mimiwritcs · 10 months
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Completely speachless that is so kind, thank you everyone who has lost any time of their day to catch up with my story hopefully y'all are enjoying it. I know its not the greatest or most original or most well written but I hope it helps you scape for a bit or open your imagination to run free for a bit. I know I haven't been uploading in these past two weeks, have not forgotten or ditch the story but I've been having a bit of struggle irl with many different things and I've been very overwhelmed and my mood has not been the greatest but I'm currently halfway through cpt 7 and trying to find my way back to regular on both the story and irl so thanks for sticking by, wishing you the greatest day ahead!!
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mimiwritcs · 11 months
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: apologizes if this chpt isn't the greatest, literally don't know what i did that everything got deleted and i tried to rewrite it by memory to make it justice.
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You were one of the last to arrive at the infirmary, more than once on the way Milan offered to carry you in his arms but you didn't think it was a good idea. Although you had struggled and surprised yourself at how far you got on the circuit, you knew it wouldn't be enough. Eric had warned you not to remove the dart, and you knew that even if he was not present in some way if you did he would find out. If he didn't want you to take the dart off, imagine being carried in their arms. "Thanks for everything guys, go eat before it's all gone, you've done enough." you told them when you sat on a stretcher with the doctor. "We'll bring you some leftovers and we'll come see you before training in the afternoon" Winter smiled at you as you said your goodbyes.
"Second day and we already have the infirmary full, this year you have not been late" the doctor complained but his gaze was affable. "I just hope there's another day" you complained while he took the shot you still had from Eric. "And why wasn't it going to be?" he asked you calmly while he spread a cold cream on the shot that relieved your pain. "Have you been shot anywhere else?" he asked you again. "Well, because it is the second day and I am already the most hated here. On top of that, I have put Four in a mess and they already warned us, this year they are making cuts, I would not be surprised if they made me the first for my disobedience and my lack of attitude" you explained. "Yes, in the rib too" you answered while you lifted up your shirt to give him access to work. "How come you didn't take off the other one?" he asked you. "Eric ordered me not to do it" you shrugged your shoulders while he applied the cream but since that one didn't hurt you didn't feel pain but coldness.
"Well, what I think is that if you have survived the circuit on your second day and a fight with Eric, even if you lost, you do not lack attitude. And I don't know what you have done so badly but if that were the case, you would be out already." he commented to you while examining the cut on your forehead. "You've been lucky, we won't have to do stitches on your forehead and your nose doesn't seem to be broken, just a simple haemorrhage. Of course, you're going to have a lot of bruises for the next few days. I would tell you to rest but I know it's not possible, try to avoid putting yourself in unnecessary trouble that will slow down your recovery." he ordered. "Of course, thank you doctor…" you started talking looking for a plaque with his name on his clothes. "Loftland" he answered you with a smile. "Thank you. Y/M" you introduced yourself.
"Well, let's do the following Y/M, I'm going to give you some pain pills that you take today, after lunch and dinner to help you with the pain and while your friends finish eating and they bring you some leftovers, you rest okay?" You smiled as you nodded your head as you watched him go get something and come back. "And leave this bag of ice in your stomach, will help you with the bruises" he requested as he left closing some curtains between your bed to give you some privacy. Although you were very tired, the pain did not let you sleep but lying down for a while did you good. "Hi, are you awake?" Winter asked you after half an hour later with a plate. "I bring you your food and medicine" Winter smiled at you as you made room for her to sit on your bed and you lifted her back supporting her with some cushions to eat a little.
When you had some hot food in your stomach you felt a little more out of sorts and when you took the pill you hoped it would calm your pain enough to endure the afternoon session. Suddenly you saw how Four entered the infirmary and stayed talking for a while with Dr. Loftland and looked at you. As he got closer to your area, Winter got out of bed and you both stared at him in silence. "Hello, how are you?" he asked you. "Now after eating something, better, but I would be lying if I didn't say that my whole body hurts" you smiled at him, although you were honest, there was much more. You were very afraid of being kicked out of the group and your whole body was heavy, you were very tired and you didn't know if you would be able to endure one more class with dignity. "Winter, can you leave us alone, please? The training starts in fifteen minutes, in the secondary gym, we'll catch you up" he comment and she nodded, said goodbye quickly and you were left alone. Four closed the curtain of your room giving some privacy although the infirmary was already quite empty and he stood next to the bed.
"I didn't mean for you to get beaten up without knowing how to defend yourself when I proposed to give you the book." he started to speak. "I didn't mean to put you in trouble when I asked you… or myself to be honest… are you going to throw me out?" You asked helplessly, not knowing was driving you crazy. There was nothing worse than being factionless. "Not yet, you haven't been bad at all on the circuit and it will undoubtedly affect the teammates who lost the duel against you more than it will affect yourself." you unconsciously sighed in relief, letting go of your body tense and relaxing it, resting your back on the cushion again. "I think you were right in your arguments but you have to understand that here we don't need people to memorize and vomit answers. Today you have defended yourself and attacked with some blows that I taught you the day before that you surely did not even remember that you knew before entering in the circuit. We want to speed up your mind, that you learn to retain information because when you are trapped, you are in danger, you can get out with only your attention span and agility." I explain and you agreed. "That's why Eric has also put you on the circuit, his methods are a little more extreme and orthodox than mine, but all roads lead to Rome" he added.
"Also, someone very wise once told me that joining a faction is about more than just passing initiation, you know? I wanted you to realize that there is more to it, that while you were studying like crazy, life went on at your around and you were missing it. Whether we want it or not, the initiation marks all of us, our friends, even enemies, it is important and you have shown that you have the ability to honor your position in Dauntless, don't waste it" you nodded, you didn't know why he was telling you all that and you felt that when he spoke he was transporting himself in his mind in some way, he was there but he was not there. "I understand and believe me, I realized that. It won't happen again." you promised. You felt like you were being given a second chance and you couldn't fail, not because of you but because of Four who had been more generous than necessary and to prove Eric he was wrong about you. "Come on, let's go to class and try to not embarrass yourself" he stated as he opened the curtains and waited for you to get up.
The afternoon passed exaggeratedly slow, Eric was supporting Four the whole time, who ended up Four seeming more like an intern than a trainee. They did several exercise routines for the whole body, to help you gain resistance and strength that you needed. If by itself your physical condition was not the best, after the beating this morning, you gave a lot to be desired. Although the pills had taken effect and calmed the pain enough to be able to continue the class, every little exercise you felt the pain in your body and it was hard for you to keep up or push when they asked you to. And although you hadn't had much experience with either of them, that's when you realized the different teaching methods between one and the other. Four pressured you but he had empathy and wanted to improve gradually, Eric had no compassion, he yelled in class and his teacher's theory was to terrify everyone to do as he requested. You assumed that was why one was named a professor and the other was not. Although you couldn't understand how someone so hard and cold with others could become a leader. Maybe he wouldn't be so nasty with the rest..
At the end of class, you all ran to the showers and your muscles finally relaxed when you touched the hot water. "What do you want to do this afternoon?" Winter asked you as you shrugged. "I think I'll stay resting a bit, let's see if I can even take a little nap for an hour, shall we meet in the pit in an hour, an hour and a half?" You proposed to your friend and that's how you agreed. You wished everyone had gone but a small group of guys stayed in the back talking, luckily not too loud, and you were able to fall asleep. When you woke up, you changed your clothes and went to the Pit, it was full of life. People screaming, children running, many groups separate and together at the same time. Everyone with everyone and you smiled looking at them from afar. How would you like one day to be able to mix with people, feel them as your home. "Hey, look who we have here.. Y/M" your thought broke upon hearing your name. You looked around and it was a group of initiates, there were Anderson, Clark, Ember and some of their born Dauntless initiates whose names you didn't know and a couple of the transferees. "Hello" you greeted them approaching.
"My goodness girl, everyone is talking about you and now that I see you, you don't look so bad either" Ember commented. "How fast stories fly around here" you shrugged. "Obviously what did you expect, Lauren even took us to the circuit that afternoon when she said we were going to shoot guns, I guess it was to compare us" Clark commented. "And how was it?" You curiously asked about them. "Fine, no problem" Ember quickly replied, she seemed unconcerned by the conversation, listening to several but participating in a few. "Well, although I liked the part about attacking more than not defending myself" Clark joked. "Yeah for the most part fine although you should have seen Sam, Lauren has gone hysterical and yelled at her that even you had done better so who knows maybe you'll even get out of going under the cut" Anderson joked and you thanked him.
"Is what Lauren said about me so bad?" you asked sincerely terrified. "Not that much, the one you've pissed off is Eric. Enough for him to volunteer to supervise and manage your training, even if you don't think it's all your fault, he wanted Four so much that you gave him the perfect opportunity. But between us, there's a lot of respect. You haven't done badly, but that nonsense of wanting to study the agenda and question the system… is going to take its toll for sure" Anderson commented and you appreciated his sincerity. "Of course, it will take its toll on you, we don't create rebels here, questioning an order for wanting to make you smart can take its toll on many occasions, they are the ones who know, you have to listen to them, period" Ember commented.
"So Four and Eric don't get along very well huh" you commented out loud but more to yourself than the others. "Yeah last year at his initiation they were the dog and the cat. The two transferred and the two best in the class, despite the fact that Four always beat him. They tried to recruit Four for leadership but I don't know what happened to In the end they chose Eric under all odds" explained Clark. "Both of them are transferees? I had no idea" you commented surprised, they seemed 100% with the attitude of someone born here, you supposed that this made you practice and it gave you hope for one day you would seem as safe and integrated into your faction as they were, if you made it through the cut. "God Y/M and you were Erudition and you didn't want to find out everything around here?" I tell you about a boy whose name you didn't know. "No, I've already told you I'm not Erudition, I was born there but I belong here, like you. I don't care about their past, I care that they are my teacher and my leader and how good they are at their job" you commented closing the topic.
"But hey, let's change the subject… nice haircut" you commented to the guys you knew because they had invited you the previous afternoon to go with them. "Right? You could be just as cool if you hadn't gotten into trouble," Clark teased. "What if, what if, that we don't return to the same topic, do you think I could go tomorrow?" Asked. "And who would accompany you? You need a member to go out" they commented. "Calm down, look, that's the hairdresser over there, talk to her to see if she can help you" she offered, pointing to a woman who was in a group talking and you went over to see.
"Hello, excuse me, excuse me for interrupting, my name is Y/M, have they told me that you are the hairdresser?" you said interrupting while she nodded and separated you from the group. "Yes, I'm Hanna, you're an initiate right? What a face, hard day?" she asked you nicely. "What am I going to tell you, yes, I was going to come tomorrow with Anderson and other boys but things got complicated. I'm looking forward to cutting this hair, could you tomorrow?" you explained. "Yes, you could come in the afternoon, after training. Do you have someone to drive you?" she asked you while she took out a mini diary to write down the appointment you assumed. "The truth is that no" you shrugged. "Well, don't worry, I'll talk to Shauna or Bud, who are on the same schedule as you, to see if someone can come and bring you." she offered you "Thank you very much, I won't bother you anymore, see you tomorrow" you said goodbye as you returned to where the group of initiates was but realized that they were no longer there. You stood admiring your surroundings, you didn't know anyone and you didn't really know what to do until you saw Eric in a corner and something inside you couldn't resist going to talk to him even if it could get you into more trouble. But how could that be, if you just wanted to apologize.
"Sorry, Eric, do you have a second? I'll be very brief" you said as you approached. He looked up without recognizing your voice at first and when you came across your person he snorted. "You better, I have had enough of you initiates, what do you want" he spoke as if it were an order and looking around, he wanted it to be short and he seemed to be waiting for someone "Eh… I just wanted to apologize for wasting your time supervising the training sessions, I'm sure you have a thousand better and more important things to do and thank you for this morning's session. It's been hard but today I've learned a lot, not only on the circuit but also outside of it. I've understood and I trust you, I never wanted it to be interpreted as not I did it, it won't happen again and I hope to show you my worth as a Dauntless for the rest of the year" you synthesized while your body was tense and straight towards him. He stared at you as if he hadn't expected that, you saw for a few seconds the change in his expression back to the same face of few friends as always. "Don't worry, if you don't show it, you'll leave, you can go" he ordered you. You nodded your head and walked away, guessing it could have gone worse.
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mimiwritcs · 11 months
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: it took me a lil longer than expected to finish this draft with my vacation and wanting to write some action worth-something scene, hopefully you'll enjoy it. thanks for reading if you do, it's always so kind and appriciated.
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Up until the point when you noticed you'd hit a wall, you kept moving forward toward the path on the left. There was nowhere to go on the side of the road and instead of walking all the way back you realized you could climb a tree, shorten the journey, and perhaps get a better view of the field. You tried to climb the tree on your side after securing the rifle with the safety and tucking it under your jeans for protection when you saw on the opposite side, a girl waiting for you. If you moved quickly, you could take advantage of the fact that she was on her back. But then you remembered, the other boy didn't shoot you from the back and although no one had told you that you couldn't do it, it didn't seem fair. You descended a few steps to gather your thoughts. Additionally, if it wasn't necessary, you didn't want to have to shoot and hurt your comrades. And then you had an idea.
You slowly ascended to the highest gap while making minimal noise. You guessed she wasn't prepared for you to come at her from above. Before she realized, you had to move quickly, but silently enough to avoid making a sound. You managed to climb up and up a branch even though your pulse was racing and sweat was pouring down your forehead. Your opponent heard the noise you made, but it was already too late. You let yourself fall when you were on top of her. To her horror, you fell on top of her, seized her rifle, and hurled it to the right, the dead end, leaving her defenseless.
She punched the air to try to get you off of her, but you had all your weight on her, and you swiftly immobilized her by holding and twisting her wrists till she caught one of her legs, yelling surrendering to the pain as you forced her to stoop down. You assumed that was enough. As you let go of her and sent her on her way, you warned her, "No false attacks, huh," releasing the safety on your handgun and picking it up once more to continue forward.
A sensor that you activated caused a few stones to fall on you, but you swiftly fired at the target to deflect them before rapidly turning around. Your body was tense, you were having trouble controlling your breathing, and you had no idea what was ahead. Although you passed two companions quite graciously, you were certain that eventually something would force you to stop. Moving forward was challenging as you navigated the increasingly lush shrubs along the trail. You fell because you unknowingly hooked your foot on a branch, which was your saving grace. If you had continued to stand, someone would have shot you. You could see Alvin approaching you from the other path as he ran from the ground. You yelled, "You bastard," as you raised your arms to kick Alvin as he drew nearer. However, he avoided the attack.
You quickly got up, your weapon had been left on the ground. Big mistake. But he had his gun hanging and you screamed as you took advantage of that opportunity and attacked him by punching him in the stomach. You managed to shove him back, but you weren't powerful enough to prevent Alvin from backing down so quickly. You received a solid punch to the face from his counterattack, which fortunately hadn't yet brought down in blood. You backed down trying to gain ground, trying to think but he hurled himself on you again, knocking you to the ground and piling all of his weight on top of you.
He'd start hitting you and at least you were thankful he hadn't shot you yet, even though you've never been given a serious beating more bearable than being shot. While you would be destroyed by a shot, you may still mount a counterattack with punches. He wasn't the biggest or strongest boy in the bunch, but you attempted everything you could to get up and pull him off of you, without success.
It wasn't until you were struck, him pushing and twisting your right arm, and smashing your face into the ground, that you noticed a large branch and tried to reached out with all your strength to only brush against it. You kept desperately trying, with him being so focused on keeping you down that he didn't seem to notice. Good. Because you finally ended up graving it and with the element of surprise, you took power from a place where you had never done it before and hit him. His astonishment afforded you a few seconds to release your other hand and punch him in the neck with your right hand as you pushed him out with all of your force, albeit it wasn't strong enough to inflict more harm than any other blow but it worked nonetheless.
He began to lean forward with his hands on your sides. You saw the ideal moment to knee him in his crotch, causing him to double over in pain to the right. You had just established yourself as the victor of the fight on top of him as he cursed you. You shrieked with adrenaline, "Don't you dare shoot me from behind again, you coward." even though you had no idea what you were saying.
After so many comings and goings and blows, you both took a moment to catch your breath and regain awareness while the world continued to spin. When you realized this, Alvin was covered with a few drips of blood. You groaned as you found a good bruise on your forehead and a minor cut caused by a piece of stone that had bled somewhat. "Go ahead, keep going," you heard Four command from outside the circuit. As you sighed. Even your current location and purpose were forgotten. You stood up and assisted in raising Alvin. "Off the field, huh." you said as you followed behind him to make sure he was walking away "Yeah, goddammit Y/M, who would have told us, you'll see when I recover I'll gladly pay you back for this" he said with a mischievous smile but with the tone you knew it was going in good spirits.
You took a deep breath and kept walking, noticing the curvature of the circuit, you were finally turning around, more than half was already past and you didn't know how you were going to be able to hold the other half. You were very tired, your head ached from the blow and you only gave thanks to the great layer of trees that protected you from direct sunlight. You kept dragging your feet while trying to calm down and seek encouragement where you could. You hit some structures with a target and you kept walking praying not to find anyone else along the way. But obviously, it couldn't be all that easy.
"Hello, hello" you heard with a tinkle and quickly your first instinct was to hide behind a tree. "Oh, are you afraid of me?" Rose scoffed. "C'mon woman, I'm just going to shoot you" you heard it coming but you had no idea where. You were very tired and you ran out of ideas so you recycled the last one, you tried to climb the tree. You hadn't made much progress when you located Rose to your left and at the last second you moved her hand away from her and hiding her face to the other side of her when she saw her intention to shoot from her. The shot grazed you landing right next to your head but missed you. What a mania everyone had with shooting you. You had stayed still and that had been a mistake, she was running up towards you and as you jumped out she grabbed your shirt, pulling you in.
She quickly took you between her shoulder and armpit and gave you a few punches into the stomach. And even though you were pretty tired you mange to slip through and punch her back on her face pushing her, finally making her fall and with these few seconds of advantage you ran in the opposite direction to hide behind the bushes, hoping to escape her in order to avoid a fight you knew you could easily lose. "If you've come this far, I'm sure you don't fight so badly, have courage, come on" she provoked you while you tried to buy time crawling through the undergrowth, introducing yourself into another variation of the path that being so busy looking ahead, you didn't look ahead where. There was a wall that blocked the way. You leaned, trying to camouflage yourself in the undergrowth, and looked at how many bullets were left, four. You had to aim well. "Oh seriously, you've got yourself into a dead end, what a bad luck." Rose approached as she shot into the void between the brush and trees.
You took advantage of when she looked up to shoot, aiming at a leg but the noise of the cap gave you away and she moved avoiding the shot. You ran out of your hiding place, firing once more but missing. However, she did end up giving you the hairs in her ribs. You doubled over in pain immediately, "Fuck" you exclaimed as you writhed but you fired again, almost without strength, hitting the tibia of her right leg. "Fuck" you heard Rose squeal as she went cold and you took the dart out of her relieving yourself a bit. You dragged yourself towards her, taking advantage of the fact that she was pulling herself in front of her to grab her leg to throw her to the ground and thus avoid a bigger confrontation. Rose fell back cursing you again. She had dropped her gun and you caught it with her other hand while pointing both of yours at her. "If you move I'll shoot you again" you gasped.
Everything was going very fast, when you were standing the pain seemed to increase, that you had him closer, your vision blurred a little between the pain and the exhaustion and you were sure that if Rose wasn't writhing in pain and pushed you with a Just finger and without effort you would fall exhausted. But luckily, she was worse. "You win, you win, fuck, my leg" Rose moaned as she squirmed out of her and you quickly pulled the dart out of her leg. "How much more is there to fuck" you complained with a squeal clearly for Four to assist you but no one answered you and you got up with both weapons in hand returning your steps to the main path to wish to find the exit once and for all. You looked at Rose's gun and it had more bullets than yours so you switched as you walked forward again, your free hand resting on your ribs giving pressure as if that would ease the pain.
You hit a couple of more mobile targets that you found indicating the path to follow even though you didn't hit any, you could almost see blurry from exhaustion. And finally you saw it, the exit with a fixed objective to hit. You started to aim and you pulled the trigger, but someone threw you to the ground attacking you from the side and you couldn't hit it. "Fuck not again" you moaned, you tried to counterattack as much as possible but they had your arms immobilized. It was Eric. Completely rigid looking down on you. "Come on, you've come this far and you're going to give up now? A Dauntless never gives up, are you really going to stop now?" he told you, looking into your eyes and you knew that this was the moment. Here you had to prove your worth but how to do it when you couldn't even control your breathing or your heartbeat that were all concentrated on your ribs, still raging with pain. You grunted as you tried to get rid of Eric's pressure on top of you kicking with your knees in his back but you didn't even see a wink of pain on his face.
Think, think, think, dammit. "Too bad this wasn't in your book either" He commented with a mischievous look before starting to punch you in the face and use your arms to cover yourself and avoid damage. Well, it's unfair that you give me a fucking fighting class without even teaching me how to defend myself. The class the other day was all kicking and hooking and not the joint fight dance. You tried to lift your hips off the ground. You tried to hit him back hitting him in the jaw and neck while he hit you, and although it wasn't very effective, you started hitting him repeatedly until you saw that he was staggering a bit and instinctively took advantage by moving his hips forward, making him miss a bit. His balance was little, enough so that with his arms he supported himself at your sides and you, using force on his shoulders, slid out from under him, lifting you off the ground and moving a few steps away while Eric got up from the ground stroking his neck. You supposed that nobody was made of iron but you knew that this was lost. He was not going to lose against you no matter how lucky you were.
You doubted too much, you didn't know what movement to make, you tried to make some of the shots that Four had taught you the day before but what could you do when the opponent saw them coming before you even knew what step to make? Every blow you tried to make he stopped you, in one of those stops instead of simply stopping the blow, he grabbed your wrist and turned your arm, placing himself behind you. Quickly wrapping his right arm around your neck and with his left he bent it, resting the palm of his hand on your neck, he was strangling your neck. Just when the world no longer gave you spin, he made sure that you would return to that state. You tried to grab onto his arms pulling to the sides but obviously, you didn't have his strength. He was putting too much pressure and you didn't know how to get rid of him.
No matter how hard you tried, he held you from behind and you couldn't get there. You tried to force with his, with your hands clinging to his arm trying to lessen the pressure and moving to the sides trying to turn, get some kind of advantage or solution. You tried to hit him with your elbow moving to the side but you didn't get there, just as you moved to the side he followed you with the movement of his body. You began to weaken and he noticed it. Your knees buckled and he took the opportunity to finish pushing you to the ground and he kicked you in the stomach a couple of times.
"And this is the best you know how to do?" Eric said spitting on the ground. "It's fucking pathetic, can't imagine how bad were your teammates that you were able to pass through" he said as he knelt down, giving you a couple more blows to your face against the ground. You wanted to answer him, you wanted to be able to attack him and win but your world was spinning and you were defenseless, only a roar of broken despair came out. You noticed how something fell from your nose and you raised your hand to see that you were bleeding. Between Alvin's blows and now Eric's, you didn't know how you still hadn't lost consciousness.
And as if that were not enough, Eric took his gun and shot you. You writhed in pain again, turning your back on Eric, you didn't understand what that shot was coming from now. You didn't even know where your gun had fallen, you didn't even remember that was a choice. There was no reason to shoot you now, you were reduced and defenseless, it was obvious that he had won, why cause you more pain without need? "Because of this, we have to have an elimination process, you need to put in a lot more effort if you want to earn the right to stay. I'm not sure if you anticipated that you would select Dauntless and become the tough person you've always wanted to be, but we have work to do here, we need to train you to be our next protectors, so don't make us lose any more time." he stated as he began to walk away but turned to look at you one last time "and don't you dare take that bullet out until we arrive" he said as he began to walk away. You looked at him and sighed out of pain, those words echoed in your head all the way, he misunderstood you, you knew this wouldn't be easy and you knew you could offer so much more if they let you.
As you watched him frustrated, your thoughts spinning around you recalled the dummy you had to shoot, the last one. You didn't win the fight but you needed to end this circuit right at least. You quickly located your gun on the ground and crawled while you picked it up and aimed shooting and hitting the nail, thank god because Eric was going towards the exit, and he had the mannequin diagonally in front of him, and you knew he had seen it. He stopped and turned to see you for a few seconds, he was too far away, the sun covered his reflection, but he turned around and left without saying anything to you.
"Four and I are leaving, wait five minutes and manage to find your way back" he threatened while four finished collecting the weapons and material brought. You were still on the ground, trying unsuccessfully to get up in raging pain as Milan and Winter entered the circuit. "You've got balls, who would have thought" Milan told you as he and Winter wrapped their arms around you helping you get up. "Come on, let's get you to the nursing" she said as the three of you began to slowly get back to the compound.
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mimiwritcs · 11 months
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: so the slow burning is already starting, trying to make everything very realistic. i'm currently on vacation and haven't had much time, hopefully you are able to trace along my imagination and with time i'll improve with these action scenes, enjoy bc next one will be a ride
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Although you weren't sure how much time had passed, you didn't believe it would be enough. You were faced with a ton of work, several weapons that were quite similar, and many that you had never even seen in person. Nevertheless, you believed that you needed to learn as much as you could before tomorrow in order to be ready for everything. Even if you received the book, your situation did not improve. Even though you hadn't said anything irrational, you still caused yourself a lot of trouble and perhaps even Four as well. You had to figure out how to fix it.
"What are you supposed to be doing?" You heard someone asking as you looked up to see Rose, the girl who made a ruckus the first day on tour. "It's a long story…" you commented without much desire to talk about it. "Are you aware that you are no longer in Erudite. Why did you choose Dauntless to end up locked in a room with a damn book?" she asked you. "It's a direct order, okay?" As you gathered your belongings, you hissed, "Mind your own business." She managed to touch on a sensitive subject for you and immediately put you in a poor mood: your clear Erudite behavior.
You were aware that if they had permitted you to, it wouldn't have been as unusual, but you didn't appreciate staying locked up while studying this with everything going on outside. You didn't mean it to end it this way, you just wanted to have some paper to back up in order to review. But it was obvious that, whether intentionally or not, you had earned it. What time would it be? You questioned as you felt your stomach grumbling as you were walking. As you walked toward the cafeteria, you noticed that the majority of them had already left. You quickly took the first thing you saw that was left and ate fast at a table that was only partially occupied. You scanned the room to see who was still present. People were chatting and laughing, and you were sitting with your book. You felt extremely foolish and out of place.
Winter and Milan yelled, "Y/M we've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing?" they asked you while you updated them on the situation. "God, you couldn't shut your mouth, you seem from Candor" Milan teased you as he took the book from you quickly flipping through the pages. "You all thought the same, it was too much information. We have a lot of pressure, I just wanted to be one step ahead even though I think I've done three behind" you grumbled as you tackled the dessert.
"Well don't worry, you were very smart, surely if you answer the questions well they will forget about it" Milan encouraged you. "Of course, you'll see" Winter said as she reached across the table to caress you. Then you realized, "You guys went to get a tattoo!?" you exclaimed, changing the topic of conversation as you grabbed Winter's arm and admired her new tattoo. "Do you like?" Winter asked you while her face lit up. "It was Milan's idea, I never imagined myself with one but I thought it would help me in with the transition" Winter spoke. "It's beautiful, damn and meanwhile I'm locked up there with all my problems, let's see yours" You asked Milan while he was showing it to you. "That's cool, this stuff really suits you, even you Winter, I already see you different" you laughed.
But it wasn't a joke; it was real. As you saw your buddies develop into outstanding initiates, a part of you was wounded, as you continued going back to your old behaviors. Why was it so hard for you to do? You were talking a little more, Milan left while Winter stayed helping you review, asking you questions and learning something else along the way. "Thank you very much, you didn't have to" you thanked her once in the bedroom preparing to go to sleep.
The following morning, you awoke a half-hour earlier than anticipated; just one person was having a shower, and the rest were still asleep. You weren't sure if this was due to nerves or for some other reason. You quickly changed into your clothes and stayed in the hallway where more light was coming in to review what you had learned. You discovered that you had learnt all the weapons that you had prioritized and that were in the armory, and that despite having numerous words floating around in your head randomly, you knew a good number of them. You hoped that would be enough.
When you noticed that there were just ten minutes left, you walked to the room to leave your things, people were already starting to get up and you went directly to the training room. Four had arrived earlier. Both of you were alone. Lucky you. You took a big breath of bravery and said, "Good morning" as you pulled your hair back in a high ponytail. He greets you with "Y/M". He appeared irate."You truly have no idea what's going to happen to you today, so I hope you're prepared," Four advised, as he greeted the next initiate to enter. You were taken aback by his attitude, which made you wonder what he was trying to warn you, but from what? Had Eric intervened? Your arrogance was going to cause them kick you out? It would be funny if you got kicked out something they're so well aware to be, however you had put yourself in opposition to a coach and a leader, thus it was inevitable that you would face consequences.
The morning began calmly. You all went to a modest training facility where you were divided up sets on the treadmills while others performed weightlifting exercises. Changing sets every fifteen minutes, increasing the pace each time while attempting to maintain it. Even though it was difficult for you, you knew that you couldn't let your guard down today, since you felt you had to make up for yesterday's incident and knew that there would be repercussions today. You also didn't want to attract unwanted attention once more.
Even though you could run on the treadmill, it was difficult for you to keep up, even though Four was being very generous in the beginning by alternating between low and high speeds to let you start to build resistance. But in the weight room, you were far worse; you could hardly lift some of the lightest weights, and you were aware that your arms would be completely devastated the next day. There were many who had it worse off, but it didn't work for you. You knew that everything would be examined, even if it was your second day, but you didn't want to push yourself to the point of exhaustion and then have a few days where you couldn't accomplish anything. You were taken aback by Milan's and especially Winter's power. Even though the Amity girl seemed like a damsel in distress since she was so shy and gentle, you could see she was unstoppable because she was able to tolerate far stronger handcuffs than many man in the room.
The only sounds were Four's voice and the machines; you had all been practicing for an hour, maybe two, when suddenly someone entered the room without muzzling the noise. "Four," yelled Eric. Four gave the command as he moved to the side to speak with Eric, "Continue with the routine as before and don't slow down." Even though they spoke softly, you couldn't help but notice Four's annoyance as he spoke and Eric's hatred as he responded. You knew you probably shouldn't be looking there, but you couldn't stop it as you raced. Eric, who exuded a sense of triumph and self-assurance, started to look at us before his eyes locked with yours. Four grumbled as he took a few steps back and attempted to breathe normally. You instinctively looked away, you knew your time had come. "Initiates finish this round and come with me" he ordered as he approached us taking the strings of the class.
It was a good thing there aren't many minutes left because the anticipation was making it difficult to focus. Your heart was about to come out of your chest and your hearing almost stopped because of the palpitations. Eric commanded, "Come on, follow me" as Four positioned himself in the back of the group keeping an eye on everyone. You sipped some water, patted the sweat off your forehead with a tiny towel, and then you followed the group. Everyone was talking among themselves, but you were too preoccupied to listen.
They moved silently out from the compound and toward the city streets while you followed them. Eric yelled, "Let's go, we have a little path," and they started to run. Even though it was your first time passing through the Dauntless district's streets, you were still too frightened to take in your surroundings. Nothing particularly attracted your eye.
It only took 15 minut run to arrive at a desert explation where a circuit had been made. You relocated to a circle, with Eric and Four in the middle. "Well, I suppose you all know about the big incident yesterday when a supposed Dauntless asked for school supplies forgetting that this isn't Erudite." Eric commanded, "Y/M to the middle, we'll see what you've learnt." Your whole body tensed, why did these things always have to happen to you? In an effort to project the confidence that everyone knew you lacked, you straightened up. You were now unable to fail. Eric started by asking you a series of straightforward questions, during which you were able to inquire about the weaponry present in the compound. Identifying parts, reasons for use and even selecting which option would be best for the supposed theoretical case that they were proposing. You surprised yourself at your retention capacity, you had always been a good student, it was not your vocation, that was clear if you hadn't stayed there but without a doubt you had learned some things in a few hours.
And although Four seemed to look at you surprised by that ability, Eric remained rigid but you couldn't tell a hint of irritation to each correct answer you gave. He wanted you to fail. Now you saw it clearly but you knew you couldn't afford it. You were afraid that if you said everything correctly they would accuse you of Erudite but if you failed to take your task seriously, you were going to lose anyway. Even so, when the far-fetched questions began, various concepts crossed your mind and your answers were no longer so clear. If you had been taught anything at home, it was not to ask, but to affirm. So you tried to answer as precisely as possible, sometimes trying to turn a question around by answering what you did know instead of what was asked, but Eric quickly corrected you and returned to the main topic of the question.
"It's not bad, know-it-all. It's clear that your book has helped you learn something, but let's see if it helps you in your staging" he challenged while throwing a weapon at you. You caught it on the fly and recognized it. It was commonly used with neurostim darts, which simulate the pain of a gunshot. "Come on, let's see if your book helps you out with this too" He said as he advanced through the group to the other side where some sort of circuit was, you followed him while you saw the faces of your companions. You didn't understand why he made them submit to watch this show, you felt bad for wasting their time like this. The angry face was noticeable in more than one. We all had a lot to learn and improve to get closer to the level of those born here and because of you they were wasting their time.
Even though the circuit was hidden, it was protected by some wood fences that blended in with the vegetation and trees. Inside, there were a number of passages that led to various zones and were separated by metal, both of which condensed the area. All roads lead to Rome or was it like a maze? You assumed that you would soon find out once inside. The circuit was wide but above all long, it surrounded the entire field in which you were so more than one thing awaited you.
"This is a circuit of weapons, it is intended for the final stages of your physical training but surely you will have no problem doing it since you know so much. It is simple, follow the path and you will find different objectives, some fixed others not so much. Don't let anything you find in there shoot you first. See you on the other side, smartass." Eric explained while you looked at the circuit concentrated. You sighed. You took a deep breath and got into the circuit in position to shoot. You didn't know you could wait in there. Fixed targets, others not, so they don't shoot me first? Who was going to shoot me first? A mannequin? Therefore, why using neurostim darts? What did they have prepared? Whatever it was, nothing good.
Your mind was racing as you made your way slowly through the grates, scanning through them for anything you may uncover. Anything might happen. Targets, animals, people. Eric called at you from outside, hurriedly, "We don't have all day" You went a little further and decided when you saw the first shadow on your right, you turned quickly and shot, a dummy. It was after shooting it that you saw that he had a target, and you had focused on the first place you saw, they had not warned you about that. "Good reflexes, but next time wait to hit the target" advised Four and you nodded your head thinking that they could have warned you before but at least you appeared to receive assistance.
You were still moving along, taking in your surroundings, when you noticed a slight movement of the rope. Unsure of where it was coming from, you turned around and tried to find it. You instinctively looked down, but you quickly realized that it might be up through the trees. In fact, there was a rope with numerous targets attached to it, all of which had marks for shooters to aim from, and they were all moving in a circle. You made two shots, one on target and the other rather close, and you continued to move to your left. More fixed targets; too simple. There was a problem. It couldn't be that simple.
Without knowing where you were firing or what you were going to find, you turned and fired out of instinct. As soon as he received the bullet, he shouted in agony. He had a gun, too, and you weren't shot from behind. You anticipated that would also be a rule. You hastily remarked, "Sorry, take the bullet out, it lessens the pain," and ducked behind a tree to hide your back. Other initiatives had been put into the circuit. You looked and saw how much bullets you had, for the supposed fixed targets and hopefully some more for some margin of error. You figured it would be better not to waste them. You took a deep breath. It was time to fight.
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mimiwritcs · 11 months
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: i love how you can definitely tell at the beginning my muse was cut short with all the basics, working up on the story and by the end where i start to divert from the original my muse just goes off the rats. get comfy for the ride cause shit is about to go down in next ones. thanks for reading, if you choose to.
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You awoke disoriented, unsure of your location, and plagued by the sound of metallic blows. "Initiates, up, come on, we don't have all day," Four shouted. Then you recalled that it was your first day of Dauntless initiation. While you lay out on the bed and took in your surroundings, getting rid of the rheum. They were all moaning, looking sleepy, and trying to remember where they had put the attire that had been handed to them the day before.
You sprang out of bed and pulled the folded clothing you had left the day before from under the bed, praising yourself for sleeping well and being able to wake up swiftly. You started to change, and as you did, you suddenly recalled how you had griped about having to adjust in front of everyone and how, on the first day, you hadn't given it any thought. You ran into the bathroom once dressed in your shoes in hand to splash water on your face and put your shoes on while you were on the toilet.
"Ready" you said as you walked through the chaotic room of people trying to get their act together. "Then come on, towards the training room." Four replied, almost without looking at you. You firmly climbed the stairs and made your way to the room you remembered, which was fortunately close enough to the bedroom. When you walked in there, there weren't even five people, counting Lauren. "Good morning" you greeted as you joined Lauren who was talking to the other initiates that were waiting.
It took almost five minutes for the final person to enter the room, trailed by Four very unhappy. "Now that we are all here, please group yourselves, today you have been woken up because it is the first day. You will be responsible for each one of you, be here ready at 8 AM without any delay. So I hope we don't have to drag you out and wait ages like we did today. We will train from eight to six, with a break to eat. After you are free to do whatever you want." Four commented as he walked around the circle where we all where.
"Whatever you want, but remember that you will only be allowed to leave the compound when accompanied by a Dauntless." Lauren added.
"As some of you already know thanks to our little intervention yesterday, those born in Dauntless and those transferred will be separated during the first phase of the Initiation, but they will be evaluated together in our precious ranking, you will love it." scoffed Four. "This determines the order in which you will choose a job afterward, and as a novelty of this year only the top ten will be integrated into the group. We'll have three phases. First phase, physical. Second phase, emotional. Third phase, mental. Four initiatives will be suppressed in the first phase and the rest at final test"
"What will happen if we are suppressed?" Milan asked. "They will live factionless" Lauren replied seriously.
With so much information, that dubious side of your head, questioning the decision to have come when you were at the ceremony, seemed to come back easily. You couldn't understand why they basically kill people off so fast, sending them to the Factionless, but it seemed clear why every year they seem to be more of them. You sat in a butterfly position and began to jitterily move your legs up and down. Nothing scared you more than becoming a Factionless and you refused to live like this. The selection process was hard, excessive from your point of view, but you tried to not start spiraling. You just hoped you would be enough to make it to the cut. After all, now you only had to worry about being better than four of them, could you?
You were clear that it would be difficult for those born in Dauntless to have a cut, they would have to be very bad. Be better than 4 of them. You began to look at the transferees, and you could notice a few were also judging one by one to find out their possibilities. Faces that had been friendly before were now clearly under tension from the competition that had just begun. You didn't know what it would all consist of, but you were willing to give it your all, as the other route just simply wasn't an option. Despite the fact that the Aptitute Test indicated that you were Dauntless, you couldn't help but have self-doubt. Everyone in this room also got that this was their place, their home, and that half of them would be ejected nevertheless.
"I also want to be absolutely clear that we won't be questioned going forward and that any threats will be real and consequent" The girl who questioned Four yesterday, Rose, was the focus of his attention as he spoke while looking at the group. "We want to make sure that those who are actually deserving of Dauntless membership become one, hence we have severe requirements and this is not a game. We're here to educate and support you. Although we will continually push you to your limit, but you can do it" Lauren continued with a friendlier tone.
"Well, with all this said. Let's start saying goodbye, we're going to another training room. Transferred, with me" Four exclaims, clapping his hands demanding speed. You quickly got up from the ground, meeting Anderson's gaze and giving him a half smile as you quickly walked over to Four's group and followed him towards another smaller training room where you were now, with a large space in the center and intervals of almost a meter, along one end of the room with black punching bags. "Okay, first day, first class. We are going to teach you how to fight and above all how to win. We will start with a bit of theory, and we will see what you can do and what can help you. The purpose of this is to prepare to act, to prepare your body to respond to threats and challenges." explained Four.
Is this theory class? You laughed to yourself. Where were the papers and pencils to aim? Your old Erudite professors would have had a fit. You started to disperse around the room with a punching bag behind each person, staring toward the center where Four was beginning to list various punches while simultaneously performing each one, first against the air and then against the punching bag.
Even though they stated it was going to be a theory session, you hadn't stopped practicing for the first four hours while getting advise and analyzing your strengths and weaknesses for a fight. By the end of the class, you were really exhausted. You were agile and had learned a lot, but you lacked strength. You needed to increase your stamina, but you were more ready than ever to engage in combat. That was noteworthy. In an effort to take advantage of the opportunity to have a fast shower while your friends went to the dining room, you made the decision to sneak into the room.
You were astonished to see Alvin and a few other classmates giving Anderson and a few other classmates who were born there a tour of the room when you got out of the shower. You were relieved that you changed in the showers and not wait to get to the room to do so. "What do you think of our charming home?" You questioned them as you tried to organize your long mane of hair by drying it with a little towel. "But look who we have here, are you already hiding the first day?" Clark joked. "It's the same as ours, just a room" someone commented from behind.
"Yes, it's the most common, and I'm not hiding, but if it's like ours, then you can imagine how long the lines are for the showers and how difficult would be to unwind while a group is eagerly waiting for you." You grinned, "So it's a win-win. " They noded."How did your first day go?" Anderson asked. "A lot of fight," you paused "theory" you marked as quotes in the air", but we haven't stopped boxing and you?" Asked. "Well, we skipped theory class and we started giving each other shit," Clark joked. "It won't be long until we do either," Alvin added.
"Hey, would you mind waiting five minutes while I dry my hair? Then we'll go to eat before they finish the last piece of the cake," you proposed. "Does it take five minutes for you to dry your hair?" Alvin rolled his eyes as he and Clark sprawled on the bed, exaggerating the dramatization, making you laugh. "Yeah, I know but I've always been one of the fastest girls to get ready so don't complain", you demanded as you went to the bathroom area. "Hey, some of us are go to the hairdresser's this afternoon after training, I'm sure they can do a fix for you" Anderson exclaimed.
You noticed you required a lower maintenance lifestyle to keep up with everything as you looked in the mirror. Although you had always enjoyed your long hair, it was beginning to get in the way and bothered you all morning at training. "Maybe a change wouldn't be so bad.. I'm in" you exclaimed while drying your hair. "Come on, now we can, go thanks for waiting"
After eating, Four led you to a new smaller room, full of hanging weapons. "Alright, for your second class, you will learn about weapons and when or how to use each." Four began to explain. Even though you paid great attention, it seemed hard to memorize all that knowledge as well as the information from this morning without any written guidance. They just used memorization and repetition to educate you in Erudition. And now, even though you knew you shouldn't and that it wouldn't be well received, you couldn't help but raise your hand despite having a good memory but not so good for it. "Excuse me, Four…" he raised an eyebrow looking at you, "Yes?" He asked. "I know it's probable you won't like what I'm going to say since it's too much Eru-" but he swiftly interrupted you, saying, "Then don't"
"Yeah but I can't help it, please, I think all these explanations are fantastic but it's a lot of information to retain from a single class to pure memory, you don't have any book, a database somewhere or with a sheet or paper just enou-" he interrupted her again, it was noticeable that you were starting to irritate him but you didn't want to throw yourself back, you weren't asking for anything out of place. You had to learn, so why not use a strategy that has served you well for so long?
"If you got Dauntless on the aptitude test, are you for real asking me for a book?" Along with Four, several of the other members couldn't help but chuckle. "I was unaware that books were reserved for the Erudite." You attacked him, you didn't know if you were going to screw up more, but you had to explain yourself. "I thought that the factions were there to help each other improve, with their advances and customs, and it cannot be denied that the Erudite system works to learn. You yourself said this morning that we have to exploit and discover what our strengths are, then learning basic knowledge of a topic from a fucking book is mine, and I'd like to be able to exploit it" You said standing firm and you saw how something in Four's look changed. After a few seconds of tension, he relented, "We've already wasted too much time, we'll deal with that afterward"
You spent the last hour and a half practicing with the Dauntless guard's most typical firearms. Your aim wasn't at all horrible, at least. When you first held a gun, you were timid and polite; nevertheless, by the time the lesson was over, you had realized the might of the weapon and knew that, once you had it under control, nothing would be able to defeat you. Four handed you an oral exam after the lesson when you went to put the weapons back where they belonged. Of course, no one objected, and you could see that this was because of your previous dialogue, so you made an effort to respond appropriately each time. However, the majority of the names, as well as their applications and calibers, were unclear. "All right, I'll let you go; this has taken too long out of your spare time, I apologize. Y/M follow me, we won't be long" Your comrades gave you a surprised and encouraging glance as you rapidly followed Four as he walked past the initiates who made place for him.
You followed Four along the hallways until you arrived at the offices. Everything was tranquil, and several elderly folks were roaming the rooms with different files. Four commanded, "Wait for me here," as he took a look around. He then tapped on the door, and when he saw no one there, he entered. Not even a few minutes had passed when you were shocked to hear someone speak to you in an extremely nasty manner. You turned around and saw Eric, one of the commanders who had dared you to jump the day before to enter the compound, asking, "Who you are and who the hell has let you pass here?"
"Y/M, sir. I'm expecting Four." As you answered, almost without realizing it, you stood up straight and met his eyes. Gorgeous, enormous blue eyes, you thought. "An initiate? And where is he supposed to be now?" he inquired. "Yes, 4th jumper." You repeated it even though you weren't sure if it was necessary or not, but because you had already been called that in class a few times, you thought you should add it. "He's there" you revealed pointing with your heard the door that was in front of you, Eric complained as he heard someone yell from the other door, "What are you doing Eric, we need the reports." "I'm going, fuck," he yelled. He pointed his finger at you and said, "I'm going back fast, don't leave without you two talking to me first," as he went to the room where they had called him.
Just as Eric disappeared from the hallway, Four left the room. "Okay, here it is, alrig-" Four began to speak. "Before anyt-" you wanted to start to warn him but he didn't let you continue. "No, it's my turn." he claimed. "I believe what you stated today is crucial, even though not many people can agree with it. We all need to learn from one another, but don't believe it will be that easy. I've seen what you know today, and tomorrow I'll grade you on everything in this book, so for your own good, you'd best memoriz-" he threat was beginning, and as he spoke, his polite tone turned aggressive and then abruptly he stopped as Eric asked "What is happening here?"
Four handed you the book swiftly before turning to face Eric. "Nothing. After the training, I wanted to give her something. That's all, you may now leave." he ordered. You looked at both of them seriously and could notice the tension in the environment that could be cut with a knife. And since no one else said anything for a few seconds you quickly began to walk away seeing that no one else complained about that. "Thank you, bye" you said to both of you as you walked past Eric and once you turned down the hall you rather run out of there.
Even though you were unaware of the magnitude of what had just happened, you knew it wasn't good in any manner. Four was starting to warn about you for not knowing all of this material by tomorrow, and on top of that, it appeared that you had given him trouble with a leader. Tomorrow he'd certainly be against you. You looked at the nearly 600-page book about a book of weapons. You flicked through the book a little and noticed that it had various pictures and had broken down key information. Could you memorize all this for tomorrow? As you sighed, you glanced at the clock and reasoned that your colleagues would have already left for the hair salon without you, and that it wouldn't be prudent for you to go anyway under the circumstances. You went to the Pit to get some supplies—a notebook and a pen—then you went to a nearly vacant area of the bedroom and started taking notes.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: again, letting the story build itself. in this chapter are we surprised there's a lot more rambling and slow building of the world that we know, getting to know our new characters and just building up for the big action to come. Hopefully once we pass our basic well-known start to the story we can start letting it flow and move on from the usual narrative. btw tysm for losing any time of your day to read this if you do, truly every interaction makes my day, i'm really enjoying this process, hope you too<3
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As the other people began to jump one by one, you couldn't help but join in on the conversation that was taking place in the group. A Dauntless born was explaining how he tried to help someone from Amity to get into the wagon, but they didn't arrive on time and fell down the rails.
After everyone had safely jumped off the roof, there was an absolute uproar. Many of the curious onlookers started to leave as the last one rolled out of the net. Some were family members, others could be senior officials and others simply curious onlookers, perhaps dreaming of the day that it will be their turn to begin their initiation into their faction.
The two who had been assisting the newcomers the entire time, Lauren and Four, introduced themselves as your couches.
"I can see that we are one less than expected" Four comments, since he was helping newcomers to get off the net all the time, he didn't have time to catch up. "Yes, Anderson has told us how he tried to help a boy from Amity get on the train, but he couldn't" Lauren explained to Four and to the possible companions who hadn't heard. "Yeah, I thought I didn't see Cristian anywhere." Winter whispered to you, "And what will happen to him then?" she asked out loud. "He will be with the factionless, of course." Four quickly replied coldly.
You could feel how Winter's body tensed next to you. And you did too, knowing how easy and for something so simple they lost a potential good member. But nor Laura or Four allowed you to keep still with that thought as they started guiding you inside the compound. "I'd much rather to die with dignity than be with the factionless" a Dauntless born whispered as you agreed with him silently.
"Alright, from this point on. We're going to separate you into groups. Those of you born in Dauntless, please come with me" Lauren informed, pointing to the right for all the black clad to group together. "This is going to be quick" she whispered to her partner who smiled back at her. "See you at dinner." She waved goodbye to the smaller group of transferees and began leading the group towards a tunnel opposite them.
"Okay, you transferees stay with me, come on, we've got places to go before dinner," he ordered as he led the way into a tunnel opposite the one her Dauntless-born companions took.
"Why the division? Have we already started with favorites?" Rose made an accusation, stopping Four in his way and consequently the whole group. "Sorry?" His cold disapproving and disgust face said it all. "Your name?" He demands slowly. "Rose" she replied, holding his gaze. "Well, Rose, I don't know what they teach you in Candor, but you would like to know that we don't waste time here, we have more important things to do. Those born in Dauntless know the way to these passages like the back of their hand" He commented with clear contempt in his voice. Rose stood her ground, but you could see how her gaze had shrunk. "In fact, if you have any problem with us separating you, you won't like to know that you will be trained separately, and you will even sleep in separate rooms. But don't worry, I invite you to run towards there, maybe you'll still catch them, and they might share a few tips with you, let's see how long you last there." Four suggest.
Everyone remained in silence, not knowing where to look. Rose remained still looking confused, not knowing what to do, "What are you still doing here stuck up? Go" he yelled at her. You could feel her frustration, grasping her own fist but knew better to reply. She couldn't hide the death glare given to Four before turning back, trying to find her way out to the start point and to the other group.
And just like that, fear had settled in everyone presence, you could smell tension in the environment in contrast to the euphoria that everyone felt at having jumped down the hole. How soon things could go wrong here.
Four pushed open a set of double doors, and we entered the place he calls "The Pit," a massive underground cavern filled with supplies. People are everywhere, all in black, screaming and talking, children playing. It truly was Dauntless' heart.
"This way" Four announces after allowing a few minutes for them to immerse in what would be their new normal. He leads us to the right side of the Moat, which is much darker, and as we get closer I think I hear water. The road shakes with each step and when I realize it, several floors below there is a river.
"The abyss reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. A daredevil who jumps from this ledge will end his life. It has happened before, and it will happen again." he warned us. "Right this way it's the cafeteria and the tattoo parlor, but let's go the other way to your room first"
When we got to our room, there was a stack of bags waiting for them. "The transferees will all sleep here together till further notice, so get in a line, grab your new clothes from me, and enter. Pick a bed, then get comfortable. When you leave, gather all the clothing you're wearing now and leave it by the door, so we can burn it. There is no room for rags from other factions now that you are Dauntless." he commented as he passed one by one a bag with the same standard black and red clothes for each.
After Winter, you stepped in line and slowly moved forward to pick up your stuff and enter what would be your temporary accommodation. You were astonished when you first walked in, since there were so many mattresses packed into a little living area. How were you expected to have privacy? Winter was waving to you in the room as you searched for her, alerting you that a bed was free next to her, so you hastily made your way there. It was the first time you had slept in a room with so many people, so you preferred to have acquaintances nearby. "Those in the back say that there are no walls in the bathrooms, not even for the showers" Winter gasped.
As soon as the last one entered you watched how Four followed them, looking around scanning the room "Alright, this bag stays here for your partner's extra clothes that didn't make it to the compound, so feel free to get whatever you need and this will be for our friend Rose, we'll leave it... there, let her keep the bed in the back next to the bathroom" he commented while approaching the bed and looking at one boy who had selected that bed.
"Oh don't mind me, this is the worst spot, I'm doing you a favor, I think there's a free one there," he said before the boy could even speak, pointing to the bed in front of the room. "She won't be with those born here?" Asked a companion. "Oh no, it wouldn't be fair. Trust me when we say we want you to have your best shot, tomorrow when the initiation is explained, you'll understand. Today is the day of the ceremony, don't take it as the threats won't be real starting tomorrow. Today I think the message has been made clear, and for all of you too." He concluded as he walked around the room to the entrance. "I'll let you settle in, we'll have dinner in half an hour, be punctual."
When Four left, everyone was silent, processing everything that had happened to them in such a short time. Four could certainly be very harsh, but he had also shown empathy and created enough respect on your end. "So we'll all have to change and live here together?" Winter asked. "It seems so" you added shockingly as you sat on the bed. Hard mattress, you sighed. "They're just bodies, in two days the nonsense will have passed to all of us" Corinne commented as she approached the group.
"Well, we have half an hour… let's see what they've given us" you added as you didn't want to think about the fact of everyone being able to look at your naked body. You opened your bags to see the clothes to which you will survive these weeks: training clothes, street clothes, some more comfortable, some pajamas all black and red, your new faction colors. You looked around you, most of them in groups, some from the same faction, others from different ones chatting or just simply by themselves as they began to change.
"Who would have thought, Y/M a voyeur" Milan teased you and quickly blushed and looked at your accuser. "What? No!" You exclaimed. "I'm glad to see you Milan, you've been very brave today to jump first" you smiled at your former Erudite colleague, even though you didn't hang out with the same group of friends, you both knew who you were, and you two never had any problems. "Thanks, I was quite terrified, but I thought they weren't crazy enough to kill us all on the first day, were they?" he joked. "Yeah, I realized that when one of Dauntless jumped smiling after you, as if he had been wanting it all his life, nothing bad could have been there… oh girls, I present to you Milan the first jumper, these are Winter and Corinne" you introduced while they were getting dressed.
The four of you talked for a short while as Winter just got changed without a hitch, and you were surprised at how Milan kept his composure. Quickly some colleagues called him to go together to the cafeteria, he said goodbye advising you to change quickly because with all the talking you had not even started yet, and you saw how he picked up his clothes and left them in the colorful pile at the entrance just as Four had requested.
All through today, you've used people's clothing to identify them and learn more about them, but now you wouldn't be able to do so. Despite the fact that you were all Dauntless, you were not all the same even in if in the core you were, and that was a thought you never had before. The burning of the clothing that had been a part of you for so long and served as a reminder of your former home made you feel a little sad. Even though we had to throw it all away, you chose to save a small brooch that you always wore and kept it in the first drawer, so you could always claim that it was familiar and hope that it managed to slip through. Winter tried to reassure you, "They are literally just clothes, it's not like you're burning all your memories with them too," and you nodded because you knew she was correct. As the room became increasingly empty, you rapidly changed, taking care to ensure that no one could see more than they should, and the three of you went to the dining room.
You were taken aback by the commotion of people talking together as if they were one big group, even though you had not yet entered the cafeteria. You weren't used to a cafeteria other than the one at school, but you soon realized it didn't make much of a difference. With all the adrenaline, you hadn't eaten much all day, but those fragrances had revived your appetite. There weren't many options, but they all seemed excellent to you.
With your tray in hand, you mingled with the crowd in search of a table, but everyone appeared to have taken a seat, few people looking at you, you totally felt like you had a 'newbie' tag on your back. You scanned the first floor and smiled at the see what you were looking for. "This way" you indicated to the other two. You approached the table where Milan and other colleagues were. "Hey, do you have three free seats?" Asked. "Only two, I'm afraid" Milan replied with a half smile. "There's a spot here" you heard someone say to you from the table behind, it was Alvin. "Sit down Y/M" he offered.
Winter was staring at you as Corinne was already seated at the other table with Milan. You would have to ask one of the two at some point what happened that they seemed to dislike each other so much, "Sure," you said smiling at Winter indicating that nothing was wrong. "Thanks Alvin, I'm Y/M" you said, introducing yourself to the group. "Anderson" "Ember" added those around you who were listening to you. "You're also a transfer, right? From where?" Anderson asked. "Erudite and you?" you responded. "We're both from here, what do you think of the compound?" Ember replied "Well, I don't know what I was expecting, but this is great" you replied while you started to eat. "God I was so hungry, how delicious" you gasped, making everyone laugh.
As you were chit-chatting with the Dauntless born learning more about their lives in here, people began to bang their feet hard on the ground, the atmosphere was livened up, people hit the metal cups with their spoons. "He's coming," cheered Ember. "Who?" You and Alvin asked at the same time. "Max, our highest ranking leader." Anderson explained "Shh, he's here." he requested pointing at the second floor, so you fixed your gaze to find Max leaning into it ready to speak out.
"Initiates, stand up." Max paused as you all rise. "You have chosen to join the warrior faction, with the assignment to protect the city and its citizens. We believe in the simple acts of bravery and courage that drive one person to stand up for another. Respect that. Make us proud." he concluded, people started to cheer on as he left. You look at your fellow initiative acquaintances and smiled. You felt part of something important. Everything was so novel and dissimilar to your previous experience, it made you so excited to see what the future held for you.
All the initiatives returned to their respective rooms in a group. You hurried to the restroom to freshen yourself a bit and change into some more cozy pajamas for bed. And despite the fact that you were all brimming with enthusiasm for what lay ahead, you all silently agreed that it would be wise to attempt to get a good night's sleep. Your first day of training was tomorrow, so you needed to get plenty of rest. Your mind was racing as you laid there in the silent with all the lights off. It seemed like a lifetime had passed since the Choosing Ceremony this afternoon.
All of these individuals, who in the past would not have ever crossed paths, were now getting along and feeling like a part of something greater than themselves. Not everything, however, had been lovely since today; in just one day, you had experienced so many bizarre things, such as getting on and off a train multiple times, plunging into the abyss, losing your only possessions and privacy, and the icy manner in which Four revealed that Amity's weak initiative would cause Factionless status since she lacked the necessary bravery. What if the ability to be emotionally strong and emotionally detached came at the expense of not feeling pain when catastrophes like these occurred?
You understood that this was just the beginning of your new life. This was only a preview of what lay ahead. And now, you could see it. Dauntless was incredibly well-organized and accustomed to taking risks: listening to instructions, putting mutual trust in one another to lead you securely, and acting without giving it any thought. They had to be tough to withstand not only the physical pressure, but also the emotional pressure of losing everything they have because of it. They forced you to perform all of these tasks today for that reason. You weren't sure if you were simply interpreting things too literally. Your mind was trained to think logically and rationally and gather all the information you could. Was it your overthinking alone, or was there something else at play?
Although it would take you some time to get to it and forget your old patterns, you were certain that you would figure it out, or else you wouldn't have been selected as Dauntless. But you had never thought so much about them in that way to realize the sacrifices that had to be made, and you felt stupid for not realizing before, that just like in Erudite, that was much more than intelligence, here it was not just about being brave and fighting.
And with that thought you began to close your eyes unconsciously and fell into a deep sleep as tomorrow impatiently arrived.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: not only my first time writing on this fandom but also in general in a very long time. kinda letting myself go with the flow. bc the best writing is just writing and letting the story tell itself ;) took 5 days and 3 drafts to complete this, so hopefully muse isn't too off by the end of it lmao if anyone loses time of their day to read this, hope you like it & thank youu <3
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You were shocked by what you had done. You couldn't think due to Dauntless' ovations. WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? Before turning over to your new faction, you took a few steps back to observe how your blood blended with the scalding coals. Some Dauntless approached you and whispered "congratulations" or "hi" before one left their seat to you in the front row and slipped into the back to see the rest of the ceremony.
You didn't regret your choice. That's what you had to do. It was really startling to learn on the aptitude test that you were Dauntless rather than Erudite. Did you always think Dauntless was the coolest faction to be at? Yeah. Did you think you could be strong enough to be a part of it? Hell no. Your first emotion was not fear but respect towards it. You felt like a fish out of water. This was something you never expected. 95% of the initiatives belonged to the faction to which they were born. How the hell were you the one chosen to be into the 5%? You were unsure, but a spark had ignited within you after that.
You were unable to stop thinking about it. Did you believe you can handle it? You were unsure. Yet, how could they possibly have failed? All of their propaganda to believe the ceremony and the test to become who you genuinely are rather than who you wish you were. In the Choosing Ceremony, you weren't fully certain about your choice. Erudite was always so intelligent and clear, but you were always doubting it. Guess it was true, you were not part of the faction. They really did say something prior that caused you to make a last-minute choice change. You couldn't be where you weren't meant to be. You had something inside of you that had the potential to blossom into Dauntless, and you couldn't survive without discovering what it was. Could you have securely remained in Erudite without letting anyone know your result? Sure. Even if you weren't yet aware of your inner Dauntless, you still needed to remain true to yourself.
So you swallowed it and moved your hand swiftly just as the first drop of blood entered the Erudite bowl. You apologized while looking for your parents' eyes amid the crowd. They certainly did not anticipate it. You adored your parents and were aware of how much both of you would miss each other after you were gone. However, they would comprehend. They would have to. Even if they could never have imagined making this choice, you know they would. Faction before blood. Because you were so preoccupied with your thoughts, you hardly notice the rest of the ceremony. Knowing that you had made the right choice for yourself and would have to live with it, with your truth, you were able to relax. Wasn't that a brave thing to do anyway? You choose the reality, throwing yourself into the unknowing rather than staying safe where you were. Guess you belonged there too.
As soon as the Ceremony finished, all factions started to orderly march in turns. However, the tranquility was short-lived. The moment everyone reached the front door, all Dauntless began to scream and flee. Confused, you changed a few looks with some new transfer Dauntless like yourself. You were grinning as everyone applauded, and you began to run with them into the city, feeling as liberated as you had ever been. After being stiff for so long in the ceremony, it felt exhilarating to be able to move your body, running and jumping with everyone else. It also seemed like everyone was celebrating a new beginning, their arrival. And before you knew it, they were claiming up to the train station.
After attentively observing a few of the more experienced members, you started to follow them. You didn't want to be the last person to give it a go or the final one to fall short. You had heard so many rumors and of course, Dauntless had to be tough. We needed them to look out for us. They were necessary. But even on the first day, they were giving you a brutal workout; could this be typical of their routine? God, you had to get fitter if you wanted to keep going without stopping for breath.
What you were unaware of was that this was merely the beginning. Although you were aware that you would need to undergo training in order to match their level of toughness and fitness, you didn't anticipate that this would serve as your welcome to the faction. You started hearing and seeing the train speeding into your way, and before you realized what the intentions were, you were shocked they were doing this to the newbies. You thought they must have started training them to jump in and out of trains moving at slower speeds. But you guessed not. After someone pulled you slightly to the side, so they could continue racing with their Dauntless colleagues, you snapped out of your thoughts. You began to run as well, and you watched people pulling themselves onto the wagon by helping themselves by grabbing the door handle.
As you approached, you stumbled into the wagon just barely before pushing yourself to the side to make room for others and in an effort to catch some air. You were trying to control your breathing by looking at the ground, when suddenly, you notice how a girl bumps into you.
"OUCH" you both exclaim, as she moves away from her towards the door, you quickly get up.
"Sorry, I didn't even-" the black girl starts to speak.
"No, don't worry, I've made the same landing, I hope it gets better with time" you smile at her as you offer your hand to help her get up and out of the way, as you see a teammate who has to do wonders to avoid walking on her. "My name is Y/M" you introduce yourself.
"Winter, nice to meet you" she smiles at you as she takes your hand and she stands up. Yellow cloths. Amity. "What a welcome" Winter whispers, it wasn't a complaint, but from her tone it wasn't a compliment either and you understood it. You were just as tired.
As Winter struggled to catch her breath, you started to gaze inside your wagon. You noticed that both initiates and adults were conversing in a corner with other Dauntless companions, and that the color that stuck out the most was white. Candor. There was no one from Erudite that you recognized when you tried to look around the wagon. You now wish that you had paid closer attention to the ceremony to learn the identities of your new colleagues. You imagine you'd learn the answer quite quickly.
"Why are we moving towards Abnegation?" asked a boy from Candor who was standing close to you but whom you had overlooked.
You couldn't believe it; this was your first time riding a train, and you were preoccupied with the interior rather than the outside scenery. You turned around and scan the area. Winter mused, and you nodded. "Perhaps they are giving us the difficult route; try to picture the landscape a bit; after all, we will have to travel a lot. That, or just give us time to catch our breath." The three of you laughed as she spoke.
"At least I'm glad all of us transferees are equally dying." The boy replied sincerely. "I don't think much could have trained us for this." Winter continued. "Yeah, but that's what initiation is for, I'm sure we'll all learn how to uncover our advantages", you said.
The three of you stood there in silence watching the train as it accelerated forward, away from Abnegation and toward the fence, with distant views of Amity's factories.
"It's fantastic, I've never seen this far from the city" Remarked a girl as she left a big group and headed towards the unoccupied window in front of them to get a better view. White clothes, she was Candor too. "It's lovely, I've never seen so much green combined" You added as you got closer to see better next to her, and you felt that your companions did the same. "Nature is what I'll miss the most." Winter introduced herself, and the girl turned to greet her. While she was looking at all of us, she began to call her name, "Cor-" but when her gaze landed next to her faction mate, she tightened up a little. "Alvin"
You noticed he hadn't introduced himself, therefore that was his name. She received a little bow from Alvin with his head, "Corinne" The girl grinned at him and said, "There was no question that you were going to be a Dauntless." "Yeah, I can't say the same about you." He said, a little dryly, there was some friction because these two weren't exactly best buddies. You cut the conversation short, "Nice to meet you Corinne, I'm Y/M," and Corinne smiled at you, seemingly thanking you for the change of subject. "Likewise. Hey Winter, your lands are huge, aren't they?", she asked.
"Yes, but this is just a portion. We only come here to labor and gather some supplies. Our primary land is located in the northern part of the city. Although you can't see how huge it is from a train because we've already passed it all, this train moves quickly", she said, and you agreed. You had read a lot about Amity, so you were familiar with everything. "Yeah, we're already heading back to the city, so I guess it won't be long for us to go down" You said.
And before you knew it, the three of you females started chit-chatting about your prior lives while Alvin quietly left to find other company. After a while you started hearing knowing on metal and scanned the wagon looking at one of the Dauntless members trying to get everyone's attention. "Stop talking, we're almost there,"
And suddenly it was over. Everyone began to jump once more. Winter continued to whine, but there was no time for it. The train was going quickly, there was not much time to second guess if you didn't want to miss it. You gave a side smile and noted out of resignament before crossing over to the other side in an effort to gain speed as you impulsively leaped.
Your body felt the shock of your short fall on the roof, but you were unharmed. Adrenaline running through your body. Corinne and Winter fell exactly next to you, and as your eyes crossed, you both couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity of the scenario. Even though this was crazy, you were okay. And going forward, everything will be easier, or so you believed.
The three of you stood up and made your way over to the large group that was assembling on the opposite side, where one boy was standing on top of the roof and giving everyone a somber look over his shoulder. "Alright, listen up. My name's Eric. I am one of the leaders of your faction. Several floors below us is the entrance for the members of our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump, you don't belong here." Specifically focusing on those who stood out the most in the crowd of people wearing black clothing—transferred people like you—he said, "Initiates any volunteers?" Despite the fact that, in your opinion, you shouldn't have to prove yourself, he was putting you to the test.
Everyone turned to look when a familiar male voice shouted "Me" As soon as you laid your eyes onto him, you recognized him. Milan. Fellow Erudite like you. His transfer wasn't a surprise, everyone could tell Erudite wasn't his place, but you weren't paying enough attention at the Ceremony following your turn to observe his entry. After all these changes, you both attempted to greet a familiar face as he passed between you by exchanging glances and nodding slightly to one another as you smiled awkwardly.
Although you couldn't see Milan's face, you could tell when he lost confidence and his shoulders stiffened as he looked at the darkness beneath him. He took a moment to inhale deeply and jumped. But once he did everyone carefully stayed in silence as if that would help them hear better any sign of his existence. Other few seconds passed and a fellow Dauntless-born stepped out to the edge to jump off without thinking with a smile on her face and at that moment, you realized. There could not be something dangerous down there, what could be the point of losing all their new members? After that realization, you relaxed your shoulders and as a Candor member started to climb into the edge, you started making your way to the edge as the fourth volunteer.
You took advantage of the small amount of time while the third jumper was jumping to get a better look at one of your new leaders, Eric, and his colleagues who were standing to the side. He definitely had a Pug face that was at ease. His thick black tattooed stripes on his neck and pierced brows gave him a decidedly unfriendly appearance. Was it just his demeanor, or did he have to put on an act to lead initiatives? All the other Dauntless teammates were equally intimidating-looking and well-groomed. You recall how fantastical you always thought they were when you were little. So tall and powerful, covered in so many tattoos. You've always questioned whether they altered the new initiatives, chose their new look and suddenly they became fearless. Before the Aptitude Test, you had trouble picturing anybody from Erudite as Dauntless. As you grew older, you came to know how absurd that notion was, and as you stood a few feet from their position, you were aware that everything was about to unfold for you.
When the leader looked up after checking the bottom of the hole, he discovered your eyes were fixed on him. He turned his head as a signal for Next, and you immediately ascended and looked below. Knowing that you were about to leap off to nothing made for a definitely terrifying-looking vista. However, there couldn't be nothing there. You simply knew it. You inhaled deeply before making a leap of faith.
And despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but tighten up as you descend under the hole swiftly. Soon you were struck with something that coins the impact. A net. There's a fucking net. Your body unwinds, and you begin to chuckle. You were beginning to understand the significance of this. Looking around, you see someone attempting to assist you. Quickly turning to the edge with his assistance, you roll out. The man asks, "Your name? You cannot change it after the fact, so consider your options carefully," he said with a warm smile. However, there was nothing you were running after. You didn't need a fresh start just to keep growing. "Y/M" You grinned, he nodded, and you followed his eyes as he turned to look at another Dauntless member who appeared to be in charge of arranging the group of your fellow initiatives as well as a group of people standing behind whom, based on their behavior, you assumed didn't want to miss this.
When the man who pulled you out of the net announced you as the fourth jumper, the gathering of people from your new group applauded you on, and you raised your fist in celebration as you joined the others who had jumped prior.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
just in case anyone needs visual representation of the important locations thus far bc i do for my writting and just building up the world in my mind. credit to the ppl who created this, i just found them shared online & recollected them here. will update if necessary.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
Fandom: Divergent
Credit of inspo: here & here
A/N: as the fic that im currently writting is based before the events of the book, here are some new characters that we'll be seeing throught the series. they will grow and expand and maybe they will be nothing like stated here lol this is the guideliness and the inspo, will see where it leads me. if drastical changes are made, i'll update.
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Milan grew up an Erudite. He never felt like he fit in there. Milan gets low scores on all of his tests. At his choosing ceremony, he chose to go to Dauntless.
POSITIVE TRAITS: sensitive, aggressive, winning, tasteful, hurried
NEGATIVE TRAITS: miserable, narrow-minded, grim, assertive, distractible
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Corinne grew up a Candor. She never felt like she fit in there. Corinne doesn't want to train to be a lawyer. At her choosing ceremony, she chose to go to Dauntless
POSITIVE TRAITS: freewheeling, profound, daring, breezy, artful
NEGATIVE TRAITS: obedient, crass, tactless, unsentimental, single-minded
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Rosa grew up a Candor. She never felt like she fit in there. Allyson is dishonest. At her choosing ceremony, she chose to go to Dauntless.
POSITIVE TRAITS: practical, invisible, relaxed, impressive, gallant
NEGATIVE TRAITS: reactionary, miserable, suspicious, disorganized, conceited
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Anderson grew up a Dauntless. He always felt like he fit in there. Anderson was the last to jump. At his choosing ceremony, he chose to stay at Dauntless.
POSITIVE TRAITS: alert, well-bred, delicated, focused, idealistic
NEGATIVE TRAITS: tasteless, mystical, unprincipled, solemn, distractible
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Ember grew up a Dauntless. She always felt like she fit in there. Ember is a really good fighter. At her choosing ceremony, she chose to stay at Dauntless.
POSITIVE TRAITS: witty, intense, folksy, gallant, realistic
NEGATIVE TRAITS: shallow, unlovable, brutal, tough, resentful
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Winter grew up an Amity. She never felt like she fit in there. Winter dislikes her job. At her choosing ceremony, she chose to go to Dauntless
POSITIVE TRAITS: honest, aesthetic, conservative, self-sufficient, sympathetic
NEGATIVE TRAITS: reserved, obnoxious, destructive, monstrous, sordid.
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Alvin grew up a Candor. He never felt like he fit in there. Alvin was the bottom of his class. At his choosing ceremony, he chose to go to Dauntless.
POSITIVE TRAITS: hurried, scrupulous, anticipative, balanced, iconoclastic
NEGATIVE TRAITS: soft, opinionated, progressive, outspoken, superficial.
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Clark grew up a Dauntless. He always felt like he fit in there. Clark is the top of his class. His test results told him he was Dauntless, much to his relief.
POSITIVE TRAITS: articulate, empathetic, rustic, big-thinking, urbane
NEGATIVE TRAITS: libidinous, barbaric, careless, charmless, reactionary
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POSITIVE TRAITS: Impassive, introspective, self-defacing, deceptive, discreet
NEGATIVE TRAITS: mealy-mouthed, haughty, wilful, cantankerous, apathetic
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POSITIVE TRAITS: modest, reverential, self-defacing, impassive, principled
NEGATIVE TRAITS: narrow, hidebound, surprising, repressed, fawning
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
Aye aye aye
So this is my first post here, name's mimi and i've just been casually writting stories for a very long time. Used to rp all the time yet havent in a few years. Recently my muse in dystopian has risen again and im very excited to publish what ive got. Won't promise it's any good lol havent been using tumblr in a very long time either and everything is so different so pls bare w me, english is not my first nor second lenguage so kidness its thanked. I'm just messing around with it, trying to enjoy myself and hopefully you like, it if not.. well, i'd like it. Wasn't even gonna post this whole thing into the tags but i figured it's always helpful to build up of each others energy (if anyone interacts w it, again no pressure this is mostly for me). My first story will be divergent au kinda sorta aka before the events of the movie, set in dauntless and w eric bc we love a bad boy. Also want to focus on building the characters as we got them presented in the book and the society status but once again, dont make no promises.
Here are some of my thoughts during my first writting session (im halfway through)
• i think my biggest mission in this story other than finishing it is to not kill y/n at the end to explain eric's extreme assholness&cold heart bc lol isn't what we all think will happen? i mean wouldnt it be a dystopian story if the main/fav character didnt get killed off riGHT VERONICA but also predictable idk we'll see
• also always wanted to write stories of four and eric initative times and fights HC but i gotta warm up to the characters tbh and fight scenes bc there's a lot and i need to explore the world first, make it my own in a way even though i own nothing bc im not veronica roth but you get what im saying
• refer to previous point, am i fully knowloadged of the world? The factions? The OG story? No, so i'm sure i'll ramble through and adapt it to my own mind, hope thats not off putting. I'll try my best but you know how things turn out sometimes.
• i do have a small bullet point and inspo fcs for the characters presented in the story & i want to make like a post for them but also too much work and im still getting to know them myself so im sure they will grow a lot but probs will post them just so we are @ same page w them??
• also finish writting chapt 1 would be a nice i guess lol
• fyi story is written as second person prespective refering to you all the time, character y/n and our main character is literally just us, thinks dauntless is hella cool but doesnt believe shes cool enough to be, she'll work her way up and eventually fall in love w eric and probs figure out some shit going on in chicago
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