nilikhangdiwa · 10 hours
"biblical angels" you do realise there are angels in the old testament that are literally just regular looking guys, right? you do know that the hallucinogenic incoherent descriptions are in like. two books. and the rest of the time angels are just guys. you know that, right?
and I'm not saying don't have fun with weird angels. I'm saying, either the eldritch forms are for special occasions, or the society of the angels is Many-Eyed-Many-Winged-Interlocking-Circles, Four-Faces-Six-Wings, and Mike.
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nilikhangdiwa · 2 days
A3! Webcomic Chapter 353: "Honesty"
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Description: Banri had planned to praise Muku but ended up bringing out another side to the latter instead.
Panel 1
Muku: (staring at Banri)
Banri: Mm? What’s up?
Panel 2
Muku: Ah… sorry, I was just thinking that you’re so cool, and I was fascinated by it…!
Panel 3
Banri: … Y’know, yer really different from that dumbass Hyodo~
Muku: well of course! there’s no way Ju-chan who’s strong and reliable could possibly resemble a delicate bean sprout like me…
Panel 4
Banri: (pft) That ain’t it. ‘m talkin’ about how yer an honest kid an’ good person, Muku.
Panel 5
Muku: Ju-chan’s honest and a good person too, you know!? Just the other day, he helped me out so casually when I was in trouble, and— and—
Banri: M-My bad… (He’s just as difficult t’deal with as those brothers…)
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nilikhangdiwa · 5 days
Chikage Utsuki | [SSR] Vow of Revenge | setting moon
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"The pain of the past and the warmth of the present are all proof of life. I think I want to cherish the people who taught me that."
(The player name has been set to "Izumi". Also, I don't own this card, but a friend gave me the raws for it! Apologies in advance for the crunchy quality of the images.)
Part 1
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Chikage: …
Muku: Ah— Chikage-san, welcome home…?
Kumon: Eh, but Chikage-san came back in the evening, right?
Taichi: Is he going back to work?
Izumi: Chikage-san’s heading on a business trip now.
Kumon: Right now!?
Tasuku: Leaving at night must be tough.
Chikage: Maa, it’s work, so it can’t be helped. I have a flight, you see.
Homare: A flight at this time… An international business trip, eh?
Chikage: That’s right.
Chikage: I’ll be back in a week. Well, I’ll be off, then.
Citron: Come back soon!
Tsuzuru: Take care.
[ Chikage heads out. ]
Kumon: Oh, actually, where’s the business trip off to?
Taichi: Right? It’s so late!
Sakuya: Chikage-san said he’s going to Dubai!
Itaru: Eh? I heard he’s going to Poland, though. Do we have a deal in Dubai right now….?
Izumi: Eh!? I heard he’s going to Latvia, though!
Izumi: He said the flight looked like it was going to be exhausting…
Citron: Everyone has heard different countries!
Masumi: … we know it’s in Europe’s direction.
Tsuzuru: Does he have to be so roundabout with it…
Citron: It is probably temperance!
Masumi: … compliance? [1]
Hisoka: …
Hisoka: “Work” again…
Homare: Hisoka-kun, did you say something?
Hisoka: … nothing.
Itaru: Senpai’s been going on a lot of business trips recently. He acts like there’s nothing going on, but he’s actually pretty busy.
Itaru: I asked him about it the other day. He said one guy just quit, so he’s been busy covering them.
Tsuzuru: So it’s like that.
Kumon: That sounds really hard!
Itaru: But after this business trip, things should calm down soon enough.
Itaru: … well, I don’t know what work we’re talking about, though.
Sakuya: When things calm down for Chikage-san, let’s show him some appreciation!
Citron: Great idea~! Let us plan an imagination party! [2]
Masumi: … appreciation, not imagination.
Izumi: (I hope Chikage-san’s business trip goes well.)
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Man: << I have been awaiting your arrival, Sendou-sama. >>
Sendou: << Thank you for going out of your way to welcome me. >>
Man: << We have prepared a car for your use. This way, please. >>
Sendou: << … >>
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Subordinate: << … thank you for your hard work. >>
April: << Give me the report on the target. >>
Subordinate: << The target is currently passing through point B. There’s plans for one of us to make contact in 30 minutes. >>
Subordinate: << All accommodations have been handled. >>
April: << Understood. >>
Subordinate: << According to what I’ve just found, it seems like they’ll head to the chosen bar at night. How should we make contact there? >>
April: (... is the target a woman?)
April: (If so, then that’s regrettable. But one of the men I sent to get information has gone missing, so now we’re lacking in manpower.)
April: (There’s no way around it. Should I go myself…?)
April: (Mm… From the higher ups?)
April: (——)
April: << I’ll leave that to you. I have something to deal with. >>
Subordinate: << Understood. >>
April: (Even so, I just have a bad feeling about the place specified in the message.)
Part 2
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Subordinate: << I’ll be in touch. >>
April: << Right. >>
[ The subordinate exits. ]
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April: (It’s been a long time since I last came here.)
April: (My last memory here was… the worst memory that I don’t want to recall.)
April: …
April: (This silver bracelet… Is it that guy’s tag?)
April: “Verified”——
April: (Ah, as I thought——)
[ Flashback begins. ]
August: Hey, April, why did you get your ears pierced?
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April: Huh? What’s with that so suddenly?
August: Come on! It’s about your tag!
April: … Because it was easy.
August: I see. But didn’t it hurt?
April: Not particularly.
August: But you’re punching a hole in your ear! It definitely must have hurt!
April: I just said it didn’t. … Anyway, it’s weird to be afraid of pain at this point.
August: …
April: … hah.
April: Why do you wear that bulky ring? It just gets in the way.
August: Well, just a bit!
August: … pain and emotions are proof of life.
August: But there are times when you have to forget all of those in order to protect yourself.
August: In those times, then these “tags” we wear will become the only proof that we’re alive.
August: But even those might be forgotten one day. … If you think about it, it’s a little scary.
April: ——
August: This ring is a little heavy, yeah.
August: It’s a ring that’s always been just a little part of my existence——
August: And right now, it’s telling me, “I’m alive.”
April: … that’s just like you.
August: Please take care of yourself. … although, maybe I have no right to say that.
August: … hey, April. I’m going to say something that’ll make you mad, but please listen, okay?
April: …
August: If the time comes that this ring no longer sits on my finger, I want you to keep it as proof that I lived.
August: I don’t even know if that would be allowed, but…
April: … I refuse.
August: As expected.
April: A future like that won’t come.
August: That’s just like you.
April: … by the way, do I smell something burning?
August: Ah! Right! I was baking a cake!
[ August runs off. ]
April: Hah… It’s because you’re doing something you’re not used to.
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April: H-hah… Ugh…
April: (Still conscious.)
April: ——
April: (... one of my earrings is gone.)
April: Gh… was it from the interrogation earlier?
April: Nnh…
April: (On the chair, what’s…)
April: Ring——
April: (A slightly heavy ring, covered in blood, that’s “verified”.)
April: (Aa… what you said——)
April: Ghk——
April: (IthurtsithurtsIcan’tforgiveyouIhateyou…)
April: (Oh. That’s how it is.)
April: (It’s just like you said, August.)
[ April puts on the ring. ]
April: (I’m alive.)
April: (—— Instead of you.)
[ Flashback ends. ]
April: …
April: << … it’s me. I’ve just finished the reviewing the situation. >>
April: << The guy who went missing has officially gone rogue. That’s all. >>
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Subordinate: << … Sendou-sama, thank you for your hard work. >>
Sendou: << I appreciate your help. >>
Subordinate: << Please take care on your journey. >>
Sendou: << You too. >>
Chikage: … alright.
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Chikage: I’m heading back now.
Part 3
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Chikage: I’m home.
Chikage: (No one’s around? I suppose I did arrive earlier than expected.)
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Chikage: (Flour, eggs, and sugar…?)
Chikage: (Were they planning on making sweets?)
Chikage: Burnt bits of cake…?
Chikage: (Moreover, there’s an apron laid out, too.)
Chikage: (... it’s like you’re asking me to make it.)
Sakuya: Huh!? These shoes…
Itaru: I do believe they doth belong to mine senpai. [3]
Izumi: Eeh!
Masumi: He’s early.
Tsuzuru: It’s only at times like this that he comes back without a hitch, huh.
Citron: Chikage is a flag crusher!
Sakuya: Chikage-san!
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Chikage: …
Tsuzuru: Chikage-san, the cake, you…!?
Citron: Oh~! Tomorrow the sun will rise from the west~! [4]
Itaru: Maybe my tastebuds got restored to their default settings after a week.
Chikage: I can hear you.
Masumi: … why?
Chikage: What’s with that? Moreover, how did this place become such a mess?
Sakuya: U… um, that’s…
Izumi: We wanted to bake a non-sweet cake for Chikage-san, but…
Itaru: As you can see, it was an epic fail.
Tsuzuru: As it was, we were running out of ingredients, so we went out to buy some more.
Citron: So we can fail as much as needed~!
Masumi: Don’t.
Sakuya: Nn…? There’s a good smell coming from the oven.
Chikage: It’s something I baked with the leftover ingredients.
Itaru: For real. ._.
Citron: Amazing, Chikage~! A real cheat grandpa!
Masumi: It would have been fine even if we didn’t go out.
Sakuya: It’s true that now we have a lot more than we need.
Izumi: Then, how about we make a fancier cake? With lots of fresh fruit and cream!
Tsuzuru: That sounds good.
Sakuya: I’ll prepare the fruits for the toppings!
Citron: I will put lots and lots of cream! Ready—!
Tsuzuru: Hold on, Citron-san! This is for Chikage-san, in case you forgot!
Masumi: If the proportions aren’t right, you’ll fail every time.
Itaru: Sweet Level: Over 9000, lol. [5]
Chikage: Please go easy on me. ^^
Izumi: By the way, Chikage-san, that apron…
Chikage: Ah, it was laid out already, so I borrowed it. Whose is it? It’s too big to be the director’s.
Izumi: No, it’s mine. It was cute, so I bought it, but it turned out to be men’s wear…
Izumi: If you don’t mind, please have it, Chikage-san. It seems to fit you perfectly, so——
Itaru: Nice. You can add it to your bunny collection.
Chikage: Suddenly, another addition. … really, just by being here, more things get added to it.
Sakuya: … okay! Done with the toppings!
Tsuzuru: I think this is good.
Citron: A sweet and delicious cake has been created!
Itaru: Things actually worked out.
Chikage: I also bought some sweets on my business trip, so let’s eat them together.
Izumi: I’ll make tea!
Izumi: Chikage-san, you’ve been working hard! How was it overseas?
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Chikage: It was work, so I just did my job.
Tsuzuru: You went abroad, but it was for work. Sightseeing and stuff would be hard…
Sakuya: Yeah… If you could go sightseeing, then it’d be a nice change of pace, but…
Itaru: I don’t get how you do work overseas like that. It's NG for me.
Chikage: I’m used to it. Maybe you’ll get used to it soon, too.
Itaru: Yeah, no. I don’t want to transfer departments.
Izumi: Ah, Chikage-san, there’s cream on your ring…
Izumi: Did it get there while we were making the cake?
Chikage: …
Izumi: ——
Chikage: Could you pass me a tissue?
Izumi: Ah— Y-yes!
Chikage: Ah, and by the way. I didn’t get to say it yet, but…
Chikage: … I’m home.
Izumi: Welcome home. c:
Sakuya: Welcome home! 😊
Tsuzuru: Welcome home. :]
Citron: Welcome home~!
Masumi: … welcome home.
Itaru: Welcome home.
Chikage: (... ever since I first put this ring on, I felt like I was living in that guy’s place.)
Chikage: (But…)
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Chikage: ——
Chikage: (Now, maybe I’m living to protect this place.)
[1] In the original, Citron says "tempura", to which Masumi corrects him, asking "コンプラ? (konpura?)". It's short for コンプライアンス (compliance), basically meaning that Chikage's just doing so to comply with some sort of standard.
[2] In the original, Sakuya suggests that they show Chikage appreciation (ねぎらう negirau), and Citron says that he'll throw a spring onion ramen (ネギラーメン negi ramen) party.
[3] Originally, Itaru uses a slang term here (希ガス kigasu), to mean "I think". Couldn't really think of a slang term in English that really fits, so we decided to just lean into Itaru being a little Arthurian nerd.
[4] The original says "これは明日真夏日になるネ", which is like, "Tomorrow's going to be a midsummer day!" As far as we can tell, it's autumn during the backstage? So we translated it this way to get the meaning across clearer.
[5] In the original, Itaru says that there's "a deadly level of sweetness, lol". But this is sillier.
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nilikhangdiwa · 28 days
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there’s a name for boys like you
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nilikhangdiwa · 28 days
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639 notes · View notes
nilikhangdiwa · 29 days
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"...Come here for a bit." "...Okay."
based on the mukuyuki story cg bc the mental image wouldn't leave me alone after ryu-san said romamero were like mkyk in a different font
mini-ficlet under the cut
notes: uses concepts from the timeline theory and the idea that merold remembers timelines with my own spin on it (HCs and such), needless to say it's a bit of an AU/canon divergence from what little we know in fragmem canon
It starts with the Red Bouquet's first roundtable meeting as a complete unit.
Merold had greeted Hallritt with the typical easygoing callousness Romarriche had expected from his childhood friend. What he hadn't anticipated was that brief flash of animosity. It was a familiar sight, if an oddity by the time and place, because Merold had tensed up as if he'd been in the middle of battle.
Whatever it is that Merold saw in the rookie knight, it bleeds through his actions, and Romarriche can tell that Merold, consciously or not, viewed the man as a threat.
"I would like to think that despite our time apart, I'd still be the one to know you best."
This weariness that looms over his friend is coming to be familiar to him. It's minute. He's seen this before. If it were anyone else other than him, one would be bereft of suspect of Merold ever being in anything else than tip-top shape.
Merold turns to him, that strand of pink hair on top of his head bouncing with the sharp movement as he tilts his head at him with what could be construed as confusion. He knows better, however. "Romarriche? That's pretty sudden to drop on me~" Merold's eyes crinkle with amusement. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're feeling some jealousy."
"Yes, yes," he humors him, the smile that leaves him is unerringly fond. "However, you do know better."
Romarriche halts, lays his palm flat against his chest, determined. In the middle of the hallways of Lord Marroncream's castle, the two come to a standstill.
"I'm worried." About you.
"You always are. That's just the type of guy you are."
Here's the thing: Merold knows Romarriche just as Romarriche knows Merold. They've known each other since childhood, long before there even was a Merold, the Fragaria of My Melody, and Romarriche, the Fragaria of Marroncream.
"You've been having nightmares." He says slowly. It's come back to him. This had happened before Merold left to travel around the continent. There hadn't been a cure then, he hopes there would be a cure now.
There's a small breadth of distance between them, and yet somehow, Merold seemed no less further away than when he'd been out and about and doing his work. Yet, most intriguingly, "And Hallritt seems to be the trigger, however odd that notion be."
Merold does not respond.
"…Come here for a bit."
Until he does, and Romarriche has always been weak for his childhood friend, and so, he obliges him.
"…Okay," Romarriche says, stepping forward until he and Merold were face to face. Or as much as they can be, when Merold hadn't grown since the last time he'd seen him, leaving the gates and waving goodbye to fulfill the duties expected of the Greatest Knight.
They had been the same height, then.
Merold places his head onto Romarriche's shoulder, hands shaking where he held onto Romarriche's pink coat. His neck tickles at the shuddering breath Merold releases.
Romarriche figures he wouldn't say anything about the sniffles. Nor the wetness that spreads across his shirt.
"Okay," he repeats, wrapping his arms around his friend. "I'm here."
(Romarriche felt real.
In this world that continued to change, Romarriche felt real and alive. He may not remember like he did, but his presence was a comfort that Merold never realized he'd taken for granted, much in the same way those instances of losing Kurode continued to haunt him.
He doesn't know what tipped the man off in this run of events. He'd confronted him before, in the past timelines, but ultimately left the matter well alone before Merold could succumb to the notion of telling his childhood friend anything.
Perhaps, it was Merold himself that had changed. Whichever it was, one thing was certain.
This warmth…
I won't forget this.)
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nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
Bonus Round: Clash of the Izumis
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Submitted kids:
Curtis: Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric
Tachibana: Sakuya, Masumi, Tenma, Yuki, Muku, Kumon, Banri, Juza, Taichi, Azami
Propaganda under the cut!
No propaganda was submitted for Izumi Curtis
1. “her first instinct upon seeing a lost child is "Omg hey are you interested in theater?" actually she does that to grownass men also. so like serial adopter real”
2. “#HI IZUMI #she literally just grabbed some guy passed out in front of her door #and he stayed lol”
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nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
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102 notes · View notes
nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
Hey everyone, please consider buying the 2024 itch.io Palestinian Relief Bundle- it's 373 games, game-making assets, tabletop roleplaying games, zines, and comics for a minimum of just 8 USD! They have a goal of 100,000 USD, and as of the time I'm writing this post, they have 8 more days to reach it.
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Link will be in the reblog!
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nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
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The snugglers ever
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nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
I’ve never seen what real hell looks like I don’t think I ever want to But I feel it constantly dragging me down as I rewrite What’s it like living in the clouds knowing what to do?
I feel all this pressure building up inside, then exploding I wish all my troubles could do the same. No more to be, a Me eroding And though I try, my efforts end in vain
I ramble to no end in sight For two paths lay ahead, only one right Kindness shone down, a captivating light Yet malice consumed me, turning to spite
Drowning in a sea of endless despair, I yearn for a hope of child-like happiness. That one day fairy tales do come true, Becoming the princess whom fairies bless.
And so wander a weeping world. Where is the happiness I seek? Known to all but one, But perhaps I’m just meek.
Desolate and deprived Yet dancing with delight. Flickers of flame, your eyes, I see burn bright
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nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
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351 notes · View notes
nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
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belated bday to my bbgirl lol
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nilikhangdiwa · 1 month
a glance from afar, for our hearts divided by a sea a chance from a star, i promise unto thee: roses without its thorns, and daisies swaying in the breeze, they remind me of you, my mind you adorn, and swiftly set my heart at ease
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nilikhangdiwa · 2 months
14 notes · View notes
nilikhangdiwa · 2 months
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Fly my broken wings…
Just finished Yi-Sang’s canto and I am just AUGH… Love him, blorbo. Dearest lad… (the pacing may have strangled me BUT I MADE IT!)
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nilikhangdiwa · 2 months
Round 3, Match 7: Kim Dokja vs. Izumi Curtis
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Submitted kids:
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Izumi Curtis: Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric
Propaganda under the cut!
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
No propaganda has been submitted for Izumi Curtis
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