mrs-kaia · 2 years
Money Cheats
Hey again! For those of you who don’t know how to gain extra simoleons, and would like to know how- here it is!
Hold Cntrl + Shift + C , which will open the cheat bar.
Next, type in any of these:
Money x
The rosebud will get you 1k, motherlode gets you 50k and money x gives you whatever you type in. Repeat the process!
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mrs-kaia · 2 years
Placing Cheat: 
Hey!! So I don’t know if you’re like me at all, but I get so frustrated when I am unable to place where I want in the Sims 4. I dug a little deeper, and there are a few cheats that will allow you to place wherever you want. I use a MacBook, so some keys / instructions could vary depending on what your platform is!
Step 1: What you want to do when your in game , is to press Cntrl + Shift + C . This should open up the cheat bar.
Step 2: Once you did step 1, make sure you type in bb.moveobjects
The Cheat should be on after this, and once that is on, and you would like to be able to move without the grid, hold down the Option key, Aka the Alt key, and place the object while doing so. I hope this helped luv!
Mrs. Kaia🤎🩹
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