motherraid · 8 days
PT2 cause I got bored :P
(Basically the same content up top // Afab!Reader // studying // but not actually studying // Rambles shall hereby never be proofread no matter how desperately they need to be i am MUCH too lazy)
This was NOT the way to study. At least, this wasn't what you had thought you'd be doing when Sebek told Lilia that you both would be in his room "studying."
After witnessing you acting a fool with those skittle haired friends of yours DURING class, he'd concluded that you need to work on your obedience and focus on your lessons. And he'd decided to help you the only way your tiny, primitive, human brain could understand. You're not even allowed to look at him. Only after you finish your work will you finally be "rewarded," and you can't cheat your way out of this. Every time you try to bounce even slightly, grind against him, or moan into his ear, he'll pull out of you and leave you clenching air, dryly stating that maybe you're beyond helping and the "session" should end here. He won't break. No reward for no work.
You could practically feel his eyes burning holes in the back of your head. Normally, it would be uncomfortable, stressful, even. However, it's safe to say his behavior in this particular situation is more than understandable. After all, you're the one sat comfortably in his warm lap, with his even warmer dick nestled deep inside of you. He started off with his chest against your back, voice stern and commanding. He'd point to the equations on your worksheet and criticize every error you would make. His voice would rumble in his throat and bob his Adam's apple against your shoulder.
If the fact that he was buried deep into your weeping cunt wasn't enough to melt you alive at that point, then the close proximity would. He seemed to like the heat coming from you. From your thighs squished tight against his, to your back, where your heart would hammer against his sternum and encourage his heart to pound in tandem, and especially the searing heat he'd be reminded of every time you'd clench around his cock. Whether on purpose or accident, both would earn you a smack on the thigh. He'd hiss a sharp reprimand through clenched teeth and try his best to disguise his shaky, pleasured sigh as a huff of aggravation.
His resolve seemed impeccable. He was so laser focused onto the paper and almost never entertained your incessant whining. You didn't even dare try to plead with him, or else you'd be scolded, and he'd drag out your "study session" even longer.
Now, half an hour later, he didn't seem as strict as before. He leans back in the chair and tells you to finish the last three problems on your own since you're doing so well. You're still not allowed to look back at him. Every time you'd try, he'd grab your chin and pull your gaze back to your paper. The tendon on the underside of his cock flexes, and you feel the small bulge shift deep in your belly. You'd swear he was using magic on you in some way because every twitch in his muscles would light up your nerves like sparks. A shiver shakes a small whimper from your lips, and a deep grunt from his as he rolls his head against the back of the chair. His hands, instead of being wrapped around your waist, pointing out flaws and errors on your paper, or delivering a sharp smack to your thigh, were gripping the chair for dear life.
He may be a bit irrational, but he was damn sure smart enough to know that if his hands find their way to your body again, he'd crush you tight to his chest and stand up so he could properly bend you over the desk and satisfy his aching cock. But he couldn't. Not until you were finished. He can't reward you before you've earned it. Then you'd never learn, and you would never take him seriously.
At this point, he could excuse your shifting to get more comfortable and even your occasional whining, mostly because it's been so long, and you probably feel the exact same amount of agony he must be feeling. But when you buck your hips or grind your ass into his lap to relieve some of the pressure in your core, then you've gone too far. His legs tense underneath you. Just when you think he might break and finally let go of this silly idea, another loud smack strikes your thigh, and red skin is made redder like a toddler getting spanked.
"Don't. Test. Me." He hisses.
You don't need to look back at him to know he's scowling at you. His eyes glare daggers at the back of your head as you lock in to finish your last question. He hears your hand scribbling against the desk and damn near burning holes in the paper.
And you rejoice when you finally tap his hand and croak out a squeaky, "finished."
Sebek pulls himself back upward and rests his head on your shoulder once more, his hand cozying against your thigh and gently rubbing against your sore skin (a silent apology). He nods and hums in approval, and you can feel pride blooming in your heart. So, when his eyes scan over the last question at an achingly slow pace, you can feel tears welling in your eyes when he slides his hand upwards towards your crotch. Finally some relief....
"Wrong, wrong, wrong," Sebek sighs, "Didn't I tell you before that you have to pay attention to your negative numbers? You threw off your whole equation."
He grabs your pencil and erases your incorrect attempt and demands you try again. He ignores your sobs, both from that painful slap and the fact that it's been a whole hour and you haven't came ONCE. It strains deep in his chest to hear you so upset, but you can't be rewarded yet. You're so close. Sebek can't break because this is genuinely all for you. He just wants to help you become the best student you can be. He knows you can achieve it, so if he has to sit here all day with you, then he will. Because he loves you that much.
Your second attempt is still wrong as well. You feel like you're dying. He corrects your work and gently wipes the tears from your face, but your cunt is still sobbing as well, drenching his cock that's still swallowed entirely into your walls. You soak the green, well trimmed hair at his base, and it dribbles down his balls, painful and all to ready to burst.
Sebek leans back once more to keep you from leaning back into him so he isnt too tempted to say "fuck it" to his plan and all his hard work and take you immediately. He gives you encouraging words, mumbling soft "I love you's", under his breath and, "Doing.. So well... Keep going.. So close..."
The third time Sebek leans over and checks your work, he nods and suddenly slams his hands onto the table so hard your pencil goes flying. He shoots up from his chair, causing you to fall forward onto the table. You can't pull yourself back up because a hand clamps to the back of your neck and forces your head to rest against your worksheet. The slow pull of his cock as it slides out to the tip is the only warning he gives you before he immediately slams back into you. The force of his hips causes the table to jerk under your weight, and before it can even fully bounce back he's already drilling his cock deep into you. Sebek throws his head back and let's out a deep guttral moan as if he'd been waiting his entire life to finally stuff your pretty cunt.
His pace is relentless, and neither of you lasts longer than a minute. All the waiting and no relief built pressure deep inside the both of you that needed to be out. He folds over you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your back into his chest as he babbles on and on.
"Your reward..." He groans deep into your ear as he smushes a sloppy kiss against your lobe. "Do you like it? You have the privilege of carrying our hatchlings. Enjoy your prize, love."
You crumple in his hold, and his arms crushing your body into his as he fucks into you is the only thing currently keeping you from falling. Drool drags across your chin and lands directly on your work. He did go on and on, praising your patience and resolve, but you'd barely registered anything he'd said after calling you "love." You scream and cum hard on his cock, clamping onto him as your orgasm ripped through your body.
You're barely able to move, so you allow Sebek to use you like a fleshlight until he finishes himself. His hips stutter and jerk frantically at first when he shoots, white, hot, and deep into your core. Tears prick his eyes as he collapses against the table, squishing your drool stained face against your currently damp and drool covered paper. The rest of his cum comes in spurts, and his hips tremble against your ass as he pushes himself as far as he can possibly reach into your cunt (which, given his size, means he's pretty cramped in there).
Once he pulls out, it takes a while for him to finally relax into your body. He huffs while one hand lightly rubs circles on your tummy, and the other carefully stuffs his cum back inside of you. He smiles to himself.
See? You can focus on your work. You just need a little encouragement and a nice reward.
I feel like you would understand my desperate need to , through no means on my own, be on sebek's lap and/or by extension his cock.
I'm a desperate bottom in need of more horny sebek.
Let me tell you why I'm snatching you up and keeping you here forever.
(No tws/ Short sweet and to the point/c*ckwarming ig?))
You two will be sitting there agonizing over every little throb of his cock. Sebek is holding you from behind, face buried in your hair and taking deep breaths, and your back is flush against his stomach. If you even so much as shift, he's kinda thick, so you're definitely feeling his ridges (TWST ANIMAL-HUMANOID C*CKS FTW) dragging against your walls. You can't see his face, but you can tell by the way he groans and gasps into the nape of your neck that he's holding on by a thread. Strong arms hold you in place to keep you both from moving too much, because you both know if you so much as squeeze him you'll both end up fucking until his cock leaves a permanent impression inside of you. No matter how much he sniffles and whimpers, and no matter how dizzy he is from being stuck on the brink of cumming and never quite reaching it, he has enough discipline to keep you two from moving. As expected of a knight of the Malleus Dra-
You two barely move the entire time, and you still don't last that long. You're so close to the edge already. Sebek bucks into you once. Just the smallest break in his discipline, and you can't stop the arch in your back. You clamp hard on his cock while your orgasm hits you like a truck. And Sebek, even though he tries to hide it, is so obvious about his own orgasm that it's almost funny. He can't help it. It's so warm inside of you and the painfully sweet feeling of being edged till he cums has him in tears. You feel so good he has to squeeze you like a stress ball to keep himself from saying 'to hell with it' and fully giving into his foggy, horny, crocodile brain and fucking you until you two lose consciousness. You know he's close long before he even crushes you against his chest and hisses, pumping you full of his warm cum as he ruts his hips into your ass. The relief of finally getting to paint your insides white has him seeing stars.
Anon, thank you for sharing my sebek craze. We need more Sebek content♡
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motherraid · 2 months
I can’t find any rules so if your uncomfortable plz feel free to ignore this but I recently found out that when a afab person sits on someone else lap, they can feel the *throb™*
So I’m currently thinking what would Sebek do if during the Masquerade s/o fem!reader ended up sitting on his lap and he felt the throb. What would he do? Would he get hard or would he wonder what it is?
Can I be ✨🎀 anon plz? If you do those kinds of anon thingies lol
Omg of course???!?!?! It's been so long since I've taken an ask from a named anon what you're so nice 😭😭😭
((Grinding, manipulation/gaslighting(??), boners (lol), slight exhibitionism(?? If you squint i think) more big boy words and can't really think or anything else as a description, IM SORRYYY I NEED CHARACTER EXAGGERATION IT'S AN ADDICTION))
Well, well. Back to lap sitting. It seems you all have a certain taste.
Boring answer is he feels it, gets embarrassed, and asks you to get up before he even begins to feel anything. He'd probably offer you his seat and walk off to find another seat he can sit down in. He's red faced, but that's it.
Fun answer?
I believe that Sebek WILL know where it's coming from. I'm sure he has some knowledge in sex ed or smth and if he doesn't, he's still very smart. He can make the connection and what was causing it easily. And when he looks up at you in concealed confusion, he can tell by your nonchalant expression that you aren't doing it on purpose. He assumes it's a natural thing that you shouldn't be ashamed of. So, by that logic, if you feel something hardening under your ass, surely you can understand that it's just natural, right? It's nothing to freak out over, I mean, who wouldn't get hard when there's such a darling sitting in his lap?
And who could possibly have known that something as simple as a pulse could be so alluring?
I mean, if we're talking sweet ol classic Sebek, he'd probably be aaaaabsolutely mortified. His immediate reaction would be to politely tap you on the shoulder and ask you (in the quietest voice he's ever had in his life) to stand so he can use the restroom. He won't even make it to full erection by the time he's flown from the room lol. And as soon as he makes it into semi-privacy, you won't see him for a good while. Well, at least until he can either will his erection to die or pathetically rub one out in a restroom stall like a loser (lmao). Most likely the former. His pride wouldn't allow him to do something so humiliating. If someone heard or caught him whimpering while he spazzes with his dick in his hand mid orgasm he'd truly never show his face in public again.
If you two are in a relationship then maybe he won't be so quick to run away and pitifully consider jacking off to the feeling of you throbbing in his lap- wishing he could feel your throbbing while deliciously stretched around his dick and welcoming every inch deeper into your warm cunt until either he runs out of inches or you run out of space.
No, no. He may just steadily place both hands on each of your thighs and bury his face into the back of your shoulder. Or the crook of your neck depending on how tall you are.
("Please... Just stay here for a moment. I swear that I'll let you up soon.. But for now I need you to stay put... and try not to move too much." )
And uhm.. Mk so you know it's not a Duke post without some sort or freak in there, and I just can not write something without going feral about it and the only way I can go feral about it is if I exaggerate his character so PERVY SEBEK
So if you somehow had managed to sit down in his lap and he feels his zipper area becoming a bit uncomfortable, you'd better have a strong will. The absolute degrading filth this boy will spew into your ears will either have you grinding into his crotch and begging him for more or trying to muffle your hurt/confused sobs. Best believe he ain't going nowhere, and neither are you for your little stunt. Sure, you may not have been intentionally trying to arouse him, but you are the one who insisted on using him as a seat when there are plenty of places to rest. That must have been what you wanted, huh? To see him all red faced and bothered? You probably like seeing him breaking a sweat, lip between his teeth and digging his digits into the underside of the seat. You must loove making him horny. It's like you get a kick out of it. Is it funny for you? To see him in agony?
Well, two can play at that game. Don't even bother acting surprised when he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you tight to his chest. He might wait for a person or two to pass out of view before his tongue sneaks a quick swipe against your earlobe. His breath is heavy on your neck while he nuzzles his face into your hair. Thank the Seven for the loud(ish) music echoing off the walls, or else anyone a good few feet from you would be able to hear him groaning in your ear. All while one of his hands slowly slides towards the inside of your thigh and gives it a good squeeze.
And don't even think about saying anything. It's all your fault, you know. You just casually decide to sit in a guys lap and act surprised when he gets hard? Just like your enticing second heartbeat, an erection is something that can not be helped sometimes. They can happen anywhere, and every guy can agree to that. So what will it look like when you purposefully sit in his lap, throbbing against his thigh with your ass sat firmly against his crotch? Did you forget you're in a school of boys? They'd understand him in a heartbeat. Some may even say you did it on purpose. You'll only embarrass yourself. So stay still, stay inconspicuous, and stay silent.
Let's be honest, though. He's hanging on by a thread. He's just so embarrassed that you've managed to get him this vulnerable and he's taking that out on you. You feel so warm and smell soo good. It's taking every ounce of restraint to hide his gasps and grunts from the spread crowd around you both. Trust they can't be concealed from you, though. You can hear everything. Not to mention feel everything. It's impossible to ignore him spreading his legs a bit and slowly rolling his hips into you.
If he's miserable and desperate, he'll make you feel even worse. Unless you'd rather sneak away and give him the blow job he deserves for putting up with you. Lend him you pussy for a while and he might even spare you a lecture about public decency once this trip is over. (How hypocritical.)
And he's lying. Of course you'll be getting properly disciplined when this is all over. A hands-on lecture is a must. Best not to worry about that now, though. Just enjoy the moment. He sure is.
("I should have known better than to humor you. To think I actually believed you might have been behaving decently for once.")
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motherraid · 3 months
TWST humanoid-c*cks?!?
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((Nsfw under the cut. Mostly just appreciation))
Whenever people mention humanoid cocks it's always about savanaclaw and we are MISSING. OUT. What about malleus? What about lilia? Che'nya? MY BOY HONEST FELLOW? And most of all SEBEEK?
I need to use him as an example cause I feel like the people still aren't listening to us.
Like, just think of how pretty it'd beeee.. A furiously blushing thicker cock when erect, taking on a greenish (instead of pink) hue ESPECIALLY at his glands.
It's dusted with green hair above it when he chooses to groom himself. And when he doesn't? When he decides to leave it be? Can you imagine that soft bush ticking your nose when his gently curved cock pushes past your tongue and tickles the back of your throat? Oh, to be able to cockwarm him and fear choking on that slightly salty liquid that rolls to the back of your tongue.
And OH my GOD, it's so thick. Maybe a little less thick than Jack's, but you'll definitely feel that stretch in your jaw trying to take it all. I'd imagine your heart beat would sync with that thick vein running along his dick, the one that makes him throb against your tongue when you sit still long enough to savor it.
GIMME those gentle ridges all along the underside his cock. Those small barbs almost as a spine dragging from his glans to his base and slightly up his crotch. I feel he'd have scales that'd be scarce at the top where his belly button is and gradually become grouped together as they get lower, giving his cock a smooth, yet rough texture like leather. So slick and easy to slide in and out while those soft barbs drag inside of you. You haven't lived until you've felt that those pointed glands gliding in and out of your walls, sometimes giving a little kiss to your cervix. Not too much, cause that hurts like hell, but just a little peck every once and a while when he occasionally forgets he's so big that you can't take all of him.
It's sooo pretty and firm you'd have to think it's a crime to neglect it. Remember those scales I mentioned earlier? Run your fingers across those green scales scattered along that delicious happy trail. Drag your tongue along his shaft and make him feel loved. Give him the appreciation he deserves and smooch it a bit. It'll flex, and he'll start dribbling pre like crazy as a thank you♡. I remember someone in these tags mentioned Sebek leaks pre like a faucet, and I 100% agree with that statement. I think it's thick, and there's a LOT of it.
(This isn't read through. Just rambles, so I'll just pray I make enough sense. I'm too feral atm and you've worked me up I NEED to scream something at the people now even if its unintelligible)
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motherraid · 7 months
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motherraid · 8 months
I feel like you would understand my desperate need to , through no means on my own, be on sebek's lap and/or by extension his cock.
I'm a desperate bottom in need of more horny sebek.
Let me tell you why I'm snatching you up and keeping you here forever.
(No tws/ Short sweet and to the point/c*ckwarming ig?))
You two will be sitting there agonizing over every little throb of his cock. Sebek is holding you from behind, face buried in your hair and taking deep breaths, and your back is flush against his stomach. If you even so much as shift, he's kinda thick, so you're definitely feeling his ridges (TWST ANIMAL-HUMANOID C*CKS FTW) dragging against your walls. You can't see his face, but you can tell by the way he groans and gasps into the nape of your neck that he's holding on by a thread. Strong arms hold you in place to keep you both from moving too much, because you both know if you so much as squeeze him you'll both end up fucking until his cock leaves a permanent impression inside of you. No matter how much he sniffles and whimpers, and no matter how dizzy he is from being stuck on the brink of cumming and never quite reaching it, he has enough discipline to keep you two from moving. As expected of a knight of the Malleus Dra-
You two barely move the entire time, and you still don't last that long. You're so close to the edge already. Sebek bucks into you once. Just the smallest break in his discipline, and you can't stop the arch in your back. You clamp hard on his cock while your orgasm hits you like a truck. And Sebek, even though he tries to hide it, is so obvious about his own orgasm that it's almost funny. He can't help it. It's so warm inside of you and the painfully sweet feeling of being edged till he cums has him in tears. You feel so good he has to squeeze you like a stress ball to keep himself from saying 'to hell with it' and fully giving into his foggy, horny, crocodile brain and fucking you until you two lose consciousness. You know he's close long before he even crushes you against his chest and hisses, pumping you full of his warm cum as he ruts his hips into your ass. The relief of finally getting to paint your insides white has him seeing stars.
Anon, thank you for sharing my sebek craze. We need more Sebek content♡
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motherraid · 8 months
Sebek x AFAB!reader nsfw below the cut:
((Tw: somno(?) Dubcon(?) A bit of bullying and mean names/big boy words/pervy Sebek/dumbification? Maybe? I think?/and ooc sebek maybe im not sure))
We see so much Sebek as either the completely subby pillow prince or a sebek that's SO dominant he's like some mafia boss in a wattpad fanfic? It's all wonderful, don't get me wrong. But is that ALL we wanna reduce sebek to? D:
I absolutely CAN see and DO see most times where he's just subby and whimpering and crying, and it IS accurate, but it's not ALL that could happen! We need to start changing! it! up!! He's still Sebek for crying out loud! He'll end up having you crying and spaced out on his cock regardless of how bad you wanna ruin him.
Hear me out, pervy Sebek.
Okay, maybe when you aren't together yet he's mean and snarky, referring to you as "human" and pretending to hate your guts like always, but he'll still try to find excuses to perv on you!!!!! He's so enraptured that he can't help it.
Sebek's so needy that accidentally grazing your hand too high up his arm is a sin you need to repent for it with your pussy. You'd find yourself stuffed in an old broom closet or empty classroom in a heartbeat. He just can't take it anymore. He's already spreading your lips with two fingers and using his other hand to hold your hip in place, your ass squished firmly against the cold wall behind you and your skirt in a heap at your ankles. Who else have you been seducing while he wasn't around? He will not stand for your lecherous ways! He must protect his fellow classmates! The only way to do that is to make you cream on his tongue so many times that you can't think straight. Then, you'll be too tired to prey on any more poor, defenseless students at Night Raven College. Yank his hair, and that's another five minutes of him playing with your pretty cunt. Don't test him, harlot.
Your panties he'll be taking. Probably some lame excuse about your "punishment" for coming onto him like a shameless whore. But... We all know that by the time he gets back to his room in Diasomnia, he's soo horny from the anticipation. He wants to savor the moment, but before he can even pull his pants down he gets a whiff of you once he takes your panties out of his pocket. Now people can hear him mewling while he creams his pants through the walls.
"AND WHAT IF WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SEBEK THAT'S IN A RELATIONSHIP??!!! D:" I hear you ask (no one asked me anything. I'm delusional).
He still will not take no for an answer. He's not going easy on you just because you've won his heart. He is more gentle when initiating, but he still won't drop the "you need to be punished" bit. You've riled him up (you blinked in his general direction), and you have to take responsibility for your actions. He thinks, anyway... Everything is kinda fuzzy, so he can't really process the words coming out of his mouth right now. Sebek doesn't know whether he just cried that you're a horrible temptress or begged you to sit on his face.
Oh, and dont get me STARTED on the crocodile tears. Where's the Sebek that snivels with tears in his eyes while he's ramming his cock into you? Where's the Sebek that's so lost he disjointedly drawls into your shoulder about how you're so pretty and warm?? About how he can't stop himself? How you feel too good for him to stop??? Just one more round? Please?? Where's the Sebek that squeals and sobs when he's stuffed you with his cum for the umpteenth time?? Orgasm so intense his eyes cross and toes curl??? Nose buried in your hair and inhaling hard cause he can't get enough of your smell????? YOU'RE the one getting stuffed with his cock, bent and twisted every which way over any furniture or solid surface he can find at the time, so why is HE the one whining and moaning like a whore?
YES!! He is awkward and has no idea what he's doing, but after a while, he's so desperate he just.. Doesn't care. He's gets so erratic and clingy, and it's such whiplash from how proper and uptight he normally acts in public it's insane.
I need to see this boy's fae genes take over. I need to see this boy instinctively feel the need to have you bouncing on his dick all throughout your fertile window. His big dumb crocodile brain can't understand anything other than stuffing you full of his little hatchling(s).
And he would never curse at you once you two are together!! He'll only praise you. He'll tell you how much he loves you, how amazing you are, and how good you feel. He's got too much love to give, and he wants you to give him your love, too. So please sweet talk and praise him. He'll nut instantly. Even if it doesn't mean he'll stop slipping back into you after cumming all over the backs of your thighs. Praise him. Please?
He can't help it. He HAS to have you. It gets so bad he wants to start fucking you almost anywhere. Like a disgusting wild animal. Even if you WANT to take charge or ride him? He gets so carries away he just grabs your hips and snaps up into you over and over. Sorry babe, you can't tame the croc right now. Do you want to be in control? It's such a shame. Really is. Once you've riled him up enough, he goes into big dumb crocodile mode. And in big dumb crocodile mode he'll forget everything and fuck you like a fleshlight. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
But you think YOU'RE the one being fucked stupid? This boy is a pile of mush on top of you!! He's mid hiccup, muttering how much he loves you into your ear, sobbing and slobbering onto the back of your neck. His jabbering is oddly sweet for someone bent over your ass, hips slamming yours so forcefully you're jerked forward with every thrust (or you WOULD be if his big ass wasn't smushing you into the mattress with his weight because he just DOESN'T have the strength to hold himself up with his arms or grab your hips right now. The most he can do is prop himself up on one elbow).
You're trapped underneath a giant who loves you so much he's unconsciously using you like a sex doll. After a certain point in time this boy's mind is so cloudy he's not even fucking you for your pleasure. He just can't stop. It feels too good and his hips are moving on their own and he's too far gone to consciously still them. He's so pathetic he can't even find your clit. His hand is just rubbing at the bottom of your tummy in circles on instinct, and he does NOT care to correct himself. You'll have to do that for him, sorry.
Huh... Actually... Maybe he DOES know that you're asleep.. I don't think he'd be guiltily snapping pictures of your unaware face to jerk to later otherwise.
You can definitely tell that boy is half fae. His stamina is WELL beyond normal humans. Even now that you've blacked out, he still has yet to stop. In fact, he doesn't realize you're asleep. He's still crying about "one more round," "Just a bit more.. Please??" And, "A few more minutes." And best believe you're gonna help the damn boy. I mean, how are you REALLY going to refuse him now that you're asleep anyway??
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motherraid · 1 year
Sebek absolutely wants to be the strong and chivalrous type so bad for you. He's so obsessed with you that he'd constantly want to be of help and yet so obsessed with looking cool that he'd absolutely REFUSE to acknowledge he wants to be of help.
While just fantasizing about you a bit is enough to send him running for his stall and sobbing while he rubs one out to the memory of your face, he also gets off on being the SOLE bull you can rely on. Praising him for his strength or giving him a pat on the head and a "you're so good" sends the blood in his head rushing straight to his crotch. Maybe that's why he can't do anything other than dumbly mutter a catastrophe of an excuse to leave so he can use his pillow as a makeshift you and pretend he'd manned up and fucked you in the field right in front of everyone.
So, another scenario I could see happening is handler playing damsel in distress. "Oh woe is me, I'm so desperate and weak..." Put those acting chops to good use!! Use his fantasy against him!!!
Normally, his stubbornness will NOT let you anywhere near below the belt without it being absolutely necessary, but what if it's overshadowed by his need to be the big and strong bull you need?
Walk up to him and give him your best sad puppy dog eyes. Beg him to follow you to a secluded area. He'll fall right into your trap. You need his assistance? Of course you do! He'd be happy to assist. He doesn't even notice that you haven't shed a tear since you waltzed up to him or that you're walking a little too excited to be upset. He'll get a little suspicious when you lead him back to his stall, though. What could you possibly need here?
BEG him to take you. You need him, someone, anyone, to help you snuff the fire burning in your belly. You're desperate, hanging on by a thread, and you don't know what to do anymore. You need his help because he's always so reliable and smart. He always knows what to do, and you're so clueless and scared. Throw in a couple of crocodile tears while you're at it, and he's panicking. He can't help but hold you in his arms, rubbing circles in your back, cooing in your ear, and telling you it'll be alright. He's here now. He'll help you, you don't have to worry anymore. You have him wrapped around your finger.
He's soooooo loud when he's fucking you. When he isn't talking, he's huffing in your ear and burying his face in your shoulder. When he is, Sebek pleads for praise like he'll die without it.
"Am I doing good? Do you like it like this? You feel so good. Your hair is so soft... I love you so much. Am I doing well? I'm making you feel good, right? So good..." his voice is so squeaky and pathetic. He won't stop groaning. God help the poor soul that happens to hear you two.
Then again, if you get embarrassed having your business aired out to the public, why'd you wanna fuck Sebek in the first place?
Ugh, you won't even need to pretend to sob for him anymore. Whatever desperate facade you played before is the real deal now. And he won't stop. He's so sloppy while he fucks into you. Yeah, he has little to no experience, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. He's sobbing with you, sandwiching you between his chest and his hands on the floor. You don't even notice how he keeps missing that specific bundle of nerves in your abdomen and it's driving you crazy, cause his giant calloused hands are kneeding at your chest as if he's trying to milk you before you can even produce any for the calf he's going to give you.
Sebek doesn't even know how rough he should be with you. He's so gentle with his words and the opposite with his body - it makes you dizzy. He whines and whimpers so upset he can't fully fill you up cause you're so tiny compared to him. He doesn't wanna hurt you, but it makes him so frustrated that he can't hear his hips slapping against your ass. He has to settle for the wet "shlick" your hole makes when he buries his cock into you again, and again, and again.
And when he's cum inside you for the umpteenth time, the backs of your thighs are covered in your own juices, your back is wet with sweat, drool, and tears, and his hips are so tired the "sschlick" "sschlick" in the room slowly dies as he fills you to the brim, he won't even pull out. He'll just flop onto his side and bring you down with him, running his fingers across your belly and snuggling you from behind.
You'd have to be a pshyco not to praise him right now.
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This blog revolves around Dead dove content.
If you're not okay with seeing that content, this is fine, I just don't wanna hear about it, mkay? Cause some come here for that type of content. If you see something you don't like, just keep scrolling, dude. And if there's absolutely nothing dead dove about the current post, don't tread my Tumblr and then get all shocked when you see nasty. Okay? Alright, thanks. :)
I refuse to deny the chokehold this character has on me any longer. Idc if people hate him ♡♡
Need me more of that Hucow Malleus... and just Diasomnia in general, my favorite boys.
This was supposed to be short but woah boy, strap in because your dumb Hucow au (tone: affectionate) hooked me like a goddamn fish. I did not know I was horny for this. Some of it is requests, some personal headcannons/ideas/sacrificial offerings for your au.
Ummm, for the sake of recognizing me in the future, can I be assigned an anon emoji? IDK which one to pick, but if you're willing to select one based on my vibes, that's cool!
May I request how Mal and his handler's relationship kicked off? He isn't aggressive so I imagine his previous handlers felt intimidated or could just never find Malleus to perform handling duties! So Crowley just had to rotate through staff hoping to find a handler Mal is fond of. Or perhaps Mal chose his handler through a chance meeting...?
In the meantime, I imagine Lilia was a pseudo-handler for Mal but couldn't perform most of the duties due to their familial-platonic relationship. Handler duties seem really intimate.
(Speaking of that... Does the job come with a "you might get fucked by Hucows" disclaimer? Or is that JUST Crowley's farm? If humans and Hucows are equal, do the non-farm Hucows act mostly normal and the farm Hucows choose to lean into their more primal, horny side?)
Also not to be a simp but here's some more things my silly fangirl brain has thought up:
Imagine Malleus disappearing on his handler's days off because he's followed them home (with their permission, after pouting at them the whole day) and is enjoying a domestic weekend? Cooking home made meals for them, playfully doing a role-reversal where he is the "human's handler" which is mostly him insisting on doing chores, assisting with basic things like hair brushing, then being confused when he has to use technology to do things like "washing clothes" or "running the dish washer" or "turning on the radio." But altogether it's really wholesome because he wants to show his appreciation for his handler by doing for them what they do for him! Unfortunately, with how tall he is, a few holes do get poked into the cieling at your house.
Hucow Malleus who won't ever cross his handler's boundaries, but is very touch starved and needy, so he'll often make offers that involve physical touch and close proximity, then pout the rest of the day if you say no. Typically he just makes offers a little too soon. For example, after only a few weeks, offering to let his you stay in his personal quarters with him instead of the communal handler sleeping quarters. Lilia suggests he ask again after a few months. Malleus never stays sulking for long- how could he when his favorite handler is around? I imagine he has big regal looming eldrich entity energy but is very soft and gentle at the heart. He likes hearing about your life experiences, especially travel. Being a show cow means that Crowley tries to keep extremely close tabs on him when traveling for shows and Mal hardly gets to enjoy any of the local culture. He's pretty adamant on having you brought a long for business-related travel. That way, he's technically being supervised when he sneaks away with you to see the sights!
Hucow Lilia being so very fond of pranking his handler, whose care he barely needs. He'll playfully make care tasks difficult on purpose, but stops just before you can get frustrated or upset. If he accidentally crosses the line, sometimes he'll even finish the care task himself without help! Which shouldn't be physically possible in most cases, but he'll take his secrets to the grave.
Hucow Lilia who is a "retired" show bull (again, claiming he's "too old" for it) but can easily perform his old routines without breaking a sweat. If any of the young cows aspiring to be show bulls need, he's glad to train them! But his training is a little... unconventional and most young cows will pass on the offer. But it must be effective since he was- still is- Malleus's sole show mentor. I imagine Lilia mostly sticks around the farm because of his Diasomnia family and because he likes helping raise the calves. With supervision from Vil, who makes sure his parenting methods aren't too crazy and, more importantly, ensures he never cooks.
Imagine Silver being the easiest Hucow to handle for because hes just so chill and sleepy. If anything, the hardest part sometimes is waking him up long enough to get him to move to a different spot for Hucow care! He easily accepts his handler's assistance but also offers to help with tasks like carrying milk or fixing a fence. He is also very likely to fall asleep on their lap for hours and make their legs go numb. The best part about being his handler is definitely that he'll let you pet and stroke his pelt pretty much the second you become his handler. He's very duty-bound and, as such, trusts you implicitly to do yours.
Unlike Silver, Hucow Sebek is very unwilling to rely on his handler. Lilia has had to scold him many times on letting you do their job. Sebek tries to relent, but he will still complain, especially if it's a new care task or routine. To him it's a matter of pride and proving he doesn't have to depend on others. Especially since he's fond of you- he can't let himself look WEAK by relying on you, right? But if you twist your words just a bit- say that he's helping you by letting you do something or need him to remind you how it's done- he's suddenly eager to show you. He'll preen under your praise and, if you want to make him really happy, ask him to do little things for you, like reaching something on a tall shelf or asking for his advice on a personal matter... he'll absolutely glow with pride knowing you value him. Also, Hucow Sebek eventually gets to a point where he'll WEEP when you're gone the same way he does when Malleus is away for a show and he can't come with.
Now, after brainrotting a bit, I have two more requests and they are HORNY...
My first request is some size kink shit with Hucow Malleus and his handler. I'm LIVING for the idea of getting split in half by his literal prize cock with him cooing praise over his tiny little handler being able to take it. Big soft Dom vibes, even when he's being rough, just so much love in his giant dragon Hucow body.
My second request is Sebek getting blue balls and his handler insisting on "relieving" him because he's trying to power through it until it "dies down" or some dumb shit. But once he relents, he's DONE for. Nearly begging to breed his handler, pressing them up against a wall or some shit, kind of "dom but tsundere" vibes? 100% consensual and instigated by the handler tho.
I'm happy my insanity is what turned you to the hybrid kink side n I love all of your ideas please do stick around
uhmmmm how does milk(🥛) anon sound?
cw: hybrids(hucows), breeding kink, begging, dacryphilia(jus overwhelmed tears I think its cute), not proofread so sorry if it's all nonsense characters: malleus, lilia, silver, sebek
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malleus is far from violent and doesn't have a reputation as such, he doesn't even playfully nip or headbutt like kalim and ace sometimes do, but his strength and stature are probably what scared some of his handlers off in the past if they weren't frustrated by how much he loves to disappear the hour before shows that is.
I imagine you being some intern handling some other cow that malleus just gravitates towards for one reason or another. when track is lost of him he's found in your general area or waiting somewhere he'll know you'll be soon(yes he subconsciously memorized your schedule) but you didn't seem to mind. this is great from crowleys perspective though, it's an obvious and easy fix, by making you malleus' handler he doesn't have to worry about switching them out every month… or paying both fees for fairs that he never ended up attending.
trying to find a way to say this that isn't crude but well when am I not; fucking the hucow you're in charge of handling isn't part of the job technically but isn't frowned at too much either, not on crowleys farm anyway tho i wouldn't put it past the old bird to have made separate agreements w handlers that do require them to tend to their bulls more intimate needs, with a -barelynoticeable- pay increase of course. other establishments do have regulations in place to prevent it, seeing it as unprofessional at worst. it works on "a you break it you buy it" type of policy so you wouldn't wanna be the guy who knocks up a prize heifer who's starting bid is 70k.
lilia makes for a fun cow to handle if anything, uh granted you're not brand new to working on the farm that is, alot of his ways of teasing newbies is borderline hazing, outside of that he's like a fun grandpa. he is banned from the industrial kitchen tho the closest he's allowed to get to cooking is supervised potato peeling duty if jamil has anything to say about it. I also imagine lilia being cuddly once he gets comfortable enough with you! lots of hugs, cheek kisses and headpats(he likes giving and receiving them) happen between the two of you.
silver takes his responsibilities very seriously and would do well w a handler who's equally task minded but not to the point theyll outright refuse his assistance, though a little downtime never hurt anybody… I mean you told crowley you'd probably have silver milked by noon so it's not like you promised or anything, plus he looks cute resting so peacefully.
now if anyone needs a reminder to relax every once in a while it's sebek. but once you catch onto the fact that he's just a little bit, maybe kinda sorta trying to be a show off cus he has a itty-bitty tiny crush on you(even if lilia had to point it out for you) it makes the job so much easier. yells your name and trots up to you so excitedly during morning role call every. single. day. his body language is super easy to read even if he's trying his best to act aloof about how he feels, especially early on, the way his tail swishes around wildly when you pat his arms while giving him compliments always give him away.
hucow sebek is one prideful n stubborn animal, even in rut. you offered to help him the first few days of it and why wouldn't you? I mean it's not in your job description, probably but you don't mind helping the poor thing out. he refuses the first 2, 3 and then 4 times so you decide not to push him. something about how malleus wouldn't stoop down so low as to take a cheap shortcut offer(he would) such as the one you've presented him with, even tho he does really want to he didn't verbalize that last part ofc.
when he does finally fold he's desperate and sweaty and mumbling nonsense about how you were right and he's sorry and he doesn't deserve you and you are also both very much behind the practice showroom out in the open. you can feel tears and sweat drench the back of your shirt. sebeks large hands are gripping at your hips and tummy like his life depends on it. his thrusts are sloppy and inexperienced but they work to fuel the fire growing inside of you nonetheless.
he hasn't stopped talking the whole time either. he's loud like always but it's what he's saying that's surprising to you. begging you go let him cum in you over and over until neither of you have any strength left and promises to be the best father he could possibly be if you do end up taking his calf. it's just his rut talking, you think, it has to be. not that you'd mind
by the time sebek gives you a break hours have already passed and he slips his dick out of you still some what hard. he insists on carrying you back to his quarters, with intentions of continuing there obviously.
whoever was practicing for next weeks show that afternoon sure did get an earful
i did get a few other asks about hucow malleus n his breeding kink if you're reading this and you sent one of them I didn't forget you ok kiss kiss, so ill keep this ask in mind when answering those <3
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motherraid · 2 years
Bestie, I really need your thoughts on hucow weather report 👉👈
Btw! Hope you're doing well! Love you:))
Oh.. Lovely.. Angel of our lives I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post cause I was ITCHING for some Jojo's asks.
Mk so! Let's go with a lil farm.
I feel as if Weather report would be a semi large bull? Like, he's an older bull no doubt, but he'd have more of a lean and tall build, yknow?
Quiet, well spoken, a little lowkey mushy around old friends; He's the soft, silent, & strong type. He works honestly and doesn't cause much trouble for those around him.
On hot/summer days, his go to spot for hanging out is normally anywhere where shade is a constant. Inside a building, underneath a giant tree, ect. He can't stand hot weather for too long (hah weather. Get it? No? K).
He's not particularly all that comfortable around Joseph and may tend to butt heads with him every once in a while, but honestly... Who doesn't?
Oh, and he's a fucking whore for Mangos.
Weather doesn't really take as much time to preen like everyone else, but he still looks decent nonetheless. He just won't necessarily care for intimidation or flare like the other Joestars.
Does that mean he's not similar to them at all? I think fucking not.
He's the type of bull who, kinda like Jonathan, won't force you to breed, but if you went to him for it he'd blow your back out, feel me?
Refuses to be milked, same as Jotaro, Josuke, ect. Not cause he thinks it's embarrassing like those two, but because he thinks it's pointless. (all the fucking cows you have and you run to him? Go milk Holly. She'll be more than happy to give it to you.)
He'd find Jolyne's lame jokes, that even Anasui cringes at mind you, kinda funny. Sometimes he's repeated them and gotten a collective groan from whoever's in earshot, but who cares it's him and Jolyne's thing.
And I can tell you right now, Weather has a nose ring.
Yes, they're uncomfortable for bulls since they're sensitive, but he kinda just bears with it for aesthetic. Not like he can't just take it off at any time.
(And fuckin props to him for doing something even Jotaro is too whiny to pull off)
He said it "helps with pain tolerance" too or somthing. I dunno, we can't really hear him.
(Speaking of being uncomfortable, guess who had a silent freak out and nearly gouged someone's eye from their face with his horn kicking and snorting because he was about to get branded? This guy!! :D
K but seriously, if you're his handler you'd better go calm him down he is destroying EVERYTHING-
He wouldn't talk to you for a days after. Give him a minute, his ass is still throbbing.)
He still hangs around Anasui, and Jotaro is even fine with him hanging around Jolyne, Hermes, and Foo before he goes batshit crazy and snaps into the Wes we all know and hate love.
He even let's them paint his nails most days!
Foo is terrible at it, btw.
Respectful of boundaries, mindful of social cues (even those hard to understand like jotaro's), and an overall polite, well-tempered bull.
You'll never have to worry about him violating your boundaries. Weather isn't like that. His libido isn't particularly strong, and he's an old soul. He's more lovey than he is sexually driven.
His love language is physical touch. Give him some smooches and he'll be over the moon.
He's more likely to hug you from behind unexpectedly. It doesn't matter what you're doing. If you're distracted, he takes his chance. He thinks it's more like a pleasant surprise if he startles you a little bit with his love.
He's already a chill bull to begin with, but just his handler being around him helps him fully relax.
He's kinda constantly stressed out with his work.
He's always up doing something somewhere, especially in the cooler weather. Take this man inside please, he's gonna catch a cold-
Weather is always feeling something needs to be done, or if he hasn't rolled an ankle, dislocated a shoulder, and popped his fuckin cerebellum, he hasn't done enough to deserve a break.
But he does. He's one of the most hardworking, smart bulls you'd ever meet. Almost anything asked of him will be carried out at a moments notice.
Please spoil him, please. We genuinely don't know how the other cattle and animals would fair without him (even though most pull their weight. He's just a refreshing guy to he around).
10/10 hard-working bull. He's determined and passionate, in his own quiet way. A lil' stressed 24/7, but that's just all the more reason to spoil him with treats and love.
Trust me, he deserves it.
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This blog revolves around Dead dove content.
If you're not okay with seeing that content, this is fine, I just don't wanna hear about it, mkay? Cause some come here for that type of content. If you see something you don't like, just keep scrolling, dude. And if there's absolutely nothing dead dove about the current post, don't tread my Tumblr and then get all shocked when you see nasty. Okay? Alright, thanks. :)
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motherraid · 2 years
I'm here twiddling my thumbs and shouting hello:D your writing is still soso good and I just<3
- 🌸
Awww, thank you, lovely! 😭 tbh I'm just now back in the swing of being more consistent, and I'm getting better, I swear-
Dwdw your ask is almost done as well, I've got it written and In the drafts, babes♡
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motherraid · 2 years
Just asking for fluff, no nsfw: Josuke cuddling with his pregnant s/o, when she/he/they get emotional (yk, pregnancy hormones) over an advertisement. And just... kissing and cuddling all night long... He, them and their baby 💞💞💞
Honestly? Nothing had made Josuke happy cry harder than when you told him you were pregnant (well maybe except when you literally do anything like breathe - he's emotional, okay?). He's never wanted to keep someone so close to him in his life. Between him losing loved ones and his desire to keep those he cherishes safe, you can always bet you'll have Josuke to thank for being by your side no matter what. He's genuinely your number one fan.
Pregnancy is no different...
In the few months you'd been pregnant, Josuke had been clinging to you non stop; He's practically hanging from your hip, nagging you about not eating healthy foods, trying to clean while you're pregnant instead of letting him do it for you, even blinking the wrong way can send him into a spiral of "You're too fragile at the moment for this. Just relax and let me handle it."
He only got worse when your baby bump started growing.
You'd always rip on him for basically policing your independence, claiming he's being more dramatic than you could ever be (since, to be fair, he was getting a little out of control), but after that day, he will never let you live your hypocrisy down.
That day you two were snuggling on the couch; Your cheek to his chest while he cradled you on your side, legs tangled together in an uncomfortable-looking, yet suuuper comfy knot. The TV was buzzing with life as your show had taken a commercial break, and Josuke was lightly dozing off beneath you, cuddling you as close as he could (The big baby. And he calls you fragile?).
Nothing could spoil the moment. Everything was perfect. There was nothing better than laying on your comfy, familiar couch with your two favorite people in the world (one you hadn't even met yet!)
Now see, you hadn't counted on stumbling across a commercial promoting diapers...
And what was so touching about this commercial that it had you blubbering right into Josuke's chest?
It was the image of a mother in a hospital bed cradling her newborn with a look of absolute adoration in her eyes; Her beautiful smile being the first thing the infant sees welcoming them into their new world. And in the next frame, the baby's father is sitting next to the bed, shaking with anxiety once the baby is carefully sliding into his secure arms.
It was his warm embrace of his baby, and the childlike wonder in his features as he gently turned to his wife with a happy sob and a smile that had you picturing your own birth, how happy you'd be with your new family, and the memories you'd make together.
Yes, the box of diapers that choppily appeared next frame (obscuring the newly formed family behind it), and the giant bubble letters of the diapers brand name at the top of the screen did sort of ruin the atmosphere afterwards, but the damage had been done. You were already sniffling and wiping your tears into Josuke's shirt - which effectively woke him up as well.
At first, he thought something was wrong, having been startled from his 2 minute nap. But, when he saw you sniffling into his chest to the remainder of the cheesy advertisement, he couldn't contain his giggles.
You'd seen nothing funny about it, but before you could even voice your annoyance, he already had a blanket draped over you (that seemingly appeared from.. Nowhere..?). You could hear him softly whispering full-hearted wishes of wanting to keep you this way into the top of your head as he nuzzled his face into your hair.
The fact that you're comfortable and happy enough with the way you are now to full on sniff and sob at a fucking diaper commercial was a big enough indication to Jojo that he's doing something right. And he never wanted to give up your genuine joy for anything.
Till you consumed the rest of his cola and potato chips a few hours later, and in retaliation he gave you a bowl of wassabi he played off as "ice cream" for your "cravings"-
I mean... You're happy. Not perfect.
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This blog revolves around Dead dove content.
If you're not okay with seeing that content, this is fine, I just don't wanna hear about it, mkay? Cause some come here for that type of content. If you see something you don't like, just keep scrolling, dude. And if there's absolutely nothing dead dove about the current post, don't tread my Tumblr and then get all shocked when you see nasty. Okay? Alright, thanks. :)
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motherraid · 2 years
How would genshin impact boys react to reader begging them not to cum inside them?
((A-are the scary numbers gone...? Okay👍🏽))
((You didn't specify so I'm gonna do all the bigguns starting with the Mond boys. Maybe some dubcon here and there?))
For whatever valid reason you have, the boys would honestly overall be respectful of whatever you ask of them. Some just.. May need a little more convincing than others.
Oh, you mean don't cum? Inside where? Inside you? Ohhhh, okay I see what you mea- Oops he already came.. Damn.. What a.. A shocker-
I feel like he'd be a royal bitch about it, but respect your wishes. He'd probably make you think he was going to cum inside of you, and pull out last minute.
He'd just use your mouth as a happy alternative. How resourceful! :)
Or just let him use your thighs. Same difference.
If you aren't okay with it, that's still fine. He's not an animal or anything.
He can still mess up your pretty hair, or watch your adorable mouth drool it out while he fucks your face.
There are plenty alternatives with Kaeya.
Now, if we're talking about CNC...
"I'm sorry? Since when have I ever taken orders from you?"
Babe's a soft Dom at heart. He'd never if you were that adamant about it.
He'd do anything you'd want from him in a heartbeat. Let this man please you, please, it's all he wants.
True, he does have a breeding kink, and he'd love seeing your stomach bloating from hi-.. *ahem.*
But he'd never cause his lovely distress like that.
Pulls out, but will also prefer your mouth as well. As hot as it is, when he sees your pretty waist and chest slick with his cum, he feels a little like he wasted it if it isn't inside of you I'm some way.
He'll get over it. It's fine. As long as you feel happy.
Hah. That's cute. You know what you're getting into. You signed the waver.
Okay, but on a serious note, I'd say he'd be the one to kinda whine about it more than Kaeya.
He'd whine and complain all while giving no indication of pulling out. The more frantic you become, the more arousing it is to him. He just loves seeing you all worked up.
Sadly, if it's what you truly want, he'd have no choice but to oblige. He's a people pleaser, after all.
He won't like it though, if that's what you're looking for.
Visibly disappointed.
He'll get over it [Pt. 2]. He always does- the bitch.
Do I even have to say anything?
Complete gentleman
If you want something, you're gonna get it, I promise you. No questions asked.
Of course he'd be curious as to why, but he won't ask. One, because there are a few obvious answers, and two, he just doesn't care enough to.
Doesn't matter where or how you both cum, just that you do. That's all.
Though, seeing your pretty cunt/hole stuffed full with all the love he can physically offer gets him going more than anything. Even if he's just imagining it.
Either way, you two can find different ways to entertain yourselves. Not a big deal to him.
B-but.. That's the best part... :(
Feeling your body shudder under him while he holds you tight and buries himself inside of you as far as he can possibly fit? Being able to kiss you as you convulse in orgasm against him?
It's the closest he can possibly be to you. The most physically intimate he can possibly imagine being (sexually).
Understand, Thoma doesn't necessarily care about the pleasure of it-thoughthat'smostofit- more of how he gets to hold you tight during one of the best feelings in the world.
Cheesy? When tf has Thoma ever not been cheesy?
Gets over it [Pt. 3]
But, he's another gentleman. He'd never do anything you wouldn't want, and he gets over it pretty quickly.
Maybe if you two end up having kids like he pictures, he'll be able make up for it then.
B-but.. That's the best part... :( [Pt.2]
But not for the romantic aspect of it
Mainly because how could you not like the feeling of being stuffed through your orgasm?
Now, Itto can quite possibly be lost in the moment, especially near orgasm. So lost in the moment, in fact, he may even purposefully ignore you for a little bit.
Okay maybe with itto I get it- ngl this man is rocking with some Oni meat, bro. If you're scared, I could see why.
That Oni dick fucks to breed and I guarantee you, no matter boy, girl, or any other, you're getting pregnant.
Guilt always gets the best of him, though. He'd pull out LAST last minute and apologize if you're angry. He understands.
Punish him if you really feel like it.
But G-.. give him a tiny break, he's trying his best-
You signed the waver [Pt. 2]
If this man is willing to snatch up Thoma's ass with rope, what makes you think he's gonna listen to you?
Okay, he is. That doesn't mean he won't purposefully fuck you to orgasm several times just cause he's upset you won't let him. >>:(
You wanna tease him? Okay. That's perfectly fine, and your preference. He can't argue with that. He'll just make sure by the time he's done with you, you'll be so disoriented, you won't be able to define what "inside" is.
Think of him as a genie.
You ask for one thing and you get it with a catch. Your catch is not being able to properly feel your throat once he's raw fucking it while your body is still trying to figure out how to recover from that brutal overstimulation.
Honestly, beg him not to cum inside some more. He'd practically shudder hearing it again. Trying this once more with you is a must.
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This blog revolves around Dead dove content.
If you're not okay with seeing that content, this is fine, I just don't wanna hear about it, mkay? Cause some come here for that type of content. If you see something you don't like, just keep scrolling, dude. And if there's absolutely nothing dead dove about the current post, don't tread my Tumblr and then get all shocked when you see nasty. Okay? Alright, thanks. :)
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motherraid · 2 years
Hi!!! I'm here to wish you a happy New year piss!! Kiss kiss love you:D
Awwwww, thanks, babes! :D
I wanna wish all my lovely moots, jojo lovers,, Genshin fanatics a very happy new year even if it's been like 3 days since then 😌
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motherraid · 2 years
Getting FED by your morax content! any thoughts on how menace morax would feel about reader loving to play with themselves? Like is that allowed?👀
((Implied dubcon but like it's also implied you know he's there so-))
He'd be ecstatic to see you play with yourself! In fact, when his arms are a little "fatigued" from prying off the lock you set on your door late at night, he actually encourages it.
On those nights, he'd watch you while you curl your fingers (around/inside of) yourself and squeal once the soft heat in your stomach involuntarily snaps your hips into your hand. your mind can clock out at this point for all he cares, cause everything else is almost automatic anyways; Every time you jolt or shiver, hearing that painfully erotic sob breaking through your throat, through your teeth, your lips, and that crack of the opened door he's watching you through drives him utterly insane.
It's amazing how the human brain can almost completely pilot the body unconsciously. From walking, to breathing, blinking, and fucking yourself with your own hand a few feet away from your God boyfriend/ruler.
Morax can practically feel hi(s cock)mself pulsing with pride. All the adrenaline in his body surges downwards and threatens his zipper's life when you whip your head to the door and keen in orgasm, then keep fucking yourself through the throbbing, sensitive pain (just as he's done for you on the occasion he wasn't allowing you to touch yourself alone).
Yeah, you need a bit of encouragement when he's actually in the room with you, so it's more fun when you think you're alone. He doesn't have to coerce any movement or sound from you. It's your own private performance you don't know you're running.
Makes it all the more arousing. He's half a mind to stroke himself with you, but he'll wait until you've exhausted yourself. He's found it's harder for you to protest his advances when you're all tuckered out.
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motherraid · 3 years
OK THAT ADEPTUS-DREAM ANON IS A GENIUS. Going off of their ask, what if reader stumbled upon the Dendro god and their people. Having heard before that the Dendro god has the most intelligent scholars under them, Darling asks if they know any medicines or spells to permanently remove her dreams or forever erase her need to sleep.
The grass and tree roots reach across miles of Teyvat, and when the Dendro God hear’s the forest’s whispers of the Lord of Geo, furious over his missing human, they use it to their advantage. And let’s say this is during the time of the archon war. The Dendro god travels to where they know Morax’s people reside, dragging a kicking and screaming Darling to their doom.
They propose a contract to Morax. He can have his human back, and in return, they must remain friendly forces towards one another. The wrath of the rock must never reach the God of the Forests and their people.
The contract is sealed, and so is Darling’s fate.
Zhongli simps come get y'all juice--
Lord- If Morax didn't realize you tried to purposely escape him, I believe he will either spoil you or punish you depending on whether he is in a good mood once you're back in his arms.
You can only imagine what his poor darling had to endure! Kidnapped! Isn't it horrible? Knowing Morax wasn't there to protect you must have been terrifying. Don't worry, he'll keep you safe. After all, there's no better place to be protected than directly beneath Morax in your warm, creaky bed.
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motherraid · 3 years
And second, this is so sweet,, awh💖 we love you too, and I hope your birthday week goes nice af cause you deserve it-- thank you for being one of the first blogs that made me feel at home in this lil' corner of tumblr. You deserve every bit of happy and lord knows I'm too dumb to give it to you but I'll damn well try--
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Today I'm old :')
yep, today's my 21st birthday, fun fact I was about to forget the fact that today I grow older and older like every living being here, in this planet. It feels weird, I mean, It's normal but yet it feels weird; I'm still processing 2017 lmao.
But what I'm grateful for is that I'm here, alive, breathing and I'm young, at 25 I'm young, at 30 I will be still young, even at 40s, 50, 60... I have to thank my my friends on twitter who wished me happy birthday, my colleagues, @momokujo, because they always give me Jotaro content everyday, @jonathanstigbitties who feed us saucy JoJo content everyday and I don't know how you can do that without taking a break honestly 😲, @motherraid, @cesca-untoldstories, @mellobuns to me you are the best JoJo content creators I've ever met. @mskujoblog who always answers questions when she can. Sorry if I didn't tagged everyone, I will thank you all for what you're doing to everyone. And another thing: if you ever feel down, think, read, watch, do something that cheers you up! Thank you everybody. Thank you.
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motherraid · 3 years
I'm thinking of how adepti can just... walk in dreams . .. like being his human s/o and SOMEHOW getting somewhere Rex lapis can't physically find you so you can finally sleep soundly only for him to show up in an insanely vivid lucid dream where everything feels 10x more extreme but at the same time real world rules don't apply so he can choke, claw up and contort your body as much as he wants without worry of "breaking"(killing) you, but again it feels just as if not more real :3€
-🌈Bisky (@dilucspuppy)
((Noncon,,,, ish...?))
You thought you could escape your lord? What a silly human you are. He'd probably have so much pent up frustration not ONLY because of Liyue's shit he has to deal with, but you, out of all people, decided to abandon him! :(
He's delusional; under the impression you're as harmless as an untrained bitch. It's not your fault you run away and cower like a dumb animal, you just need a little training and love, is all. And who better to give you that than a god?
((Side note under the cut))
Morax/Zhongli has two dicks because I said so- could you imagine him thrusting himself into each of your holes without warning? Or him stuffing his tail almost down your throat just so he doesn't have to listen to your irritating sobbing?
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motherraid · 3 years
AWWW LOOK AT YOU! Making big boy numbers!! Im proud of you, you deserve the attention piss:)
I- THANK YOU SO MUCH??? I LOVE YOU TOO?? Thank you for giving your lovely contributions to our blogs, whore💞
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I dunno where you all came from but I luv you all and you all are cool af cause you like the stuff I like and you all are co
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