mindful-electrical · 1 month
!!!! THIS IS SO REAL I actually was drawing on my own experience of being autistic/nd with that post and I'm so so happy you were able to identify yourself in it!!!! He's my favorite character for that reason too ^w^
It's soo interesting...like a lot of people insist autism and other disabilities are "superpowers" instead of, well, disabilities—the implication being that disability is a bad word or something inherently tied to weakness.
Autistic people can choose to self-identify however they want, of course, as you said. But allistics/nondisabled people shouldn't force these things. Disability *is* a useful category, something worth appreciating and analyzing—not rejected altogether. Not just an identity but a mode of imagining new, exciting possibilities!!
A few people's response to the thread was that BH couldn't possibly be disabled cause he's a black hole who can kill everyone, but that's exactly the point! Just like his friends, we're buying into the trope—we're ignoring how hard it is for him to navigate his world like most other contestants.
"What would BH even do with Two's powers"
Get closer to his friends? Hang around the same spaces as them like the hotel? Be able to move and hold things more easily? Maybe even experience physical touch for the first time??
Or maybe the pressure shouldn't be on him to change. Maybe Two could try to make the doors larger for him or conjure up some new alternative. e.g., when BH couldn't fit in the pit during TPOT 7's Cake at Stake, Two made him a "pit cake," instead, and he was very happy about that!! Let him be included!!!!!
Maybe everyone should just try to be more understanding towards the guy and respect his boundaries. Not use his existence against him for the sake of a challenge whenever the opportunity presents itself. Given the fact that Fanny said she didn't want to "force him to do anything at all" in TPOT 10, I hope this is the direction the show is going. If he's now trying to do the best by people by not putting death prevention over well-being, maybe the others can do the best by him, too 👀👀
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Psst hey guys hey I've been meaning to write this kind of post for such a long time (since TPOT 2), and I finally did! Black Hole is disabled—his entire arc (and it's possible resolution) is predicated on that fact. This is like,,,my most favorite thing I've ever written ever please read if you want/can
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mindful-electrical · 1 month
omigosh yayayaya no problem :DDD !!!!! thank you for reading my silly rambles hehehehe
i really like your black hole analysis posts
what do you think of tpot 10?
wowowow that makes me so happy to hear omg thank youuu !!! oohh tpot 10 I absolutely loved tpot 10 it's my favorite episode of the season now especially because of the black hole development hehehehe
"I dream and I wish things are normal and work out"
BH was already aware of the damage he was causing by prioritizing death prevention at all costs. He already knew Fanny was right, that his teammates and his fellow competitors were getting hurt in his effort to avoid just that. But what else could he do? What *can* he do when he can no longer win challenges as easily as he had in BFB? What can he do if his only other option is to kill those who get in his way? To become that monster he was always destined to be?
Death prevention gave him so much hope and comfort against the reality of his existence, so much so that it became an unhealthy coping mechanism after his challenge struggles (and subsequent accidental murder) in TPOT 2. It protected him from his fear...at the cost of allowing that fear to control him more and more as time went by.
It's only when he had that talk with Fanny—when he was able to display and confront his feelings head on—that they could come to some sort of resolution. Fanny's assurance gave him a new kind of hope: Life PACT. Now he believes he has more options to imagine and explore and I can't wait to see what he discovers :]
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mindful-electrical · 1 month
i really like your black hole analysis posts
what do you think of tpot 10?
wowowow that makes me so happy to hear omg thank youuu !!! oohh tpot 10 I absolutely loved tpot 10 it's my favorite episode of the season now especially because of the black hole development hehehehe
"I dream and I wish things are normal and work out"
BH was already aware of the damage he was causing by prioritizing death prevention at all costs. He already knew Fanny was right, that his teammates and his fellow competitors were getting hurt in his effort to avoid just that. But what else could he do? What *can* he do when he can no longer win challenges as easily as he had in BFB? What can he do if his only other option is to kill those who get in his way? To become that monster he was always destined to be?
Death prevention gave him so much hope and comfort against the reality of his existence, so much so that it became an unhealthy coping mechanism after his challenge struggles (and subsequent accidental murder) in TPOT 2. It protected him from his fear...at the cost of allowing that fear to control him more and more as time went by.
It's only when he had that talk with Fanny—when he was able to display and confront his feelings head on—that they could come to some sort of resolution. Fanny's assurance gave him a new kind of hope: Life PACT. Now he believes he has more options to imagine and explore and I can't wait to see what he discovers :]
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mindful-electrical · 1 month
oohh almost forgot to post this,,,first ever completed animation thingie for school yayayaya :DD !!!!
also planning on posting more things to my channel so check that out if you want maybe possibly 👀👀
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mindful-electrical · 4 months
"Bisan flying a kite today ♥️ The Palestinian smile is resistance to the colonizers and their inhumane occupation. Palestine will be free."
from Wear The Peace, 19/Feb/2024:
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mindful-electrical · 4 months
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Psst hey guys hey I've been meaning to write this kind of post for such a long time (since TPOT 2), and I finally did! Black Hole is disabled—his entire arc (and it's possible resolution) is predicated on that fact. This is like,,,my most favorite thing I've ever written ever please read if you want/can
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
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tree /w glasses>>>>
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
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Bh gijinka.....,..,. Hi blackhole... Blackhole hiiii.....,
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
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She likes to find excuses to carry him
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
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I really enjoyed TPOT 9 ^_^
here’s a screen cap redraw
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
So, I wrote a backstory for Black Hole. Call me cringe all you want but it's mostly a different universe where the contestants have parents and families, which, we don't know where they came from in actuality. But that also gives us free reign to let our creativity flow. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do!
Thank you so much to NariiennTunes as I said, a very good friend of mine who listened to me ramble about this idea and also helped in a lot of areas.
Also, note, that not all of this is gonna be completely accurate to real life astronomy. I'm still learning about it currently but I'm not gonna stress myself out over the accuracy of it because there's a literal black hole in the show and he's not ALWAYS sucking up people left and right, and hasn't destroyed their earth yet. And also, he was compressed into a smaller size. So there you have it. Now, on with the storyline!
And finally, for the people who asked to see it specifically:
Way back in the past, growing up, Black Hole, being an alien (in my headcanon/gijinka), lived on a planet called Astramios. Where stars, galaxies, comets and asteroids alike all live together personified in harmony.
Except, it wasn't harmony.
There was constant suffering, death and wars. Higher ups were corrupt and the lower class were forced to accept the fact that they'd never be treated as equal. Aliens alike brushed off constant death as if it was nothing to get sad over.
All, except for few. And one of those few was Black Hole. He was exposed to death from a very early age, his parents not exactly being the most loving or nurturing. Everybody's way of thinking on his planet—
kill or be killed.
He hated it.
He hated the constant death, the wars, the fighting, the screams—the suffering.
He grew up in the middle of war.
But, Black Hole wasn't always Black Hole.
Mu Cephei, son and prodigy of V Cephei and Ky Cygni, some of the most powerful and high class stars on their planet. With a reputation to uphold, there's no room for remorse, or emotions or sympathy. They must raise their son to be able to defend himself and honor his family's name.
Black Hole was once Mu Cephei.
His parents put excessive amounts of pressure on him, especially his dad—V Cephei, who's name was passed onto him. Constant training since the age of 10 to be a soldier, a warrior, a general. A leader.
No matter how much it tired him.
No matter how much it hurt.
No matter how much he just wanted peace.
He must be the best, and continue his family’s legacy.
Mu Cephei never liked fighting, or the training, anything that his family raised him with really—the only thing he was grateful for was knowing how to use his powers, and even then, it was only purposed for fighting.
He doesn't WANT to fight.
But, one day, he had gotten too close to a battle while outdoors, only trying to gather food for himself and his family. That was a mistake.
A blast was sent in his direction, and he couldn't avoid it—and before he knew it—he blacked out.
A while later, he had woken up, but not as his usual self. He was…darker, he felt different, and he was sucking up things around him.
He was a black hole.
By the time he came to, his parents had surrounded him, forcing him up to his feet and leading him home. He had no idea what to do, or say. They seemed angry. He did break one of the first rules they taught him, after all.
Never let your guard down.
He was…scarred, to say the least. As a star, it wasn't as hard to avoid hurting people and cause destruction, because — well…he was a star. Still powerful, but not out of control.
He hardly knew what he was now. And his parents didn't look at him the same anymore.
It ultimately left them disappointed, and ashamed of their own son. They were upper class aliens, for constellation’s sake! He can't destroy both his and their reputation like that!
But either way, they both kept training him. Trained him to re-learn everything as this new species of alien, and Black Hole did his best to follow, even when he felt out of control all the time.
By the time he was of age, the relationship between him and his parents was worse than ever—and the state of their planet was awful. It was evil.
He hated pain, he hated death, and all it had to offer.
He hated seeing others just die on the spot, even with how they all had thoughts and feelings and their own lives—but nobody seemed to care!
It often felt like he was the only one who did.
So, just like that—when he got the chance…
He left, without looking back.
It was a hard decision, all things considered, but he knew he'd survive wandering space—as long as he was careful.
But no doubt it got…lonely.
The constant silence was better than constant war, but it was still…chilling. Being all alone with nobody but yourself was lonely, isolating. But he didn't have a choice. And even then, people still got hurt by him. Traveling into space and getting sucked up by him, the screaming and then the inevitable silence all over again, and he could hardly do anything about it.
Until…he found Earth.
Coming to Earth was an odd decision. With the help of an odd, blue alien, his powers and essence in general was condensed on Earth’s atmosphere so he could live there. Before the challenge started, he was hesitant on even staying, seeing as even with the limited abilities… he was still dangerous. But overtime, he learned to control it better, and was somewhat content.
This world was so beautiful, and so much less corrupt than his old home. People weren't constantly killing eachother.
Okay, that last bit is a lie. Death was still prevelant, and brushed off. But it was more understandable because they had recovery centers, and he liked THAT at least…
But seeing death, over and over again was awful. Traumatizing..Tiring. Like he was living out his old life all over again. Especially if the suffering was at his own hands.
So, obviously, upon joining the challenge and seeing others just as ecstatic about a pacifistic life as he was—was…uplifting.
He felt like he had a chance at not being a monster for once.
He threw away his old name, Mu Cephei, and went by his new one permanently.
Black Hole.
And that's how it all began.
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
TPOT episode where Black Hole realizes that he’s made up of the remnants of dead stars and Loses It
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
hey- *gets shot*
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btw shoutout to my +20 followers it means a lot so thank u guys :)
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
//TPOT 9 Spoilers
“I need to protect Tree.”
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
!!!! he does, and the idea always drives me crazy,,,like I have to think he does know (he's a know-it-all about space after all), and it must bother him immensely. Like does he perceive it as a loss of self? Does he even hold anything from when he used to be star—any feelings, memories? Or does he consider himself to be a different individual entirely? Someone who only exists because he took the life of his parent star (?), always taking and taking from the world with no light of his own to offer. Whatever the case, I'd imagine that would motivate him to prevent death even more. Because sometimes death really is permanent...he would know all too well :((
TPOT episode where Black Hole realizes that he’s made up of the remnants of dead stars and Loses It
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mindful-electrical · 5 months
**Small correction!!!**
In TPOT 6, Lightning was actually the one who suggested looking for something in GB's laboratory to revive the fish—not Marker—but I think that's even more telling! Another thing to note: In TPOT 3, Tree was the first to bring up the idea of prioritizing saving lives over the challenge when all those blocks were falling—it just happened to work in their favor that time. In that same episode, even Fanny (along with Lightning) chimed in about all the "death-related possibilities" the other team posed.
("I hate rollercoasters! What if you fall off, you die???")
And then Remote comes up with the idea for the landing pad! BH has barely said anything by the 13-minute mark of the episode, yet his entire team was already gung-ho about death prevention. No one needed to be convinced into doing anything. Before TPOT 7, we had no reason to believe that if forced to make a decision (and BH wasn't there), the team wouldn't come to the same conclusions he did.
Black Hole never "made his team lose" guys :(
TPOT 7 literally proves he never did (and never could). At no other point in the show did anyone on his team go against what he said; they all just agreed to it. They all agreed to kill the Funny Plant—with Remote, the only person who had some reservations about it, fully admitting it was a "necessary sacrifice." They all agreed to revive the fish. And they were about to all agree to tear down the oven if Fanny hadn't said anything. For those last two, Marker was actually the one to suggest "how" to do those things: going down to GB's laboratory and "it's time to smash!"
And yet, no one ever complains about Marker for this.
Of course BH's gonna feel betrayed when elimination is this big deal out of nowhere. Pie was okay. Remote was okay. Why is the contest so important now?
And it turns out he doesn't even need to understand. Fanny made him kill Tree and took control over the team's strategy, and there was nothing he could do about it. Really, the only person who has ever "forced" the team into a direction they weren't comfortable with is Fanny at this point.
Also TPOT 1 doesn't count. How is it BH's fault that he's disabled? There's no argument there.
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