I'm fucking ruined
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“my favourite character only acts like an asshole because he’s deflecting/covering up his insecurities 🥺🥺🥺” you are so boring. he acts like that because he sucks. worst motherfucker on earth (affectionate). stop making excuses for him
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Sony catalog (1988)
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Re: my earlier post
it looks like an actual height chart DOES exist, but this is the only time I’ve seen it.
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what a way to announce your skills issue anyway how long is y'all's longest internet friendship, mine is 14 years
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politely cropped version of the thunderhorse bloopers dvd extra
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Wanted to design a dethmug of myself (a bit egotistical? Maybe, but the idea of a personalized skull mug is too funny) so I made this base if anyone else wants to make their own too. Please credit me if you use them.
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You’re getting married to your Tumblr pfp how fucked are u
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bernadette by iamx
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I'm.just a stupid fucking animal I have no rights and don't deserve any I hate myself so much
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Alot of people dind it very confusing on Nathan supposdley making Pickles forgive his absuer brother in order to get sober, this is not what Nathan means, lets look into it.
Its very obvious that Nathan doesnt have a “forgive and forget abusers no matter what because family😊” mindset from his view of pickles family and the rest of the bands bio family in dethfam, dethchristmas, and motherklok, where he outright tells pickles that his mom is a pos and he needs to stop fucking with her. “You should tell your mom to fuck herself”-Nathan Explosion
Pickles bio fam dynamic is very complicated but easily summed up, his parents are abusers, Seth is the golden child and Pickles is the scape goat. Pickles developed his addiction at age six from an event were his brother burned down the garage and blamed it on him (keep in mind his brother was only a couple years older than Pickles here, probably around 8 or 9, this is very important).
The thing about Pickles, is that Pickles blames little kid Seth for the abuse he received as a child, ignoring the fact that Seth was also a child living in that same abusive household dealing with those same abusive parents. Like burning down a garage is NOT the trait of a healthy well adjusted little boy with a good home life, Little Seth was obviously looking for some form of attention and affection from their shitty parents too. But that moment was a major catalyst in Pickles life, as it not only permanently cemented him as the scape goat and Seth as the golden child in the family dynamics, but also was the start of his alcoholism, which aides in the overall decline of his life.
Instead of Pickles holding the real problem accountable for their actions(his abusive parents) he blames little Seth for the abuse and holds resentment for little Seth, and uses that event and that family dynamic as an excuse to binge drink, instead of an explanation for his binge drinking.
ADULT Seth however, is an abusive pos who constantly harrasses and manipulates Pickles, taking advantage of Pickles and constantly begging for *huge* sums of cash, even physically assaulting him in dethwedding. Seth is just an overall pos in general, beating up hookers, getting with barely legal teenagers, regular douchebaggery. ADULT Seth should not be forgiven, especially since he makes zero effort to change his ways and uses every moment he can to join in with his parents to make Pickles life as miserable as possible. ADULT Seth is a grown ass man who knows what hes doing and has no excuse for his shitty actions, little Seth however…
Pickles wont be able to move on with his sobriety until he forgives little Seth for what he did that day and stops blaming little Seth for the actions of their abuser parents. HOWEVER, he also wont be able to move on with his sobriety if he *keeps* forgiving ADULT Seth and enabling him. He literally apologizes to Seth in this episode, not for blaming him for the abuse their parents did, but instead for being reasonably upset at Seth for abusing him as a grown ass man and constantly taking advantage of him and his money??? Pickles sweetie that is literally the complete opposite of what Nathan wanted you to do😫. And on top of that he CONTINUES to let Seth take advantage of him and gives him millions of dollars??? Pickles what??!? The lesson was supposed to be, forgive your brother for the shitty things he did as a helpless abused child and hold him accountable for the shitty things he does as a grown adult, not harbor resentment for him as a helpless abused child but forgive and forget his abuse as an adult and continue to enable him??? Theres still hope since he stands up to his abusive mom in motherklok, hopefully Seth is next ☺️.
His moment was Seth was so fucking unsatisfying like plzzz bro, plzzz. Nathan needed to come down there and clarify what he meant because watching Seth use Pickles moment of vulnerability in order to swindle MILLIONS of dollars from him made me so sad for Pickles :(.
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what is metal apocalypse abt
5 idiots in a death metal band discover the true meaning of friendship
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Toki as Carrie. Also just an excuse to draw his baby blues
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I could not find an official dethklok height chart for the life of me and the show doesn’t exactly help, so here’s an attempt as accurate as I can get it. Steal and spread as you wish idc
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