moonglowmuses · 14 hours
"I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive." ( Amanda & Lynn )
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amanda could feel her skin prickling and her heart thumping with absolute rage. perhaps she had no right to feel the way that she did. but she despised lynn denlon. she hated everything about the woman, even if she had been her torturer. "i'm not here for your FORGIVENESS," amanda nearly spit at the other. "get out of here. get out of my presence. i don't want you here!" amanda hated how john had manipulated her, back in the day when she was around this doctor. it was not fair, part of her knew, deep down. but that did not change the intensity or integrity of HER EMOTIONS.
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moonglowmuses · 14 hours
"I don’t know how you’re going to get through all that.” ( Amanda & Eleanor )
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amanda sighed, nodding along. she knew that eleanor had a point. she had a lot on her plate, that much was certain. however, she'd gotten through worse. that was also true. "i guess that i'll need to rely on good friends like you." amanda offered a little smile, reaching out to squeeze her companion's hand before dropping the gesture. "do YOU think that i'll get through all of this?" amanda inquired, her expression inquisitive. "your opinion MATTERS to me, EL."
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moonglowmuses · 14 hours
"I can hold my breath." ( Amanda & Phineas )
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amanda proceeded with caution. she knew that the pederson gang could be dangerous. they could be cold, calculating, and callous. she did not need more drama in her life at the moment. not that anyone ever did. "what are you holding your breath FOR?" amanda asked, assessing the other's expression to ensure that there was no evident or apparent threat. "i can just be on my way," amanda insisted with a certain nod. "if you will EXCUSE me..." she said, hoping to conclude this conversation, if she could.
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moonglowmuses · 14 hours
"I know who my first call will be to." ( Adam & Parker )
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"is it... really ME?" adam asked, his features brightening. perhaps he was jumping the gun, but he truly wanted to know what parker was thinking. "wait, wait... am i getting AHEAD OF MYSELF?" adam knew that parker probably had closer friends. even family. however, he did feel a connection with the man. there was a friendship that had blossomed between them, based probably in similar shared experiences and trauma encounters. "i would call you, too, man. LAWRENCE FIRST, of course, but you would be a CLOSE SECOND."
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moonglowmuses · 14 hours
"Oh, you got to be shitting me.” ( Adam & Diana )
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adam's little smile tended to peek through whenever he was around diana. he had a close relationship with the girl, ever since he became romantically involved with her father. he knew that she had a complicated relationship with lawrence. that was only part of the reason as to why he wanted to be emotionally available to her. he wanted to be an ally, and... maybe a FATHER FIGURE, too, down the road. whenever she was ready. "i was thinking the same thing," adam concurred with a brief nod and a sparkle in his eye. "can you believe that REALLY HAPPENED?"
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moonglowmuses · 14 hours
❱❱ WALL ❱❱ sender pushes the receiver against a wall ( Adam & John )
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adam could not believe it when the air was smacked right through his lungs. he was sputtering, trying to regain control of his breathing, when he noticed just WHO had shoved him. "you..." he managed to huff out as he made eye contact and struggled against the body keeping him positioned against the wall. "what are you DOING? get off of me! what is this ABOUT?" more than anything, in this moment, adam wanted lawrence to help him. to intervene on his behalf.
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event ( Paxton & Merlin )
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"thanks," paxton said as he accepted the tissue from merlin's outstretched hand. he lifted it to dab at the corners of his eyes. "i know that it's nothing NEW," paxton admitted, referring to the painful event that he was processing at the moment. "and maybe i'm an idiot for calling the police station each and every day, but..." paxton paused, trying to consider what he wanted to say next. "i know that if JOSH were here? he'd never give up LOOKING FOR ME either." every police officer he had spoken to told him the same thing: JOSH WAS NOT IN LONDON. which meant that he was dead in some version of SLOVAKIA that was far away and inaccessible to all of them.
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
“What are you doing? ……. This is nice.” ( Adam & Cassandra )
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"give it a second. i promise that it'll start feeling good soon." adam made another kneading motion with his outstretched palm. he was giving cassandra a massage, working on the spot between her shoulder blades. "how does this feel?" adam asked as he gravitated towards the next spot. "i do this for lawrence all of the time, especially when he is getting home after a long day at work." lawrence deserved good ways to unwind at night. "can i move down your back? is that all right? only if it FEELS GOOD, of course!"
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"You left your typewriter at my apartment." ( Amanda & Lydia )
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"you've got to be joking, right?" amanda offered the other a little flicker of a smile before she contemplated how she could best respond. "you've got to be yanking my chain, though. i doubt that i could even move a TYPEWRITER on my own." amanda struggled to trust others. that was especially true when it came to the police. she was reminded too staunchly of DETECTIVE MATTHEWS. she assumed that every police officer would hurt and betray her like he did. she was working on improving her mentality.
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"Oh, don’t you get all decent on me now.” ( Paxton & Parker )
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paxton nearly spit out the drink that he'd been in the process of swallowing. "not cool, man! you can't say funny shit like that to me and expect me NOT to spit out my sprite!" paxton chuckled, composing himself so that he could return to his friend's sentiment. "seriously, though. i like to think that i'm relatively decent now. i wasn't always, but... that could be a story for a different day, unless you feel like hearing it now." paxton used to be not so decent. he'd been arrogant and sexist and stuck on the idea that HE ALWAYS KNEW BEST. that could not have been further from the truth, too.
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"The only thing that is permanent in life, is impermanence.” ( Paxton & Grace )
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the little smile that blossomed among his features was unpreventable. grace had to be one of his best friends. he liked her big heart, of course, but he also loved her sarcasm. she was witty and funny and she took no one's shit. that was how all people should be. she did not mess around. "where did you get THAT line?" paxton asked, clearly looking to tease her and to get under her skin in a good way. "i didn't know that you started to study ancient philosophies. so... WHO IS IT? kant? descartes? plato? WAIT... DON'T TELL ME." paxton paused as he dramatically placed a hand over his own heart. "don't tell me that you've resorted to NIETZSCHE!"
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"Well, no one asks any questions here." ( Paxton & Kana )
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paxton chuckled when kana made her observation. the pair of them were in an exam room in the closest hospital. they were waiting for a doctor to see her. "yeah, they usually don't ask enough questions," paxton admitted. he'd been a nurse for a couple of years, and that was his experience, too. "but i promise to help you out, if you need or want it, of course." paxton paused, assessing kana's features, before he moved closer, an open palm on her knee. "i know that this might not be the ideal place to ask you this, but..." paxton's dark eyes sparkled under the fluorescent lighting. "CAN I KISS YOU?"
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"I get e-mails from a raccoon. So nothing sounds crazy anymore.” ( Mallick & Steve )
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mallick was tapping his pen against his knee. the soft, reliable beat of its tip was rhythmic and comfortable. he thought that he was having a perfectly sane conversation. that was when steve said what he did next. "what on earth are you talking about, man?" mallick's face broke out into a smile because... he loved shit like this. he appreciated when others did not take themselves too seriously. "from a RACCOON? are you sure that you're not HIGH right now? because i could go for a hit of whatever you're smoking!" mallick held up a finger before he proceeded. "actually, scratch that. i'm supposed to be better than that now. don't tell my girlfriend, all right? she'll kick my ass and SHE SHOULD. i'm kind of an idiot, if you couldn't already tell."
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
❱❱ THREAT ❱❱   sender holds a weapon up to receiver as a threat ( Mal & Brit )
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"holy fucking shit, brit!" mal lifted his hands to indicate his surrender. when he approached the door and knocked, he expected that brit's memories must have returned to her. based on her RAISED KNIFE, his calculations were totally off. "hold up, hold up! i'm not moving forward, all right? my god... can you see my hands?" in another less muddled scenario, he might have joked about wanting to try KNIFE PLAY, but right now? that was a terrible idea. "i'll even shut my damn mouth, too. i know how much you love the SOUND OF MY VOICE."
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"They said I was a cheat, I guess it must be true." ( Mallick & Billy )
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mallick knew that he was a work in progress. he was not as small of a man as he used to be. still, he was not winning any awards either. he was a normal... morally grey... kind of guy. when he attended to billy's claim, he did not know whether he did or did not relate. mostly the former, he figured. "well... was it true? LEGITIMATELY?" mallick supposed that he was a cheat, too. "i used to do some pretty fucked up shit," mallick admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he made his own confession. "i fucked up and people covered it up because i was some RICH MAN'S SON."
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
"Have either of you guys ever studied quantum physics?” ( Bobby & Dewey )
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he already had so much to explain. even when she'd possessed her memories, joyce did not have all of the answers. she'd needed to comprehend his motivation, even if it was total bullshit. when she lost her memories due to the recent water crisis? she'd forgotten what he'd done. she wanted to be close to him again. it was torture to refute her advances. but he knew that he needed to until she was remembering things more fully. bobby squinted when he was asked the question. "i can't claim that i am smart enough to study anything like quantum physics," bobby admitted with a shake of his head.
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moonglowmuses · 4 days
❱❱ CARESS ❱❱   sender caresses the receiver’s cheek ( Bobby & Joyce )
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it felt like a fever dream. he could have given in to this moment with every fiber of his being. he could almost forget all of the nasty things that he had done. but he had to know that this was for real. if it wasn't, then he could not go through with it. no matter how tempted he might feel. "DO YOU REMEMBER ME? do you remember what i did?" to her and to others. he had to ask the question because he heard that some people were experiencing LINGERING EFFECTS of drinking the water. if joyce remembered what had happened... she would not be striving to TOUCH HIM, would she?
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