misterwesting · 7 months
you put over 2 million people in an open air prison – where you control their water, their electricity and their access to medical supplies – because of their race. and now you're bombing them, just massacring them, because you can, because you want them gone and you can. but sure this is just like the holocaust for You.
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misterwesting · 7 months
This is probably the best explanation for that scary anti Israel propaganda map being thrown around.  Please spread this around because people lack some critical thinking skills and the ability to just ask simple questions. They see this map and they don’t even think to ask for context. If you don’t know a lot about a particular topic and look at this image, it really makes Israel look like the aggressor. SO PLEASE SHARE THE TRUTH!
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misterwesting · 8 months
Nino: Would YOU make out with a clone of yourself?
Adrien: *Thinks about Felix*
Adrien: Definitely not.
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misterwesting · 1 year
If Mexico doesn’t want cartels to get guns from the US, maybe they should secure their border better.
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misterwesting · 2 years
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misterwesting · 2 years
Out-of-Context DeltaRune Ch 2 Screenshots
Heh, I used certain items in front of certain characters/things to make it look like description text, just to be silly…
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misterwesting · 2 years
Third base!
baseball players in the 20s were all named shit like Dipsy Doodle and Crunch Johnson
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misterwesting · 2 years
We asked several villains this simple question: Why? (number sixteen will shock you) 
1. Dr. Two Brains: Because of a mouse brain addicted to evil and cheese attached to my head.
2. Chuck: I just want respect.
3. Tobey: I deserve respect. andalsoperhapsbecauseofapotentialcrushonwordgirl
4. Lady Redundant Woman: Because all people are draining, annoying, and infuriating.
5. Victoria Best: Because I’m the BEST! andalsoperhapsbecauseiamoverpressuredbymyparents
6. Ms Question: What else am I going to do?
7. Mr. Big: Money! And Squishy Bunnies! Squishy bunnies I can buy with MONEY!
8. Leslie: It’s a living.
9. The henchmen: It’s a living. Also found family.
10. Eileen: I can do whatevew I want because it’s my biwthday!
11. Miss Power: Check the name, sweetheart.
12. Granny May: honey, in a world of sheep the wolves live large
13. The Whammer: WHAM!
14. The Butcher: I’m just carrying out the family business
15. Seymour Orlando Smooth: MONEY! also fame and vanity and I don’t want to go back to Florida
16. Maria: I’m hungry. Also not being able to talk really really sucks.
17. The Coach: MONEY!  that’s it.
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misterwesting · 2 years
The more I experience, the more proof I get that queer is a cult.
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misterwesting · 2 years
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fixed it for you :)
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misterwesting · 2 years
His description of Nazi ideology sounds a lot like the modern left. World as struggle between races? Action over thinking? Government subsidies for members of their preferred group? I guess BLM are Nazis.
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misterwesting · 2 years
American Christians not accepting that their lord and savior Jesus Christ was a Socialist is the biggest lie they can perpetuate and just shows how deep hypocrisy runs in White America!
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Matthew 14:13-21 explains why Jesus wasn’t a socialist.
Also Luke 22:36.
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misterwesting · 3 years
Also, they seem to be reacting more to his statement that he supports BLM than that he’s not racist.
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Rittenhouse: “I’m not racist.” (Which we know is bullshit but go off.)
Conservatives: “Wow okay. I supported you before but since you said that you’re not racist fuck you.”
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misterwesting · 3 years
This Guy Won’t Stop Photoshopping Himself Into Kendall Jenner’s Photos And It Makes Them 10 Times Better
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Credit: Kirby Jenner / IG
via: boredpanda.com
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misterwesting · 3 years
At first, I thought it was an illusion Rena made so that Nino could be Carapace again without Ladybug having to worry about Hawkmoth, but watching the beginning again, it does seem to have actually happened.
Definitely my favorite bit of incidental Miraculous insanity since Mayor Bourgeois sent all of Paris’s trash into outer space.
Y’all.... @lots-of-free-time just reminded me that like..... dinosaurs are canonly back in the ml universe????? And everyone just forgot?????
Actually, let me send the @gamma-squad convo because:
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y’all, @ladyofthenoodle said it all.... I love this fandom
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misterwesting · 3 years
How is a character inspired by Insane Clown Posse, a duo of WHITE rappers, remotely “black-coded”?
I'm rather ashamed it took a black reader (yoitscro) pointing it out for me to realise how utterly not okay it was for HS to portray the black-coded Gamzee as the aggressive offender in his interaction with Terezi, a law enforcement pro whose favoured weapons include nooses. Did they have a checklist of terrible implications or what?
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misterwesting · 3 years
Wait, so Pongo and Perdita are siblings?
Okay I read the plot of Cruella (2021) and Holy Hell this is a mess.
Here's some highlights: (Be warned: there will be spoilers)
Cruella's name is Estella
She is born with her signature half white and half black hair ... Kay...
Her mother - I sh*t you not, is pushed over a cliff by Dalmatians and she dies (which is why Cruella I guess, wants to skin 99 puppies?)
Estella moves to London - and befriends Jasper and Horace
She eventually gets on the Baroness' radar and works as an intern and works her way up the ranks
Until the baroness uses a motherf*cking dog whistle to call some Dalmations to her side and Cruella comes to the conclusion that the baroness killed her mother (by having the dogs run her off a cliff mufasa style) - and she's right!
Cruella pulls some hijinks yada yada yada
She has her friend Anita Darling help get her publicity (because Anita is a journalist)
Cruella does something to mess with the baroness that results in her lawyer Roger (yes, that Roger) getting fired and he returns to being a pianist
Oh, and there's a side plot involving the baroness wearing Cruella's mother's necklace and she wants it back - but a Dalmatian eats it
Eventually the dog (who Cruella dognaps) coughs it up or something (cause it's pg13 she ain't gonna be digging around in the dogs intestinal tract)
And then some dude who's like, the baroness's chauffeur or something tells Cruella the necklace is a key to a special box that the baroness keeps under high security
(Dont ask me how a random necklace is a key to a box)
Cruella steals and opens the box - and Dun Dun Dun! It contains Estella's (Cruella) birth records! Shes actually the baroness's daughter! Gasp!
But she didnt want her so she like faked her kids death or something??
Anyway - Cruella shows up at the baroness's party and declares she knows shes her birth mother (her other mother was a maid who raised her in secret and I guess the baroness decided to kill her for some reason?)
So the baroness uses the dog whistle again and tries to murder her daughter by chasing her off a cliff using her Dalmations (the baroness really only has one shtick huh?)
Cruella falls off a cliff - but - she has a parachute and I guess lands safely because we don't know whats at the bottom of the cliff? (Is it jagged rocks on a shoreline, is it an elephant graveyard, or a soft meadow of flowers? Who's to say.... its a tumoltuous sea storm with crashing waves)
Did I forget to mention the parachute is apparently made from Cruella's skirt?
The police arrest the baroness and somehow Cruella gets the rights to owning the baroness's mansion - she nicknames it 'Hell Hall'
But what about the Dalmations you say??
Cruella still likes them and even helps one of the dogs give birth to...you guessed it (pongo and perdita) - and gifts them to Roger and Anita
Oh and now both Anita and Roger respect and admire Cruella and her finesse - so Roger writes his song "Cruella De Ville" in honor of how cool he thinks she is.
I am NOT making this up. I couldn't if I tried.
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