nvels · 4 years
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❝ i don’t know - y’think it’s a good idea ? ❞ olive toned digits skimmed over her cotton fabric tee in attempt to distract herself, and avert from meeting the individuals eye.  ❝ it’s not really my kind of thing. don’t even think i’ll be remotely good at it either. ❞  d o u b t  was prominent in the melodious voice. a flaw that she had picked up since the beginning of grade school, to continuously belittle herself into much less than what she is truly capable of.
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“ of course it’s a good idea , i came up with it. ” now , noel was definitely giving himself way too much credit –– koleen shouldn’t trust him , though there was a chance charming smile and smooth words made it so she did. “ think you’ll be fine , princess , besides , i’ll be RIGHT there the only time. ” sly tone coats his words , running a hand through messy locks as he tries to con her into the task. “ c’mon , you’re gonna be fine , PROMISE. ”
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nvels · 4 years
“Listen, the best part of my night is hands down remembering that it’s takeout night. Chicken Lo Mein makes anyones night better.” He was struggling to carry the bags, his skateboard, and the open container of noodles, but he was managing. “I’ll give you a bite if you wouldn’t mind helping me out?” 
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now , it wasn’t that noel didn’t care ––– it was just , well , he didn’t really care. he’s really minding his own business , watching the other struggle and , of course , he has to be asked for help. “ don’t really think some shitty chicken lo mein is worst wasting my own time. ” he speaks back , voice lacking any emotion at all. “ unless it’s from lee’s a few blocks down. then it’s worth it. ”
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nvels · 4 years
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           “  mercury’s  in  retrograde  .  ”  tim  quips  ,   tossing  the  remnants  of  the  apple  juice  she’d  sucked  down  into  the  nearest  garbage  can  .   she’s  never  believed  in  astrology  ,   but  she  likes  to  reference  it  out  of  irony  as  often  as  she  can  .   noel’s  misfortune  had  been  her  perfect  opportunity  .   “  you  need  supermodel  arms  like  mine  .  ”  plopping  down  to  her  knees  ,   she  sticks  a  sparsely  tattooed  arm  through  the  machine’s  opening ,   hooking  it  upwards  so  she  can  yank  his  water  out  .  it’s  crumpled  ,   sure  .   but  still  drinkable  .   “  accusing  people  of  staring  at  you  isn’t  cute  ,   you  know  .   presumptuous  assholes  never  prosper  .  ”   she  stands  ,   presenting  the  bottle  as  if  it  was  a  thousand  dollar  bottle  of  moët  instead  of  something  he  could’ve  gotten  from  the  tap  for  free  .  
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 “  whatever  the  fuck  THAT  means  ,  tim.  ”  if  you  asked  noel  ,  he’s  actually  glad  it’s  her  and  not  anyone  else  who  happened  to  be  walking  by  ,  but  he  would  never  say  that  to  her  face.  “  are  you  saying  i’m  not  capable  of  being  a  supermodel  ??  i’m  fucking  offended  ,  asshole.  i’m  beautiful  and  i  have  a  supermodel  body  in  my  heart  ,  so  fuck  off.  ”  he  chuckles  softly  ,  eyebrows  raising  as  he  watches  her  little  snatch  a  water  bottle  from  the  vending  machine.  “  shit  ,  alright  ,  thief.  ”  he  takes  the  water  from  her  before  he  laughs  ,  shrugging  his  shoulders  gently.  “  don’t  need  to  prosper  ,  just  want  to  drink  some  fucking  water  and  call  it  a  god  damn  day.  and  ,  besides  ,  don’t  need  basic  statistics  to  confirm  that  i’m  cute.  i’m  all  fully  self-aware  ,  but  thanks  for  being  concerned.  AND  ...  you  were  staring  ,  so  ...  liars  never  prosper  either  ,  i  guess.  ”
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nvels · 4 years
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 to  say  the  very  LEAST  ,  it  had  been  a  r  o  u  g  h  afternoon  for  noel  flores.  FIRST  ,  the  walk  to  work  included  nearly  being  obliterated  by  a  pigeon.  NEXT  ,  work  just  generally  sucked  ,  though  that  was  common  ,  he  had  hoped  work  would  at  least  be  smooth.  LAST  ,  well  ,  all  he  wanted  was  a  damn  water  from  the  vending  machine  before  working  out  ,  and  of  course  the  machine  just  has  to  steal  his  dollar.  maybe  it’s  not  a  BIG  deal  ,  but  he  was  absolutely  over  this  day.    “  jesus  fucking  –––  i’m  sure  i  deserve  karma  ,  but  what  the  fuck  is  happening  today  ?!    ”  his  foot  lifts  ,  landing  a  loud  THUD  against  the  machine  ,  to  no  avail.  “  piece  of  fucking  –––  ”  he  realizes  that  all  him  kicking  the  machine  did  was  catch  the  eye  of  whoever  had  been  passing  by.  “  don’t  think  STARING  is  going  to  help  anyone  in  this  situation.  ”  his  tone  was  soft  ,  but  laced  with  annoyance.
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nvels · 4 years
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yun: who tf pissed on your coffee? yun: here i am, unproblematic n hot yun: u :) can :) fuck :) off :)
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NOEL : you are hot but idk about unproblematic  NOEL : ur the one who wants to make out w/ me !  NOEL : im coming tf out you already invited me , fucker
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nvels · 4 years
              𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑡         ›   open
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yunseo: party. tonight. see you @ 9pm. yunseo: behave n’ you get a smooch. yunseo: gross. you get a mf kiss. 
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NOEL : since when were u the fuckin’ boss of me , huh ? NOEL : and what makes u think i want a damn kiss ?!  NOEL : so god damn bold today , jesus ! 
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nvels · 4 years
i keep gettin my chars mixed up bc i usually play froy real soft n sweet so the lil fucker that is noel is throwing me OFF but ne way .... i love y’all come plot w/ me n the boys if u haven’t <3
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nvels · 4 years
howdy , pals ! i’m admin c and this is baby number one , NOEL FLORES , ur local lil jerk. noel is my baby and i love him but hes Annoying as fuck but i hppe u love him too :( anyway pls enjoy and hmu if u wanna plot with noel or my other boy , nic !
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froy gutierrez. cis male. he/him. one. * / oh , i just saw noel flores coming out of apt. #1610 if you were looking for them! the twenty-one year old is a college student + barista and i heard they’re a leo which makes total sense. if you can’t find their room , just listen for me & ur ghost by blackbear ; i heard they’re obsessed. \ * admin c. 21+. she/her. est. 
full name : noel angel flores.
occupation : barista , psychology major.
style : button up shirts , polos , Fuckboy kinda lookin outfits
personality : closed off , a lil shit , u think hes joking but hes just mean :/
sexuality : bisexual , biromantic , 10/10 will fuck
BACKGROUND : not really any triggers but there is mention of foster families + abandonment. 
noel is from austin , texas and was born to two parents who did Not want this boy because they just weren’t ready for a kid. however ! they tried to raise him anyway and the the age of 8 , noel ended up in the foster system because his parents were deemed unfit
he was put with different foster families and would consistently run away. they tried different group homes, different families, everything they could and noel just couldn’t understand why his parents didn’t want to be good for him.
he struggled a lot growing up , but found a relatively stable family when was he about fifteen. they were a couple who were both foster kids , each left by their respective families.
they had a few other kids and noel actually stayed with them until he was eighteen. 
he never really felt like they were his family, but he actually felt comfortable with them. they knew that noel wasn’t going to stay with them, so they helped him move out when he turned eighteen, supporting his move to new york city
recently he got his associated degree and started majoring in psychology , as suggested by his foster family. he still talks to them relatively often , which is surprising for him
works at a coffee shop by the flats to support himself while he goes to college.
he’s generally pretty troubled but covers it up with sarcasm and avoidance. 
he can be really , really loving he’s just always been scared to let people in. 
has been in a few relationships , all messy as fuck bc he’s messy as fuck :/
someone he’s known since he moved to the city , maybe they’re close and it kinda scares him
hookups , he’s got a few consistent ones i’m sure
exes ??? but also gimmie an ex that hurt HIM bc i love pain :/
other baristas or locals to the coffee shop he works at
general friends who put up with him
honestly anything
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nvels · 4 years
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nvels · 4 years
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nvels · 4 years
tag drop. 
(  ───  ✖  ɴɪᴄᴏʟᴀɪ  ᴡᴏʟғᴇ  ◦  study  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴɪᴄᴏʟᴀɪ  ᴡᴏʟғᴇ  ◦  visage  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴɪᴄᴏʟᴀɪ  ᴡᴏʟғᴇ  ◦  speaking  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴɪᴄᴏʟᴀɪ  ᴡᴏʟғᴇ  ◦  sms  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴᴏᴇʟ  ғʟᴏʀᴇs  ◦  study  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴᴏᴇʟ  ғʟᴏʀᴇs  ◦  visage  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴᴏᴇʟ  ғʟᴏʀᴇs  ◦  speaking  )
(  ───  ✖  ɴᴏᴇʟ  ғʟᴏʀᴇs  ◦  sms  )
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nvels · 4 years
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Froy Gutierrez by Jessica Che
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