moon--melon · 5 years
These two videos have been in the works for a very long time. They’re clunky and pretty amateur, but I worked my hardest on them, and that’s all that matters! I wrote a long script, drew tons of pictures, and reshot the videos a few times. Heh, I’m so glad it’s completed ❤w❤
Let’s finish 2018 by getting excited for @markiplier’s new content in 2019!
I’m very positive that these questions will be answered soon, and if they’re not, that’s totally fine! :D it’s just fun to wonder and theorize about them!
I hope you guys enjoy!!! And I hope my hard work shows :’D ❤
Tags: @mayor-damien-protection-squad , @markired , @cinnamon-grump , @darkwarf , @envarchy , @lost-inhibitions , @doctoriplier-support-group
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moon--melon · 6 years
GO BACK TO SLEEP... .:Analysis:.
Going to be breaking down this video! Oh, boy. Here we go again, haha ;D
(Just kidding, I love this shit) 
Now that I know @markiplier reads theories, I hope you come across this, Mark! Beautiful work on this one. Very stunningly edited! Amazing job.
Click “keep reading” if you’re interested!
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moon--melon · 6 years
Wilford ‘Motherloving’ Warfstache
(this is the second time I’ve had to write this…ahhhg haha)
I’m going to be running through the whole video, so buckle up! Towards the very end, I will be adding little theories, and I will also be analyzing the things said in the video! Read if you’re interested! I’ve got some juicy stuff in here!
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moon--melon · 6 years
this is a theory for the y/n in wkm and adwm
i will be reffering to the veiwer as just veiwer and the character we follow or control as mc or y/n.
in both WKM and ADWM the mc clearly has past relations and an established history in their world that the viewer has to piece together who they are through convenient exposition lines or any clues. 
mc cannot be the same person in both series, as in WKM the mc dies and is possessed.
yet in ADWM mark states mc being familiar, like they’ve already met, but really he’s ‘seeing’ the viewer and darkiplier clearly knows who the viewer is despite the transfer of mc.
so basically my theory is that in WKM the viewer is with the mc, simply watching and the others can tell, not consciously but a subconscious feeling, like how before Celine was uncomfortable in the house but once she “opened  her eyes” she could tell what was really going on.
rather than just watching a video its more like the viewer is looking through the mc as window and when you open a window a crack, not only can you see out more clearly a breeze can get in.
in ADWM the viewer is given more power and can make basic decisions for mc though not directly control them like a full on video game or possession. This could be either that the viewer is partially possessing them, or is closer to a voice in their head telling the mc what they should do. 
Darkiplier being, well, what he is, knows whats going on and knows who the mc really is right now, the viewer, can tell that the same thing as before is reaching through dimensions like a window into theirs. 
Mark having been dead and in the void for a while is more aware than before of another presence in the mc, but not able to actually tell whats going on with them and when the viewer has arrived. this would explain why in adwm he acts both like a stranger and familiar to the viewer.
and thats my take on why in ADWM you are recognizable by mark though you were a friend in WKM and why, though both mcs couldn’t be the same person, are treated like it by Darkiplier in ADWM.
simple and not to story effecting, and maybe totally obvious but i just thought i’d like to put it too writing!
@moon–melon​ and @wkm-theories​ if either of you are still alive, what do you think of this take?
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moon--melon · 6 years
ADWM - Further Analysis - (More Questions and Theories)
I rewatched "A Date with Markiplier", and it just got me thinking again.
Here, I'll simply be going over some unanswered questions of mine, and suggesting interesting theories (please note that the majority of this post is simply unorganized observations. There's not just one point to this). This post gets pretty long, so click "Keep Reading" and hop aboard! Enjoy.
@markiplier @mayor-damien-protection-squad​ @colonel-william-protection-army
ADWM = "A Date with Markiplier"
WKM = "Who Killed Markiplier?"
(Y/N) = "Your Name" (the self-insertion character in ADWM)
DA = "District Attorney" (the self-insertion character in WKM)
We have a lot to cover here, so let's just start with the basics. Let's go over some theories and questions that will be discussed in this post.
-The Mark we see in ADWM is the same Mark we see in WKM.
-The Chef and the Butler in WKM are the Chef and the Waiter in ADWM.
-The (Y/N) in ADWM is NOT the same (Y/N) in WKM.
-Why does Dark and Wilford recognize the viewer?
-Why does Mark act so weird when we first meet up at the date?
So let's start off with the first theory: Actor/Asshole Mark (from WKM) is the exact same Mark we see in ADWM.
This theory is very easy to agree with, but nonetheless, I've gathered some proof. (Bolded sentences will be summaries of the paragraphs)
-He used to be a great and famous actor. In the Meta Ending, it is shown that these series of videos are all just an act, and Mark is actually a huge asshole to his TV/movie crew (that covers both the asshole, and actor aspect of the Mark from WKM). At 0:39, Mark says: "I use to be somebody. Maybe not something good, but I was somebody---who worked on great projects!". This quote implies that, while he was disliked, he was still a great actor who worked on "great projects". Later on in the video, he reiterates by saying: "I used to be somebody... I used to be a star---". Lastly, in "ROMANCE" and "THE DARK MARK", he said that he considered himself to be a "patron of the arts". All of these are clear evidence that he used to be a rich and famous actor, which is EXACTLY what he was in WKM.
-Money is a big thing for him. He clearly doesn't have much of it, and he's very greedy either way. Obviously in the beginning, he loses his wallet, and you either have to pay, or suffer the consequences when you don't pay. Later on in the video "DON'T ATTACK", it's discovered that Mark DID actually have his wallet! Although, If you DO pay, Mark offers to buy snacks for the show, ...but he awkwardly clears his throat and walks away, implying that he..."misplaced" his wallet. AND FINALLY! When he proposes and you say "NO", he awkwardly confesses to the ordained Elvis-impressionist that he couldn't afford anything anyway. If you need any more evidence that Mark is a cheapskate, just watch the "PBJ Blues" ending, where the narrator LITERALLY calls him a "cheap date" (Well, he implies it with sarcasm). Clearly, Mark is trying to save as much money as possible. Meaning, he's lost his fame and fortune, and he's still greedy. (He's not even willing to buy a simple snack for his date!).
-Mark's an absolute asshole. I only have one piece of evidence for this, (because his overall greediness and his demeanor in the Meta Ending take care of the rest) In the "PAY" video, Mark reaches to the Waiter's hand, holds it gently, AND KISSES HIS OWN HAND---NOT THE WAITER'S HAND! What a self-loving douchebag! That poor waiter. A very sad bonjour... (I'm not even fucking kidding. Re-watch it. I was fucking rolling when I realized. It's genius).
Now onto the ONE thing that could possibly ruin this theory:
-This Mark supposedly has kids. Yep! In the Meta Ending, Kathryn tells Mark that his kids had called him. This is a very glaring detail, especially considering I don't imagine WKM Mark ever having kids in the future, or just ever desiring kids in general.
I am very willing to completely disregard this detail though. Keep note that ADWM was made before WKM was even thought up of, so this could easily be just a throw-away gag that has no meaning whatsoever---just a joke. (And yeah, I guess you COULD say that maybe he DID have kids, and he just doesn't care about them). (I was also going to add the fact that this Mark said he had some years left of parole, but I realized that doesn't mean he's not the Mark from WKM).
The second theory/topic is: the Chef and the Butler from WKM is the Chef and the Waiter in ADWM.
Truthfully, I have no "evidence" for this per say... But, I DO have a little theory that could work with the canon.
After successfully escaping the Markiplier Manor, Benjamin (the butler) and the Chef were out of jobs. Over the many (MANY) years after the events that took place at the mansion, they worked at various different restaurants, with the chef cooking, and the butler now serving as a waiter. Eventually, they mke their own business together, and they now have a restaurant of their very own: the restaurant we see in ADWM. Over all of these years, the Chef just goes haywire---even more than he previously was (converting to full-on cannibalism). And yes, I know Mark confirmed that they hate each other, but I theorize that they only stick together because they know each other, and they work well together.
Third topic is the different (Y/N)'s in ADWM and WKM.
Many fans suggest that these two are the same, but I'm pretty confident that they're not. The biggest reason as to why people say this, is because of the fact that Dark and Wilford actually recognize the viewer in ADWM (more on that later). But! I have a piece of CANON evidence that completely debunks that theory: Mark made it very clear that the DA in WKM is permanently stuck in the manor. Dark trapped them in the upside-down with no means of escape, ESPECIALLY after he shattered the mirror. So, there's just no way that these two characters are the same! There HAS to be another explanation as to why Dark and Wilford recognize (Y/N), ...which leads me to our next topic:
WHY does Dark and Wilford recognize the viewer in ADWM?!
This seems like such a strange detail! After thinking about it for a long time, I finally came to the conclusion that it means absolutely nothing, and Mark was just trying to show a connection between the viewer and his two most infamous characters. But after re-watching ADWM for the fourth time, something just told me that it actually DOES mean something more. The video SO GREATLY emphasizes the fact that they know the viewer.
In "THE DARK MARK", Darkiplier greets us by infamously saying "Did you miss me? ... I missed you ... very much". He then goes on talking about the viewer fondly, as if he really does know them. He says "and then...he [Mark] had the gall to not invite me to his little adventure with you".
In "MORE?" (also known as the True End), Wilford says: "GOOD EVENING! ...YOU...How are you doing?". Now, you COULD argue that Wilford just calls us "you" because he simply doesn't know our name, but no no no... I don't see it that way. The way that he talks and annunciates the word "you", and even the way he asks "how are you doing?", comes off as very familiar. It even has a kind of awkward sense to it (y'know when you come across people you know, but you feel awkward when saying hi, or too awkward to say hi). Will hesitates, and he emphasizes his words, rather than just greeting a stranger like normal. If he didn't know you, he'd just immediately and quickly say his greeting! He even squints his eyes at the viewer, as if he's trying to recognize them. And also, who the fuck asks a random stranger "how are you doing?"? That very question implies a sense of familiarity. And AFTER he greets you, he says "I don't have you scheduled for an interview just yet", that CLEARLY shows that he already knows about you! Especially since he didn't expect your arrival in his...weird...spinning clock dimension: "I don't even know why you're here...".
So...what does this mean? Honestly, I have no clue. Someone (forgive me for forgetting exactly who), suggested that over the decades of being stuck in the mansion, the DA's form gradually deteriorated and split up, shattering just like the mirror. And thus, bits of their soul leaked from the mansion and got reborn into the (Y/N) we see in ADWM, ...and possibly even the van videos (and yes, I also mean the (Y/N) in "Don't Remember"). This is a very interesting theory... because it explains the familiarity between the (Y/N) and Dark and Wilford.
Now onto the question that irks me the most. Why does ADWM Mark act so weirdly when he first meets the viewer?!
This question confuses me the most, because Markiplier makes it seem like SUCH AN IMPORTANT DETAIL! It's literally mentioned the FIRST SECONDS of the video!
For some reason, in ADWM, Mark doesn't know us, but he admits that he oddly recognizes us. After gifting the viewer with a rose, the FIRST thing he says is "You look so familiar... Have we met?". Now tell me, who the fuck says that ON A DATE? Now don't try and bullshit me by saying "Oh! Maybe it's a blind date!". No no no, we know for a fact that it's NOT a blind date, because in the video option titled "ROMANCE", Mark says: "Good idea! Ya know, I always thought you to be a patron of the arts like myself and ... I always respected that about you...". (What? So NOW he knows us? NOW he's acting like he's known us for a long time?!) "...I'm so glad you asked me out on this date. Or---was it me that asked you?---Ah, never know". HUH? Wanna run that by me again? Ahg, but anyway! The fact that one of THEM set up the date, and not a friend, shows that it's not a blind date at all! So why is the Mark character acting like he has short-term memory?
Haha, do you understand why this makes me so frustrated?? It's really only because Mark mentions it so many times, which makes me think it's important. Mark wouldn't just include and repeat a detail like this if it didn't mean something, ESPECIALLY when Dark and Wilford ALSO recognize the viewer.
Now, here's two things that could potentially explain, and ruin, this:
-The weird acting and inconsistent writing is purposeful, so it can work with the Meta Ending. If this is the case, then that's just brilliant work on Mark's part. In the Meta Ending, the Mark character treats this whole shoot as a joke. He says "Now I'm working on this bullshit" and "--can you imagine this script?! This bullshit script! What kind of plot-hole filled, clichéd, written script is this?", he then goes on to explain how completely ridiculous the show/movie is. So obviously, he didn't write it. This could explain why the Mark character doesn't know who his own date is, but then later on, he's known them for long enough to correctly guess that they're into romantic plays. The script (in the video's universe) is just a shitty script.
-Mark was just referencing the fact that the viewer is a fan of his, so they know each other from a creator-subscriber standpoint, and Dark and Wilford know the viewer because they know the fans have watched videos that included them. This explanation further emphasizes the self-insertion aspect of these videos. It literally puts someone who watches a lot of Markiplier, in a date with Markiplier! So the Mark character knows the viewer literally only because he knows they watch his videos.
While I want neither of these explanations to be true, they make a lot of sense, and they're actually very clever when you think about how Mark scripted the video. So, bravo if one (or even both) of these are true.
Clearly, "A Date with Markiplier" and "Who Killed Markiplier?" were both so amazing that I'm S T I L L thinking about it, and I'm S T I L L coming up with new theories for them. Mark's sketches, skits, and big projects have always been my favorite content of his, and they always will be. Let's Play's are enjoyable to watch for relaxation and a good chuckle, but Mark's skilled acting and clever script-writing never fails to be immersive, hilarious, and exciting. I truly hope he strives to make more scripted sketches in the future, by himself, and with friends.
Thank you so much for reading my long-ass post :) <3
I hope you enjoyed, and I hope it got you thinking!
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moon--melon · 6 years
Something I just realized about the Jims...
(I’m going to be considering the Jim videos in “Who Killed Markiplier?” as canon. Mark himself has said that they ARE a little canon, so let’s just go off of that).
We first meet the hilarious Jim twins in Markiplier TV, where we see them reporting the news and the weather. Pretty normal, right?
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Their second appearance comes from a series of videos that took place, assumingly, during “Who Killed Markiplier”. (Considering the timeline, this obviously happened MANY years before their appearance in Markiplier TV).
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In this series of videos, the Jims look much younger (which makes sense, considering the timeline) (We only see one of the Jims in these videos, but they’re twins, so we know that they look the exact same).
But tell me: what else do you notice about them? In Markiplier TV, they have scruffier beards, and they look more matured, which again, makes sense…considering this takes place YEARS after WKM.
I noticed something else though. 
In WKM, the Jims are… loud, goofy, quickly paced, obnoxious, and… just strange. In MTV, (lol. “MTV”. haha) they’re quiet, calm, stiff, and kind of…boring (they’re still hilarious of course. Mark’s amazing at portraying these characters). Their voices are also super different! In WKM, their voices are just as goofy as the way they move, but in MTV, (heh heh) their voices are deep, slow, and boring!
So, what’s going on here? Did they just…grow up and get more serious with their job? Or maybe they just got stuck with being reporters, so the fun of it drained away and now they’re both just lifeless, dull, husks of what they used to be?
Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s sad, haha.
I’m just surprised no one has mentioned this! I noticed this difference IMMEDIATELY, but I never talked bout it, because I didn’t think too much of it at the time (AND…the hype around WKM was really distracting). 
Let me know what you guys think! I’m sad our poor boys lost their spark! They went from excited, silly and young new reporters to bland, dreary, and dry grown-ups, ..and that’s kinda upsetting!
Mark wanted to give heart-breaking backstories to his characters, …and little did we know… he also gave the stupidly funny Jim twins an upsetting backstory :P (and yes. I’m SURE I’m over thinking this, but if Mark actually made them goofy on purpose to resemble young, wide-eyed characters who eventually turn into boring, monotone adults, then bravo! That’s super clever and interesting!).
@markiplier @mayor-damien-protection-squad @askthejims @jim-protection-squad
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moon--melon · 6 years
“Don’t Trust the Seer” (Analyzing Darkiplier and Detective Abe)
At first, I thought that the “Don’t trust the Seer” message was just a minor detail in WKM. Y’know, I thought it was just something randomly scribbled in the Detective’s office.
But even after WKM, @markiplier greatly emphasized the importance of not trusting Celine. As shown in the description of this DDLC Playthrough video:
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So common sense would show that Celine, who is now a part of Darkiplier, is definitely not to be trusted.
(Click “Keep Reading” to continue. I promise this will blow your mind)
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moon--melon · 6 years
I'm crying this is absolutely beautiful
I do like the idea @skidspace did of just… an actual teacher Abe. Like what class would he do? Is he strict or goofy?  Do anything weird? I need ego teachers please. Wilford and Abe teacher constantly fighting. Damien teacher is the best most kindest towards people that worry and have mental or emotional problems, basically just a friend that runs a class.
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moon--melon · 6 years
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so i was rewatching adwm, and what dark was saying struck me. i know this is dark pretending to be mark, but i can’t help but think from what we know from wkm, that perhaps dark is actually talking about wkm mark in this. or something like that.
not to mention that here, dark never states that he is mark, only that the other is dark.
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moon--melon · 6 years
The holes you have listed are all things that I have thought about while writing this theory. Here are my attempted explanations for them! :) Thank you so much for contributing!
1. Remember!! Mark was confirmed to be toying with black magic while in the manor. Some could see this as far-fetched, but for this theory, I'd like to think that he used it to "uncurse" himself so he could escape. We don't know how this "black magic" works, so this is all just speculation used in hopes of explaining some inconsistencies in this theory. (and yes, you are correct. Damien, Mark, and William were all childhood friends).
2. You're right on the notion of death in the manor not being the same kind of death outside the manor, but we don't know 100% how death works there. So this hole can be explained away with another question: How does death truly work in the mansion? When you die, do you go to that black void every single time, or was that just a place used by Dark to get you on his side? There's so much we still don't know!
But of course, neither of those explanations fill up the holes in this theory. That was just my best attempt at responding ;;u;; In the end, this is just a theory that I had to get off my chest. Thank you for theorizing with me! :D
Reincarnation Theory - Who Killed Markiplier?
At first this theory is going to sound pretty far-fetched and way off, but I promise you, once you read further into it, it’ll sound more and more likely! Thank you to anyone and everyone who reads and shares this.
Enjoy! (Don’t worry, this theory’s actually pretty short :P)
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moon--melon · 6 years
Reincarnation Theory - Who Killed Markiplier?
At first this theory is going to sound pretty far-fetched and way off, but I promise you, once you read further into it, it'll sound more and more likely! Thank you to anyone and everyone who reads and shares this.
Enjoy! (Don’t worry, this theory’s actually pretty short :P)
Even though @markiplier has answered many questions we had about "Who Killed Markiplier?", there are still some questions that remain.
The thing that puzzles me the most is stuff that is taking place after the events of WKM. Who is Mark's character now? Is it the same person from WKM? Who's side should we be on? After seeing Dark's tragic backstory, he doesn't seem too bad anymore. And where does [Y/N] fit into all of this? The self-insertion character is dead, and stuck in the manor, so... who's the new [Y/N] character we've been seeing in the van videos, and in "Don't Remember" ?
This post is here to answer those questions.
I theorize that the Mark and [Y/N] we see in the newer videos are the Mark and [Y/N] from WKM, ... reincarnated.
Allow me to explain:
In the livestream where Mark and the rest of teamiplier explained what happened in WKM, Mark mentioned he wanted the events of WKM's timeline to be somewhere around the 1950's. I instantly grew confused and even frustrated, because the newer videos with all of the characters (including the new Mark and [Y/N]) clearly take place in the 21st century. So the ages and timeline just...didn't make sense.
because of this, I quickly thought up of this theory.
As we all know, immediately after the events of WKM, Mark's character left the mansion, using Damien's body to escape the cursed manor.
From what we've seen, we know that the Mark character in WKM is egotistical, selfish, and pretty heartless. He obviously only thinks about himself and his money. His catchphrase is even: "Life is for the living!" which Mark himself has confirmed that to mean that his character is pretentious and vain.
But the new Mark that we see in of all of the van videos is kind, fun, honest, caring, and goofy. So how in the world could these two be the same person, just at different times?
I think that after the character of Mark left the manor in Damien's body, he went on to lead a life in the 1950's.
(Here's where some math comes in! :P I really did my research for this!) Looking at the life expectancy in that generation, the average male died at around 68 years old. If we presume that Mark was 28 when he left the manor, and that it was exactly 1950, we could figure out that he could've died at age 68 in the year of 1990. Which would mean that he would be reincarnated in 1990, giving him plenty of time to be 27 in the year of 2017, where the newer videos of that Mark character take place. (Yes I know that Mark was born in 1989, but these years and ages are flexible, since Mark hasn't actually 100% confirmed anything yet).
[Y/N] is pretty self explanatory, since they're a self-insertion character, they don't have a set age. Hell, they could've been as young as 18 in the events of WKM.
Darkiplier and the Colonel, now known as Wilford Warfstache, leave the manor and also live on, ...but... they don't die of old age, because of the manor's curse. The curse that made them unable to die in the manor remains with them. 
Decades later, in the years of 2016 and 2017, Dark finds Mark, but is unaware that it's not the same Mark that destroyed his life. Not knowing that this Mark is completely innocent, Dark seeks revenge on him with the oblivious help of Warfstache.
Now, it's obvious that Dark was cursed by the mansion, but is it 100% safe to say that Warfstache was too? Well, you tell me! How is Wilford still alive when he's been shot and even mauled to death? He doesn't follow the laws of physics, he cannot die easily. That was confirmed to be true by Mark.
If this theory is true, then that means that the new Mark is being hunted by Darkiplier, but is completely innocent, and the new [Y/N] is suffering from nightmares and hauntings from Darkiplier because of the reincarnated spirit in them.
This theory gives us full reason to not be on the side of Dark, and to hope that things will turn out okay for Mark, [Y/N], and even Wilford.
Thank you for reading. ♡
(like every theory, this one still has some holes in it. I am aware of that. I know that this is not completely stable or backed up, but I still think it is an interesting theory to think about. Lemme know what you think!)
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moon--melon · 7 years
WKM - Headcanons, Theories, and Confusion.
The text below is a series of headcanons, theories, and questions about the Who Killed Markiplier? (WKM) series. If you’re curious, it would mean the world to me for you to continue reading my post by clicking “Keep Reading”. Thank you regardless of your decision! Hopefully we can get @markiplier to see this, so reblog to help out!
Seriously though, there’s some juicy stuff in here. It would mean everything for you to check it out. I’m mentioning that fact again because I’m very passionate about this. I didn’t sit on my ass for two and a half hours straight typing this for no one to pay attention to it!
(Sources for videos/resources have been provided with links)
From the livestream, we actually now know a lot more things about WKM and its characters than ever before, but of course…there’s still plenty of questions that have gone unanswered (despite them being very simple questions).
But before I get into the questions, I want to go over some headcanons and my theories, which I deem very likely. (Not out of ego or anything, but just because Mark has mentioned/implied these theories and comments). I will save the questions for the final notion of this post. Thank you again to anyone reading! And special thanks to Mark if he just so happens to read this. __________
First off:
Some things to know! (these have all been confirmed by Mark and the teamiplier crew in the livestream):
-Mark, Mayor Damien, and the Colonel have been friends since they were kids.
-Mark and the Detective have been friends for a long time, but Damien and William (the Colonel) didn’t know of the Detective.
-Mark hired the Detective kind of as an investigative body guard. He hired him to keep things in check and to look into anything mysterious. Over time, they became friends.
-Damien was the only one who REALLY cared about everyone and what was happening. He viewed Mark as a true friend, and was genuinely distraught from his death. The Detective is the second most one who took this all to heart.
-Mark and Celine were married and lived together in the house for a while, but eventually Celine and the Colonel ran off together, leaving Mark alone in the house (for a long time).
-Celine and Damien are brother and sister (Mark didn’t necessarily confirm this; he just said that this was an idea he was heavily leaning towards, and that it is technically up to interpretation. However, Mark confirmed that they have NO romantic relationship whatsoever).
-The Chef and the Groundskeeper (who are good friends) have been living at/in the house for years; the Groundskeeper had been living there the longest, even before Mark showed up.
-The broken bottle in the cellar has a backstory: (this took place during the events of WKM) Mark brought William down into the cellar to settle things, but in actuality, it was all apart of Mark’s plan to get back at the Colonel for taking his wife (that’s how Mark sees it. Celine ran off with William on her own accord though) He offered William alcoholic drinks, getting him completely drunk while Mark stayed totally sober. Mark then offered to play Russian Roulette, putting one bullet in the Colonel’s gun. Mark pointed the gun at William and pulled the trigger, but the gun did not shoot. Mark then gave the gun to William, saying something along the lines of “There, now you can shoot me, and if it doesn’t kill me, we can put our anger behind us and become friends again. I can forget that you ran off with my wife, and you can forget that I was ever angry with you”. The Colonel hesitated, but he agreed, proceeding to shoot Mark and kill him. William, of course, freaked out and frantically hid the evidence, quickly cleaning everything up. That’s why he was avoiding everyone, including Damien, and that’s why he said that all of this was an accident. Mark…planned for this. He wanted the Colonel to kill him; it was all apart of his plan for revenge.
-Mark is just a heartbroken idiot, and his original plan doesn’t go exactly accordingly.
-Mark is the one who stabbed himself 37 times, drowned himself, beat himself, and poisoned himself. Mark (the real one. The one discussing the livestream—so not the character of Markiplier) said that (character) Mark was once trying to commit suicide, because his friend “stole” his wife and betrayed him.
-Mark took control of Damien’s body to rid himself of his original body, which was absolutely fucked up (His original body was…y'know: stabbed 37 times, beaten, poisoned, etc.). Afterwards, he presumably left the manor for good. (Mark didn’t mention that last sentence, but it is implied, and it makes sense).
-The inside of the house is VERY different from the outside—it’s like stepping into a different dimension, or as Mark put it, “stepping into someone’s mind” (which is JUST AN ANALOGY!). No one can die inside of the house. If something happens to you, you keep that injury and keep on living in pain. You can only die outside of the house (obviously, because that’s where the real world is)
- ^^^ That means that the Detective is still alive, and so is the viewer.^^^
-Damien and Celine used your body to get out of the black, purgatory-esc realm. They then ditched your body, turning into Darkiplier. Virtually none of Damien and Celine are left in Dark. Just like the groundskeeper said: “Everyone is…[gone]”.
-Damien and Celine did this ^^^ because Celine thought she knew more than she actually did, she thought she had more control than she actually did, and Damien trusted and believed her, so he thought it was in your best interest to “let them in”. In actuality though…the viewer is left stuck in the house.
-By the end of it, Damien hates Mark, feeling betrayed and left alone to live in pain and regret.
-The Colonel (obviously) turns into Wilford Warfstache. His red overalls faded into pink ones over the years.
-The Colonel sits with your dead body for 10 HOURS STRAIGHT, cradling Damien’s cane. At that point, he is not experiencing madness…he is experiencing pain, regret, mourning, and sorrow. He doesn’t experience madness until your dead body (which has been lifeless for 10 HOURS), suddenly gets up. (Keep in mind that in normal circumstances, rigor mortis sets in between 2 and 6 hours after death. The house prevents you from decaying, because you cannot die in that house).
-The house (as you could’ve guessed) doesn’t follow the laws of physics in its layout, and in it’s overall reality. For example, it was hiding the Detective’s room from the viewer. (Although, Mark seemed to lean away from the idea that the house could be sentient).
-The Detective’s room has been that way for years, recent stuff has just been added to it. When the Colonel angrily says that the Detective has been “keeping tabs on us”, he means that the Detective has been doing that for YEARS. Remember: Mark hired Detective Abe to keep tabs on people and to look into anything of question, and that’s exactly what he did. __________
Now that that’s out of the way! Here are my headcanons/theories (these are not 100% confirmed! Although, some are very likely):
-William (Now Wilford) wears bowties because of Damien. (Notice how Darkiplier doesn’t wear a bowtie/any tie at all [anymore]). (This headcanon was mentioned by Amy).
-After the events of WKM, the Chef and the Butler went as far away as they possibly could from the house. The two of them, although they did not particularly like each other, worked at a restaurant together (as seen on A Date With Markiplier). The Butler becomes a waiter and befriends another waiter (Ethan), the two of them also working at a small, independent theatre.
-The Mark (character) that we see in all other (important) sketches/skits is actually Damien’s body, but is just being controlled/possessed by Mark (from WKM. It’s not a “new” Mark, it’s the same one, he just has a different body—-Damien’s body).
-Wilford, being mad (insane), sees Darkiplier as Damien, being unable to see him as broken and corrupted. Wilford doesn’t see the glitchiness and unstableness of Darkiplier, he just sees his old friend Damien.
-Dark, being nothing more than a husk with the feelings of revenge, uses Wilford, not actually considering him as a friend. Dark contains virtually no trace of Damien and Celine anymore. Their spirits have been corrupted with hatred and revenge so much, that all it is now is Dark. __________ The questions (HOEPFULLY TO BE ANSWERED BY MARK!):
-What is the time setting?! Mark and the gang VERY briefly brush up on this in their livestream explaining WKM, but what they say is even MORE confusing. Mark says that it takes place around the ages of the 1920’s through the 1950’s. I am going to completely dismiss that idea, because it makes no goddamn sense. Maybe Mark meant that it was based on those eras? But then Amy goes on to say that they wanted WKM to seem timeless. Idfk, this needs to be cleared up. The timeline is VERY important! For some reason, Mark always dismisses it!
-What happened to the Detective? The person speaking at the end of Chapter 4 of WKM is confirmed to be the Detective. He says (verbatim): “ *recorder beep* *intense coughing* Colonel…*coughing* if you can hear this…you better run”. Clearly, the Detective is angered and full of hatred towards the Colonel. He knows that he killed Mark, so maybe he will also be out for revenge? If not, what is the importance of his character? It’s clearly left on a cliffhanger. Is the Detective still stuck in the house with the viewer? If so, why was that last audio clip put in? (I understand this particular question cannot be answered yet. I just want everyone to think about it, because it seems to be that everyone forgot the importance of this character. No one’s talking about Abe!).
-What exactly happened to the Butler and the Chef? I tried to answer this question using my headcanon, as seen above, but I think it’s still good to mention here. I consider them to be very important characters, and I think that Mark could answer this one very easily.
-Is the Groundskeeper still keeping the grounds of the manor? Obviously, after the events of WKM, George (the Groundskeeper) definitely vowed to never go back in that house ever again. But…he’s done this before…so did he go back to his job? Or did he leave for good? (This may not be important at all).
-What’s the deal with Wilford? All that we know about Wilford is that he is insane, and that he is now working with Darkiplier (as shown in Markiplier TV), but what are the specifics? Does he know that Dark is (or, ..was) Damien and Celine?
-Are Wilford’s other videos not canon now? Now that Wilford has an official origin story, we are left to question his first origin story. Yep! You read that right. For the new fans of Markiplier: Wilford has always had a backstory. We see it in these videos (which are in order; that’s important) The Warfstache Affair and The Ned Affair. He was a journalist who slept with someone who was having an affair with her husband. After shooting and killing the woman, her husband, (and their neighbor and their dog), Wilford burned the house to the ground and fled the scene, being wanted by the police. Did those videos not even happen, or did they just happen way after WKM? (Also, does “Warfstache Interviews Markiplier” have any canon or importance?)
-Who is the new Markiplier? As mentioned in this post, Mark took control of Damien’s body and left the manor, planning to leave the Colonel, Damien, and even the viewer. So what does that mean for the Mark character we see in A Date With Markiplier and Markiplier TV? I think that it’s still the Mark from WKM, but just in Damien’s body, but that has not yet been confirmed or disapproved.
-Who is the new viewer? The viewer’s character (the one looking at everything in first person) is confirmed to be stuck in the manor at the end of WKM, …but, in A Date With Markiplier, there seems to be a new character for the viewer’s perspective. Who is this new person? They have to be significant in some way! In ADWM, Mark’s character says SEVERAL times: “Do I know you from somewhere?” “you look familiar” “Do we know each other?”. What does that mean?? I’m pretty sure that was NEVER explained! __________
And with that, this post has officially concluded. Sorry…that it’s so long. I’m sure that fact will deter Mark from it :(
Thank you to anyone and everyone who decided to take the time out of their lives to actually sit down and read this. It took me a long time to not only type this, but to do the small amount of research that went along with it.
Mark, this post means a lot to me….it would mean so much for you to comment on it and explain a few things. You inspire me every single day, and the WKM series is a masterpiece that I absolutely adore. I’m very confident in this post, so I think it would be pretty close to a total waste if you never come across this.
Once again, thank you everyone for reading this. You have no idea how much it means to me. I’m going to spread this like the plague—I need people to see this, I’m so passionate about it.
Again, special thanks to Mark.
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moon--melon · 7 years
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Milestone of 18 Million | The Fullness of Space
Happy 18 Million to Mark, all of teamiplier, and the whole community. Because of Mark and everyone in our family, the universe feels a little less empty. <3
Thank you.
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moon--melon · 7 years
Anti: (ง'̀-‘́)ง
Jack: No.
Anti: ok̠̜̪a̗̟̦̯͓̹ÿͯ̃͒̐
Anti: H̺͈̘͈͉e̮̟̫̥y̝̹͎̣ ͚̯C̯̤͈͚͓hạs̼̮̠͖e͓̠͉̥̳
Chase: Yeah, dude?
Anti: (ง'̀-‘́)ง
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moon--melon · 7 years
the Jim Brothers
So, you know "Jim" and "Jim" from MarkiplierTV?
I hear many people call them the "Jim Brothers". BUT...What if Jim and Jim were the same guy? Maybe Jim has MPD (Multiple personality disorder), and he has a character named Jim, the weatherman.
This theory might sound dumb, but it really gets you thinking when you realize that Jim and Jim are both wearing the exact same blue shirt, except News Reporter Jim has a suit coat over it with glasses.
If this is what Mark intended the whole time, I'm not sure whether or not to feel smart or really stupid, ...since I just realized this.
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moon--melon · 7 years
Someone: You know Jack is Anti and Chase and Dr Schneeplestein right? He’s just acting as them and they aren’t re- Me: SHH Me: YOU MUST NOT SPEAK OF THIS
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moon--melon · 7 years
[OLD] Theory on Darkiplier
@markiplier (This theory goes far down the rabbit hole oh my god. One of these days, I’ll actually get Mark to see this stuff :P)
Ever since the release of A Date with Markiplier, I’ve wondered what Darkiplier’s true intentions and motivations were. After Markiplier TV, I was convinced that I had a pretty good explanation.
I think it’s safe to say that, personality wise, we know the most about Darkiplier (Next to Wilford Warfstache). Since Dark has only been in a few videos with little dialogue, his character hasn’t had time to develop fully yet. Thankfully though, Mark helped out by explaining who Dark is in this video: Mark on Darkiplier. (This video comes from a livestream)
I’ve seen many different portrayals of this suit-wearing version of Darkiplier (a.k.a. the official version), and some versions I’ve seen of him have him giving in and turning good when true love is shared with him. In my eyes, Dark is a demonic entity from another realm who cannot feel any human emotions. He can express them, but he cannot feel them, if that makes sense. Basically, Dark can replicate/fake human emotions such as caring, only to manipulate others:
“[Darkiplier] he’s a social manipulator” Says Mark ( Mark on Darkiplier ) “He is….he is literally 100% manipulative. He leads you into this false sense of security and wants you to trust him because he wants to take advantage of you”.
“In my mind, Darkiplier is an entirely different person from me, but much like Warfstache, doesn’t obey the laws of physics. He exists in—like—another world entirely and bleeds through into this one” This statement confirms the fact that Dark is an entity from some other universe/realm/reality/whatever you want to call it.
“…that was my clue to reveal that…he is NOT your friend”. Mark clearly wants to get it through our heads that his version of Darkiplier (the one I personally consider to be canon/official) is pure evil, and could never feel any type of love or compassion for anyone or anything, other than himself.
Now that the definition of Darkiplier’s character is out of the way, it’s time to discuss what I personally think is going on. (This is my headcanon story thing :P)
A few years ago, as Mark’s channel gradually gained popularity, a certain someone observed from afar: Darkiplier. During the old days of Mark’s channel, Dark (whose real name is unknown), meticulously watched and analyzed the YouTuber’s growth. Feeling like he could gain something from this, Dark revealed himself to [2012] Mark one day, requesting a partnership. Using his manipulative skills, Dark promised Mark to help him create quality content for his fans, …but of course, there was a catch. Dark wanted…to be let in. Dark wanted payment for the service he’d be providing, and that payment would be the power from the love of Mark’s fans (I theorize it to be). Although reluctant, Mark agreed, and thus began a collaboration full of lies and manipulation. Mark, quite literally, made a deal with the devil.
Videos such as: Don’t Blink, Don’t Move, and Raspy Hill, were all created with the help of Darkiplier. Things were great; Mark was gaining more and more views and subscribers as Dark assisted him with scary video ideas, thus allowing the community of fans to grow. Overtime, Dark awaited Mark’s end of the deal, but being anxious and unsure, Mark kept putting it off, always promising to Dark that he’ll eventually allow him to do whatever he needs so that they’d be even. (Dark’s payment is probably something along the lines of…possession, or stealing power. Something demonic and manipulative, of course).
As the fanbase grew, …so did some theories and ideas. Fans started creating their own versions of Darkiplier (not being aware that Dark is an actual entity, and not a creation of Mark’s), basing them off of the scary videos Mark has created (with the actual Dark). Obviously, since this was a fandom like any other, some fans took the idea of Darkiplier and changed it for fan fictions and suggestive fan art. As Dark ignored this “insolence”, Mark…took notice of it. With every new piece of Darkiplier fan art, Mark slowly drifted away from Dark, not wanting anything to do with him anymore, …or the deal that they agreed on years ago in 2012.
All Mark did was joke about Darkiplier, eventually making this video in August of 2016 to tease the idea of him even more: relax.
Finally, in October of 2016, Mark took it a step further by taking on the persona of an emo teenager on twitter, who he called “the canon Darkiplier”.
As a result of this, Darkiplier was furious. Tired of this mockery, Dark finally decided to act his revenge on Mark.
As a final act of trickery, Dark pretended to collaborate with Mark on the A Date with Markiplier video. But in reality, Dark used this opportunity to get a certain message across. Being an idiot, Mark just thought that this was a part of Dark’s scary act, so he didn’t cut it out of the final video.
In the Darkiplier route, Dark says this: “Did you miss me? I missed you…very much”  this is him speaking to the fans, attempting to gain their trust, wanting to use their love against them. Dark refers to the fact that it’s been so long since him and Mark actually did a video together, so we, the fans, haven’t seen him in a long time: “I’ve been waiting a long time to see you again…” .
Dark acknowledges the fact that he’s being made fun of by Mark, and that he’s been replaced by that ridiculous emo character: “I’ve been pushed aside…replaced…mocked”. Then he refers to the fact that Mark ignored him, and didn’t ask for help while making the A Date with Markiplier Video, so Dark himself had to offer his help, and only then, did Mark collaborate with him again: “ …and then he had the gall to not invite me to his little adventure with you”.
Fed up with everything, Dark tells this to the audience: “No more…never again”. “I’ve been waiting patiently! He promised he would let me in…again. I’m tired of giving people a choice”.
After the success of A Date with Markiplier, Dark secretly continued with his plan, …deciding that he…needed help to accomplish his cruel objective.
Back in the day, while working with Mark, Dark met Wilford Warfstache. But before officially meeting him, the devilish entity watched Wilford, just like he did Mark. After shooting and killing his girlfriend, her husband, their dog, and their neighbor, Wilford burned the house down and ran away, evading the police [Source: The Warfstache Affair]. Dark took interest in this, seeing potential in the journalist, who was now a wanted criminal.
Unfortunately, Wilford was apprehended by the police on a rooftop, after being shot down [Source: The Ned Affair]. Sitting in jail, after leaving the hospital for his wounds, Warfstache was visited by Dark. Dark promised to get Wilford out of jail, IF the mustached murderer agreed to help him. (During this time, Dark and Mark were still working together, so Dark just wanted Wilford so he could have another person to manipulate and use) Warfstache agreed, and the two became “friends” ever since.
When Dark started developing his plan against Mark, he asked Warfstache for assistance, and he gladly agreed to help.
Back when Dark and Warf first met, Dark started to observe more and more people. None of them were too special…they were just people who could possibly be manipulated for Dark’s own gain. To be specific, they were: a doctor, an author, a superhero, a gameshow host, a robot, and a salesman. Sound familiar? Well, they should. Being busy with Mark, Dark only kept those people in mind, deciding to observe them later if he needed to.
Well, after A Date with Markiplier, Dark remembered all of those people. Thinking he could use more fools to manipulate for his big plan, he decided to recruit them. Lucky for Dark, most of those people were down on their luck.
The superhero, named Silver Shepard, quit his job of being a superhero to pursue a career in entertainment, but was having a hard time in doing so.
The author, now known as “The Host”, was having conflicting thoughts with himself, that being the reason why he changed his status name.
The robot, named Google, used to be owned by a man named Matthias, but was thrown out when the owner had a baby.
The gameshow host, named Bim Trimmer, was left without a job when the TV show “Hire my Ass” was cancelled.
These 6 people (which includes Dr. Iplier and Ed Egar) were perfect for Dark’s plan. So, he visited each and every single one of them, promising them whatever they desired if they followed through with the plan. They all agreed.
At the end of Markiplier TV, we see Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache having a meeting with Google, Dr. Iplier, The Host, Bim Trimmer, Ed Edgar, and Silver Shepard. Markiplier TV was created by Wilford; it was his contribution to the plan. This is made evident when Dark asks Wilford: “How is this supposed to help us take back control? …We are the heart and soul of this channel after all”.
This is all for the big plan. Yes, they’re baby steps, but Dark definitely has something up his sleeve. If I haven’t already made it obvious, Dark doesn’t care about any of the people in his group, not even Wilford. Many people I’ve talked with think that Dark and Warf are actual friends, but why would Mark emphasize the fact that Dark is a social manipulator, and then show Dark having a genuine relationship with Warf? Dark is using Warfstache, and everyone else in the group, even the highly intelligent AI: Google.
Speaking of Google, he also has his own little way of contributing to the big plan in this video: Google Gets an Upgrade. In this video, Google v1.0 [Blue] upgrades, which results in him multiplying. In doing this, he creates Google v2.0 [Red], Google v3.0 [Yellow], and Google v4.0 [Green]. ((V stands for version. I numbered them in order of appearance)).
Mark is a clever guy. I don’t think he’s adding all these little details by accident. Maybe I’m just being overly analytical, but notice how Mark links Markiplier TV at the end of Google Gets an Upgrade. I think that’s no mistake. It’s a very telling clue. It suggests that the two videos are most definitely connected.
Now, that’s just what I think. I’d love to hear your theories on the matter! I’d also love for my silly little theories to get spread around. I know it’s hard for Mark to see everything on here, but reblogging this could definitely help out. Likes are always appreciated and hoped for, but reblogging gives a better chance of Mark seeing this!
Thank you
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