My muse has dwindled. So while I try and bring him back, this account is on hiatus. Sorry loves.
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Jeff had a bounce in his step as he walked towards the car. Climbing into the drivers seat, he looked over at Brad and beamed a smile. "It really wasn't that hard of a drive. I mean, I wanted to see you play, and today seemed like the perfect opportunity!" He said as he started the car. "Where am I going, Braddy?"
Returning the weak smile with his own bright one, he nodded as Brad took off. The crowds had dispersed since they had been talking, so Jeff was left practically alone.
This school was so different then Dalton, Jeff wondered what it was like during school hours. Surely...
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I didn't have much today! Just a cup!
Early morning.
And I already had coffee!
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Early morning.
And I already had coffee!
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Your character has just discovered my character's journal/diary.
Leave a  ☱ in my askbox for an entry that’s about you.
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//sorry I haven't been on been busy working
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Disney Related M!As
Alice: Muse delusional and sees things that aren't really there for (anon specifies time)
Ariel: Muse becomes a mermaid whenever they touch water for three days.
Bashful: Muse blushes and becomes embarrassed whenever attention is brought to them for (anon specifies time)
Captain Hook: Muse becomes a pirate for (anon specifies time)
Caterpillar (Alice in Wonderland): Muse is high for 24 hours straight
Cheshire Cat: Muse is a shape shifter for (anon specifies time)
Chicken Little: Muse becomes scared of everything for eight hours
Chip and Dale: Muse's twin brother shows up for a week (only applies if the muse has no twin already)
Dory: Muse has short term memory loss for (anon specifies time)
Dumbo: Muse becomes incredibly self conscious for 24 hours
Dutchess: Muse becomes a diva for (anon specifies time)
Jessie/Woody: Muse becomes a cowboy/girl for 24 hours
Lady: Muse becomes a woman for three days
Mad Hatter: Muse becomes mentally insane (crazy) for (anon specifies time)
Nemo: Muse gets lost somewhere and must be found
Peter Pan: Muse has the heart of child for five hours
Pinocchio: Muse lies about everything for (anon specifies time)
Queen of Hearts: Muse tries to control everything for three hours
Simba: Muse becomes a kitty/lion (hybird) for (anon specifies time)
Stitch: Muse becomes mutated (in whatever way) for (anon specifies time)
Timon: Muse is carefree for 24 hours
Tramp: Muse becomes a man for three days
White Rabbit: Muse doesn't relax (runs around doing tasks) for five hours
Winnie the Pooh: Muse eats everything in sight for 24 hours
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You're Blaineys brother!
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Can i help you ?
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My head hurts.
And my tummy. -whines-
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Try to make my character jealous~
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I love this song <3
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reblog this if you're an active roleplayer!
tbh i saw a roleplay advice post with over four hundred notes. i didn’t even know that four hundred people roleplayed. i’m just terribly curious to see how many people are actively roleplaying at this current moment in time. 
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How? ll open
Jeff woke up, still feeling drunk and looked around. How was this possible? Alcohol was supposed to stop taking affect by now, wasn't it? Stumbling out of bed, he left his room in search of something to eat. "Mmm. Food."
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"That's not nerdy! I wish I had a twin. Because twins always seem to understand what the other feels."
Logan Walter Clarance: naivelittlewarbler:...
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If it’s Sunday, you must reblog. ‘Tis Potterhead law.
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