motifit4u · 9 years
Pick those weights up, girl!
 Most women with gym memberships tend to show resistance when asked to join the boys in the weight room. Society has fed us this horrible misconception that if women do weight training they will immediately look like the female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger, that is bullshit. Ladies, the weight room isn’t only reserved for boys and girls trying to pursue a bodybuilding career, it is there to provide vast health and aesthetic benefits for all of us! The most important factor to consider when lifting weights is to set a specific goal and tailoring your training based on that goal to avoid unwanted or unachieved results.
Most of you saying “no” to weight training because of your need to look “lean” or more “toned” are unaware of the vast benefits weight training provides. The benefits of weight training may fall into the following categories:
 Obviously weight training provides one with physical benefits or else no one would be training, but it’s more than just adding muscle mass and tone to your figure. Aging causes hormonal changes that some women experience; they naturally lose bone density, making them prone to develop conditions osteoporosis, arthritis and even increase the risk of injury. Regularly lifting weights slows bone deterioration and can help your bones grow stronger, maintain strength, and reduce your chance of developing skeletal conditions or slow down their effects. Weight training also plays an important role in fat loss because of its ability to speed up one’s metabolism, making it easier to burn calories. More muscle and less fat means that you’ll burn more calories out of the gym because muscle tone helps you get lean, look lean, and stay lean. Let’s face it, wouldn’t it be awesome if you were physically strong and could carry your own groceries home?
 Weight training has both emotional and mental benefits; they are factors that go hand in hand. All I can say is that nothing beats confidence built by having physically strong and fit. It’s not only about your body being fit ,it’s about the self-fulfillment you get by seeing results and knowing you had to sacrifice to get your body to where it is, lift after lift. We all know that unshaken confidence kills depression and feelings of low self-worth. There is also a scientific side to it, an example is the release of endorphins caused by weight training. Endorphins are the “happy juices” released from the brain, which stimulate feelings of happiness within you  J . Often, they are released when we are happy, such as when laughing, or after periods of stress, like weightlifting, as a way of relieving the stress. When you finish a weight training session, you may feel happy, relaxed, and proud of the work you have accomplished due to the release of these happy juices.
 Guess what? It gets better….Weight training also keeps the ladies away from hospital beds. Pumping weights helps you work your muscles especially the most important one of them all, which is your heart. Strengthening the upper body's muscles means decreasing the workload of the heart and lungs, and putting less stress on these vital organs makes them healthier and functional in the long run. Each rep you squeeze in the weight room decreases the chances of you developing a heart attack, so squeeze it to ease your heart!
Prevention of heart issues isn’t the only medical benefit of weight training; this act also helps prevent type 2 diabetes. Weight training activities trigger muscle cells to utilize more glucose for energy, which can lower blood sugar levels and avoid insulin resistance. This combined with regular cardio workouts help prevent type 2 diabetes in the long run.
Next time you hit the gym, don’t hesitate to visit the weight room, the boys won’t bite! Pick those weights up ,girl :)
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motifit4u · 9 years
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motifit4u · 9 years
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motifit4u · 10 years
What is your body type?
The term “body type” is used widely in the fitness world today, and is most common amongst bodybuilders. It’s a common subject due to its importance in the achievement of fitness goals. If you are someone who is interested in bodybuilding, knowing what body type you have is essential. This knowledge will allow you to properly tailor your training and diet to reach your goal effectively. There are mainly three body types: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs.
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motifit4u · 10 years
Overcoming obstacles
About 5 days ago I got the Flu. From 2-6am I had the most agonizing headache I’ve had in a few years. See, I don’t get sick often, so when I do, shit gets serious.
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motifit4u · 10 years
follow for follow
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motifit4u · 10 years
Finding the Motivation
I’ve probably read about 20+ self-help books in the past 2 years. So when it comes to motivation I know a lot. Trust me, we can sit down and I can explain to you many techniques on getting motivated and keeping yourself in a motivated mindset.
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motifit4u · 10 years
The Importance of Nutrition
So you’ve been hitting the gym like the zombie apocalypse is near and you’ve been squeezing in those extra reps to your last breath, but your body figure doesn’t say the same…sucks doesn’t it? Happens to the best of us.
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motifit4u · 10 years
Testing assumptions
Methods, methods & more methods…
"Everything you do is a choice" - Tim Urban
There is no shortage of workouts, principles and methods for gaining muscle mass or loosing weight on the Internet. And if that isn’t enough, every other person has their own version of “This is what you should do, trust me!!”.
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