your words. "Wait, you're the one Hobie has been talking about? The musician?" His nervous smile turns into a genuine one, and he seems to relax a bit.
You nod, the tension easing as you find common ground. "Yep, that's me. I guess my music has made its way into Spider-HQ gossip."
Peter laughs, scratching the back of his head. "Well, yeah. Hobie's a huge fan. He's been trying to get me into it too, but I'm more of a classic rock kind of guy."
Miguel clears his throat, bringing the attention back to the present situation. "As fascinating as this conversation is, Peter, we were kind of in the middle of something before you, supposedly, ‘stumbled’ upon us."
"Right, right. Sorry about that. I'll just... leave you two to it. But uh, you should definitely visit us at the HQ sometime soon, I’m sure everyone would be excited to meet you."
“Sure, although, I’ve already visited the HQ a few times but it wouldn’t hurt to do it formally now, right?”
“Oh, so Miguel here was sneaking you into the HQ” he seems to forget Miguel is pissed off with him when he throws a playful smile towards him, but realizes his mistake soon when his boss almost growls at him. “Well—It was nice meeting you, Y/N!”
As Peter awkwardly makes his exit, you turn to Miguel with a playful smirk. "Well, that went better than expected, didn't it? I guess our relationship is officially out in the open now."
Miguel nods, squeezing your hand. "I didn't plan for it to happen like this but let's just roll with it."
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miguelsfangservice · 7 months
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader
Warnings: Angst/comfort, fame has caused reader a lot of pressure and insecurities.
Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere.
No, he is not losing it (yet); it's just that it’s kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you?
Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend, after all.
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“I’m telling you, he’s been seeing someone” Peter chants while gently bouncing Mayday on his arms, trying to soothe her enough to fall asleep. “That or there’s something super shady going on with him”
“Why are those the only two options for him according to you?” Jessica questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Those are the extremes of all the situations I could imagine for Miguel.”
“Him dating someone is something extreme for him, Peter, really?”
“Ok, you know what?” he rolls his eyes, and looks at Jess completely offended by her refusal to help him figure out what’s happening with their boss. “If he’s not seeing anyone, his behavior is still kind of worrying, don’t you think? Like, even while talking about all the stressing stuff about our work, he seems worried about something else. Miguel does NOT worry about anything else BUT work, Jess. You gotta admit that.”
“It’s just…” she whispers, looking away from Peter, unsure. “It feels kind of out of character from him, don’t you think?”
“I guess so, but maybe he got tired of…you know, the loneliness of the job.” Peter says looking down to see Mayday finally asleep, he smiles and thinks about his friend, of how much he would like to have something like what him and Jess have. “He deserves to have someone who’s there for him when he goes home.”
Jess smiles, thinking about her family, about the warmth that comes after a long day saving her New York and other universes.
“We should ask hi—”
“We clearly need to spy on him”
Miguel entered the apartment with a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the night's events on his shoulders, it’s been hours and the sun is starting to rise in the horizon, but there’s still some left-over adrenaline. All he wants is to get on the bed and hug you, he knows both need that.
The sight of the scattered clothes in the bedroom and half-finished breakfast worries him. Everything your company (specially that annoying manager of yours) is making you do isn’t healthy, it’s going to harm you sooner or later and he needs to find a way to stop it.
Miguel is used to deal with a hundred Peter Parker’s stubbornness, he knows his way around most of them…but with someone who mirrors his own stubbornness? No way in hell that, if he tried to dissuade you to leave the company, it would go well between the two.
Besides, this is his first relationship in years. He doesn’t want to mess this up, he needs you so bad to the point Miguel feels like he could die if anything were to go wrong, separating you from him.
It’s not healthy, he’s aware of that.  But years of trauma and solitude had taken their toll in several aspects of his life, especially in the relationship-love department.
He broodingly picks up the clothes and finishes your breakfast, then goes to bed and tries to get some sleep…tries and tries for what feels like hours, but he can’t stop thinking about you.
You were probably exhausted, hungry and stressed out of your mind.
Miguel looks at the clock on the wall, at 1:00 p.m. he knows you get your one and only break of the day. Miguel can visit you then, bring you some food and try to cheer you up, maybe if he’s nice enough with godawful Ashley she could let him stay for the rehearsals.
It’s not a secret that Miguel despises her and he knows you do too, so, it makes him feel a bit guilty to think that, out of all the people in your and his life, Ashley is the one who knows about your relationship.
You had told him it would make it easier for him to get into the building if she knew, instead of having him sneaking around after long exhausting days saving the multiverse.
Deep down, he recognized the same could apply to his people at the HQ. Especially Jess and Peter, who could probably give him decent relationship advice.
With those thoughts on his mind, he changed clothes, took the keys of the apartment and headed to your workplace.
Ashley leads him through the building, trough tons of hallways covered in mirrors.
“Dios, qué asfixiante es este lugar.” ( God, this place is so suffocating) He mumbles.
Miguel politely smiles and shakes his head. Ashley keeps walking in front of him.
She kept talking about how much your effort was benefiting the company, backhanded praises and just saying stuff Miguel felt bitter about, he knew that even if she was telling him good things about you, she did not mean them, Miguel was aware of how bossy and cruel she could be to you if her demands were not reached.
“If only your girl could up her game, you know?” she was using an upbeat tone, but Miguel was not stupid, he could sense pettiness in her voice.” Lose some weight and be on time she could ready for something more.”
Miguel couldn’t help but scuff and clench his fists.
“I think we both know she’s already more without any of what you mention she supposedly needs to do.” Miguel's response was laced with a sharp edge, his tone far from the usual 'normal citizen Miguel' as you liked to call it. Instead, it resembled the 'mean boss Miguel' that you sometimes reprimanded him for when he took annoying calls from Peter. “She has prepared herself for this her whole life, she’s more than ready for it, she’s already doing more than enough, wouldn’t you say?”
He kept walking, Miguel could see the door to the rehearsal room so he decided to ignore her silence and the few seconds Ashley stopped right on her tracks, watching him walk away from her.
Miguel was about to knock on the door, your sweaty and exhausted self-opened the door. Your eyes grew big and a smile started to appear on your chapped lips; Miguel tried to offer you a warm smile, but seeing how pale and absolutely tired you were clenched his heart, his mind aching to do something, anything to take you away from this place.
“Miggy, what are you doing here?”
“I thought maybe we could find some nice place to eat on your break, cielo.” He can feel Ashley’s presence behind him and he confirms she has catch up with him when your eyes divert to her.
“I’m sorry, love. I- I have to finish this one, but we could eat together tonight, right?” you whisper, your gaze nervously diverting to Ashley. Miguel looks over his shoulder and catches your manager practically giving you a death glare before shifting her attention to Miguel and forcing a tight smile.
Miguel had enough.
“You did not finish your breakfast and barely got any sleep” he hisses. Miguel does not intend to make you think he’s angry with you, but his anger towards the situation is threatening to overtake his rational side and with all the bitterness he can muster without fully showing his anger he says: “Even Ashley here can tell with how pale and shaky you are, although it wouldn’t be convenient for her to admit it.”
“I don’t think I like whatever nonsense you’re implying here” Ashley retorted, her face red with contained anger.
“You know exactly what I’m saying here, stop manipulating her!”
“Miguel, enough! I’m fine! I’m not even hungry—”
“You need to understand, you may not be feeling bad right now, but if you keep this up it’s going to do more damage than good, you know that, right?” Miguel softens his voice, moving closer to you.
He feels his stomach drop when you step away from him.
“Cielo, this place, this people” he almost hisses those words, pointedly looking at Ashley. “Cannot be the only way to get what you want, please…I’ll help you find a way, trust me with this. You’re talented, hard worker—”
“Stop” you whisper, you don’t even have the energy to stop your tears. You look around and there’s people looking at the scene now.
“You are enough, love. Don’t let them tell you otherwise just so they can fill their bags with money!”
You can hear the desperation in his voice, his eyes pleading. But it’s all too much, his words, the whispers of those who know nothing about you, about Miguel… and the relentless stare of Ashley, of this damn company that gave a nobody like you a chance to fulfill your dreams.
Overwhelmed, you felt the emotional weight of the moment bearing down on you.
“Leave, Miguel, please”
Your heart hurts at Miguel’s utterly devastated face. Even with the mental fog the stress is giving you, you are quick to regret your words, he was only trying to help, and while this wasn't the best approach, you know feelings are hard for him.
Miguel composes himself, gives you a nod and starts walking away.
“Miggy, wait—.”
“You need to leave too.”
You turn to look at Ashley, to people who didn’t know her, the expression on her face denoted nothing…but most of your day was spend with her and you knew that look.
Not only were you frightened, but you also felt completely humiliated, you felt like a child being scolded by its mother.
How in the world could you end up like this?
Behind Ashley, you look at your reflection.
Really looked at your reflection, for the first time, not to judge your body or your dance moves, but to actually see what they were making of you.
You felt a familiar warmth engulf your tiny hand compared to his. Looking up, you saw Miguel looking at Ashley solemnly, you imagined this was the expression he made when he gave orders to the hundreds of heroes under his command.
“Let’s go, cielo. You need to rest.”
A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long! I was having a hard time writing this cuz I didn't know what direction i wanted all of this to take. But I hope everyone can enjoy this! I'll love to hear your thoughts!
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miguelsfangservice · 8 months
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader
Warnings: Angst/comfort, fame has caused reader a lot of anxiety.
Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere.
No, he is not losing it (yet); it's just that it’s kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you?
Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend, after all.
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When Miguel arrived home, he was greeted by certain scent. He stayed at the door for a few seconds, it had been years since he had eaten that, he never really had the time to truly do them by himself and, while the cafeteria at HQ sometimes served them, the first time he tried those Miguel wasn’t fond of them at all.
“Migs?” he heard you calling from the kitchen. “You’re home early!”
“…Yeah, there wasn’t much to do, surprisingly.” He whispered; Miguel hurried towards the kitchen. “What are you…?”
Miguel couldn’t finish his sentence, as you blocked his path before he could enter the kitchen.
“Top secret, Miguelito” you said, a playful smile lighting up your face
He chuckled at the nickname, you kind of struggled sometimes with it and he found that to be a bit endearing.
“You know I can smell it right?”
“Fine” You sighed and exaggeratedly dropped your shoulders. “To be honest, I was trying to surprise you but I’m not even halfway done”.
As you began walking back to the stove, he grabbed your arm and drew you towards him, your body flushed to his. Miguel couldn’t help but smile at the blush in your cheeks.
“I’m not the best cook, but I do kind of remember how to make some pozole.”
“Nope, I’m the one who came up with the idea, I want to finish this.” you protest, he rolls his eyes and fights off a laugh.
“Let’s make it a team effort.” Miguel caresses you from your hair to your face, you try playfully to brush his hand off. “We make it together; we enjoy it together. That is if we don’t completely mess it up.”
“Please, have more faith in my culinary skills; if I wasn’t dancing and singing for people’s enjoyment then I would be gracing their paladars with my cooking.”
“Sure” he says mockingly, walking past you towards the half-cut onion you left on the counter.
As you saw him hunch over the counter, looking huge in this tiny kitchen, in this tiny apartment you had gotten together, you felt like you could drop in one knee and ask him to marry you.
It might sound ridiculous, but you had been feeling like that every time he did something around the place; you knew for sure you wanted to grow old with that man right next to you.
 “Cielo…what is it?” He asks, you can see a bit of concern on his features, so you smile and hug him from behind, burying your face on his back.
“I was just wondering how the hell aren’t you crying with that damn onion?”
Granted, he had to teach you and fix some of your mistakes while cooking pozole and you realized that the tutorials you were following didn’t look as appetizing as you first thought. What Miguel had cooked looked way better and more accurate.
Now that you were finally eating it, you both were practically moaning at every bite.
“God” you began, mouthful. “Maybe you should fight evil one pozole at a time, If I were a Doc Oc I would definitely drop my evil plans to taste this”.
He laughs a little at that, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. Your heart stops for a second, he looks so good doing that...being carefree and just himself without the burden of being Spider-man.
After finishing, you pick up the table and put the dirty dishes on the sink. When you come back, he’s sitting on the couch, you walk towards him and he motions for you to sit on his lap; you have to roll your eyes at him and how corny he can be sometimes, he grabs your hands and leads you towards him.
Before he can actually sit you on his lap, you open your arms and engulf him (as much as you can ‘engulf’ a 6’9 man) in a hug, his head resting on the crook of your shoulders.
“How was your day?” he asks. Usually, when you are both having a good time together and don’t want to be disrupted by your day-to-day life’s, you try not to ask each other about your respective days, it usually led to remembering how absurd your work life can be, the stress that comes with it.
Miguel looks at your face carefully, he had noticed how pale and tired you looked since the moment he stepped into that kitchen. He tries not to be obvious in his concern for you, he’s aware that you hate worrying him, but Miguel has told you several times how impossible it’s for him not to worry about you and your wellbeing, after all, you also do that for him when he neglected his health while trying to keep the multiverse afloat.
He sees your whole-body tense at the question and the alarms immediately go off in his head, but Miguel tries to keep a calm demeanor.
“It’s just…” you began, fidgeting with your fingers, not being able to look at his face. “They are giving me a hard time with the schedule”
“What do you mean?”
“Ashley thinks I’m sleeping too much and that makes me show up late to the rehearsals, so she’s helping me adjust my time at home so I could—”
“Cielo, that’s ridiculous” he protests. “You’re never late, you know I make sure of that; we are always there almost half an hour early. She doesn’t even arrive to the damn building until well past 10 a.m!”
“She thinks I could arrive early and improve—”
“And it’s completely deranged of her to even try to manage even your personal time.”
“Ash is just trying to help, if it wasn’t for her I—”
“Oh, mhm.” He lets out a sarcastic chuckle and you wince at that. He’s upset, not with you, but you hate stressing him out because of this. “Trying to help by putting your health at risk?”
“It will be just a few hours less of sleep, Migs, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal; you can’t downplay this—”
“Miguel, come on, you and me both know that I’m not the only one sacrificing hours of sleep for our work.” At this point, you have separated from him, he’s still on the couch while you are nervously pacing the room, concern etched on his face.
“But you are already good at everything they’ve asked of you, Y/N!”
“Miguel, you don’t know how this works!” you yell, it’s frustrating how much he’s trying to protect you sometimes. He can’t possibly understand, he can’t; tears well up in your eyes, your hands are shaking and the years of pressure and all the rules of the industry that have been drill into your brain surface. “It's not just about talent; it's about maintaining that level of success. If I slip up even once, there are a hundred others waiting to take my place!”
Silence fills the room as you stare at each other.
Miguel’s heart is aching, your trembling lips and the tears now falling from your eyes make him clench his jaw in frustration. As you push past the tightness in your throat to try to speak again, Miguel gets up from the couch and embraces you.
“I-I appreciate your concern, Miguel, you know I do, but—"
Miguel’s watch lights up, showing tiny Lyla wearing pink colored pajamas, acting as if she just had woken up from a nap.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, I know you, surprisingly, have a social life just as the rest of the spiders but you’ll need to pause that for tonight, you are needed at HQ.” She says yawning and then looking you up and down, she gives you a big smile and gets inches close to your face. “Is it a bad time to ask for an autograph? A selfie?”
“Lyla—” Miguel sighs, defeated and you can see how tired he looks too. You wriggle out of his arms and raise a brow; he knows exactly what you are thinking. “This is different, cielo, I’m used to this, my body is practically made for me to keep going in conditions like this…”
“Miguel, just— Come back in one piece, ok?”
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miguelsfangservice · 8 months
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader
Warnings: Negative and positive stereotypes about the industry (idk, probably later in the story), and not the best english lol (sorry in advance). Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere. No, he is not loosing it (yet); it's just that its kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you? Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend,after all.
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“The first time you hear it it may seem shallow, but I’m telling you,bro,when you pay close attention  it’s one of the best pieces of art depicting the oppression of individuals for expressing their sexuality, y’know what i mean.”
An awkward silence settled in the room before Pavitr and Miles let out some nervous chuckles.
“I thought it was a love story” Miguel's ears hurt just by hearing Pavitr retort with his mouth full of god knows what..
“...I’ve listened to it a couple of times and I have to agree with Pav.”
Before Hobie could open his mouth to reaffirm his earlier claim, Miguel slammed his fists on his desk.
“Do I need to remind all of you we are trying to have a serious discussion here?”
Silence. For at least a few seconds before Pavitr can’t resist anymore and turns to Hobie once more.
“What part of the song are you referring to, because I think-”
“It’s specially obvious at 1:30 when she sings-”
“Get out- If you’re not taking this problem seriously,OUT”
“ But I'm…” Miles tries to argue back, but at this point and with how exhausted Miguel is, he just doesn’t care about whatever they have to say.
While leaving his office, Hobie and Pavitr still have the absolute audacity to continue their discussion in hushed voices (mostly Pavitr, Hobie does not care if Miguel hears him”; Miles doesn’t speak again but Miguel can see him trying to hide his amusement.
If Miguel had eaten anything, if he had gotten enough sleep or, most importantly, if he had seen you at least once today, he miiiiiiiight’ve been in a better mood to confirm that yes, Hobie was right, it was kind of your intention to convey those themes in your last single.
He would know, he was there giving you feedback  and taking care of you when you put your heart and soul into writing that song.
Also, even if he had the mood to discuss it with those kids, he wouldn’t try his luck and let them get suspicious enough for them to put everything together and figure out he’s been dating you for over a year now.
Miguel wouldn’t hear the end of it if any of the spiders knew about their huge and scary boss dating the “pop divinity”, the “fan´s delight”. Besides, it would get a lot harder for you to sneak into the HQ to spend some time together after your rehearsals or just when about every spider went home.
Although, he couldn't deny he was getting tired of keeping the relationship a secret; he hated hiding to every person he deemed close to him the fact that he wanted to spend the rest of his miserable (and probably very short) life with you.
But he knew you were not quite ready yet. Not until you were able to live with the fact that yes, your boyfriend is Spiderman, and he’s not only putting his life and sanity at risk in your universe, but also putting an unimaginable burden on his shoulders by trying to keep several other universes safe.
You already had a lot on your plate with the sudden burst of fame and all the work you were putting into creating your first solo album.
Sometimes, Miguel kinda wished you were still doing activities with your girl group, it put a lot less pressure on you and your health. But he felt guilty just for thinking about it.
This was your dream, having your own solo activities, showing the world your songs and what you were capable of. And he was so proud of you, so happy to see your face light up after you finished writing a song or when you learned a difficult choreography. 
Miguel O’hara had the heart of steel to do a lot of harsh things, to take the decisions no one else wanted to take for the sake of hundreds of universes and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to see your sad face if he ever questioned what you were doing to achieve your dreams.
“Lyla, I'll be calling it a night. Got to get home.”
Just when he was about to exit, she appeared right in front of him with a huge magnifying glass in which he could see her eye getting bigger, examining him; Miguel grunted and tried to brush her off as if she was a bug
“This early? Who are you and what did you do with my boss? I’m gonna put the emergency lockdown if you don’t answer me right now-”
“I’m trying to recall at what point of your creation I made you this damn noisy.” he hissed, walking faster and then swinging away from her. “Besides, no te hagas tonta (don't act dumb), you know damn well where I’m going and with who.”
“And I appreciate the trust you put in me by telling me your secret–” she started saying, solemnly.
“We both know I didn’t have much of a choice.”
“But, as your best friend and the one who knows you best–”
“Firstly, I don’t have a best friend and secondly, the one who knows me best is Y/N, not you!” Miguel interrupted and pointed a finger at her, trying to poke her, but his complaints were ignored as Lyla continued with her ramblings.
“I think I have enough authority in your life to give you some well needed love advice” Miguel couldn’t help but snort at the ‘authority’ affirmation.
At this point he decided to completely ignore her voice and focus on getting to your shared home; it had been a long day and all he wanted to do was bury his face in your shoulder and try to sleep with his girl by his side.
A/N: Well, this is my first fanfic for the fandom. If you liked this, please, consider following, leaving a comment, like or reblog, I would really really appreciate it, specially cuz I'm not sure if anyone would like to read more about this.
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