mik0blue · 2 months
I keep seeing stuff about a "Boop meter" Also Hi its the anon who always asks questions!
Helloo! Hope you’re doing good! it’s been a while since I posted something here 😅
Yeah I have seen that too! I'm not sure what that is :7
I missed answering your questions! and just being here around I love tumblr so much 🥹✨
I want to spend more time here, sadly I’ve been busy this couple months but hopefully I can get things done soon and make more stuff to post 🥺
Thanks again for your questions ^^
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mik0blue · 2 months
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Raph cuz he is my favorite :]
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mik0blue · 3 months
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I turned 22 today
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mik0blue · 4 months
Howdy! it's been awhile- BUT- THATS NOT THE POINT- If any of the tmnt iterations could have a crossover, which iterations? -Anon
Hello again :D
I would love to see the 2003 and 2012 clashing with the boys✨, specially 2012 iterations!
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I basically grew up with the 2012 series, so I’m more familiar with all the characters, I feel like out of all TMNT iterations, they would connect the best with them despite being all so different from each other.
I would like to think that 2012!Leo would be annoyed by Flamboyant Leo✨
R!Raph would made fun of 2012!Raph for being short and easily teased 😂
R!Donnie would be disappointed on 2012!Donnie for not sharing the same interests and for not having a Tech-Bo (including myself 🙄)
As for the 2003, They were my first TMNT series I ever watched as a kid
Unfortunately at that time I couldn’t see all the episodes as I would loved to, but I do remember liking Raph, Donnie and Caesy a lot! I also remember seeing the Battle Nexus episodes, there were so good! It would be awesome to see 2003 iterations fighting them!
I’m also curious to see the R!Donnie and 03!Don interact, I believe it'd be fun to see their dynamic :]
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Thanks for the ask Anon! :D
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mik0blue · 4 months
Rise Ramblings #612
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I believe that the order Piebald snatched up the boys is the same order in which they all died in the movie.
*tries not to cry*
*cries a lot*
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mik0blue · 4 months
Hello there!
I just wanted to ask you what was your favorite part of the movie?? I love your art btw
Thank you so much!!
Hmm.. good question.. Because I liked everything in the movie 😂
I really liked the part when Raph Saved Leo, I was really shocked when I saw that part for the first time.. that scene was really intense..
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But some honorable mentions for me to choose was the Apocalypse intro, Leo vs Raph and the Final Fight with the Krang 👏🏻✨
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The choreography of the fights are beautifully done, the animators and storyboard artists really put their hearts into this movie ^^ 💚 For the intro I would really loved to see that one deleted scene made it in the final version or a variation of it.. but I still liked the one they choose, in the end it’s still a really good movie ✨
Would also been great to see some concept designs of F!Raph and F!Donnie I would have loved to see them so much!! but you can’t win them all :(
But the screen time of F!Leo and F!Mickey was cool to see at least, I also liked Casey Jr, he really is Leo’s son :]
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thank you for the ask 💚💚💚
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mik0blue · 5 months
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mik0blue · 5 months
Part 1!
..of the C.A.S. animated project:D
So...this is basically a little animation test we did to see if we can replicate the style of the original show. Turns out we can haha. And now that we know that, we want to do more~
Solid Helium Lizart Lotte
Aaand I put this thing on Tiktok and YouTube :D
Also. If you want you can help me pay these people for their work by making a donation. Yes, I'm paying them. This animation wasn't made just on enthusiasm.
Quick Q&A: Yes, you can use this animation for gifs/icons/edits/headers/profile pics/redraws and other stuff. Just include the credits. Please:)
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mik0blue · 5 months
Howdy! I have-th returned! Haha! I have another question! If you could pick any episode (From rottmnt season 1 and 2 and the movie) What episode would be your favorite or do you prefer the movie? Have a lovely timezone! I need to go to sleep.- -Anon
Oh the movie would be my favorite no question about it! :D
The animation it’s just perfect!, it has an amazing soundtrack, and the story it’s just muah✨💚✨💚
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But if I had to choose from only season 1 or 2..
I would pick “Clothes don’t make the turtle” it’s such a fun episode that I have watched so many times, even for showing to someone who hasn’t watched rise, they can still watch it without context and have a good time, it’s hilarious 😂
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I really like this kind of questions, I have so much to say about rise, and hear about what you all think too! You guys are awesome!
I also love to answer to your questions! It brings me joy (^ v ^)
Thanks again for the ask! :D
Have a good night ☺️💚✨
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mik0blue · 5 months
You can’t help it! Rise it’s just too good ✨
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Rise so good frfr
So true! ☺️
I swear to god I had never got a hyperfixation in my life until I watched the show!!
✨I love rise so much! ✨
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mik0blue · 5 months
Howdy! I really like your art style! I'm here to ask a question! Who's your favorite rise character? Also... *Un-candies your corn* Uh buh-bye now! -Anon
Hii! Thank you so much!! 🥹✨
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I always wanted to try and explore on an art style like this! (still am 😅) but I’m glad people are liking it so far! 💚
Really excited to share more art of the silly boys and some comics and animatics that I’m working too! (You will see soon) 😙
As for my favorite character.. it’s Raph haha….
Idk why but in every TMNT iteration of Raphael, he always manages to be my fav.
He was always portrayed as ‘cool but rude’ but for me was more about that he had the most interesting personality of them all. And also that he was the most funniest and sassiest turtle in the TMNT franchise 😂
But talking back to rise Raph, I think this is the Raphael I like the most, I was always curious about how would Raph be as a leader instead of Leo? When rise came out I got my answer and god I love it 😭 …
He’s so sweet and supportive of his brothers and cares so much about them, he even puts himself as a shield to protect his family
He has a heart of Gold 🥹
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I just want to give this guy a hug!! 😭😭😭
Thank you for the ask!
Hope you have a great day/night! 💚 :]
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mik0blue · 5 months
205 notes on Donnie's post...
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mik0blue · 5 months
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I’m not used to this
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mik0blue · 5 months
Happy 2033- I mean 2023! Survived another year! I imagine in their 20’s of the bad timeline Leo does not appreciate Donnie’s preemptive steps in case of the unthinkable. But this is Leo so he’s still going to cope Leo style about it. First time trying this so format so apologies if it’s a little janky.
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mik0blue · 5 months
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duality of mikey
based on prompts sent to me by @donniesbrows thank you!!
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mik0blue · 5 months
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🌻 did some timed gesture drawings of the turtles!
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mik0blue · 5 months
Rise so good frfr
So true! ☺️
I swear to god I had never got a hyperfixation in my life until I watched the show!!
✨I love rise so much! ✨
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