nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
hi how r u đŸ§˜â€â™€ïž
I’m great :D how r u?
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
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I don’t know what I was on when I started outlining this, but I appreciate the fact that I described Suga threatening Iwaizumi with a cast iron skillet like some game of thrones execution scene
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
I find it insulting that everything in my life has led up to me becoming a filthy rare pair shipper
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Hi! I saw that your requests were open! So could I request character headcanons (with Asahi, Kuroo, and Ushijima) Where the reader is on a date with her boyfriend, but since she’s a bit short they think she’s being blackmailed or kidnapped? Like the people think the Haikyuu boy is from the mafia or something, and how each of the boys will react. Tysm, plz take your time :)
Totally bud! Very interesting concept, so it kinda got away from me lol
🌄Asahi, Kuroo, & Ushijima + A BIG Misunderstanding🌌
Summary: These boys never seem to make the best first impressions. So, what happens when their S/O, a generally unassuming figure, hangs around them in a situation a little too suspicious for anyone’s comfort?
A/N: Kuroo is now my favorite character to talk about lmaooo
đŸ»Asahi AzumaneđŸ»
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I’m gonna preface this by saying: With time, most people realize that you’re the most likely one to be part of some dangerous gang or mafia
This is for two reasons:
1) You had an almost concerning protective streak over your boyfriend (Which, can people really blame you?)
2) Said boyfriend would cry over a mosquito he accidentally killed
But, the reason you guys worked was because you both had qualities the other person could use a little more of
Asahi was sweet, gentle, and a little glass-hearted. He took a lot of consideration for the people around him, and hated when he accidentally made others uncomfortable
You did try to bring out his more assertive side! But, until then, you were perfectly fine with compensating for his timid nature
And that’s actually what you were doing now!
You and Asahi were trying to get to an apparel shop you both liked for a quiet date
Emphasis on trying
The mistake you both ended up making was going out on the busiest, most crowded day in Miyagi
You were convinced that half the people on the streets didn’t even live here
But, the amount of people crowding the area wasn’t necessarily what pissed you off. You could handle yourself perfectly fine for how unassuming you looked
No, it was the fact that the sea of people around you and your boyfriend insisted on pushing Asahi around, indiscriminately bumping into him and making him even more anxious in the crowd
You decided to forgo reprimanding the rude people in favor of comforting your boyfriend and getting him away from the situation. He was starting to shake while his breathing got shallow and his footsteps stuttered
You squeezed Asahi’s hand and put his arm around your shoulders, bringing his full attention to you
“I think there’s a cafe in that alleyway over there! We can go there and ride things out if you want?”
“Hm? Oh- yeah, we can do that!”
Asahi leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead before whispering: “Thank you
Just for good measure, you gripped the back of Asahi’s jacket so you could effectively lead him to the alleyway you spotted
the position you were in did look a little awkward, especially with the occasional stumbles you both made
From the outside looking in, it kind of looked like Asahi was manhandling you. A bit roughly at that
It wasn’t exactly clear whether or not you were okay. You were just so small compared to that guy, anything could be going on right now. And the guy with the goatee did look kinda shady from the beginning
Before you made it to your destination, you felt a sharp tug on your arm. You were pulled about six feet away from Asahi to face a middle aged woman, concern etched all over her face
You kept from lashing out right away, asking questions felt like the better first action
“Ma’am, what are you-“
“Hon, are you alright?? Is that man bothering you?”
The woman’s voice came out in a harsh, frantic whisper, eyes darting from you to Asahi, who had just found out where you had gone
You stood confused for no less than ten seconds before excusing Asahi to wait for you at the cafe
“I- Why-
I’m sorry, but what are you talking about??”
“If you need help, just tell me. There’s a police station nearby! Wherever he’s taking you, you don’t have to go with him.”
Your exact facial progression as you realized what the woman was talking about: đŸ€šđŸ˜ŻđŸ˜šđŸ˜“
You had forgotten that so many people saw Asahi as a threat. Sure, he was a big guy, but his demeanor was so small? Were you just too used to being around Asahi? How many people thought what the woman in front of you did and were just too scared to say anything?
yeah, no. That’s my boyfriend. He gets really disoriented in crowds, so he latches onto me when he gets too anxious.”
After multiple “Are you sure?”s from the woman, she finally dropped the issue, wishing you a good afternoon
When you finally made it back to Asahi, you pressed your nose to his and gave him a short, soft kiss while he was hunched over
Flustered and confused, Asahi looked at you with big, worried eyes
what was that back there? Was there something wrong?”
You thought for no more than two seconds. It would be best not to ruin his mood for now.
“Nah, someone just wanted to sell me something.”
“Oh, okay! Should
we go now?”
“Yeah! I heard there’s some good pastries at this place too.”
🐈‍⬛Tetsurou Kuroo🐈‍⬛
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Let’s not kid ourselves here, Kuroo has always been a shifty-looking person
The height, the slinky figure, the eyes, the smirk that showed itself far too often for anyone’s comfort
The man is already a capitalist for christ’s sake, just make his work illegal and you’ve got the calculating right hand of a mafia boss 😐
Perception is not always reality. We know that. Kuroo knew that. But, despite everything. Despite the preaching of way too many fictional coming of age stories, first impressions matter
First impressions were how Kuroo miraculously ended up with two separate inaccurate reputations from high school:
“Nekoma’s #1 Garden Tool”
And “Mega-Douche-3000”
How you and Kuroo ended up in each other’s lives is nothing to brag about, but you both found it interesting enough to chuckle when either of you randomly recalled it
You and Kuroo were promoted to equal positions in different departments around the same time. You knew of Kuroo. You knew of his mixed bag of relationships with his coworkers. Some found him suave, some found him smarmy
But, upon seeing his style of communication and efficient work pace, you found it hard to care about secondhand rumors. He was intelligent, ambitious, and a very good code-switcher (he could adapt to almost every person in the room in a conversation)
But, Kuroo’s relationship with you was always a bit different. Neither of you had anything to gain or lose from each other, but you kept ending up in the same board room. With no appearances to keep up around someone who can neither help nor hurt you, there was nothing left to do but vibe when you happened to sit next to each other and converse
Kuroo quickly found out why you were promoted to a similar position as him. You didn’t always know everything, but you never had a problem finding information. You were personable in the smooth, witty sense, keeping up a chill front until you could drown your anxieties in coffee. And you had little to no problems managing your employees like a well-oiled machine
You matched Kuroo’s wit shot-for-shot, and you soon revealed to each other what dorks you both were. Your banter was that of twelve-year-old boys
But, having this special relationship apart from your coworkers quickly turned into tension. Thick, hot, and noticeable enough for the people around you to start talking
They would see you and Kuroo on your coffee breaks, talking alarmingly close to each other as Kuroo stood over you, a hand on the wall above your head
They would notice when you made visits to each other’s cubicles, whispering something unintelligible into the other person’s ear before earning a flick on the forehead or a jab in the side from the latter
OooOOH you wanna kiss each other SO BAD just DO IT
Unfortunately, here’s where a third, more serious rumor comes in
See, there’s this bar that Kuroo goes to that’s closer to the outskirts of the city, where the crime rate is just a bit higher than the rest on the area
Organized crime, to be exact
And Kuroo does go to that bar an awful lot

Your coworkers think Kuroo is part of the mafia is what I’m saying.
And when Kuroo finally invites you for a date at a bar (not even the one Kuroo usually goes to), that’s when they start getting worried about you
You were almost hyper-competent in the workplace, and intelligent enough to know when people were trying to take advantage of you. But
Kuroo was just so shady and imposing. And you were so small and easily targeted
Was agreeing to this date even of your own volition?? Did he have something on you? It’d be a shame if something awful happened to you if it were completely preventable
The day before the date, Kuroo had to leave the office early to help a friend whose name you’ve heard before
Something, something, “Kenma tried cooking for Chibi-chan”, something
This left you open to be confronted by your coworkers
Random people around the office, coworkers and employees alike, began dropping by your cubicle uncharacteristically frequently. And every single one of them asked about the same thing: You and Kuroo’s relationship
They asked what you thought about Kuroo, if you actually wanted to go on that date with him. They kept urging you to be “honest” with them, and that “if anything is going on, you can tell them. Kuroo-san isn’t here right now!”
You didn’t understand why they were using such a tone of voice with you, nor what they were talking about. They spoke to you like you were a suspected victim of blackmail or ab-
That’s what they think is going on between you and Tetsurou??? They think he’s forcing you into this?
You quickly cleared up the situation:
“Look, I’ve worked with most of you for long enough to know that you were hired for a reason. You’re smart people. A lot of you are smarter than me. But, the collective lack of critical thinking in the room is giving me a migraine, so let’s get two things straight.”
“One: Kuroo is quite literally the most simple person I’ve ever met. The man’s got cunning while he works. But g u y s, he takes pleasure in showing off his new kitty-cat socks under board meeting tables. Do you really think he has the desire to do whatever illegal shit you think he’s doing??”
“Two: I swear on my nonexistent firstborn, my life isn’t interesting enough for someone to find blackmail I haven’t already reconciled with. Besides, I like Kuroo! He’s cool and he just happened to ask me out! I’m fine. So, you can stop wearing my voice out visiting my section every three minutes.”
You texted Kuroo right after you dismissed everyone to firm up your plans đŸ‘đŸœ
😑Wakatoshi Ushijima😑
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Your boyfriend is a big dude. I know that. You’ve known that. And you wouldn’t be dating Ushijima if you were uncomfortable with that
But, your boyfriend is also a socially stunted dude
His large stature + his low, imposingly proper speech pattern + his prominent RBF = An unnatural amount of people going out of their way to avoid crossing Ushijima’s path
But, Ushijima himself could never seem to figure out why people actively avoided him
It wasn’t like it hurt his feelings or anything. He had better things to focus on. But, it was more the why of the behavior that kept Ushijima’s curiosity
You had actually met Ushiwaka himself at a national middle school tournament. And you both were from different prefectures
But, despite such polarizing situations, Ushijima managed to catch you playing as the captain of your team
“Small, but mighty. Respectable.” He noted to himself after watching for a minute. You weren’t exactly the star of the court, but it was clear that you played a vital role in holding things together
Ushijima managed to catch you right after your team won the match. Nothing important, just congratulating you and commending your skills
Now, admittedly, you were off put by how much older Ushijima looked at the time. At least, compared to you. But, that initial shock faded into amusement once you realized the guy in front of you was bluntly, yet clumsily complimenting you
You found Ushijima interesting, especially for a supposed top spiker. So, you kept talking to him. Asking questions, laughing at his blank (Which you later found to just be subtle) expressions, and being endeared by his perfect honesty
To be honest, it was a joke at first. But, you ended up writing your phone number on a pamphlet for the convention center you played at, giving it to Ushijima before going back to meet your team
Imagine your surprise when he actually ended up texting you đŸ€©đŸ€©đŸ€©
“This is Ushijima Wakatoshi, from nationals. You gave me your phone number?”
The rest is history! You and Wakatoshi ended up getting together in a cozy long-distance relationship, with you both finding comfort in having someone to talk to at any time with just a text or call
But, here’s the gag:
None of your high school teammates even know you’re in a relationship
They know that you’re always getting notifications on your phone during practice. But, you’ve always been conservative about your life outside of volleyball. Those texts could be anything!
But, in the interest of respecting their captain, they left any suspicions or questions they had alone
So, your third year rolls around and your team makes it to nationals again. And you find out that your boyfriend has made it too! đŸ„ł
At that point, you actually hadn’t considered the fact that your team had no concept of your relationship with Ushijima. It just didn’t seem important or pressing. Especially with third year responsibilities weighing heavily on your schedule
So, when you snuck off to another part of the convention center after your team’s first victory, worries concerning you and your safety were raised alarmingly high among your teammates
Where’s Cap going???
With enough deliberation, your team appoints your poor little first year manager to follow your trail and find out why you ran off and where to
Eventually, he finds you near a Miyagi team by the name of “Shiratorizawa”, and they didn’t look very concerned about you hanging around as closely as you were. Did you know them? It seemed like you were waiting for someone though-
Oh Jesus-Fuck-Nuggets what is that
Titan Alert! TITAN ALERT !!!
Your manager almost pissed himself at the sight of a stone-faced, 6’2” behemoth approaching you from the direction of the bathrooms. You glanced at him, seemingly surprised (???) at the guy’s continental strides towards you
You said something to the man, too far for the shaky, shitty mess of a first year watching you to hear. And he seemed to say something back before quickly moving his hand to your face, caressing your cheek with his big-ass thumb
You looked shocked before coming to your senses and lightly swatting the man’s hand away, your expression similar to when you reprimanded your kouhai with a softer edge
Is this guy harassing you?? Who is he?? Is he Shiratorizawa’s coach or something?? Are you okay???
You perked up at the familiar voice coming in your direction, pulling your attention away from getting Ushijima to stop fretting over the floor burn on your cheek
“Huh? Mikami? What are you doing so far from the team?”
“You know him?”
Mikami frantically cut off your coming response to your boyfriend, sweating like a sinner in church:
“(Y/n), are you okay?! I can go get security if something’s wrong?? O-or not!! I
I can fight I think
You stared incredulously at your manager before you put the pieces of his misunderstanding together in your head. You chuckled:
“Oh man, I thought you went crazy for a second, kid
You amusedly cleared up the situation, explaining your relationship to Mikami. Whom of which, was getting more and more ashamed as he realized his mistake
Once everything was properly explained, you sent Mikami off so everyone else wouldn’t get worried about you or him. And you were about to cut your meeting with Wakatoshi short too, until he delicately grabbed your hand before you walked away
His eyes were unsure, the first sign of such an emotion that you’ve ever seen in him
“(Y/n). You know that I would
never try to hurt you. Right?”
You looked back at Wakatoshi, endeared by his carefulness. You kissed the tip of his nose:
“Of course. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one set of headcanons for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Hey I just wanted to say it's good to see you back at writing and I hope your doing well!
Thanks bud :D it’s nice to see you too! I hope you’re doing good too
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
I'm so happy to see you're back at writing!! I hope that means everything is a bit better now, and you and your family will be well. Whenever you need rest or to take a break, never fell guilty to do so; everyone has a right to recover. Thank you so much though for doing my matchup!! I will admit to being very surprised at Tamaki being the pick but your writing made it make a lot sense and reminded me how endearing and charming I do find him! (n.n. anon 1/2)
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Thank you for the words of encouragement! Feel free to come back any time :D You’re always welcome in my inbox.
Also HAGFJOGJWHAK I get to talk about my writing process!!! Bear with me here!
- Okay so, first thing’s first, when I get matchup requests, I try to think about who this person is within the context of the world they live in. And in that, would be the type of character the requester needs.
- With you, I knew that someone with so many aspirations probably needed a person that would see you do your thing and be like: “Wow, look at ‘em go đŸ„°đŸ˜â€ïžâœšâ€
- This was partially the reason why Kyoya and Tamaki were my first choices!
- If Kyoya were to ever fall in love, he’d probably be a quiet, yet slightly warm admirer. He’d be endeared by someone with passion in their many crafts and grand aspirations for the future. Someone with big dreams is something he never got to be. So, seeing that in someone else (especially a lover) would ever so slightly melt his heart.
- I knew that he’d never give verbal support, but you’d soon notice hints and small pick-me-ups to help achieve what you want to do.
- So yeah, Kyoya wouldn’t actually join you on your escapades, but he’d make sure you knew he was in your corner!
- Also, I figured that you were intellectually closer to his level, so you’d be in for some riveting conversations!
- But, I was soon at a stalemate. Both options seemed so good for you!! So, I had to dig deeper. Consider more what you could offer them in a relationship, and go from there.
- The thing that tipped the scales was your style of consoling, comforting, and advising your friends. I knew that ability would be well suited to an occasional emotional wreck like Tamaki!
- For someone so often bullied by his friends, he’d likely run to you for comfort, exchanging your reassurances for his kisses!
- That was also the point where I realized that Tamaki’s way of showing affection would be a great remedy to the vices that you listed: Self doubt, dislike for conflict, and self-isolation. He’d know how to coax you out of the dumps in a way where you don’t feel uncomfortable.
- At that point, I just knew you could fulfill each other’s needs! I got to writing right after that.
I hope this little explanation answered everything in a satisfying way! It kinda got away from me lol :P
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
the amount of detail and chemistry you put in your matchups is *chef's kiss*. It shows a lot of your strength as a writer that you so lovingly listen and honor the details of both strangers on the internet and the characters you choose to write, and I hope all of your future writing goes well...! If you have the time, could I get a matchup for ohshc as well please? I'm an INFJ, Sagittarius, 5'2, hip length wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and more curvy than athletic. (n.n. 1/3)
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[🌄 n.n. Anon requested one (1) regular Ouran High School Host Club matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
Thank you for the compliments and thank you for your patience! You in particular have been very helpful in my writing journey on Tumblr. I hope this reaches the standards you set for this :D
With that said, I know just the one for you:
đŸŒ·Tamaki SuohđŸŒ·
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đŸŒ±Humble BeginningsđŸŒ±
- You are the child of the C.E.O. of a medical technology company. But, since you had a brother and a sister before you, you were given a lot more freedom
- But, you were always a bit outcast by your school peers because of how adventurous and willing to get your hands dirty you were
- To which, you tried to never let that outwardly bother you, but your self-doubt would rear its ugly head sometimes. Despite how good you had it compared to your classmates, crushed by social pressures, you couldn’t help but think what life would be like if you could relate to them
- While you were in middle school, your father told you and your siblings that he’d be holding a light social event for his old friend, who’s been under a lot of stress lately
- “Friend” being Yuzuru Suoh
- Based on a conversation you “accidentally” eavesdropped on between your siblings, you knew that Suoh had a bastard son with a French woman.
- “Maybe around (Y/n)’s age
” Your brother contemplated
- Come the night of the event, you were left to your own devices (As usual). And for the most part, you kept to yourself
- You indulged in the concessions table, and afterwards, saw a boy with a striking resemblance to your father’s friend. At least one of your questions was answered. He looked like a perfect mix of French and Japanese. Like you could see both ethnicities by themselves, but you couldn’t never assume he was just one or the other
- You considered going over to speak to him. But, you stopped yourself when you considered that the younger Suoh might not want to talk
- So, you waited as you tried a chocolate eclair for the first time
- Soon enough, you noticed the son approaching
- “I never knew the (L/N) family had a third child! I’m Tamaki, if you didn’t know.”
- You were taken aback (Especially by his natural flirtatious lilt), but you were glad that Tamaki took the initiative first
- You talked about for a little bit about how Tamaki ended up in Japan. But, the conversation ended up getting a bit heavy. So, you offered to ditch the party with Tamaki to show him your video games in your room
- “They’re mostly otome and horror games
but I think I can find one we can play together!”
- (While you played, you mentioned a certain game that made Tamaki hint towards his aspirations to do something similar in the future)
- Outside of your playtime, you and Tamaki talked well into the night. And despite the difference in personality, you bonded a lot over how neither of you never really fit in with your peers. Comfort came from that, a very good kind. You saw the type of friend you figured Tamaki would be if you kept talking
- And to be honest? You really wanted that type of friend
- After the party’s end, you both agreed to hang out more once you find out you and Tamaki were attending the same school
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
- Tamaki fell first. And when he did, he fell hard
- He fell in love with the way you met every day like it was an adventure. The way you were always down for trying new things. The way you looked at Tamaki and saw him for what he was, instead of what he presented.
- You were sort of the resident chore boy of the host club, since it was a job that allowed you to contribute without feeling suffocated by the social aspect (like, say, a manager or someone that takes appointments).
- The customers responded surprisingly well to having you doing odd jobs around the club room! Having the pressure of trying to build a connection with customers taken off ironically made your interactions refreshingly organic
- This was much to Tamaki’s relief, considering that the customers loving you made it easier for him to love you the way he did
- The thing that solidified Tamaki’s need to confess was how well you handled assimilating Haruhi into the club. That, despite your limited perspective of class differences, you spoke to Haruhi like an old friend would, and were eager to learn new things from her
- But, a
rather complicated thing threw a wrench in Tamaki’s plans
- He tried confessing to you multiple times since you started high school. But, the longer you worked in the host club together, the more you become convinced that his flirting and declarations of love are simply part of the character he plays. So, the more it happens, the harder you brush him off and change the conversation to the latest developments in your language lessons
- Strangely enough, there was a time in middle school where you saw all of Tamaki’s flirtatious gestures as genuine. Where you like-liked him, where you wanted to share everything about you with him because he was honestly the first to care. The first to care about dreams of world exploration, your veracious ability to devour a novel, your interests in fashion, and animals, and too many other things to count (But, Tamaki could somehow remember every one of your hobbies and passions by name and why you loved them)
- There was once a time where you desperately hoped he felt the same way about you. And traces of that old crush still linger now. But, you couldn’t pinpoint the change in Tamaki’s behavior that inclined you to push him away now
- And that was the same thing Tamaki asked himself. But, after enough time of painful deliberation, he decided to consult the one person who would listen: Kyoya
- When Tamaki explained the reason for his approach, Kyoya sighed:
- “Tamaki, we both know that you’re a very charismatic person. That’s why you’re so good at your job here. And you said that they’ve been responding less to your advances since we started the Host Club, right?”
- In short, Kyoya explained the likelihood of you distancing yourself because you didn’t feel like you were any different from Tamaki’s clients. Tamaki streamlined the way that he flattered and flirted with people, broke it down to a simple formula. You must not have felt singled out in treatment like you were in Tamaki’s heart
- Tamaki was shattered
- Regardless of whether or not the way Tamaki treated you was hurting you, he felt like punching himself for not realizing how lazy he’s gotten with trying to woo the one person he truly wanted by his side
- And in that guilt and frustration, hatched an idea for a dual confession and apology
- Tamaki delicately and meticulously confessed his affections for you to his customers. To which, they were surprisingly ecstatic! Their beloved prince, and their favorite resident worker bee?? Together???
- “So cute!!!” They squealed, enamored with how infatuated Tamaki was with you
- Without Tamaki even asking, the customers offered to help him confess to you. Which, of course, he graciously accepted, already having a plan in mind
- On your end, the unusual occurrences started happening slowly. A few fashion magazines from frequent customers here (with specific circled sections that you had no idea people knew you’d be interested in), some cheat codes to particularly frustrating games you played there. You knew 90% of the people you hung around had big mouths, so you thought nothing of it
- It was the fancy journals with sweet notes inside that tipped you off to part of the bigger picture
- They were given to you once a day by a random customer. But, the one note on the inside of the cover was always signed the same:
- “Your (Hopefully-Not-So-Secret) Admirer <3”
- The small, yet significant gestures from your so-called “admirer” reeked of familiarity. Yet, you still found yourself taken by how well this person knew you. A small spark of hope lit up in your gut
- You had your suspicions. You weren’t a dumb person, after all. But, you were still unsure. The last thing you wanted to do was put that person in an uncomfortable position because of an assumption. You spoke to Haruhi instead:
- “Oh yeah, it’s Tamaki-senpai. I’m actually surprised it took you this long to figure it out.”
- “Nah, I thought it might’ve been him for a while. I just didn’t say anything until I was more sure.”
- “Heh, yeah. I get it. It’s actually kinda sweet to hear him gush about how cute you look when you’re focused, or how excited you get when you talk about the things you love. Or, even-“
- At Tamaki’s flustered yelp of Haruhi’s name, the latter chuckled and stood up, politely taking her leave to meet the Hitachiins that beckoned her. At that point, you were already a reddened disaster, frozen where you sat
- From the deer-in-the-headlights way you stared at Tamaki, he could already tell that you knew everything. His previous grand plan for a confession was dashed. All that was left to do was let you hear from the admirer himself
- For the first minute or so, Tamaki rambled, whining about how he didn’t want you to find out like this. His face flushed as he passively complimented your ability to find magazines with models with your body type, making it easier to find things that flattered you, and making it harder to keep up the orders the longer you seemed oblivious. He struggled to not stumble over his words as he lamented how you deserve so much more than a routine performed hundreds of times over
- Tamaki wanted to give you the raw feelings he had for you, and getting his plan perfect felt like the best way to do that
- All the while, you deliberately stayed silent. You let him rant and let out his pent up feelings. But, you also took in the fullest extent of how much Tamaki loved you. But, you found it increasingly harder to stay still, keep your hands to yourself
- Tamaki was reaching the end of his rope, stuttering uncharacteristically apologetically. So, you reached over to the mess in front of you, holding his face in your hands to make him stop and chill out
- You looked into his violet eyes, the same ones you looked into as you munched on a chocolate eclair all that time ago
- “Tama, it’s alright! I would’ve said yes anyway y’know.”
- Saying nothing, Tamaki kissed you so hard that your noses squished together 💜
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Can I have a matchup for Ouran Highschool Host Club? I use she/they pronouns and I'm poly and pansexual. My favorite colors are black and gold. I play volleyball and I love to rollerskate. I collect heels. I have two cats as well as anxiety. I'm a plant mom. I'm hardworking and determined. I have anger issues and I tend to hold grudges. I can Oikawa from Haikyuu. My favorite foods are french toast and sunny side up eggs. I'm a September Virgo. Thanks and have a good day :)
[🌄 @elaineiswithyou-blog requested one (1) regular Ouran High School Host Club matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
Seijoh kinnies unite ✊(Personally, I’m a Mattsun kinnie. It’s just the chill, “minding your business” vibe that I can relate to).
And to answer your question on the Rules post! “One per visit” means I’ll only do one fandom in that type of request. So if you want a Haikyuu!! and a BNHA matchup, I’ll only do one of those fandoms. It keeps my mental health in check 😅
Oh! Also, I think someone likes you:
🗿Takashi Morinozuka🗿
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đŸŒ±Humble BeginningsđŸŒ±
- Before anyone else, you were friends with Tamaki Suoh and Kyoya Ootori
- You were a commoner at Ouran on a volleyball scholarship. So, you naturally had that “meek commoner innocence” people seemed to gravitate towards
- Tamaki found you intriguing and charismatic for someone of your financial status. So, he and Kyoya sort of adopted you as their figurative raccoon (trash baby) friend
- So, you started hanging out at the Host Club sometimes after volleyball practice
- One particular time, Kyoya and Tamaki are busy with clients, so you were greeted by the loli you recognized as Honey-senpai. The fact that the boy was older than you, yet so small, put you off. You addressed him respectfully nonetheless
- Honey apparently came to you to ask for cake, but you didn’t have any. So, you offered him your leftover french toast from breakfast
- You watched as Honey nibbled at the lukewarm bread, hoping you wouldn’t trigger some sort of tantrum by giving him something he didn’t like. Instead, Honey smiled and downed the rest in
what looked like one bite
- “Do you have any more, (Y/N)-chan?!”
- “Well
no. (That was my supply for tomorrow actually
). But, I can make more if that’s what you want?”
- “Mitsukuni. It’s impolite to ask strangers for food.”
- You were sure you heard a pouty reply from Honey. Something along the lines of: “She’s not a stranger, they’re (Y/N)-chan!” But, at that point, you weren’t really able to register it
- The guy in front of you and the boy clinging to your uniform was the personification of a streetlight: tall, silent, and easy to recognize at any point in time. His dark eyes were nonchalant, like this wasn’t the first time he’s had to say something to Honey about this. Dare you say, you would’ve considered him pretty if you weren’t so intimidated
- You recognized him too. Morinozuka was his real name, you think?
- You quickly clear up the situation as Honey runs off to do something safe enough that Mori could focus on you. Surprisingly enough, his aura was just as warm and delicate when talking to you! You wondered if he could sense how nervous you were
- The conversation (that you mostly led, helped along by Mori’s few questions) veered to your volleyball scholarship. You fretted over how your stamina just wasn’t all there during practice or matches. Especially during conditioning
- Honey, ever the eavesdropper, mentioned that Mori could help you with strength training if he was up for it
- You glanced at Mori, hesitant to ask. But, once Mori shrugged and agreed to help you, you were much more open to the idea
- The first training session was hard. Like, really hard. Mori was a tough, but fair, trainer. He seemed to like putting you into sink-or-swim situations where you have no choice but to succeed. But, you enjoyed it, you wanted to do more
- (Besides, Mori wore a tank top during your sessions. Those biceps were WORTH IT)
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
- You started crushing on Mori first
- Underneath his strong, silent exterior, he was very kind and considerate. And you found that out through dragging him to breakfast cafĂ©s and your favorite roller rink after training sessions as a “thank you” (With Honey of course)
- And while something told you that he liked you too, Mori was a little too stoic for you to know for sure
- (But, you still found his stoicism hot-)
- Tamaki and Kyoya caught wind of your crush on Mori early. And since they’ve known Mori for longer, they were able to tell that he liked you back. However, they decided not to say anything to keep you from denying your feelings in an embarrassed rage
- You tried to drop hints to Mori with offers to hang out outside of school, invites to your volleyball games, even giving him a succulent to take care of! (To appeal to his nurturing tendencies)
- But, Mori wasn’t picking up on the hints. And if he was? He was doing a terrible job of showing it
- The day after a particular training session. You couldn’t keep your feelings to yourself anymore. You ranted to Kyoya and Tamaki about the way Mori helped you through a Charlie-horse in your leg. And how it was so frustrating that you were down so atrociously, but that you weren’t getting anywhere in your relationship with Mori
- “I see his shirt ride up once and suddenly he’s all I-“
- You stopped as your friends’ gazes shifted to just behind you. You sighed, regretting every decision you’ve ever made to lead yourself to this point. Your voice came out in a strangled push:
- “
If he’s behind me, just say that
- At Tamaki and Kyoya’s nod, you turned around to see, of course, Mori behind you. Honey had dragged him there when he heard the group talking
- You stuttered and struggled to backtrack. But, as you were doing that, Mori went to dig around in his bookbag. He handed you a Tupperware container of homemade French toast, sunny side up eggs, and a note
- “Date? Without Mitsukuni this time.”
- Although flabbergasted, you accepted the invitation and confession
- Your first date was at the beach, where you had a beach volleyball game (You comment on how Mori would make a great middle blocker)
- Although he never considered it, Mori was open to the idea of introducing more people into your relationship. He’d be willing to try it once
- Your first kiss was at the roller rink after your volleyball team made it to nationals. In an excited act of impulse, you kissed Mori when he caught you after tripping
- Your two cats highly enjoy Mori’s company, and whine when he has to go home
- Mori is incredible at calming your anxieties, seeing as he’s had to deal with Honey’s child-like behavior
- On that note, he’s a great person to rant to when something gets on your nerves!
- You two are an unlikely couple that works surprisingly well. Maybe it’s because you’re both earth signs đŸ€”
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Sorry, if this is too personal, but is your great grandmother okay....? Are you alright?
Not too personal at all â˜ș thank you for asking. But, she passed just recently. Her health was getting worse anyway, so it wasn’t like it was a surprise. It was only a matter of when she just couldn’t fight anymore.
For the most part, I’m just completely emotionally drained. As upset as I am about her passing, it’s more tiring seeing my family so
defeated? My dad in particular had a super close relationship with her, and her funeral was the first time I ever saw him cry.
I knew her for the least amount of time out of the grieving family members (I’m only sixteen). So because of that, I got the impression that I’m supposed to be the emotional rock for the time being. But honestly? I’m still trying to process all that’s happened in the span of a couple of weeks.
But thank you so much for checking up on me. It makes me feel warm to know people here are so concerned to even ask. ïżœïżœïž
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Hey buds! Kinda inconvenient, but there’s some really bad health issues going on with the matriarch of my dad’s family (My Great Grandmother). Things are looking really bleak for her rn, so I might be inactive for a while. đŸ˜„
Because writing matchups for you guys has become such a comfort for me, I’ll still be writing to take my mind off of things. Just not posting, y’know?
Special thanks to these couple of people in particular for brightening up my day!! Since I get rid of asks in the order they come in, I haven’t gotten to these yet. But, I thought this would be a good time to acknowledge you! ❀
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Thanks again for your patience and support. And I’ll see you later, Travelers!
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Thank you so much for the matchup!!!
It was so cute, I'm literally in love with Aone đŸ„ș😭
Also if you need a Tumblr mom, I'm always here to support you! I hope you're getting enough rest during the summer 💙
Anytime bud!! Thank you for requesting! You’re always welcome here 💙
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Hello there, I was wondering if I could have a regular matchup for Haikyuu please?
I am 5'2, she/her pronouns and straight. I'm pale, with natural rosy cheeks. People say I have doe eyes, dark brown. Hair color is the same color and it goes down a few centimeters off the shoulders, but I usually wear it in a ponytail. I am toned, not like a fitness influencer lol.
I am an INFJ, Pisces. I am anti-social most of the time. I'll only talk if necessary to work on a school project or my friends are uncomfortable speaking. I am the "mom" friend of the group, always making sure everyone is doing okay and keeping up with their schoolwork. I think I am kind because everyone tells me it's nice of me to always help everyone. I try my best to provide realistic advice, even though I'm pessimistic. My humor is cheesy puns, word play and sarcasm. I can be moody sometimes and accidentally snap.
I love dancing, it's my "dream" to be a professional ballerina/dancer. I like reading (fantasy, adventure esque novels)and walking my dog. In general I enjoy nature by going hiking and seeing the different plants and animals. I am fluent in Spanish and English. I hate procrastination. I dislike/hate anyone who is ignorant or oppresses minorities. I don't like public speaking or being at events by myself because I feel like everyone is judging me. I prefer having a plan, but if I'm told there is a change of plan I'll do my best to go with the flow.
I hope this isn't a bother, and that you're having a nice day or night. Please remember to take care of yourself 💗
[🌄 @magicaldancer5678 requested one (1) regular Haikyuu!! matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
Aaaaa thanks for the self-care reminder 😖 I really forget about that stuff sometimes, so it’s nice to hear it. Also,,,do I have a tumblr mom now 😳? ‘Cause I really wouldn’t mind that...
I’ll say, this one was an easy choice:
🏔Takanobu Aone🏔
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đŸŒ±Humble BeginningsđŸŒ±
If you were being honest, the only reason you chose to go to Date Tech was because your childhood friend, Kenji Futakuchi, wanted to go
Something, something, “Best volleyball defense in the prefecture”, something
And while you hardly ever made your choices based off of Kenji’s, the high school you went to had no bearings on the things you liked to do
You would still go to the same small dance company every other day. You’d still walk the same scenic trail to walk your dog (and scare yourself with your own existentialism lol)
And regardless of where you went, you’d still treat Kenji like your rambunctious teenage son. Making sure he’s keeping up with his homework, volleyball, and self-care needs
Besides, the curriculum seemed flexible enough so you didn’t have to be weighed down by excessive schoolwork
While we’re on the subject of schoolwork though, one of your teachers seemed to have an obsession with “group collaboration”
((Which you clearly dreaded on the regular 😓))
Normally, you’d stick to Kenji’s side while he momentarily teased you for “being obsessed with him”. But, things were being mixed up for one particular project
The teacher would pick your partners for you

While Kenji was paired with a girl you remember him thinking was pretty not too long ago, you were paired with one “Aone Takanobu”
The name was vaguely familiar to you, mentioned once by Kenji while you were on the subject of volleyball. But, it was only in passing. You couldn’t put a name to a face
Well, that is, until a tall shadow loomed over you and your desk
The boy behind you was what you assumed to be your partner, big and built like a solid brick wall. His face seemed permanently stuck in an intimidating and contemplative expression
you could tell that he was trying not to scare you by the way he slouched, or make you feel too small compared to him
He looked awkwardly off to the side before speaking
your partner.”
The fact that you knew Aone was trying to show himself friendly comforted you. So, you decided to put in the same amount of effort that he was into making him feel safe with you
However, after the period, you were specifically warned by Kenji:
he’s got a habit of looking more scary than he actually is. Judging by how you guys worked today, I can tell he likes you. But, don’t let him intimidate you too much, okay? ‘Cause he takes that kind of stuff really hard.”
Of course, while you weren’t worried about being scared away by your partner, you understood Kenji’s concerns. His warning was an indicator of something that’s happened multiple times. And you saw it firsthand while you and Aone worked together
You saw how people refused to sit next to him on the train, how mothers pulled their children close when you and him walked by, how most women and smaller men would go out of their way to move to the side of the street you and Aone weren’t on
And while Aone seemed used to it, it didn’t keep him from looking upset every time it happened. And in turn, it made you upset
Not because you pitted him, but because you knew Aone was so much more than the monster under their beds
Without even telling him, he picked up on your schedule for dance practices, waiting just outside with his jacket and a bento from the convenience store Kenji mentioned that you liked
thanks for offering to do most of the speaking” he said the first time he did it. The most he had ever said to you at that point))
You realized that he hated ordering for himself at restaurants, so you made sure to ask for the foods he liked before going to work at the cafĂ© you’d meet at sometimes
The first time he went to your house was to do the final touches on your project, and your parents and your dog absolutely loved him
((Your mom made an out of pocket comment to you about you and Aone “making cute grandchildren”, to which you blushed and insisted you and him were just friends, hoping that Aone didn’t hear))
(((He did)))
You and Aone did wonderfully with your project, passing with flying colors. But
even so. Aone wanted to see you more, in whatever way he could take
Kenji mentioned how he’s tried to get you to become the volleyball club’s manager, but has declined because of dance and other responsibilities
But, you did start working at the library so you could check out extra books on certain days. And you did tutoring for English and Spanish to rack up volunteer hours
And suddenly, Aone had an idea
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
Now, Aone has had a crush on you since you worked on the project together. But, now that you regularly see each other for English tutoring, it’s been getting a lot harder to hide it
Every time you brushed up against him, he’d get so hot that he would begin to sweat
The more Aone learned about English, the more he appreciated the corny puns you made, even cracking a smile every once in a while
And appropriately for someone so quiet, Aone loves to listen to you talk about your aspirations as a dancer and interest in literature
There was just so much to love about you, Aone had to let it out somehow
((Of course, Kenji knew all along, but stayed quiet to indulge in the whole “will they, won’t they” thing))
On your end though, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The only change you’d note would be Aone opening up a bit more
((Which was saddening because you were bitten by the love bug too but shhhh-))
However, you picked up on something going on during your tutoring sessions with Aone
The notebook that he often used during your time together? He started being a lot more secretive, selective about what he let you see in it
You saw that Aone would quickly flip over certain pages. And he never let you see the inside of the back cover
But, after one particular session, Aone offers to walk you home, since Kenji was busy
As you walked and talked, Aone only got more and more antsy about confessing to you
You just looked so beautiful in the evening light

But, how would Aone ever put his feelings into words?
Until he realizes that he already did
When you finally get to your place, Aone hands you his notebook, completely red-faced:
“Look through it. Don’t hate me
And before you could reply, he had already left
You weren’t sure what you expected to see, but it certainly wasn’t what you actually saw in the notebook
Tons of crossed out love confessions to you (In English and Japanese). Doodles that you hardly believed were of you, evident by the big, doe-y eyes people said you had
But, what sealed the deal for you, was on the inside of the back cover
“Aone (F/N)” with hearts and stars doodled next to it
You were quick to call Aone, and ecstatic when you said the first thing to him:
“I love you too!!”
And you did, that was a fact
Everything about Aone, from the silent comfort he provided when something got on your last nerve
To the questions he asks about the things you love, no matter how small
But now the gentle giant was yours, once and for all. And you were his sweet little doe 💙
Bonus: Your first date was at a small ramen place after one of your dance recitals! Aone lended you his jacket, and you felt like you owed him something. So, you gave him a quick peck on the lips under the guise of “broth on his face”. Talk about a flustered mess!
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Forgive me for not posting anything of value, but I will never forgive Tumblr for misrepresenting and over-sexualizing high school cheer and cheerleaders in fics and drabbles where they’re the main focusđŸ’€đŸ€šđŸœ
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
May I have a my hero and ohshc matchup plz
I'm a short girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. I have a very kind heart and sad stories or ones with very happy endings make my heart happy or hurt like crazy. But even though I'm kind that doesn't mean i am nice all the time. I am extremely grumpy and have a short temper especially on no sleep or if I just woke up. I also do have adhd and some anxiety I dont like being touched randomly unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. As for dreams I'm not sure I wanna be a voice actor but not too sure if its right for me as I don't know how to edit or even have the equipment. I want someone who can just listen to me as I ramble on about things I love. I want someone to understand that I think differently then normal people. I also want someone to be able to understand im not the most affectionate person but I can be if given time but I will help someone if they are touch starved like I am.
[🌄 @cutelittleriot requested one (1) regular My Hero Academia matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
YAYYY!! First bnha matchup!! I gotchu bud 👍 I’m thinking about trying something new for the bnha fandom in particular. So, I’ll try it out and see what you think! Also, I got a little carried away with this one, so if it doesn’t seem characteristically accurate to you, please tell me!! 😖
And, the lucky person is:
⛰Eijiro Kirishima⛰
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Quirk: Dragon
Dragon is a mutation quirk. It manifests slowly over time, until the user becomes about 60% dragon-esque at around 15/16 years old.
Scales and tough skin appear on the arms, legs, and face. Sharp teeth and claws grow in. Horns protrude from the forehead. A tail grows from the spine. Finally, wings grow from the back.
Flesh becomes twice as tough in places where scales are.
Depending on the user’s body type, wing usage is limited. (Since you’re generally shorter than average, “flying” and gliding comes easier to you.)
When the user consumes pressurized carbon dioxide, their stomach converts it into flammable gasses. Which allows the user to breathe- er...burp...fire.
Fire must be carefully used however. The smoke produced can accidentally be breathed in, causing lung damage.
đŸŒ±Humble BeginningsđŸŒ±
I’ll start by saying this: Being bullied is never fun. Being bullied over something you can’t easily control or change? Rub salt in it, why don’tcha?
You weren’t sure what the select few kids in your grade thought was so hilarious about your quirk. But, they managed to find enough wrong with it to do their damage for most of your time in school
First, the patches of scales that showed up on your skin were “too weak”. Then, your awkward transition stage with growing horns, wings, and tail was suddenly “ugly”
By the time your quirk fully manifested, the jeers finally devolved to “freak-ish”
Like a river carving out the Grand Canyon, the work was slow and wore you down over time. But, the impact was a lot bigger than even you’d initially thought
While you managed to somewhat heal and learned to guard your emotions against such hurtful things, that’s all you learned to do: Guard yourself. You were a shield with no spear, since you never fought back
With the help of supportive parents and teachers, your self-esteem wasn’t so low, but you did often downplay or underestimate your abilities
Like, Bitch??? You can burp fire??? Know your power???
The people you were on good terms with seemed to see a potential that you either disregarded, or didn't know about all together
They saw the way you treated others with consideration and forethought. How, despite (or because of) your anxiety, you remained hyper-aware of the problems of others and how to accommodate. And while your anger did have its vices, people knew how hot your righteous rage could burn
It actually took a lot of convincing for you to even apply to U.A. 
Outside of your other aspirations for the future, you didn’t particularly feel worthy for the job. Of anything you could be, you weren’t a fearless, upstanding, unshakable individual, not even giving a second thought to throwing yourself into danger for the good of others. You weren’t your alleged definition of a hero, and that was enough to deter you
But, whenever you recited your polite (well-rehearsed) decline, most gave you the same weirdly optimistic retort:
“Just try, maybe you’ll do better than you’re giving yourself credit for.”
So, here you were at an entrance exam full of people you hardly knew, wondering how you even rationalized to yourself that this would go just fine
The written exam went okay. As well as you could for literally guessing what to study to pass
All you had to do was do your best on the physical exam, and you’d be done for the day
But, your issue was in the people around you, not the exam itself
You were aware of the high amount of attention the moment you walked onto campus. The way other kids measured you up from a distance, studying everything about your not-so-human body. Watching your every move, especially the way your movements were strained from soreness (A short period of intense training tends to do that to you). You assumed they also wanted to see if your disposition was as powerful as your quirk suggested
((You specifically noticed a coltish, green-haired kid muttering to himself, questioning if your wings could actually support your body weight))
Even now, as the prospective heroes-in-training warmed up, you felt the stares burning into you
Half of you wanted to lift your eyes and rhetorically ask what the hell they were looking at, only feeling more annoyed as you snorted and returned to what you were doing. The other half wanted to fold into yourself until you disappeared (If only it were that easy)
But, you had enough (Roughly, one billion) worries on your mind to put confrontation on the list. Shaking off your anxious shivers as you lowered your head and continued with your “stretches” seemed so much easier
(A.k.a. Staring off into space as you held your limbs in awkward positions)
The time to begin the physical test was drawing near, and your self-doubt hadn’t eased up. Maybe this was a mistake. You didn’t belong here. Not when so many other students could fill the space you’re wasting so much better. Maybe if you slipped through the back now, you’d save yourself the disappointment of not living up to your own standards
“Hey, brown-haired girl! With the horns!”
You heard a gruff whisper from not to far behind you, from the left. You tensed for a moment, wondering what the voice could possibly want from you. But, the sight you saw was rather unexpected
The voice definitely matched the body, bulky and slightly rough looking, a little taller than you. Matched with a sweet face, sharp teeth, and bright, spiky, red hair. The smile he showed you instantly calmed your thoughts
You gave a short response, not wanting to jump to conclusions yet
“I saw you looking kinda psyched out over here, so I thought talking to you would make you less nervous!”
You felt a warm and fuzzy sensation in the pit of your stomach. As much encouragement as you got to achieve things, you didn’t see much of it to consider how you felt. How you could feel better. You liked it, which was surprising, considering the encouragement came from a perfect stranger
“Oh, uhh
thanks then. But, I’m fine, I promise! I’m no more nervous than you are.”
“Well, that’s also why I came to talk
I’m kinda freaking out too
This boy’s transparency was almost scary, but on the other hand, very comforting. You didn’t catch him trying to stare at your mutated parts once as you talked. Your eyes were the thing he seemed the most focused on, and while it made you embarrassed, it was the good kind (if that makes sense)
But, soon enough, the announcement for the beginning of the exam came over the loudspeaker, and you and your acquaintance had to look out for yourselves. But, before you parted ways, the redhead turned to you
“I’m Eijiro Kirishima, by the way! See you when I see you, Shortie!”
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
The beginning of Kirishima seeing you as a romantic option happened not too long after parting ways at the physical exam
He was almost completely cornered by one of the machines students could disarm for points. And just as that was happening, you had just turned the corner after shaking off another one
You saw Kirishima, but he definitely didn’t see you, trying hard to look tough, but struggling to stand his ground
It quickly dawned on you that Kirishima didn’t have a quirk that could easily deal with the hostile device. And if he did, he was too scared to use it
You vetoed the idea of charging in head on first. You didn’t feel like getting yourself or Kirishima hurt. Especially without a plan. You needed to be smart about getting your only acquaintance out of this situation
Your heart raced and your execution was all but clean, but you ended up using your fire breath to weld the robot’s wheels to the concrete
Before you let your inhibitions get the better of you, you climbed the machine and punched out the camera on the front. From atop the beast, you hung your tail over the edge low enough for Kirishima to grab. You didn’t dare look down at the ground
“Dammit Eijiro, grab on!!”
Once you felt a weight on your tail, you used your wings to propel you both forward. Obviously, away from the robot
You were too high on adrenaline and fear to notice, but Kirishima stared at you like you were the embodiment of Heaven on Earth. The stars in his eyes almost seemed inappropriate for the situation 😅
You looked just as—if not more—afraid than he was. But, you seemed so okay with the fact that you weren’t fearless, and acted like a true hero anyway. He admired, dare I say loved that about you
And he didn’t even know your name
As soon as you found out that you and Kirishima were in the same class, you felt instant relief. At least you were familiar with someone at U.A.
You guys’ friendship developed rather fast, like and extrovert adopting an introvert
Kirishima quickly noticed how fast you opened up once you got comfortable around him, and loved you all the more for how bright and vibrant the unfiltered you was
He found himself picking up on your sense of humor, telling dad jokes you whisper under your breath to the Bakusquad (Much to Bakugou’s dismay 😅)
Don’t worry, he always gives you the credit 😉
As time went on, Kirishima learned to appreciate how blunt you were. He realized that he needed someone to tell it like it is (“It isn’t manly to sugarcoat things! đŸ˜€â€ he says)
And while Kirishima prefers physical activities over video games, he loves to hype you up while you play before classes
It was only natural a mutual crush would form :D
Kirishima finally worked up the guts to ask you out after the U.S.J. Incident
You and him had gotten separated (You had gotten trapped with the cold son of Endeavor. And you both took out the villains with an awe-inspiring display of fire and ice)
Kirishima was faced with the reality that either of you could lose each other at any moment. And while both of you came out alright, he realized he couldn’t be wishy-washy about his feelings for you
He told you on your way to school the next morning:
“Look. What happened yesterday really scared me. Normally, I wouldn’t say that, but I think you deserve to know. Because
you mean a lot to me!! More than I can put into words. I love when we have fun together, and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I never got to tell you how I felt
I like you!! Like
in the romantic way
Your early morning grumpiness dissipated almost instantly, replaced by momentary confusion and disbelief, then embarrassment and joy. Was this really happening
? The boy that took a chance on you since the beginning, confessed that he had feelings for you
? Even though you didn’t question your relationship, you always assumed the nice things Kirishima said, the way he looked at you, was all part of the pleasantries. You questioned if you were even worth all of that
‘But you are.’ The little voice Kirishima helped you develop said. ‘And he would say more if he didn’t look so embarrassed.’
And so, you accepted Kirishima’s confession. And he saw the sweetest smile you had ever given him since the first time he complimented your puns đŸ˜Šâ€ïž
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Are you doing okay? It sounded based on your last few posts, you've had a lot going on and to work on outside of tumblr. Hopefully you are taking care of yourself well, and have a good summer...!
Thanks for your concern Anon :D it makes me happy to know that people take the time to ask! I’ve just been really swamped in school lately (I’m in 10th grade). As well as family events that happen around this time of year.
And because my parents have been on my back 24/7 since the beginning of the quarter, I haven’t been able to indulge in this blog at all.
Hopefully, once summer break starts I can pick up the pieces and catch up on requests. I might even start a multi-chapter series! But, that might not be until a couple of weeks. So, don’t worry about me until then! đŸ‘đŸœ
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
🌄Regarding Matchups🌌
Oh, don’t worry, I’m still doing them and keeping them open! I just wanted to give y’all an update on what I have lined up in order of earliest to latest send-in:
@cutelittleriot for a regular BNHA matchup
@magicaldancer5678 for a regular Haikyuu!! matchup
@elaineiswithyou-blog for a regular OHSHC matchup
INFJ, Sagittarius Anon for a regular OHSHC matchup
If it feels like your request may get lost in the fray, I assure you, it hasn’t and it won’t. Know that even if it seems like I don’t, I see you, and your satisfaction is important to me ❀. Which is why I’m trying to pace myself in a way that doesn’t burn me out on top of school and other activities. I’m acknowledging you now, and I won’t let you down!! đŸ˜€
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Thank you sm for the ouran matchup I really enjoyed it <3
Anytime bud! Glad to be of your service 😊
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