norskasai 3 days
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I wanted to have a try at the hades2 art challenge thing going around, and nobody did Ramattra!!!?? So I did it myself!
+ alt vers
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norskasai 20 days
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+ an alt for my trans oc crank
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norskasai 23 days
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Mmph rammy hair tied back
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norskasai 1 month
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norskasai 1 month
More of my not normalness,,
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Pose trend on twt
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And a face render, figuring out how I wanna structure him
I haven't really drawn much in ibis on my tablet but I'm starting to get it
And a vrc screenshot as a treat
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norskasai 1 month
Being soooo normal abt Ramattra rn
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norskasai 1 month
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I bet if ramattra and genji had a fight this is what he'll say
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norskasai 1 month
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Talon with Cats
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norskasai 1 month
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Pov: Ramattra is done with your... 'nonsense.'
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norskasai 1 month
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Guess who the fuck is not normal about a new robot
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norskasai 1 month
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norskasai 1 month
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Sorry this is super low-hanging fruit, LOL.
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norskasai 1 month
I treat genji too much like a princess and designed his unmasked face to my liking. This must change (not must) (I really like designs where the mouth/lips are damaged) (this is still me babying him)
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Recently someone on twitter was also (affectionately) roasting Ramattra's face and I was inspired.
(oughh pls note I have a severe case of Ramattra x Genji brainrot so even tho some drawings aren't 100% shippy, I hc they've gotten over the hostile stage and is now in a weird middle ground....... situationship..... hehehe)
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norskasai 1 month
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Silly art based on a silly post
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norskasai 3 months
Thanks to experiencing art burnout for the first time after a long while thanks to the c to ovid (and damn uni), i have started a toyhouse to combat my boredom
Have at thee
So now i dont have to throw a million google docs at anyone anymore
I cannot believe Reaper took me 7 hours
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norskasai 3 months
i desperately wanna apologize to you but you would call bullshit and paint me like something evil bitch when in reality, i want the cycle of abuse to end and to ease my mind. i just wanna redeem myself before ending it all.
- you already know who
to everyone else sorry about this, but I've had enough, anyway i was just gonna delete this, just like i deleted the TWO suicide notes you sent me in my ask box a lil bit ago, but a number of my friends DM'd me about what you've been posting on your blog so I can only assume this all came from Nene, also known as @/shugurrsn0w , and for anyone who doesnt know Nene is, well this callout thread will get you acclimated with her REAL quick lmfao:
You are not fucking apologetic at all if you are using s0uless' full REAL name on your blog, you stupid bitch. That kind of information can put them at REAL GENUINE HARM. S0uless made the mistake of using their name as their art handle when they were younger but they have been doing a pretty extensive wipe of that username being online, I know this isn't exactly doxxing because of that but USING IT WHEN THEY'RE CLEARLY NOT WANTING IT TO BE PUBLIC INFORMATION IS SOME PRETTY SCUMMY SHIT, AND CAN BE USED FOR ACTUAL REAL HARM BEING DONE TO HIM YOU JACKASS
Don't come in my ask box hiding behind anonymous acting like you actually feel bad for the shit you did when you are STILL making posts calling me and my husband fucking freaks when you know DAMN WELL we're not. Don't you dare try and act all remorseful and pitiful and like you're some misunderstood fallen angel when you've been doing but helping making our lives a fucking nightmare. You don't get to act like you've done nothing wrong when you have CONSISENTLY VICTIM BLAMED THEM, CLAIMED THEIR TRAUMA WAS FAKE, BEEN RACIST TO ME, MOCKED MY ABUELAS RECENT DEATH, THREATENED HARM ON BOTH OF US, HARASSED AND STALKED US, AND SPREAD ALL THIS INSANE SHIT ABOUT US FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. You don't get to just act like you made some petty mistakes that you can walk off, you have been non stop harassing, stalking, and falsely accusing me and s0uless of being scum of the fucking earth when there is no goddamn evidence that we are and you KNOW there isn't, because we fucking ARENT. Unlike your freak ass, we KNOW what the fuck is right and what is wrong. But that kind of shit gets around to people and makes people start thinking we ARE those freaks that we aren't.
And you should be well aware of how fucking awful that makes a mother fucker feel, you know? Since you wanna keep whining about how "people keep being mean/demonizing you for no reason." What, you don't think people are gonna DM me asking me what the fuck you're talking about in those posts you make? Newsflash dipshit, most people wanna know both party's stories regarding drama that surrounds someone they know. Don't you try to twist this and cry about how I'm some creepy weirdo that's stalking you, you should've thought harder about following someone and then IMMEDIATELY sending them an anonymous ask about me and s0uless, cause that DEFINETLY isn't fucking fishy at all, dumbass. That's how I was alerted to you and your new bullshit. Don't try and act like I'm a freak that keeps tabs on you, I thought you'd drop off the face of the earth after that one callout thread got made on you. You wanna talk about evidence of wrongdoing? Nothing really shows your true colors more than publicly being racist, harassing minors, and consistently AND RECENTLY consuming bestiality porn of minors. Try bouncing back from saying that YOU want to make noncon porn of your favs, or being a whole ass adult saying you wanna fuck a 16 year old character that you KNOW is 16. THATS some REAL freak shit that YOU admitted to your damn self, you don't get to act like me or s0uless are the real freaks when there is REAL AND RECENT EVIDENCE of you doing that shit, you gross fuck.
Leave us the fuck alone, I do not care about your pathetic ass and s0uless sure as shit doesn't either. This has been going on for over a FUCKING YEAR NOW and i dont give a single SHIT about playing nice and being quiet about it anymore. Don't fucking come whining to me and acting like you're remorseful again when you're PULLING THIS SHIT AGAIN. Leave me the fuck alone and I'll leave you the fuck alone. Expect a restraining order dumbass, it was real easy to get your info when you've got it so readily available online! If youre gonna play stupid games, expect to win stupid prizes. Get the fuck off my and my husband's dick and focus on fixing yourself you ghoul. Do some fucking introspection so you can figure out why the fuck people don't like you. And don't come to me threatening suicide again, I don't give a single SHIT about you and I'm sure as SHIT not going to give you any sympathy when you've shown no fucking growth or genuine remorse for all of this. I've thought about killing myself a lot lately too, you're not fucking special.
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norskasai 3 months
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Think i forgot to upload them here,,,
Finally, renders of my two most recent models I created!! -- Whereas the first models design "Raleth" belongs to me! ! Again, credits for the sec models design "Chacier" belongs to @/Murderbab on twttr / @buttery-art on here
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