misslolasynastry · 3 years
Celebrity Synastry Analysis
Married at First Sight - Season 13
Michela and Zack
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Couples' Synopsis 💭: Michaela is an energetic, life of the party, extroverted personality. Zack (on the show, I noticed Michaela spelled his name with an h Zach instead of k Zack so apologies if the spelling is wrong. Lifetime uses k Zack) whos more relaxed, go with the flow, sensual romantic, sensitve type. So far up to episode 12, they liked each other but it went downhill relatively fast. Theyre very erratic emotionally where Michaela has anger problems and Zack has trouble with his emotions and conflict. First day of the wedding, they seemed anxious but optimistic. Zack leads activities and Michaela decides if she wants to participate that day. They argue almost every time theyre in the same room. Zack has gone on to say that he doesnt feel safe around Michaela due to her anger outbreaks. Michaela wants him but doesnt quite grasp how her premature reactions affect him. She wants to just start over like nothing happened, while Zack wants to take things slow. When around others, they pretend that things are fine. Most fans agree that they should part ways due to their reactive intensity. Its their trouble with communication and inability to resolve conflict without things getting excessive that make their union challenging.
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Below is an example of what I give for basic synastry clients. One thing astrology doesnt account for is having a mutual connection. As 2 people can be completely incompatible and still desire each other i a love/lust way. On the other hand couples with highly compatible charts may have no feelings for each other. However, the compatible couple usually has more longevity due to their ability to relate and understand each other as problems are easily dealt with. Synastry analyzes 2person comparing their behaviors and personality traits and how they interact with each other. This can be done for couples, family members, and friends.
🌞 Sun - Libra * Taurus
Represents what each person takes pride in and is the core of their personality. Although Libra (Zack) and Taurus (Michaela) are both ruled by venus, the approach is very different. Libra Suns are intellectual, fun loving, peacekeeping, driven, and social zodiacs. Tauruses are more sensual, emotional, stubborn, and materialistic. Libras prefer things more easygoing, friendly, and fun, but a Taurus would like things a bit deeper and more personal than that. At any rate, on Zack and Michaela's wedding day they were polar opposites. Michaela was very focused on appearance while Zack seemed a little detached trying to get to know her throughout the day.
🌛 Moon - Capricorn * unknown
Represents how each handles emotions, feelings, and the way they feel nurtured. Unfortunately I was not able to find Michaela's birthday (only her birth year and zodiac) so Im going by what information I could find. At the same time, Im going to presume that they do have incompatible moons based on the way they react when sharing feelings or attempts to nurture. Zack is the Capricorn moon . Some would find this surprising based on how much he's cried on the show. But if you look closely at the chart, his moon is aspected by Uranus (erratic/unexpected) and Neptune (escapist and delusion). So if you keep that in mind, this definitely explains why hes so emotional and bolts when anxious. Capricorn moons are fatherly, reserved, hardworking, and serious often seeming cold but they're just calculated and take on a mature approach to emotions. They nurture those they love by doing things through traditional means, which involve caring and supporting family and their spouse by doing little tasks and preparing for your future together making sure you have what you need. But this emotional nature is severely hot and cold from Zack due to his fear of Michaela and previous relationship trauma. Zack would make attempts to comfort Michaela and she often had a "No, but....." rebuttal which made him feel unreciprocated. Its Zack's aspects to his moon which make him more emotional than the norm.
🗣 Mercury - Libra * (Aries or Taurus)
Represents the way you communicate, process information, and the key to what goes on in a person's head. This is often overlooked by most couples but its VERY important when you want to ne heard and understood. Based on Michaela's interviews and their arguments Id guess that she is a Taurus mercury from her high sensitivity and confusion toward the things that Zack says, and her stubbornness. But as for Zack's Libra mercury he is a peacekeeper, jokester, intellectual, very careful and calculated in the way he says things. Overall a solid ability in the way hes able to communicate and share his thoughts as all air signs. Although, hes emotionally erratic and an escapist, hes still an effective communicator if you listen closely to what he says before his moon emotions take over. However, he is also passive and people pleasing so hes quick to give up. I also noticed that jupiter aspects his mercury which makes him overly optimistic at times. Its likely why he keeps making light of their relationship to other people, despite his concerns which confuses Michaela and fans.
💝 Venus - Virgo * (Gemini or Cancer)
Represents your creativity, romance style, inspiration, and foreplay. Based on the activities and her responses to Zack during intimate moments, I would guess that Michaela is a Gemini Venus. This is based on her desire to connect with different people, preferring fun tasks and enjoying great conversationalists. Venus in Virgo on the other hand enjoy comfortability, sensual romance, and routine. Zack at his brightest, enjoyed moments where things were peaceful and intimate such as the studio date or when they were alone and quiet. He's most satisfied in solitude where he can relax and enjoy his surroundings with his partner. I noticed on each of their dates they seem a bit out of touch even on their wedding day. Where Michaela was having fun, Zack was more sensual and intimate. This also explains why on each of their dates there is some disconnect between the 2. Venus maintains that spark and ability to enjoy time together even when times get rocky. Something this couple struggles with due to their differences. Its often the culprit when couples stop having date night because they enjoy different romantic things.
😡 Mars - Libra*Cancer
Represents the way you respond to conflict, what motivates you, and the style of sex you prefer. They are both incompatible here as they seek to resolve conflict, and become triggered in different ways. I find that when couples are incompatible in Mars or Moon this is when I hear the word Narcissist the most. Because both individuals can have alternate perspectives, its VERY easy to misjudge each other's intentions and make assumptions. This is usually where communication comes in handy. Their Mars makes a square aspect meaning that this difference is so challenging that overcoming it can take some deep inward work and mutual understanding. Libra the peacemaker tends to want to resolve things straight away but give up easily. Cancer Mars are emotional when upset, so their feelings can often cloud decision making. So you have Cancer the sensitive emotional person arguing about how something made them feel, an Libra the intellectual that gets tired of explaining and trying to resolve what triggered the argument in the first place. You notice this if you pay attention closely when Zack and Michaela argue, some people only pick up on 1-2 sentences and then focus on that but listening to the entire conversation puts things into perspective. Zack will say how he doesnt like something and thinks they need to work on it, Michaela gets sensitive regarding 1-3 words and focuses on that and starts getting upset. Zack then shutsdown and becomes emotionally erratic with crying. Once Mars clashes the Moon emotions switch steps in and takes over. Rinse and repeat. I could go on forver regarding how many planets of Zack's square Michaela's mars.....ultimately making this relationship very difficult to reconcile.
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When it comes to aspects traditionally I would break down them all, but when first looking at someone's chart in a basic synastry standpoint, I analyze longevity factors first. Such as aspects to Saturn, Pluto, North Node, and at times Juno. But to keep this shorter Ill stick to the 3 major aspects. Conjunctions, Trines, and Squares
😇Saturn Trine Sun - Saturn is loyal to and trustworthy of Sun who brings joy and energy into the relationship. There's a desire to be committed
😇Saturn Trine Jupiter - challenges make this a relationship for steady growth and maturity. Its slow but it is progress.
😭Saturn Square Pluto - Pluto has the ability to breakdown Saturn's defenses but then attempts to turn it for their own benefit. In turn, Saturn becomes seemingly cold, self serving, and uncaring. A battle for dictatorship in the relationship.
😇Pluto Trine Chiron - the relationship brings deep healing and transformation as both let go and learn to be more receptive to things theyd usually fight against.
👥North Node Conjunct Moon - an intense emotional bond where North Node acts a role model to Moon (Moon is Zack). They both benefit from having emotional security.
👥North Node Conjunct Uranus - Uranus (Zack) isnt easy to pin down and can be seemingly unpredictable. Through this, North Node is able to be more conscious of themselves and things they struggle with. This causes North Node to change their way of thinking for healthier more expanded patterns.
👥North Node Conjunct Neptune - both can feel spiritually bound in a strange way. Neptune (Zack) awakens healing in North Node by pulling them out of delusions and turning them toward individual lessons. However, they can both at times idealize each other or manipulate.
😭North Node Square Mercury - Mercury (Zack) can be positively influential on North Node in the things they say to help benefit their future. But North Node can be quite resistant to this. In turn both lose sight of the future and get caught up in the moment.
😭North Node Square Mars - initial tension can create attraction but this disguises anger, aggression, fight for control, and competition rather than a union. For resolve they would have to evaluate themselves rather than each other and attempt to work together on a mutual purpose.
😭North Node Square Jupiter - sense of direction can be lost as Jupiter (Zack) can confuse North Node with pleasure seeking and misplaced optimism. North Node can make them both wander aimlessly with no sense of purpose and poor decision making.
😇North Node Trine Jupiter - North Node (Zack) has the ability to accentuate both person's strengths to help steer them on the right path. Jupiter person's philosophical nature helps North Node on their life path and can benefit each career.
📒 Final thoughts: Based on their compatibility and aspects, this relationship can teach them alot about themselves, but they may not be destined for each other long term. The problems with anger and misunderstandings could very well be a long standing battle as they slowly progress over the years. Im willing to bet that theyd grow apart as they learn from each other. But in the meantime, both could use some individual healing first before ever considering to work on the relationship. With Zack's emotional anxiety and erratic tendencies, I dont think its healthy for him to be around her until they both mature a bit more. His hot and cold nature paired with her extreme outbursts could both cause them to do things they may regret later. Zack is right to leave when he feels uncomfortable but at the same time needs to put a cap on his optimism and stop putting himself in situations he really doesnt want to be in. Michaela just needs to resolve her anger and move past her defensive stance. This relationship is a strong case of battling to be right instead of paying attention to each other's needs. They both pretend things are ok even when they arent. Right now I dont believe either are ready for a relationship.
🧜🏽‍♀️ For inquiries regarding synastry charts please visit my profile introductory post, email misslolasynastry@gmail, or shoot me a message. If youd like me to analyze a celebrity couple im willing to do so as long as you have both birthdays on hand. I can also analyze family members as well.
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misslolasynastry · 3 years
Celebrity Synastry Analysis
Married at First Sight - Season 13
Ryan and Brett
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Couples' Synopsis 🗯: Brett (yes her name is Brett) is a more liberal pop-chic, glamour, outgoing type of woman. Ryan is conservative, country music, outdoorsy, camo hunter, introverted guy. So far up to episode 11, they arent really into each other but they get along okay. You can tell that there isnt much of a spark, yet they still participate in activites. First day of the wedding, they were like oil and water as Brett felt uncomfortable with Ryan's lifestyle and views as she grew up in a more socially relaxed upbringing. Ryan is more quiet and soft spoken so although he peeps things he doesn't say much. Brett leads most of their activities together and although she is aware of their differences she's modest and optimistic about it. They dont argue theyve just sorta accepted how different they are and casually press on. They look more like coworkers that dont talk much. Ryan has gone on to say that he doesnt feel a connection with Brett and so he doesnt put in much effort toward the relationship. I created a poll amongst fans asking if they think Ryan's lack of connection is valid OR should he try more to make it work as Brett does? The results were 55% with 75 participants leaning towards them just not being a good fit. I agree in that regard.
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Below is an example I give for basic synastry clients. One thing astrology doesnt account for is having a connection, as 2 people can be completely incompatible yet still crave each other in a love/lust way. Ive also seen couples that had highly compatible charts but they werent interested in each other. However, despite lacking a natural bond, theyre more likely to come to appreciate one another over time due to how naturally smooth things are. Synastry is more for analyzing the differences in 2 persons' behaviors and personality, as well as how they interact with each other. Youre able to see where you disconnect and where you have similarities. I do them for couples, family members, and best friends.
🌞 Sun - Leo * Scorpio
Represents what each person takes pride in and is the core of their personality. They are incompatible here because they view life and take pride in very different things. Their Suns also create a square aspect which intensifies how polar they are. Leo Suns are more extroverted and take pride in the joys of life, creativity, romance, independence, and things that encourage spontaneity and challenge. Scorpio on the other hand is a deeply emotional intimate sign, as an empath are often more introverted in relationships and prefer a slow and steady intensity. Scorpio is also more a codepenent sign as they feel at their best an most powerful when theyre in charge and can command change in their surroundings. This doesnt work very well with an independent Leo Sun as both of them are fixed (stubborn) signs, one emotional/sensual and the other more playful/fiery. You could see this on their wedding day as Brett felt out of place while Ryan couldnt figure out why Brett couldnt just let go and enjoy the moment.
🌛 Moon - Virgo * Cancer
Represents how each handles emotions, feelings, the way they feel nurtured and nurture others. They have compatible moon signs as their zodiacs are both introverted, sensual, slow and steady, as well as sensitive. Virgo moons are the organizing perfectionists so they tend to pick apart everything they sense and how theyre feeling. As an earth sign theyre very grounded but at the same time are constantly trying to perfect their relationships with others. If youre paying attention to the little details, they will love you for it. Cancer moons are the motherly type and at times codependent because if they care for someone they will try to protect and "mother" them. As an empath they are very sensitive to the feelings of others and do things to try to keep the peace. Because both are introverted, slow paced, and sensitive emotionally this pairing works well. You can see as Brett and Ryan are talking that they feel comfortable with each other especially when sharing their feelings.
🗣 Mercury - Cancer * Libra
Represents the way you communicate, process information, and the key to what goes on in a person's head. They are incompatible here because they process information and communicate very differently. There is also a square aspect which indicates being more prone to misunderstandings as well as having alternate viewpoints on many topics. Those who watch the show can see that they have very different social lives and beliefs. Cancer is more sensitive, family based, an emotional speaker, and empath. Cancers are in a way more dreamy and poetic conversators. They are sensitive to the things others say and fear hurting other's feelings as well as hearing harsh words. Libra is more intellectual, analytical, extroverted, and social. Librans are peacekeepers and enjoy light hearted fun conversation, they arent afraid of blunt direct speaking but dont take well to conflict. However in ways both individuals are people pleasers as these zodiacs feed off the other person, in order to respond in a way they think is acceptable. Ryan prefers a communication style thats more emotional poetic and intimate, while Brett wants someone to joke with and is engaging to have a good time. They dont really talk much and as you can see, Brett engages him more than the other way around. Ryan doesnt feel emotionally connected so often opts out of conversation unless its deep.
💝 Venus - Libra * Sagittarius
Represents your creativity, romance style, inspiration, and foreplay. They are compatible in this area as both zodiacs enjoy this more light and fun essence when doing different activities together. Libra Venus tends to love social activities and things that bring a bit of challenge in to the mix, having a peaceful loving relationship is important to them. Sagittarius is the spontaneous optimistic adventurer, enjoying someone they can grow with and exchange ideas. And because both are able to let go and have fun, theyre able to spend time with each other despite differences. You can see this in the show as both Brett and Ryan still participate in activities together while other couples struggle more.
😡 Mars - Capricorn * Libra
Represents the way you respond to conflict, what motivates you, and the style of sex you prefer. They are incompatible in this planet as they resolve conflict in very different ways. Capricorn the fatherly hardworking zodiac can be more withdrawn and stern, seeking to take some time to calm down before trying to resolve things. They approach conflict by way of hardwork, discipline, structure, conservatism and law. Capricorn Mars play by their rules on whats right and wrong and can have a traditional stance on things. They can get emotional and defensive of what they deem to be law. Libras dont mind approaching conflict head on, because when resolving they tend to remove emotions and analyze the situation. Theyre considered the best judges of the zodiac due to their ability to find balance and bring harmony. However, Libra Mars can be people pleasers and kinda passive about things. If they feel the other is uncompromising they will withdraw. Although Ive never seen them argue, I can predict that Ryan is more on the sensitive side and very matter of fact, while Brett may attempt to get her point across then cave-in once Ryan is noticeably uncomfortable. Although they may be able to trigger each other in the mood by way of Venus, Capricorn mars prefers more slow and steady lovemaking, while Librans like things more fast paced and fun in the bedroom. Im willing to bet that Ryan enjoyed Tantric yoga more than Brett did.
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When it comes to aspects traditionally I would break down them all, but when first looking at someone's chart in a basic synastry standpoint, I analyze longevity factors first. Such as aspects to Saturn, Pluto, North Node, and at times Juno. But to keep this shorter, I'll stick to the 3 major aspects. Conjunctions, Trines, Squares
😇 Saturn Trine North Node - support each others growth through maturity and discipline
👥Saturn Conjunct Uranus -traditionalist vs nonconformist, the unexpected and practical nature of each other is beneficial, but feelings of restriction or unpredictability can crumble the relationship
💣Saturn Square Moon - saturn sees moon as overly sensitive while moon feels restricted. It grows worse over time as each feel misunderstood, its up to Saturn to reconcile this issue by being more attentive.
😇Pluto Trine Sun - encourges confidence, positivity, and has a transforming effect on each partner, mostly Sun
😇Pluto Trine Jupiter - optimism remains through difficulty which allow both to persevere through challlenges
😇Pluto Trine North Node - pluto has the ability to transform and empower North Node on their path to success
💣Pluto Square Lilith - good intentions can get lost in the mix as pluto person attempts to transform liliths obvious struggles
😇North Node Trine Mercury - Mercury stimulates North Node's intellect regarding their purpose and karma in unexpected ways.
👥North Node Conjunct Jupiter - optimism and a sense of purpose motivates each other. This can help them succeed in things they do together.
💣North Node Square Neptune - the future of the relationship can be very cloudy, they may seek to look at each other for inward healing and North Node will lose patience for it all
💣North Node Square Venus - indicates differences in where each person wants the relationship to go, Venus prefers lighthearted fun and romance while North Node takes their path more serious.
📒 Final Thoughts: Based on their compatibility and aspects, there isnt much spark or longevity between them. And they may never quite align for that reason. They could attempt to work through these problems but for a lack of connection on Ryan's end, hes less likely to try to make it work. Brett is at least open to it but having different lifestyles and alternative desires for a relationship will make it hard to move forward. This is why having a mutual connection is so important in a relationship because both partners at least have that glue to try and make differences work. The only thing theyve got going for each other is the ability to understand each other's emotions and have a good time. But when examining aspects, Ryan still views Brett as overly sensitive and not disciplined in her reactions. Even if they did press on with their relationship, they may still find it dull, just based on the lack of fun aspects in their synastry chart.
🧜🏽‍♀️ For inquiries regarding synastry charts please visit my profile introductory post, email misslolasynastry@gmail, or shoot me a message. If you'd like me to analyze a celebrity couple im open to doing so as long as you have both birthdays on hand. I can also analyze family members as well.
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misslolasynastry · 3 years
Introduction Post
I'm Miss Lola,
an advanced student of astrology aspiring to become a Madame in the next couple years. As some of you may have guessed by my profile, in Western astrology I am a....
Pisces Sun 🧜🏽‍♀️
Cancer Moon 🤱🏽
Capricorn Rising 👔
Water Dominant 💧
Cardinal Dominant 🏃🏽‍♀️
I specialize in Tropical Western astrology and Synastry charts. Astrology is a tool useful in understanding one's behavior, personality, lessons, and assets in this life. I believe in using astrology to make one more self-aware and to understand other people you interact with. I most enjoy 💘 helping others find the love of their life and dive to the root of relationship problems. Im pursuing a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, so we will see how this all merges long-term. 😁
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Miss Lola = INFJ - Master 11
My personality is sensual, submissive, introverted, ambitious, and imaginative. Im living the single independent life with no children so I often have lots of free time and opportunities. Im a go-getter always pursuing the things i love but mostly working and pursuing higher education and healing/evolving my mental state. In my free time i dress up my dogs, dabble in beauty, sign up for plastic surgery, travel overseas, and buy wine glasses.
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