moved-blog2 · 8 months
I'M A WEAPON! NOTHING MORE! The words repeated in her head over and over again, making her even more mad that Steve kept treating her like that. Still she wouldn't let it show. Katya didn't understood that the Avengers weren't against her. That Steve wasn't against her.
She just couldn't see that he was on her side. That she would have a much better life with him.
But he was the enemy.
Katya crossed her arms as she looked at Steve //Lunch? Does he really think I'm that stupid?// "That's some kind of trick isn't it?" Katya asked.
"Last time Clint used the exact same excuse to lure me out and then I was taken back to SHIELD, where they forced me to do some tests. Haven't they already taken enough of my blood?" Katya became tense as she asked that question. Flashbacks from HYDRA went through her head.
Flashbacks to the many times they had forced her onto the table to perform their experiments on her. To enhance her even more. She remembered the pain. She remembered how scared she was and how bad she wished and prayed for it to be finally over. But it never stopped. Not even now that she was out of HYDRA.
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There it was again. His nice and warm voice. She actually should be happy that he was talking to her this way after everything she had done. He could resent her, be mad at her, hate her. But instead it had been him who had fought the most for her not to be put into prison. 'She's a child!' she could hear him say as he had put down his foot not letting SHIELD take her away until Clint said he would take her with him and keep an eye on her. Katya couldn't understand why he was doing this for her. She had tried to kill him and he was protecting her. Why?
Her thoughts went back to the day they first met. It was the day when the Avengers attacked HYDRA and got her out of there. She remembered his suprised face when he saw her. A child that was send to fight him. Katya remembered how she raised her gun and shot at him multiple times. Her goal always in sight. She was supposed to kill him and she was just about to do it.
But Katya thought herself way stronger than she was.
~Steve managed to dodge every single bullet of hers. It made her so angry that she simply threw her gun away and started to attack him directly. A big 'mistake' how it turned out to be. He had made quick work of her and had her on the floor before Katya could inflict any serious injuries on him, leaving nothing more but minor scratches and bruises that had been gone just as fast as he had recived them. And still he was careful not to hurt her the whole time. No matter how hard she tried to fight back, tried to get out of his grasp. No matter how hard she screamed at him that she was going to kill him. And he didn't even flinch. He simply threw her over his shoulder, took out the remaining HYDRA agents nearby and walked back to the Quinjet.~
That's how Katya remembered the whole incident and she remembered how angry this had made her. How angry it still made her. He wasn't taking her seriously. She was a weapon, a deadly machine and he was mocking her, just like he was mocking her right now by speaking to her in that voice and by looking at her that way. Mocking her by treating her as a child. At least that's what she thought, how she perceived his behaviour.
Katya looked everywhere but to Steve, unable to look at the man's face who had saved and protected her. And now he wanted to get to know her better? Why?
What was she supposed to say now? //Awkward...// Katya thought again.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
SUCH A BAD LIAR! Was all Katya could think of at that moment when he said the word 'FINE'. She didn't believed him for a second. Katya could see it written on his face.
"You used to be a much better actor..." Katya mumbled, barely audible but then shook her head. "Forget what I said..." She then added fast and looked at Bucky again.
For a moment she studied him. He looked like he used to and at the same time he seemed so different. At that time she was afraid OF him. Now she was afraid FOR him. Even if she didn't knew why.
Maybe because she knew how important he was for Steve? Maybe because they tried so hard to save him and it would be all for nothing if something happened to him? Or maybe because she could somehow relate with him?
"Look... I know how you feel okay. I felt the same." Katya spoke again.
She rememberd the day when Steve got her out of HYDRA. When she found out about her... 'CREATION'. Katya remembered how lost and angry she felt as if she didn't belonged. At this time she also used to lie all the time. So Katya understood why he did that.
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About Forgiveness
KATYA DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL OR WHAT TO SAY. He sat directly across from her, his expression hard to read as always. Ever since she first met Bucky during her time with HYDRA and the Red Room, she had trouble looking through him. Maybe she was just thinking too much, he probably wouldn't remember anyway. At least not her.
Katya was probably just one of many. One of many he had to train, so why should he remember her. Not to mention the number of times his memories had been wiped by HYDRA.
She didn't know how to feel. She was angry, sad... scared and so many questions were floating around in her head. And despite all the questions that hounded her, only one came over her lips.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 10
One of Katya's favorite October activities involves picking pumpkins to carve. Although she enjoys the decorating process, she isn't too keen on the taste of pumpkins. She does, however, love roasting and eating their seeds. So, after carving the pumpkins, she always keeps the seeds to roast and eat them.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
About Forgiveness
KATYA DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL OR WHAT TO SAY. He sat directly across from her, his expression hard to read as always. Ever since she first met Bucky during her time with HYDRA and the Red Room, she had trouble looking through him. Maybe she was just thinking too much, he probably wouldn't remember anyway. At least not her.
Katya was probably just one of many. One of many he had to train, so why should he remember her. Not to mention the number of times his memories had been wiped by HYDRA.
She didn't know how to feel. She was angry, sad... scared and so many questions were floating around in her head. And despite all the questions that hounded her, only one came over her lips.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
THIS CAME AS A SUPRISE. A little huff escaped Katya when she felt Steve wrapping his arms around her. She didn't really expected this reaction from him, had she thought she would be fast enough to get away before he could even have the time to react at all. Still, she would be lying if she said his embrace didn't feel comfortable or that she didn't liked it.
In fact, she very much did. As someone who wasn't allowed to feel and who wasn't used to such affection, who always had to be strong and function, it was hard to admit but it really made her feel safe, gave her the feeling that she didn't always had to be strong and though.
It gave her the feeling of belonging and finally being home.
Katya tried to shake off the thought, what was she even thinking? She had to pull herself together and not let anything show. Steve's question pulled her out of her thoughts again and when she came back to reality she realized that she was still in his embrace.
"Uh…" Katya started before she wriggled out of his embrace, avoiding his gaze. "Fine… Uhm... How… how about McDonalds?" She suggested carefully, as if this would get her into trouble. It was strange for Katya to be the one to decide as she wasn't used to to make her own decisions like that.
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Katya walked through the door when she saw Steve he seemed to be busy. She couldn't really explain why, but for some reason Katya suddenly felt like she wanted to give Steve a hug.
For a few seconds she tapped her fingers nervously, wondering if she really should do it. But then she took a deep breath, held it while she walked towards Steve and wrapped her arms around him from behind.
It was only a short hug before she let go of him again and was just about to walk away as fast as she could, her typical 'awkward' on her mind.
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POST MISSION PAPERWORK WAS STEVE'S LEAST FAVORITE THING TO DO. But it needed to happen. One way or another. And while it was annoying, Steve didn't mind it once he actually sat down and got started on it, though he was always looking forward to when it was over and he could move on with his day.
Just as he was finishing up with the report, and sending it off to be filed away with whoever did that...He had been standing up to stretch when Kat was at his side, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly.
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He smiled, letting his arm wrap around her before squeezing lightly in a hug. "Well look at this surprise." He gave a small scoff before leaning down to place a kiss on the top of her head. "I was just finishing up. Wanna take the bite out for somethin t'eat? You're pick."
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TAGGED: @krasnayavdovax
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 9
Despite not really liking apples that much, Katya still loves to go apple picking. She loves to bake an apple pie with the apples she picked or use them for a chocolate fondue. She mostly enjoys baking or having a fondue together with the people she loves the most.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 8
Katya hates the game apple bobbing. Katya hates that she has to put her face into water just to get an apple out with her mouth. She thinks this is stupid and it also looks stupid. Despite that she can't stand putting her head into water as it triggers her due to the fact that one of the methods at HYDRA, the Red Room and HADES was to put her head or her whole body under water for example as punishment and for experiments etc. This led to some kind of fear of being in the water. While she still can go into water to bath and swim, it can happen that she gets triggered into having flashbacks or a panic attack. Most of all when her head or face is under water.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 7
Katya loves it when the leaves start to change colors and she loves it to jump into a pile of leaves. She made the rule that during October no one is allowed to throw the leaves in the garden away. They have to stay there so she can always jump into the leaves if she feels like doing it
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 6
Katya is a big fan of the Halloween films. The very first Halloween movie was the first horror movie she ever saw. That's why she usually dresses up as Michael Myers for trick-or-treating. Her favorites are the first two and the fourth movie and her least favorite is the third. The first time she watched the third she was really confused because it had nothing to do with the other Halloween movies, not even mentoning Michael Myers. That's also the reason why this is her least favorite. She thinks as a stand alone movie it would be great but as part of the Halloween movie it sucks. She also preffers the original movies over the newer ones. One thing she doesen't like about the newer movies are that Michael's face is shown so often. Katya also doesn't like how the characters are portrayed in the newer movies because they're so different than the old versions. She liked the fact that his face was a mystery in the old movies. One of the Halloween movies 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 is also always part of her movie marathon on Halloween.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 5
Because Katya is not really allowed to watch horror movies she has some restrictions that she has to adhere to. To be able to watch them she made a compromise that she is allowed to see a few on Halloween night as long as they're not to scary or gory. Before she's allowed to watch a horror movie she first has to suggest them to Steve so he can look them up and decides if she's allowed to watch them or whether they will be blacklisted. She's also only allowed to see them under his watch so he can turn it off when he realizes it's getting to much for her because he knows Katya is to stubborn to do it herself. Katya is kinda annoyed by these restrictions and thinks Steve acts a bit too overprotective there. Especially when he puts his hand in front of her eyes so she can't see certain scenes like NSFW scenes for example.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 4
Horror films often triggers nightmares in Katya. Due to her ability to make her dreams become reality, she is not allowed to watch horror films often or a lot of them. Nevertheless, she insists on watching horror movies at least on Halloween. It took her a long time to convince Steve to let her watch them.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 3
Since Katya left HYDRA, she goes trick-or-treating every year. After she gets home, Steve and Katya always prepare a Halloween feast and after that have a movie marathon while eating the candy Katya collected that night and what's left over from the sweets that Steve bought.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Girls Against The World
KATYA HAD FINALLY MANAGED TO HIDE IN AN EMPTY ROOM. She leaned against the wall and let out an exhausted and annoyed sigh. She's been going to school here for a week now and the others haven't left her alone since then and all of this because of this stupid principal who had to make such a fuss.
It wasn't even about Katya herself. No, it was more about the fact that she was Steve Roger's daughter and now went to his school. He definitely had to show it off. Much to Katya's chagrin, he had held a big ceremony in the gym and proudly revealed who she was in front of the entire school. 'Welcome Katerina Rogers. She is our newest classmate and Captain America's daughter.' He proudly blared into the microphone.
Katya immediately mentally facepalmed herself. //Great..// was her only thought. Whatever the director was thinking, Katya still didn't understand, because if his plan was to make it easier for her to start school, then his plan backfired badly. Since she started school, she had no peace from the other students. She was constantly stared at and if it wasn't the so called Captain America's fans who constantly chased after her and peppering her with questions, then it was this stupid students who were teasing her about being who she was.
Katya closed her eyes for a moment and thought about how she could get out of this darn situation again. She was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice that the room wasn't empty.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 2
Although she was often sent on missions under Hydra and the Red Room and had to pretend to be a normal teenager, she was never able to really experience Halloween. That's why she was rather unfamiliar with trick-or-treating and was confused when people asked her what she would dress up as and whether she would go around the houses to get candies.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
Headtober Day 1
Although Katya is very skilled with a knife she sucks in craving pumpkins. Her pumpkins do look scary but mostly because their so ugly, disfigured and stabbed making it look scary... and tortured. No one dares to tell her though because she's always so proud and happy with her work, so everyone keeps telling her that she did amazing.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
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WELCOME TO WINTER COMMISSIONS! here i sell promos , mobile banners , page breaks , psds, dash & rp icons! info can be found in my pinned post.
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moved-blog2 · 8 months
The Spider & The Spy
KATYA WAS THE NEW GIRL IN SCHOOL. She sat alone in the cafeteria and hated every second of being here. She was aware that no one knew her true STORY and PAST, all they knew was that she had been teached privately till now, in order to hide her from the eyes of the public for security reasons. Still, she felt like she was being JUDGED every time she felt the other students staring at her.
She felt like an ANIMAL in the zoo as the other students walked past her and stared at her as if she were a rare specimen that was already considered extinct and was now newly discovered. And the RUMORS that were circulating about her didn't make it any better. Katya tried to IGNORE the others, tune them out while she boredly picked at her food and listened to music through her headphones.
//Shit...// she thought to herself. Of all the ideas Steve had, the idea of sending her to public school was the stupidest. 'You need to get in contact with kids your age.' he said. 'This will be good for you and will help you to learn to lead a normal life.' he then added. At first she found the idea very amusing. Until the moment she realized he was serious about this. They had a discussion about this, that felt like forever. 'No discussion' Steve had ended the conversation, leaving behind a groaning Katya. And shortly afterwards she was already registered at this school.
And as if that wasn't enough, the director also needed to make a huge fuss out of it. Katya was sure that he would never have organized this huge welcoming ceremony for a 'normal' student. But of course you had to brag if you could call CAPTAIN AMERICA'S DAUGHTER a student of your own school. 'This is Katerina Rogers. Daughter of the famous Captain America.' The director had trumpeted infront of everyone and pointed at Katya as he welcomed her to school. Katya had thought she could at least wander through the school UNNOTICED and simply BLEND IN with the crowd of students.
Well, she thought wrong. Now everyone knew her face and knew who her father was. Katya wasn't sure which group annoyed her the most. The so-called 'Cap Fans' who were constantly following her around and questioning her about Captain America, or those who either didn't like Captain America or were simply jealous and were always teasing her about it. They should just be careful that her patience didn't run out. She knew exactly how to defend herself if she needed to.
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