mychemical-brainrot · 19 hours
i run an account where i identify mcr shows based on visual footage. if i had to guess id say i have abt a 95% success rate bc there have been times where i couldnt find the show
ive seen that its an awesome blog
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the other day i had a dream i was at a mcr show, and i got invited on stage i don’t know why but my first reaction was to grab gerard’s hand and just. hold it idk then after the show i was backstage with the rest of the band and asked to feel rays hands (for comparison, and since he plays guitar his hands are probably rougher) but he said yes and i was right, they were rougher it was still weird as hell tho
(i’ve told this to one other person so if they see this, hiiii :3)
this is so slayful. i would love to hold their hands
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i had a dream where mikey was wearing this really cute black knitted sweater with mushrooms on it that i have. not like it was mine specifically it was just the same sweater.
but there were no sleeves bc like half of his clothes are tank tops. and he wasn't wearing anything under it he was just wearing it like a normal shirt
wwwy plzz 😍
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I had a dream that Gerard way died this is a sign that mcr5 is imminent
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yeah real
sometimes my brain spews dumb shit
and it's mcr related every time
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mychemical-brainrot · 13 days
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saw kurtis connor's shirt and instantly thought it was them. turns out its just some lovely women my bad
he shouldve worn that shirt 😔✊
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mychemical-brainrot · 13 days
I love grindr images like this, they're so awesome sauced
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mychemical-brainrot · 13 days
I had a dream a new photo of Gerard came out and I physically woke up and ran to check my phone just in case 😭
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mychemical-brainrot · 17 days
this isnt rlly brainrot but i just wanted to share with yall that my (50yo) mom sends me pictures whenever a my chem song plays on the radio
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tell ur mom i giver her a 5/10
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mychemical-brainrot · 18 days
in my psych class today, we watched a video on "the science of attraction," and there was a little cartoon infographic of two people in a science lab with a bunch of flasks n beakers on their desk, and little love hearts above their heads. and i pointed at them and said (quite loudly) to my friend "CHEMICAL ROMANCE?!" and i earned the most amused/disappointed scoff of approval (from both my friend and the fucking TEACHER 😭)
it was their chemical romance <3
2/10 bc love and chemicals is basically mcr but thats still so funny
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mychemical-brainrot · 18 days
When I watch sad movies, at points, I look at a photo of Gerard smiling to keep me from crying
good for you
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mychemical-brainrot · 19 days
hey im the grandma person. i did it again
this time i got to famous last words. i was talking as she pulled into my driveway
(this post) i.....buh??
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mychemical-brainrot · 19 days
This brainrot happened TO me but I thought you'd all like it; I don't often interact like this but it was so funny to me that I wanted to release the story into the wild. I'm going off anon because honestly, I feel like someone would sniff me out anyway. So. This girl had not told me she even liked the band. But after being friends for a while, she learned about the old band I fronted and how I was raised verrrrry Catholic. She might've found a picture somewhere, idk. We actually used to play old VFW halls too, so it was particularly uncanny.
I hate this bit about me. It's embarrassing. Not something I advertise because if I do it sounds both fake AND like I'm trying to claim someone's history, but no. In Wisconsin in 2009-10, my shit punk band played a VFW hall regularly, opening for terrible metal groups. Back to the girl: after a while, EVERY time I came over she started to greet me with coffee in a skeleton mug. Like, it'd be 11 pm and she'd give me the skeleton mug.
I didn't complain cause I do drink black coffee all the time, but I never asked for it. But it was sweet even though it was obvious. Eventually I broke and had to be like: "MCR, huh?"
and her face.
Frankgirls are fucking wild (T if you're out there know that you're adorable but I'm nowhere near as much of a freak as Gerard.)
theres so much to unpack here...
anyways probs a solid 4/10 bc franks skeleton gloves are iconic
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mychemical-brainrot · 20 days
i had a dream where gerard had a new nickname. it was "elbow scan"
idk if this should be a 1 or 10 tbh???
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mychemical-brainrot · 20 days
i just found out the turn signal clicking sound in my car perfectly syncs up to the beat of "i don't love you" and i love it
thats amazing wish my (parents) car sounded like that
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mychemical-brainrot · 21 days
heard the word "Iroc" and immediately thought of that one clip of gerard...
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mychemical-brainrot · 23 days
i have relative pitch and the way i remember each pitched is almost exclusively based off of notes gerard sang. i recognize A from the "without a sound" from drowning lessons, C from the "asleep or dead" in famous last words, and so on and so forth.
i also keep getting G-noted by random things. beeping, glass cups hitting the counter at the right angle, etc.
thats v impressive. the g note jumpscare sounds painful tho
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