monstertohumanity · 10 years
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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With permission to repost. do not repost without proper permission
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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Original artist: GLACIER_ABYSS
[with permission from artist to repost] Please do not remove source :)
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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So I have this awesome snk au in my head but I don’t have writing skills so here’s a drawing I farted out instead. 
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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And the merman to accompany the Captain. Well..not exactly ‘accompany’ since he’s caught and hates everyone aboard the ship. He’s silently plotting everyone’s demise. Ideas were lehamite ‘s , I simply drew him.
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♠; Eren's eyes widened seeing the other's power fists. His saliva glands grew over active at the sight of them. "I can turn into a titan, yes. I will use that to our advantage but, those.. will not be necessary. " He tilted his head to the side and smiled again. 
"Do you happen to have good balance?"
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"That’s a pretty shitty lifestyle. Keepin’ humans caged up like ‘at…" He raised his eye brow, "Err, so y’ur’e sayin’ that you can turn into these alien titan whatevers, yeah? How ‘m I supposed to help you break the walls— Well, I got my eryx.”
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Dante activated the lava looking fists, smashing them together, “I could use this to break holes. I can pack quite a punch is ya ask me.”
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♦; Eren stared at her for a long time before crossing his arms over his chest again. Clearing his throat, he glanced back down at her boots. "Jaeger," He spoke a slow smile appearing on his lips. 
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"Oh! Thank you…" She couldn’t take off her mind the thought that she -at least- had seen him before, maybe from the training days? And now that he mentioned, she noticed they even had a very similar hair, his was just shorter. "Oh, Eren, I didn’t catch your last name…"
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
 ~◘; Eren's face didn't even twitch at the other's laugh. He raised an eyebrow afterward and glanced toward him. "Know what?" He mocked and shook his head. Scratching under his chin his head raised to look at the sky. 
"Good luck with killing me," His yellow eyes flashed brighter at the thought of murder. The faint scent of blood crossed his nose in his imagination and he nearly groaned. "That should be entertaining," the shorter male's voice was lower as his eyes flickered back in the freckled one's direction. "We can make a deal that you don't tell either... I didn't know you were on my side afterall," He jumped off of the porch and landed quietly on the rocks at the bottom of the steps. 
A quieted barking laugh fell from his lips and he hugged he sides. What a masochistic answer! Marco always liked Eren, he slipped his hands into his pockets and leaned back slightly, his smug smile still obscured by the shadows across his figure.  “What games?” Marco asked, feigning ignorance and shrugging. “I just wanted to go on a little stroll tonight and you decided to follow me.” The facade started to fall away and Marco giggled quietly. "Seriously, do you think i’m that stupid?"
"I don’t really like to label people. I give them the benefit of the doubt. Besides, no one else knows anything."  Marco answered,his hands rising from his pocket , holding something in his left hand. With a flick of his wrist it revealed to he a short blade which he pressed against the pad of his thumb. "Secrets, right? No telling or I really will kill you."  He let a soft wafts of steam rise from his thumb, mending the skin back together.
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♥; Eeeks! Sorry I haven't been on. I'm in the process of packing/moving so I'll be rarely on for the next week and a half. D: I'm sorry! 
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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Yandere Levi and Eren
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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Original artist HERE Please do not remove source :)
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
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Palette #03
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♦; Eren shrugged and nonchalantly leaned against the side of the porch. "Well this feline still purrrrrrs," He purred. The yellow eyed boy glanced to his side to view the freckle faced other. "You can stop with the games... Bodt," Those eyes narrowed an a small smirk tied up in the corner of his mouth. 
"Seriously, do you really think I'm that stupid?" He asked looking for no answer in return. His heard turned back towards the direction of the moon. No sense of fear or nervous-ness was in him at all, he was more over pissed off that he couldn't have guessed it prior. 
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The crisp night air bit at naturally warm skin. Eren walked out to the night and saw only Marco’s silhouette against the dazzling moonlight, his back turned to the other boy and his hands slipped into his pockets. Just standing there. "I thought you went back to sleep." Marco turned, looking over his shoulder to him, his half obscured by the shadows across his face. "Are you worried about me or just unable to keep your curiosity in check."  Marco turned to him, his head falling to the side, mock concern lighting over his innocent features for a moment before his face, his smile became hidden by the inky blackness of the night. Only his silhouette remained, and the sound of the smile in his voice. "Curiosity killed the cat you know."
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♣; Yes. Repay him the favour. That was the thing to do. Most definitely, he would remember this - even though finding food with his luck was a simple task. "Shall we go?" He offered and spread his arms out towards the exit. A smile was still across his face still. 
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An opportunity at the greatest, indeed. 
      “Good and selfless…?”
          The girl repeated his words once out loud, then over and over in her mind, analyzing them carefully. Good and selfless — everything she was supposed to be. The façade she had built was working quite well, which was very good. The soft, small smile gracing her features only grew larger at his compliment, a little laugh of her own escaping through her lips.
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      “I… I just did what I thought anybody else would do, you know? It just seemed like the right thing to do.” Large blue eyes lit up in excitement at the fact that he was willing to help her find something with which to nourish herself. “R-really? Thank you, Eren! I’ll make sure to repay the favor sometime, promise!”
          She was truly grateful that Eren was willing to help her. Of course, she probably would have been able to find something by herself, but it would be much easier with an extra set of eyes helping her look. Not to mention she hadn’t really had the chance to get to know the boy very well — perhaps this would be a good opportunity to do so!
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♦; "Yes you are," Eren nodded. "Do you know what I am too?.." He paused and brushed a hand against the freckled boys cheek a sinister like grin across his mouth. " A monster. Do you know where monster's belong?"
⊰ 優しい ⊱ -— Those words punched Marco right in the gut, forcing a feeling of unease and self loathe to become present within his mindset. “M-Monster—?” He repeated, voice void of any emotion. “I— I’m a monster..”
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monstertohumanity · 10 years
~♠; Eren chuckled as he sensed the dark aura around the male. Somehow deep in his conscious he believed that there was always a dark half of that boy but this.. It interested the yellow eyed boy. He glanced around and trailed a hand back behind his neck before getting up. He pulled on his boots and tilted his head watching the other leave as he left the door open. 
He cracked the door open even more and closed it behind him glancing out. "What do you sleep outside?" He smirked, rubbing his neck still glancing at the back of Marco's head. 
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Dark freckles peppered his cheeks, making the shadows across his gently smiling face seem out of place. Watching Eren rise and sit up his gaze met his unique eyes with soft brown ones, every look on his face seemed that of a gentle caring person. But right now his Aura, and the darkness in his eyes could Meet Eren’s without fear and he tilted his head to the door. “Goodnight.” He whispered softly, as though cooing a child back to sleep and walking off. Feather soft steps not rousing anyone else from their slumber, his finger tips touching the tops of heads as he passed until he was gone from the trainee lofts. The door hung slightly ajar and letting the cool air creep in.
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