monscarisaac · 4 years
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inside friend | 3.8k | reddie amputee eddie, a dog named alexis neiers, + a bonus side of cottagecore 🚲!
“I’m at peak freshness, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Richie sniffs, rolls his ankles to make the bones pop and crack. Eddie, for his part, bites at the meat of Richie’s pec through his t-shirt. “Ow. I mean, silver linings, right? I could be somewhere horrible on tour and not here with you, like—like Cedar Rapids. Or Fort Lauderdale.”
Or, Eddie and Richie quarantine together.
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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eddie + subtext that makes you go hmm
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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This fic added like 10 years to my life, give it some love
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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he’s gonna post this online to prove that yes, his husband does have a tight body and a cool chest scar
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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about to perform his best show yet
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monscarisaac · 4 years
richie tozier fires his straight ghostwriter and hires me. here’s his set
any over 40s in the house tonight? can we get the lights up on the crowd? houselights up, i wanna see some receding hairlines. you, with the crows’ feet, i have a question for you. what is it about hitting 40 that completely revolutionizes your internet history? used to be, id go on vacation for a weekend and i’d get a frantic call from pornhub because id been missing my thrice-daily dick appointments with the milf category and their site traffic was plummeting. now i watch porn sites once a week, as scheduled on my google calendar, just for those 2 seconds between when the page loads and your adblock kicks in, where you can still see the male enhancement drugs for sale in the sidebar. and i, like, think about it.
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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I desperately want to interact with Reddie fandom but when I do I end up making stuff like this
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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Ask me if I’ve ever been in love.
Sequential thoughts; non-sequential memories.
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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🍑 enjoy some very domestic reddie 🍑
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY MEME: [2/4] details → diego’s knives
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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The part where they gave up trying to kill each other and started to learn about each other, their hopes and fears *chef’s kiss*
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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The OG Squad + back of the neck touches
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monscarisaac · 4 years
Hi my name is Nicolò di Genova and I come from Genoa (that’s how I got my name). I have a thousand yard stare that will pierce your soul to find the goodness in it and a lot of people tell me I look like an umarell (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to him but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I'm an immortal but nothing that lives lives forever. I have an incurably romantic soulmate. I'm also an ex-priest, and I used to live in the Middle East where my Eurocentric worldview was shattered (I'm thirty+). I’m a Catholic (in case you couldn’t tell) and I mostly wear my heart on my sleeve, some days litchrally. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my hoodies from there. For example today I was wearing a black hoodie with a matching vest and a longsword, tactical trousers and my wedding ring. I was wearing the kiss of l’amore della mia vita, sunblock, black sunglasses and the red blood of the men who hurt my husband. I was walking outside in South Sudan. It was breezy and dry and there was full sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of locals stared at me. I smiled at them and wished peace to be with them.
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monscarisaac · 4 years
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leave me to my melodrama
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monscarisaac · 4 years
i’m exclusively on this website for me and my mutuals monologuing into the void about whatever niche topic we each happen to be on this season. weirdos just absolutely waxing poetic about and demolishing the Thing they love at the same time with minimal expectation of engagement because no one else knows what the fuck they’re talking about. *chefs kiss* excellente content
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monscarisaac · 4 years
hmmm ok, joe/nicky "colour"
(classic seeing colour soulmates au BECAUSE ALL THE TROPES FEEL NEW WHEN YOU’VE GOT IMMORTALS)
- you see the world in black and white until the day you touch your soulmate. when they die, you lose the colour they brought to your life - 
“Oh, that’s beautiful.”
Nile comes up on Joe’s right shoulder, mug of tea cupped between her palms.
“Thank you.” He shuffles over so she can sit beside him on the bench, moving aside his paints. She’s studying his work intently.
“The shades here are perfect,” she tells him, eyes darting between the painting and the view before them, “it’s like the shadows are lifting off the canvas. What colours have you used?”
Joe’s smile is wide, and he flips his paintbrush to gesture with the end. “Here, whites and greys for the houses at the bottom of the hill. Here,” he points the handle higher, “yellows with pink, and then some red here, just as the sun rose.”
“So, that would be orange right here? Pale though?” she points at the right splash of colour and Joe turns, brow lifting in surprise. “Art History with a focus on colour differentials,” she says proudly. “My professor said I had the best monochromatic eye he’d ever seen.”
Joe promptly slides the paints across the bench and picks his spare canvas up off the grass. “Join me?”
“Really?” Nile grins wide and eager as he hands her a brush. She hovers over the paints for a moment, chewing her lip between her teeth. Her eyes rove determinedly over the unlabelled paints and the sky, before she plucks up a purple pot. Joe has to resist the urge to wrap his arm round her shoulders.
Back when Joe had first leaned to draw, colour had meant nothing to him. He’d had chalks and charcoals as a child and had lost hours to sweeping strokes across paving stones. He’d learned to differentiate between subtle shadows and muted tones, blending new greys between his fingertips to smudge over his clothing.
Black, white and the thousand shades between them were comfortable and sure. Colour was just, unnecessary. As he grew, he was gifted graphite and dark inks and a roll of rough parchment was always tucked against his hip. He could recreate everything his eye could see and his mind could form with the two fundamentals in his hands. All his most treasured early memories remain this way; his mother’s shining ebony hair, the smoky shade of her skin. The bright white of his father’s teeth as he spun her around in front of their home.
But there’s still no denying that colour changed everything. Colour that had come into his world with all the subtlety of the man at its source. Suddenly his life had burst into bold tints and fierce hues; endless possibilities for him to explore with paints and oils and pastels. Nine hundred years to experiment with the vibrancy of the world around him.
He and Nile reach for the blue together and smile. 
Nicky’s got his eye pressed tight to his scope when everything fades.
He’s dialling left, settling his weight into his hips and then a curtain of heavy grey drops across his view. He rears back rubbing at his eyes, trying to force the colours back.
“Shit… just- Book, hold up!” Andy’s voice crackles out of the earpiece Nicky’s placed on the rooftop beside him. He scrambles to jam it back in.
“Take the shot Nicky.” There’s shouting coming from below and Andy is swearing vehemently. “I’ve got him, just take the shot!”
He lurches back into position trying to clear his mind. It’s all wrong though, the shadows too dark and his depth perception is ruined -he’ll have to start all over. The dilution of his vision is making his heart thump erratically, and he has to count breaths in his head to keep himself still enough to reline up the shot.
Seconds later, the target steps out of the blackness and Nicky fires. The bullet cracks off the window frame, striking home at a cruel angle. He swears under his breath; it wasn’t clean, but he doesn’t care – the job’s done. He just needs to find Joe.
He takes the stairs at a speed that leaves his knees numb. At the extraction point, the van is already moving away as the door slides open. Nicky hurls his gear in and leaps after it. He gets the briefest glimpse of eyes too dark, and thick pewter stains across a torso before the door is slammed shut and he’s hauling Joe into his arms. They collide with a thump and Nicky quickly tucks his face against the grey skin of Joe’s neck with his eyes clenched shut. A hand burrows under the edge of his tactical gear until he feels the warmth at the small of his back.
Nicky pulls back to open his eyes and relief has him sagging further into the arms around him. Warm tawny skin shines against the dark khaki of Joe’s vest. He drags his mouth up the rich line of his throat, reluctant to break contact.
“Sorry.” Joe’s expression is chagrined when he lifts his head. “Got pinned down.”
There’s a smear of blood at the corner of Joe’s mouth, the newly crimson stain brash and mocking. Nicky rubs at it with a gloved thumb until the skin is clean and then presses his mouth gratefully to his favourite colour.
“A lilac ribbon in her hair. First colour I ever saw.”
The slight waver in his voice makes Nile wonder if she’s over-stepped again, if she’s put her foot in some unknown no-go zone and she opens her mouth to apologise. But Booker’s smiling, and that in itself is rare enough that Nile waits.
“It happened in a crowd. Must have been a hundred people in the square, easily…” his smile is widening. “God, it would have been so easy to have missed her. Soldiers were separating people, everyone was running and pushing and we just… brushed hands.”
Booker lifts his hand from his lap and turns it over slowly. “The back of her hand touched mine as she ran past. That was all.” He touches that spot, a glance of his finger. “I looked back, and her ribbon was lilac. But it was so busy, I lost sight of her in the rush.”
“But you found her again?” Nile has her head propped on her hands, trying not to sound too eager. Booker laughs gruffly.
“She found me. Came back for me.” He’s gripping his own hand tightly now, nails biting at the skin. “Lilac ribbon, hair like honey. Everything else came after that.”
“She sounds lovely.”
Booker looks up at her properly, and Nile’s acutely aware that whilst now they see the world in the same shades, it wasn’t always that way.
His voice is soft. “She was.”
Joe barely has time to shout before his world is plunged back into negatives, colour leaching from his vision. He’s scrambling, sliding in the pool of viscous grey he knows is blood as it spreads around Nicky’s skull.
He moves to cup Nicky’s face and can’t bear it. The sharp edge of his cheekbone throws dark shadows over his too pale face. Flecks and streaks of black over his skin; blood or dust or ash, Joe can’t tell anymore and the panic is rising in his throat. He can’t look at Nicky’s colourless eyes – he can’t- he’ll carry the sight with him too long.
He tears his head away, his own eyes clenched shut – but before he has time to pray, to plead, Nicky is gasping beneath him. The breath Joe releases is sticky and harsh, and he’s curling forward in his relief. Their hands collide quickly against each other’s forearms in an instinctive, accustomed clasp, and colours start seeping back immediately. The first to return are the shades of blue; bright aegean tones bursting in Nicky’s wide eyes, chased into existence by familiar notes of green. The weight lifts off Joe’s chest and for a moment he just breathes, air that tastes sweet and smooth as his other senses adjust to the disruption.
Then Nicky’s rolling. “Let’s go, Andy.”
They’re stood close enough to see the tremble in Andy’s arm as she reaches for Quynh’s face for the first time in over four hundred years.
Joe is frozen at his side, and Nicky’s breath is jammed somewhere in the base of his throat. He can’t believe this is actually happening.
Andy’s hand falters just shy of Quynh’s cheek with a ragged sound, fingers hovering. She opens her mouth to speak but Quynh reaches up and clamps the hand desperately to her face with her own. They shudder so violently Nicky wonders for a moment if the ground has physically quaked.
He knows the sensation well; that fierce swoop in the stomach. Like he’s stepped into free fall as the world saturates around him at Joe’s first touch. When they can reach each other quickly after a death, colour comes back in slow, precious increments; the shining browns of Joe’s eyes, or the dusky pink that rises in the shell of his ear. The longest they’ve gone after a death was four days. Four days in an east Indian jungle trapped in wet, translucent tones of black and white, the frustration building until he’d screamed at the sky. When he’d finally gotten his hands on Joe, grasping desperately at his bared shoulders, colour returning was an immediate detonation that had left his whole body throbbing for hours.
Nicky can’t even begin to imagine what Andy and Quynh feel in this moment.
They go down as one, limbs folding together as they collapse into the dirt. Clutching at each other as their worlds transform. Quynh has Andy’s face trapped between her own palms now and is sobbing, laughing, trying to pull her closer. Andy’s tears are silent, but steady. Her eyes flitting over Quynh’s face in awe while she runs trembling fingertips over rosy cheeks she can see.
Joe is squeezing his hand so tightly his fingers have gone numb, but the rush of joy in Nicky’s chest is golden and fierce. To stop himself moving forwards to pull Quynh into his own arms, he steps behind Joe and tugs him back, arms looping firmly around his middle.
“See? We are meant to find each other,” he whispers. Joe chuckles wetly against him.
On the ground, Quynh is smiling widely through her tears. “You’re beautiful Andromache,”
Andy hums hoarsely and runs her hands over Quynh’s arms, coming up to cradle her collar through the thick fabric of her coat. Her fingers rub at the material and Nicky knows the scarlet shade must be iridescent to her eyes. Andy lifts a thumb to Quynh’s lower lip.
“Red always was your colour.”
adriana i’m so sorry this took so long. i physically couldn’t stop it getting longer and longer and then i got really stuck and it was a whole mess. 
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