absolutely obsessed with the idea of a hucow boyfriend/pet.
-he'd be a little on the heavier side at the beginning, maybe with a bit of a sweet tooth. this would be very much corrupted later on
-maybe he's into punk stuff, or maybe i sneak in the idea that i find piercings really hot. he'd get his septum pierced, not knowing how it makes him look like a bull, and maybe after enough convincing, he'd get his nipples pierced
-the easy part would be convincing him to walk around the house without a shirt. then without pants, then without everything
-fast-forward, and i somehow convinced him to allow me to leash him, forcing him to wear a collar 24/7
-i milk him everyday, cause he's such a good cow. i'd make him get on his hands and knees on the bed while i gently stroke him from behind, struggling a bit to get my hand underneath his well-fed gut. he might be embarrassed, or blush, but that'll quickly seize when he understands how good it feels
-eventually he'll be pavlov'd into eagerly waiting for my return home from work, just so he can get milked again. he gets so needy, poor baby :(
-his maybe naive and lazy side has taken over, and he feels no need to get a job with me supporting him. his new job is to be stationed under my desk while i work on research papers, e-mails, etc. being forced to eat me out until it's time to feed him again. he has an oral fixation, he can't help it
-he takes up the entire bed, just like a normal pet would
tldr i need a hucow bf
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Need more GUY! Hucow! Appreciation! *slams my fists on the table* So I'm shouting my thoughts like a heathen!
Guy hucows/ bulls who get milked on the double! Mechanical pumps who suck a guys nips till they're naturally just engorged with milk! Chest/pecs audibly sloshing whenever he moves from one section of the barn to another. Nipples readily and easily spraying milk whenever you tug. His chest is so heavy and sensitive from constant milking sessions that he can't help but groan! Heavy Man tits/pecs that need to be regularly emptied for relief. A guy asking you to help milk him because he's soooo damn tired of doing it himself.
Guy hucows who are soft and squishy, and they like to be pet and softly squished. Guy hucows who are masc and buff and like their body hair ruffled when you're done milking them! Guy hucows with beard/chin scruff that you can scratch under while he's stuck in the milk machine! Head tilting into your hand because he loooooves being a good milking Cow/Bull!
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You don't know me, but you see an attractive guy at the coffee shop might as well steal some looks.
You look up only to make eye contact with me, but before you can look away, I smile mischievously. I glance right then left, only to lean over my table, giving you a better look of the top of my cleavage poking out of the top of my muscle shirt. Only to pull my right nipple out and reach a hand up and tug it over my coffee cup.
You watch slack jawed as milk easily and greedily sprayed from my nipple into my cup at the motion. I readjust my shirt and sit back up. A saccharine smile on my face while I stir my cup.
When you come over with your own coffee cup, I can only chuckle. "What, sweetheart? Wanna add on for your coffee? Or are you brave enough to ask to drink straight from the tap?"
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Sorry for random ask but. Brian profile pic. He's my favorite. The best. Alongside with my other favorite, Oz :D
fellow brian fan! we love him obviously, as well as Abdu and Riona. Nico from the upcoming MonProm game also is hot. teefs are gud.
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imagine a demon (or even group of them) putting a mark on you to show ownership. whether visible or more magical type. you are theirs. if hurt by anyone they'll have your demon partner to deal with, literal hell to pay.
not to mention a safe post mortem trip straight to your demon partner's own home
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Yandere! House Monster x Reader (II)
It’s officially a smutty sitcom: you, the oblivious gamer boyfriend, and the tentacle monster lurking in dark corners.
[First part]
Content: gender neutral reader, monster smut
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Do monsters have a sense of humor? This creature seems to be greatly amused by the little "game" you've devised behind your boyfriend's back. Although you don't have much input in the affair, and most of the time you're merely a witness to the events unfolding before you (or in you).
First, there's the mild, inoffensive annoyances. "Babe, did you see my controller? I swear I left it on the couch". Some pranks are harder to swallow than others, such as the occasional lack of Internet. You know exactly when it happens, because you can hear your boyfriend's enraged shouts and rattles. It's always during important matches. No one knows why it happens. The repairmen who cross your threshold can only scratch their heads in confusion, confessing that nothing is out of the ordinary.
Then, the unfortunate coincidences. "How about we have some fun after my game?", the boyfriend will suggest with an anticipative grin. Alas, moments after he stands up, he is overwhelmed by a nauseous feeling. His stomach twirls and throbs, and he curses under his breath. "Some other time, perhaps", he concludes begrudgingly. You see, the creature is very possessive. The only thing that has saved your beloved partner from being torn to shreds already is his crassly comical obliviousness.
The mischief aimed towards the boyfriend is, however, a secondary source of entertainment. Nothing could ever come close to spending time with you. Yet another irony to this ridiculous situation: you haven't been caught yet, despite the rabid clinginess of the tentacled monster.
It just loves surprising you. For example, when you exhale dramatically at the end of the day, relaxing in the bathtub and enjoying your peace. Just as you hear an impatient knock on the door, you notice a familiar dark tendril slithering its way out of the water. You won't be leaving the bathroom anytime soon. "Did you steam yourself over there? You look like a lobster", the boyfriend will remark with a raised eyebrow upon seeing your panting, feverish face. "Y-yeah, I guess so." You limp outside, struggling to hold the towel around your body. Or more specifically, around the many marks left on your skin by hundreds of suckers.
In fact, its shamelessness reminds you of a poorly written erotic scenario, the likes you'd see on some adult website with a clickbait title. How would you name this current setup? You grip the edge of the table, pursing your lips to prevent any moans escaping your mouth. Your boyfriend is, once again, scrolling on his phone, indifferent to your presence. The water boiling on the stove drowns the wet, slippery sounds of the appendages pumping in and out of you underneath the table. “You might want to give it a stir in a moment, or it’ll overflow”, the boyfriend remarks without lifting his gaze. You mumble in agreement, slapping a hand over your mouth. You’re at your limit.
One may be tempted to ask, is this entity bound to its house? You pondered the same question until your recent IKEA visit. You and your boyfriend had been looking for a new wardrobe. "What do you think of this one?", you asked, closing the door and turning around. Your eyes scanned the empty model-bedroom. The jackass had wandered ahead without you. You sighed and were about to go find him, when a cold grip suddenly tightened around your wrist. You winced and snapped your head back. Thick tendrils had made their way out of the closet, tugging you to join them inside. So it can follow you around, you thought, climbing into the cramped space. Between the silent whines and breathy begging, an idea emerges from your dazed mind. New hypothetical video title: mercilessly molested in the IKEA store by monster partner.
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Yandere! House Monster x Reader
Listen, I woke up in cold sweat at 4am with a vision: you and your stereotypically unavailable gamer boyfriend have moved into a new house. You find out very soon it's not as empty as you had assumed, but your worries fall on deaf ears. The tentacle monster lurking in dark corners just wants to make sure you're not lonely.
[Second Part]
Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance (mildly NSFW)
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You didn't notice anything strange at first. Maybe it was considering its prey. You'd found a cheap, old house available for rent, and your boyfriend couldn't refuse the extra space for his mancave.
Oh, you poor thing. It watched your lonely evenings, your empty bed at night, your futile attempts to spend more time with your beloved partner. It had originally planned to devour your souls and await the next foolish mortals to enter its realm, but seeing your pitiful state prompted a change of heart. Metaphorical heart, of course.
It started gradually: testing the waters, or what you'd call a courting attempt. Doors opening by themselves, disembodied eyes lovingly gazing at you from the nearby walls. Dark tendrils making their way out of the shadows, just to announce its presence.
"I think this place might be cursed", you told your boyfriend one evening. "I've been stalked by amorphous silhouettes of blight and terror, and they whisper ancient blasphemies to me at night." He let out a worried shout and slapped the desk. "That's cool, babe. I'm kind of losing right now, though, so perhaps give me a minute?"
One night you were awakened from your slumber by a warm touch sliding across your body. You smiled into your pillow as the cheeky hands made their way down, fondling your curves and hungrily searching for your sensitive areas. You let out a soft moan, enjoying the moment, until you heard your boyfriend yell from the other room. Your eyes shot open.
The hands lewdly groping your privates were, in fact, tentacles. Your first reaction was to gasp, but you were quickly silenced by another slippery appendage pressing against your lips. Shh, shh. Allow the creature to do its thing, dear. Surely enough, within minutes you were a drooling mess, holding onto the sheets for dear life.
"You've been in a good mood lately", you boyfriend remarks, idly scrolling on his phone and crunching on his breakfast cereal. You ponder if you should tell him you've been fucked relentlessly by a monstrous creature inhabiting your new home. You glance at the counter and smirk, remembering how you just had to wipe your wet mess from it a few hours ago. "Keep it that way, hun, I could get used to not being pestered every hour", the man jokes with a laugh.
Does it count as cheating if your affair partner isn't really human? Although, you have to wonder if you're still dating to begin with. From the corner of your eye, you can discern faint movement above the young man, a shadow looming menacingly. The eldritch monster would not hesitate to tear your poor boyfriend apart if he tried to mess with its belonging.
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the champion
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
fuck that robot friday
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
public service announcement: multi arms make for better hugs and also more pecs
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
Don't make me tap the sign!
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
realized we never opened up the askbox, so its open now!
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
Imagine your naga partner wrapping their tail around you to keep you close. They claim it's to steal your body heat, but you doubt it.
Bonus if they're large enough that they can completely envelop you in their coils, yet are still careful not to hurt you too much.
The inescapable coziness and safety of being wrapped up by a naga you trust. Like a cocoon and weighted blanket that you can cuddle with.
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
Most slimes aren't known for their vast intelligence, often being fodder type enemies. So consider: big himbo slimeboy.
big chunky himbo body (especially big tiddy) bc slimes arent the best at fine details. plus who doesn't love a chonky himbo.
big and very jiggly due to being slime ofc. Gets even bigger if fed a lot. not to mention cuddly, loving the feeling of your human warmth on them. usually ending up with your face nestled in their big slimy pecs.
at least he isn't of the acidic type of slime. still probably not wanting to be shoved inside of his gelatinous form, might be a while before he realizes and lets you out.
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monsterfuckin-around · 2 months
No clue how to start this but hello! This is an 18+ account on monster fucking and other kinks! Send in asks and scenarios for monsters or other ideas you got!
Simple pinned to start off, prob woll replace down the line lol
call us Banshee. we are nonbinary (they/them) and pansexual, so really anything goes.
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