mythologicalcorner · 11 months
Apollo x Human!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about who is wanted in requests -
• Apollo’s first reaction towards you would be absolute awe. He’s enamoured by your presence despite only being a normal person and will do all in his power to have you be his, no matter what you say or feel about the situation.
• Apollo generally assumes that most humans are the same, although he’s well aware of their various desires and abilities he knows that they’re all pretty similar deep down. However, once seeing you he immediately feels as if you can’t be the same as everyone else, because if you were then he wouldn’t be so interested in you.
• Apollo sees you to be different mainly due to his first impressions of your beauty and how you carry yourself. He’d notice your kindness after this and would be drawn to your personality and behaviour towards others, hoping that you would dedicate yourself through these acts directly to him.
• Apollo would be desperate to keep you away from other gods and goddesses, especially as nothing good ever happens once multiple gods have set their eyes upon one being (also not saying that one god is a good thing either). He sets himself apart from all other deified beings and would never comprehend anything bad happening to you being the fault of his own and would blame another deity for getting involved for the blame of your misfortune no matter how guilty he actually is at the time.
• He’d be incredibly protective of you constantly and would always be watching over you whenever he can to ensure that he sees you safe. If anything does ever happen he’d spring into action filled with rage and would hide you away to try to prevent any further harm coming your way, even if it was only something minor.
• He would also be very obsessive over you, and unfortunately your answer of no towards his advances wouldn’t be listened to. There would be no escape for Apollo and his obsession would only die if he was forced or something very unfortunate happened to you; however, simply keeping you both apart wouldn’t settle his obsession towards you.
• Apollo thoroughly enjoys spoiling you, with both physical affection and material items. In his mind it’s his job to give all he can to you to ensure your happiness and pleasure, even if he can go overboard and too far without realising it.
• Apollo fawns over how small and vulnerable you are compared to him, even when he’s at human height. His power over you is incredible and this is something he truly relishes in every time he notices it as it fuels his ego as a protector and provider for you.
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mythologicalcorner · 2 years
Ares Dating Headcanons
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• Ares will always be quite possessive of you, even when he doesn’t mean to be. As soon as you’re his everything that comes near you is perceived by him to be a potential threat - he means well and just wants to look after you, but if can be quite a lot sometimes.
• Whenever he goes to war you will always be his good luck charm. You’re there behind the lines and kept comfortable and safe, but the fact that he knows you’re nearby when he’s unleashing the best of his abilities gives him the best self performance he could ever see.
• Ares is rather tough in his affection even though he may not mean to be, it’s just his strength and roughness he doesn’t realise. So, you’d probably have to accustom yourself to him as he doesn’t realise his own strength - especially as it’s something he takes so much pride in.
• Just like his affection, he’s a lot stronger than you are regardless of whether you’re a human or another deity. However, if you are a human he will try his best to be a bit more delicate with you as his own personal experiences have shown how fragile humans really are in comparison to him.
• He is well aware of how vindictive some of the other gods can be, especially those he’s been intimate with before. Because of this he won’t be inclined to introduce you to them and may even hide you until he’s no longer able to.
• Quality time with Ares usually happens after he’s won a battle or isn’t having to fight that day (as well as any duties he’s been freed from) and he always tries to make the most of this time with you. He tries to relax with you, but he’s constantly training so you would accompany him and watch while he does so.
• Ares doesn’t have any genuine hobbies other than fighting and improving hi strength and abilities in battle as he’s never found anything he genuinely enjoys other than this. But if you have any hobbies that you want to continue while with him he’s going to be very interested in them and tries his best to understand why you like them so much.
• You wouldn’t have a lot of alone time or genuine freedom if your were the partner of Ares as you’re always expected to accompany him. He wants to show you off and have you present in all of his life’s aspects so you’re hardly ever apart.
• Ares wouldn’t enjoy being with someone who defied him too often, mainly due to him fighting against others so much in his life that he just wants someone who will always be there for him. He can take active criticism though, and if you point something out he will attempt to better himself on the matter for your sake.
• Ares, just like the other gods, has a difficult time sticking to one partner for a long time but he’s also well aware of other beings customs and what you may expect from him. He’d never love anyone the way he loves you while you’re his, and he definitely doesn’t behave like he did when he wasn’t in a relationship.
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mythologicalcorner · 2 years
I’m so sorry to all the requests that haven’t been answered in so long, I’ve been busy with my main account @mysadcorner. This account is now fully active again :)
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mythologicalcorner · 2 years
Hermes Dating Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Requests open -
- Hermes would love to show you the world. He’d always take you on cute and romantic dates in exotic and isolated areas of the world whenever the two of you had the time (but because of how fast he is you may feel a little dizzy or sick at times). Quality time for Hermes is worth more than anything that could ever be given between the two of you - except for physical touch of course.
- He tries his best not to come across as too overpowering or daunting for you, as he knows that most humans feel vulnerable in the presence of gods. He only ever visits you in his godly form when you ask him to and he purposefully slows himself down so that he can genuinely experience things with you and make things last as long as possible. Before he met you, it was almost as if he had entirely forgotten how to live at a normal pace.
- Hermes is actually very shy when its comes to romance and loving affection, he’s never committed himself to anything before and when he starts to it’s like something scary he’s never experienced. Because of this, your relationship together is painfully slow until the two of you decide that commitment is what the both of you truly want.
- No matter how long the two of you have been together - Hermes will try to hide you from Olympus for as long as possible. He knows how jealous the women up there can be (and the damage they cause when they feel that way) but he also wants to keep you away from everyone as he knows they’d purposefully try to take you away from him. Most of the gods see love as a game and find pleasure in competing to be better than the other. Also, you would be subjected to horrendous treatment due to being a mortal until you are granted immortality (or die first).
- Every time he comes to visit you he brings flowers. You never know where he brings them from, and usually, he finds them on his travels (whenever he sees an exceptionally beautiful flower he thinks of you), and he feels that you should always be surrounded by the beauty of nature in a world that is industrial and destructive of the natural world. This is another reason why he’d prefer isolation over civilisation, but he would never ask you to move to somewhere remote for him unless he knew you wouldn’t mind.
- Hermes loves small touches - whether it’s grazes of the hands or him stroking your cheek during an intimate moment. He often finds himself getting lost in your eyes and his affection for him overwhelms him. Because of this, he gets quite emotional in front of you once he knows that he’s safe to do so, and he tells you things about himself and his feelings that he wouldn’t even dare to say out loud to another Olympian. Or sometimes he finds comfort in you when he needs to get away from their arguments and toxicity.
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mythologicalcorner · 2 years
Apollo Dating Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Requests open -
- Apollo is very affectionate, even to those he may not be closely associate. He may come off as intimidating and narcissistic when you first meet him, but you eventually come to enjoy the warmth of his company.
- You would constantly be receiving gifts from Apollo. Being with him means you’d be spoiled with all the riches in the world if it was up to him. Anything you ask for he will give you and even if that’s not enough he will never stop trying to please you.
- Apollo has a very calming and warm atmosphere around him. Even on the coldest days you would feel cozy just by standing next to him. On the darkest nights he still manages to bring light. Because of this, you’re surrounded by your own happy bubble that can only pop by Apollo leaving; but he never would.
- He can actually be quite possessive when you are around other gods. Not so much normal humans. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he doesn’t trust the other gods to keep their hands to themselves. But of course he keeps you protected from them no matter how much he worries.
- Your relationship with Apollo may have actually begun by him noticing you from afar. His stalker tendencies couldn’t help himself and he just had to have you. Every opportunity he could get he was wooing you and showing you with affections so few have received.
- Although Apollo likes to have the lavish things in life, it’s the subtle things that he enjoys most about you. The comfortable silence, long walks through fields and picking little flowers to give to each other are some of his most favourite moments with you. He rarely gets to be so quiet and genuine with the other people he surrounds himself with.
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