muck-bucket · 6 months
Thinking about posting a Patrick Andersen smut fic this weekend :3
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muck-bucket · 6 months
Since you did Kevnoah I came here to beg for Obserbrand....... obserbrand.... fluff?Smut? ANything... but angst....
A/N: Sorry you had to wait so long! I've been pretty busy with school.
Moon and Stars
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Observer was on the observation tower, leaning on the railing and watching over the board walk. His mind was wandering aimlessly as Firebrand's heavy footsteps on the creaky steps interrupted his thinking. He turned his head to face him. Firebrand looked. . . rough, to say the least.
"Geez, you look like shit." Observer snickered. He turned his body to face Firebrand and rested his elbows on the railing.
"I feel like shit." Firebrand grunted in annoyance. His hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Before Observer could make up a snarky comment to respond, Firebrand had made a beeline to him, lazily wrapping his arms around the former's waist and burying his head into Observer's chest.
"Well, someone's in a pissy mood." Observer teased, before slowly combing his fingers through Firebrand's dark hair. Firebrand only grunted in response. He was way too exhausted to deal with Observer's bullshit.
The pair stood in silence for a moment or two, with Observer occasionally snickering. He placed a soft, quick kiss on the top of Firebrand's head before speaking once more.
"So, I guess this is a 'no' on-"
Before he could finish speaking, he noticed Firebrand was already fast asleep.
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muck-bucket · 8 months
i saw that requests are open so i ran here to ask for kevnoah fluff… (noah maxwell x kevin haas)
A/N: This is my first fanfic, so please do try to cut me some slack if this is bad. 💀 (Kevin also uses they/them :v)
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A small groan slipped from Noah's lips. He couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed, desperately trying to get in a somewhat comfortable position. After a good hour or two he buried his face into the pillow and slowly began to drift off to sleep, until he heard his bedroom door creek open.
That immediately made Noah sit up right. The light spilling out from the hallway made out the outline of Kevin's silhouette.
"You alright, Noah?" Kevin whispered, their voice soft and caring. Noah quickly sat on the edge of the bed, brushing some of his dark hair out of his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Kev." Noah mumbled, nervously scratching the back of his head. Kevin found it hard to believe that Noah was actually fine. they let out a soft sigh before walking to Noah's bed and sitting right next to him. they cupped Noah's jaw, which made the two lock eyes with each other.
"Noah, don't lie to me. You look like you haven't slept in weeks." Kevin sighed again. This wasn't the first time Noah lied about serious things like this. they shifted over to rest his back on the headboard of Noah's bed.
"C'mere." Kevin gestured for Noah to sit with them. Noah slowly laid his head on their chest, his arms lazily draped over their shoulder. Kevin began to softly kiss his forehead, cheeks, and the tip of his nose before finally planting a kiss on his lips.
"I love you, Noah." Kevin whispered.
"I love you too, Kev." Noah murmured back.
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muck-bucket · 1 year
Request Rules
Side note: I might be really slow with writing requests because of school.
Request are open!
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Smut (To an extent)
Polyamorous relationships
Family dynamics (THIS DOES NOT MEAN INCEST!)
Extreme violence
Any sort of abuse
Major character death
Any other weird shit
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Fandoms I write for:
Marble Hornets
John Doe game
House Hunted (Both versions)
FAITH the unholy trinity
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muck-bucket · 1 year
Pro Tip for Writers
If you want a great spelling check website, all you have to do is hit the "post/publish" button and all your mistakes will become abundantly obvious to you through the magic of absolute mortification
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muck-bucket · 1 year
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do they have a skincare routine? Cuz they’re skin looks smooth 😭
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muck-bucket · 2 years
I'm done hiding how hot I think mirror man is, I mean just look at him!!
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And yes, I am aware of what his real face looks like, I just don't care
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