name-valid · 4 years
Reneé they them pronouns
This is Reneé! They’re super valid and have a really cool name! I hope they’re having a good day and a good 2020 so far, and I hope that they’re taking care of themselves!
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name-valid · 4 years
Beta and they/them??
This is Beta! I hope they’re having a great day and know how valid they are! They’re wonderful and I hope they’re taking care of themselves!
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name-valid · 4 years
hi!! could you please do Freya with keh/kem pronouns and Tamara and Cleo with the same? sorry i gave so many names but i like them all so much im having trouble deciding lmao, thanks for doing this! 💖💖
So you have the oldest request in here 😂
This is Freya! Keh has been super patient for this validation, but I hope keh appreciates it! I hope keh is having a good day and that keh is taking care of kemself!
This is Tamara! Keh has been super patient for this validation, but I hope keh appreciates it! I hope keh is having a good day and that keh is taking care of kemself!
This is Cleo! Keh has been super patient for this validation, but I hope keh appreciates it! I hope keh is having a good day and that keh is taking care of kemself!
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name-valid · 4 years
Thank you for doing this for people. Names are so important and I'm still trying to decide on my own and it's tough.
Thanks :3
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name-valid · 4 years
The name is Luka with they/them pronouns ((:
Hey! This is Luka! They’re super great and valid and I hope they’re having a great day! I hope they’re taking care of themselves!
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name-valid · 4 years
Azer, fae/faer/faers/faerself, I'm a mess and I like books.
This is Azer! Fae uses fae pronouns, which I also use! Faer pronouns are super valid and lovely! I hope fae is having a great day and is taking care of faerself!
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name-valid · 4 years
im like viscerally afraid of asking for this bc i dont want to be transphobic and people keep saying this is, but i really wanna try using it/its because it sounds really nice to me, can i please have eric with it/its?
Not transphobic at all, your pronouns are your pronouns and should be respected!
This is Eric! It’s super valid and I hope it is having a great day! I hope it is able to find people who respect it and its pronouns, and that it is taking care of itself!
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name-valid · 4 years
Hey! My name is Jace and i use he/they pronouns... My family doesn't accept it and still misgenders and deadnames me...
Heyo Jace!! You’re frickin valid and your family sucks :(
This is Jace!! He’s great and valid even when people don’t respect him or his pronouns! I hope things get better for him, and that he eventually finds people who do respect him for who he is.
This is Jace! They’re great and valid even when people don’t respect them or their pronouns! I hope things get better for them, and that they eventually find people who do respect them for who they are! :)
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name-valid · 4 years
2020 Announcement I think
So uhh.... I have two years worth of backlog. Sorry. I’m currently going through every ask that was sent from an account, and ignoring the ones that haven’t reblogged anything in over a year (sorry....) once I get through those, I’ll start on anonymous submissions from the past year or so?? I’m just trying to get through the stuff that actually has a chance of helping people who sent it in, which right now means non-anonymous submissions where people will get notified that I’ve answered the ask (that’s how it works, right? I’m like 90% sure.) please send me any questions into the ask box, I’ll try to get to them before I fall asleep!
Oh und ich kann deutsche Fragen beantworten, ob das jemandem hilft, idk (Grammatikfehler inbegriffen, kostenlos :P)
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name-valid · 4 years
Could you do one for Hollis Auberon, they/them/their/themself please?
Heh you were the first one to like my post today, found ya :3
This is Hollis Auberon! They’re a great person and they’re super valid! I hope they’re having a great day and that they continue to have a great week and future! They’re super valid and I hope they’re taking care of themself!
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name-valid · 4 years
Sam, they/them
This is Sam! They’re a great person and I hope they’re having a great day! I hope they know how precious and valid they are :)
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name-valid · 4 years
Squeak with they/them pronouns please
This is Squeak! They’ve got a really cool and unique name! I hope they’re having a great day and know they’re valid and wonderful :)
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name-valid · 4 years
Hi, I'm genderfluid and my name is Tara. Could you validate my he/him pronouns?
This is Tara! He’s great and his pronouns are valid! I hope he’s having a great day and taking care of himself!
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name-valid · 4 years
Logan, with he/him and/or they/them?
Logan is great! I hope he’s having a great day and had a good holiday season. I hope he knows he’s lovely and valid and is taking care of himself!
Logan is great! I hope they’re having a great and had a good holiday season. I hope they know they’re lovely and valid and are taking care of themselves!
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name-valid · 4 years
Sam, they/them!
Hey, Sam!! Sam is a great person and I hope they’re having a great day! They’re valid and wonderful and I hope they’re taking care of themselves :)
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name-valid · 4 years
Hi there! I’m trying out a new name, clark, and I go by she/they pronouns. P. S. Thank you for running this blog, it’s such a sweet thing to do!
Hey, I know I’ve been inactive for nearly two years now, but I have a bit of time so I’m gonna go through as much as I can!
This is Clark! She’s a great person and I hope she’s having a great day! I hope she’s a bit surprised at actually getting a response :)
This is Clark! They’re a great person and I hope they’re having a great day! I hope they’re a bit surprised at actually getting a response :)
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name-valid · 6 years
New Mods!
While Mod Lou has been doing a wonderful job (thank you so much), we need one or two more mods to help keep this blog running smoothly! Please dm me @kyressin if you’re interested!
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