nyongsimp · 10 days
Jinyoung’s iconic line in GOT7’s TEENAGER 💚
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nyongsimp · 5 months
look, ducks! (pjy)
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pjy x female reader word count: 1.3k genre: fluff, slice of life, first snow. warnings: idk if jinyoung likes to play in the snow, but i think it fits him, so you can take this as a warning. mature content: no. a/n: first of all; happy holidays !! i hope you have been having a delightful time, if it isn't your case i do really am sorry and hope that you can have a better time next year, sending hugs for everyone who needs and wants one !! i also wish you a happy new year 2024, it's just around the corner and it feels so bittersweet and yet is another year full of opportunities !! my best wishes go to you all !!
summary: it's your first time spending christmas with your boyfriend, and with help of the first snow, he finds a way to make this time memorable.
Even though it was the weekend, Jinyoung had some shootings to do before finishing the last project of the year. On a regular day, you usually weren’t able to join him while he was working, but today as it was the last day scheduled before they could have a deserved Christmas break, so here you were, on set, with a huge jacket while he was reading his lines before he was called to shoot his final scenes of the day.
You have always loved the way he was so passionate about acting, reading the script as many times as he could until he could decipher the real purpose of the character he was portraying, which he often succeeded doing, leading to an amazing performance. Not only that, but the way he also was dedicated to music and how he could portray such feelings with metaphors and symbols. Jinyoung’s passions and dedication were something you have always admired him for.
The set was nice, they were recording inside a coffee shop as they needed a bit more angles here before they could call the day off. It was a nice coffee shop, very warm and pleasant to sight, the owners had to close for the day as only staff was allowed, trying to keep the most secrecy of the project before it was aired.
A couple hours later you were finally dismissed, Jinyoung going to change his character’s clothes for his own. You waited for him outside, noticing how even if there was still some sunlight, the temperature started dropping and you wished to have waited inside. Looking around to see if Jinyong was near you felt something fall in your nose; a snowflake, and that's when you notice the snow falling on the streets. You have heard of a white Christmas, but you have never actually seen—let alone live one.
“It is beautiful,” you said to yourself.
“I know, right?” Jinyoung’s voice made you jump by the sudden way he had approached you without you noticing him, he was looking at you though. He took your hand in his, “you’re freezing, why didn’t you tell me?” you shrugged, you had been in such a focused state watching the small snowflakes falling that you hadn’t even noticed how cold you actually were.
Your boyfriend, as the charming man he usually is, took both your hands in his and brought them to his mouth, blowing on them to try and make them warm. You took that as an opportunity to look at him, it had been so long since you both had time for each other—your schedules often crashing—that you wanted to try and remember as much of him as you could. His nose and cheeks were pink from the cold weather, his hair—now being covered by snow—was down, barely covering his forehead and brushing his eyes. His eyes were focused on your hands, eyelashes long and full. His soft lips were a little chapped as he had forgotten to put some chapstick before coming to the location. You were sure you were irreparably in-love with this man, not that you were complaining.
You tugged your hands to pull him closer to you and kissed him. Usually both of you were careful of the public displays of affection as the public and the media always had some comment about any celebrity’s personal life. He let you kiss him, smiling in the middle of it and never letting your hands go.
Pulling away you smiled, “let’s go, I’m freezing here.”
The snow had already painted the sidewalks and streets white, but there was still enough time for you to get home. Jinyoung let you go inside the company’s car first, and brought you closer to him, causing his manager to roll his eyes. Jinyoung’s manager was one of the first ones to know that you were seriously dating a few months ago, and he didn’t really complain about it but he always enjoyed messing up with Jinyoung.
Once at the company, you both went to Jinyoung’s car after saying goodbye and wishing happy holidays to the staff. The sun had set a few minutes ago and now you were engulfed by the night, you were glad that you were close to home as the snowy weather made driving a little more difficult.
After a few minutes you arrived at your destination, happy to spend more time with the person you loved the most. As soon as you walked through the doors, you felt Jinyoung relax, his schedules had been so hectic these last weeks that you had seen him only once when he was deeply asleep after two full days of shooting. You took off both your jackets and hanged them by the door.
“You fancy some hot chocolate?” you hugged him, and he sighed in content.
A moment later both of you were tucked in bed holding each a hot chocolate, and after you finished your drink you fell asleep.
Opening your eyes, you knew Jinyoung wasn’t in bed. He had always told you how much he loves snow, and you were sure he was getting dressed to go and play with it. You, on the other hand, on days where it was very cold like this, wanted to stay at home and eat as much warm food— like soups and broths—as you could. However, if Jinyoung wanted to go and play with snow, you didn’t see any harm in doing that.
Getting up from bed, you started looking for your boyfriend, only to find him already outside making a small snowman. You put on warmer clothes and went out to him, noticing how it wasn’t a snowman he was building. Walking closer to him, you also noticed a beautifully fresh made heart on the snow to which your man was taking a picture.
“I was wondering,” now it was your turn to surprise him, he looked back at you and smiled, “where could Jinyoung be this early, he doesn’t have any schedule I’m aware of. I even thought of sending a text to your manager to know if it was a last minute shooting,” you dramatized at the same time Jinyoung fixed your scarf.
“I’m sorry, it’s just—look, ducks!” he moved aside, letting you see the snow ducks he had made. Jinyoung had bought a snow-duck-maker or however that is called, considering you had never seen one before. “You told me that you had never seen snow before, so I thought of surprising you with this.”
Your mouth opened in surprise, it was so beautiful. There were two ducks together and then some more behind them. You wondered how long Jinyoung had been outside doing snow ducks, smiling at the thought. Taking your phone out and taking a mitten off, you decided to take some candid pictures of Jinyoung doing snow ducks. You loved the way his eyes lit up when he showed you his creation. Photos meant a lot for both of you, and you knew the moment he noticed you taking him some, he would take you some as well.
Deciding that it was enough, you put your mitten back on and kept your phone on the front bag of your jacket before starting to make a snowball. It was odd, feeling how the snow started melting through the knitted mittens. Then, you threw that snowball at your boyfriend, caughting him off guard.
Jinyoung fell on his ass, “hey!” you stuck your tongue at him and then proceeded to throw him another snowball. “Alright, it’s on!” he replied laughing while making a bigger snowball.
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nyongsimp · 6 months
since i met you (pjy)
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pjy x female reader word count: 1.4k genre: fluff, married life, domestic life, slice of life, christmas time, surprise gift, meet the family warnings: if you happen to speak another language rather than English, you might feel things. jinyoung learns a new language to surprise his wife. mature content: no. a/n: nobody ever told me the hardships of being an adult with tons of job responsibilities (and how to be financially responsible). a lot has happened, still a lot of fics of all lenghts on the works that i do promise that will be uploaded sooner or later (most likely later, BUT WILL BE UPLOADED I SWEAR !!). i'll place another author's note at the end of the one shot so you can know what jinyoung (and he family) said. enjoy!!! MASTERPOST.
summary: it's christmas time, and also the first time jinyoung gets to meet your whole family who doesn't speak English nor Korean, something that makes you uneasy until you see how well jinyoung gets along with everybody.
Life has its strange ways and turns, one day you’re saying goodbye to your family without knowing when or if you would ever cross paths again, and the other your in-laws are driving you and your husband to the airport so you both can go and visit your family, which you hadn’t seen since your wedding almost a year ago.
After a final hug and well-intended see you soons, you walked to the ariport’s waiting room. This flight was long, longer than most international flights. However, it did excite you to know that you will be spending Christmas and New Year in your country. These two next weeks would be the most time he will be spending there, and you knew undoubtedly that he was also very excited.
“I swear they won’t mean anything bad, they’re just a bit handful,” you warned him. He has spent time with your family  yes, but never this much time, neither outside of his country nor your mom and dad’s sides fully. Often being just your mom or dad, or both. Sometimes you could even add your sister to the equation. He smiled, “I think I can manage,” kissing your temple, you allowed yourself to relax into his embrace, waiting for your flight to be announced.
The way he handled your youngest cousins and baby nephews and nieces made you giddy. You have had the talk, and he never actually pushed you into getting pregnant—something you were most grateful for—however, the baby fever you were facing at the moment was getting out of control. Your cheeks were hurting from smiling that much, even your mom had playfully elbowed you, which you answered playing dumb.
Jinyoung had not made anything that could have made you think he was uncomfortable nor struggling communicating. Your relationship struggled at the beginning as you weren’t fluent in Korean and even though his English was really good, he had to make an effort so you could communicate without having to pressure you into learning Korean faster, meaning that now both of you were fluent in both languages.
Either way, you knowing English didn’t mean that your family knew English too. Your sister and cousins, sure. But your parents, uncles and aunts struggled with that as it wasn’t commonly thought when they were studying. You were glad that Jinyoung could communicate with some of your family and that they could help him and the eldest part of the family to comprehend the other and be able to have a conversation.
Your dad was now deep in conversation with your husband and uncles, making him part of the “male circle” as you often identified them as. You knew that your dad had been trying to learn both English and Korean, as well as your mom, so he could have a somewhat easy conversation with Jinyoung, something that made your heart warm, as he had never made such an effort before.
After dinner, it was time to open the Christmas gifts, making everyone reunite around the living room to start the exchange. The whole dynamic was amazing and wholesome. The kids were embellished by Jinyoung—to no one’s surprise, really—. He had every single member of your family just as wrapped around his finger as you.
The evening continued as the kids were playing with their respective gifts and the older generations were chatting while sipping a festive drink. You really tried to engage in the conversation, but Jinyoung drawing circles on your thigh with his thumb was making you sleepy. He noticed and placed a kiss on your hair.
“Do you want to go?” he asked, knowing that you were beyond tired.
Before agreeing on taking this vacation with your family, you had to finish a long to-do list. Even when you had bought the plane tickets you weren’t entirely sure that you could make it all the way here. The company you worked for had a few last-minute things to fix, and Jinyoung’s schedule suddenly had another two filming days to complete. To this day you still have no idea how you both managed to come.
You denied with your head, you were far too happy being here no matter how tired you were, “it’s ok, I can handle another hour” you whispered to his ear, “and they offered us a room here, we don’t have to go back to the hotel today.”
Jinyoung nodded and pulled you closer to him.
After spending a few days with your mom’s side of the family, you went back to your childhood town to spend New Year’s with your dad’s side of the family.
His family could be a bigger communication challenge than you could have foreseen. None of them, except for your sister, your younger cousin and your parents could effectively communicate with your husband. You weren’t about to lie and say that it didn’t matter because it did, but it wasn’t a big deal.
This time you were by Jinyoung’s side most of the time, helping him or your relatives to understand what the other meant or wanted to say. There were a few silly jokes about the Gangnam Style, the only Korean thing they could remember, making Jinyoung laugh wholeheartedly as he also liked that song.
After dining, everyone joined the games in the living room. It was a funny yet bittersweet feeling as you hoped your grandparents could meet your husband, something that had zero possibilities of happening even before you met him. Jinyoung felt your mood change and hugged you closer to him, and you let him comfort you without uttering a single word.
Between a friendly banter and laughs the night drifted to seconds before midnight. Now you were standing up, waiting for the countdown for New Year, when you heard the screams of your family as they said the numbers backwards starting from 10 you felt giddy, as you had always enjoyed this part of the celebrations.
“¡Cinco!” Jinyoung hugged you by your middle, making your body face him.
“¡Cuatro!” you were watching everyone in the room, even the pictures of those who had left this realm early on.
Your parents were looking at you both, and you smiled at them, “¡Tres!” 
“¡Dos!” they tried to tell you something, but they weren’t successful at doing so as you had no clue what they were saying.
“¡Uno!” Jinyoung grabbed your chin, and now you were looking at him. He smiled, and you were lost in his shiny warm eyes.
“Feliz Año Nuevo, mi amor” he said perfectly.
Before you even had time to process what happened, he kissed you tenderly and you let him. One of his hands caressed your cheek while the other guided you to his lips, your hands were hugging him by his waist. The kiss felt eternal, even though you knew it lasted only a few seconds.
As you broke apart, your eldest aunt had a cheeky smile, “no nos dijiste que sabe hablar español.”
“Porque no sabe,” you started, “seguramente se aprendió unas cositas nada más.”
Jinyoung laughed and threw an arm over your shoulders, “me ofendes.”
Your head turned to look at him before you could notice it. You must have imagined it, he hadn’t spoken Spanish, you would have noticed it before you came to visit your family.
“¿Qué?” even your parents were endeared by your reaction, “¿ustedes ya sabían?”
Your dad laughed, “desde Navidad.”
“¿En serio no sabías?” your mom said softly.
Looking at Jinyoung with teary eyes, you smiled, “you better explain yourself.”
“Va a sonar muy tonto,” he blushed, and you knew that you had started crying softly already, overwhelmed by the surprise, “pero desde que te conocí empecé a aprender español,” his thumbs wiped your quiet but happy tears. “Son lágrimas de felicidad, ¿cierto? No soportaría hacerte llorar a menos que fuera algo feliz,” he hugged you.
You heard your sister say, “iiiii, ya va a llorar,” so you looked at her, who was mocking you for your reaction.
“Míralos, qué bonitos,” your oldest aunt said, making you blush, you had forgotten for a moment that in this house you couldn’t have a private moment even if you tried to have one.
Everyone laughed and after a few seconds you started hugging everyone in your family, watching Jinyoung speak to them with no problem.
You couldn’t believe how lucky you were by having him in your life, but that didn’t mean that you weren’t grateful for it.
a/n: as a Spanish speaker person this almost made me cry while writing it. also, even if there were some numbers spoken, here you have all the meanings of what the family said:
¡cinco! = 5 ¡cuatro! = 4 ¡tres! = 3 ¡dos! = 2 ¡uno! = 1 ¡feliz año nuevo, mi amor! = happy new year, love! no nos dijiste que sabe hablar español = you didn't tell us that he speaks Spanish porque no sabe = because he doesn't know seguramente se aprendió unas cositas nada más = he could've just learned a few things me ofendes = you offend me ¿qué? = what? ¿ustedes ya sabían? = you knew? ¿en serio no sabías? = you really didn't know? va a sonar muy tonto = it may sound silly pero desde que te conocí empecé a aprender español = but since i met you i started learning Spanish son lágrimas de felicidad, ¿cierto? no soportaría hacerte llorar a menos que fuera algo feliz = those are happy tears, right? i couldn't fathom making you cry if it wasn't for something happy iiiii, ya va a llorar = look, she's gonna cry (in Spanish we can use iiiii as a way to mocking someone) míralos, qué bonitos = look at them, aren't they cute?
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nyongsimp · 6 months
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nyongsimp · 2 years
birthday boy (pjy)
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pjy x female reader word count: 1.3k genre: fluff, domestic life, slice of life, field trip warnings: trip to his hometown, so just something very domestic and birthday wise. mature content: no. a/n: I know I have some stories on the works, I'm still working on those and this was an inspiration burst from his birthday and the show he's going to be (if you had seen the video of him seeing the beach and singing, that's the one). So, yeah, I haven't forgotten about the other ones, just hadn't have enough time to continue the storyline. But they're coming, I promise. MASTERPOST.
summary: as it's his birthday, you decided to visit his family to celebrate and explore his hometown, but he had other plans for the first day back home.
A couple weeks ago you and your fianceé decided to go back to his hometown to celebrate his birthday there with his family and childhood friends, and to spend some alone time far from the main city and its chaotic life. Now, you have just finished packing and loading the car. You asked for a week off to be able to relax.
It was the 21st of September, and his birthday was tomorrow. Your fianceé had rented a house near the beach, not wanting to disturb neither his sisters nor his parents, to which you agreed. It wasn’t as if your relationship with them was difficult, but you knew how used they were to their own routines to come and mess with their schedules. You were excited, this was the first time you would be visiting more than a couple of hours, and you wanted to explore as much as you could.
The drive was nice to be a Wednesday at noon. There wasn’t much traffic, and the weather was also cooperating to the good mood you shared today. He played his favorite songs, which were actually a mix of your and his favorite songs, but your taste in music was so similar that you both ended with a playlist like that.
His left on the wheel and his right on your thigh, caressing it with his thumb. If neither of you were singing, you were giving him cash to pay the toll booth, or you were giving him some of the snacks you packed if he pouted in your direction. And after almost four hours, you finally made it to the place where Jinyoung grew.
“So? What are we going to do first after settling down?” you started, thinking about where to go, you opened the closet and continued, “To the cherry blossoms or to the seashore?” you thought about something, “Do you want to go to an observatory near here?” your head popped out of the closet after placing your clothes.
Jinyoung was quiet. That’s not what you had expected from this trip. 
An idea came to your mind. Getting closer to him you gave him a back hug, enclosing your arms by his waist and placing your head on one of his shoulder blades, “Or… what about visiting Kyungja first? They are expecting us tomorrow afternoon anyway, it would be nice if we surprise them today, don’t you think?”
“Yes, it would be nice,” he said without giving it more thought and placing his hands over yours.
“Wouldn’t you like to have the rest of today for us? It’s not usual to be just us two with no responsibilities and having this kind of view,” and for the first time since you started planning this little getaway, your head stopped thinking about the touristic places and spending time with the family.
Your idea of this trip and spending time with your fianceé was about touring his hometown, however you didn’t think about his expectations of the trip. Jinyoung turned around in your arms to face you, and the light in his eyes told you that he wanted: staying in while listening to the beautiful blue ocean waves hit the shore.
Standing on your tippy toes, you placed a chaste kiss on his lips and sighed, “okay.”
He knew that even if you were staying in, you needed to put your things away, so he pulled you closer and hugged you tightly. “Let’s get comfortable first, and then walk on the beach, what about that?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded, mirroring his smile.
After a little more than an hour, you were sitting on the sofa, thinking if it was better to eat out or order a take out. You knew that burgers were one of his favorite meals, and your mom’s recipe was the best one you’ve ever tasted so far, so you decided to go shopping and cook him burgers. He hasn’t tasted them ever, but as soon as you told him it was a family recipe he was in the car to drive you to a supermarket.
Once you bought everything you needed, you came back to the place you rented. You started the meat as your mom taught you, while Jinyoung spread the mayo and mustard on the bread. When you shaped the meat in circles, Jinyoung placed the buns on the skillet and you let the meat cook on a pan. Both of you got your hands on the vegetables, and within 45 minutes you were dining your mom’s burgers.
“You like it?” you looked up to find a Jinyoung with his cheekies full and a trace of ketchup on his lower lip.
“Now I’m having doubts about you loving me” he took another bite, “It’s amazing,” with your thumb you cleaned the ketchup, and placed a kiss on his cheek before giving another bite to your burger.
“Now, tell me,” his tone was serious, “why did you keep this secret from me?”
Seeing the sunset on the beach was wonderful, it was like neither the sky nor the sea were ending. Jinyoung sat down next to you on the couch and pulled you to his side by side hugging you by your shoulders, and you happily complied by cuddling closer to him. Then out of nowhere you heard a thunder and jumped by surprise. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.”
You punched him lightly on his arm, “but- what was that for?”
“You know why,” you said and he started laughing.
The sun disappeared behind the clouds and rain droplets started falling to the ground, you shifted on your place and leaned your head on Jinyoung’s chest by his neck. The air was becoming colder, but in Jinyoung’s embrace you barely noticed it. You felt some vibrations on Jinyoung’s chest and you knew he was humming a song, and when you identified it you also started humming.
Looking up at his face you smiled and he leaned down to kiss you softly, it was sweet and unhurried, just enjoying the feeling of being together. He reached your face with his hand and grabbed you by the nape of your neck, while the other helped you shift on top of him while grabbing your waist. You kept kissing with the waves and the rain as background noise, the cozyness of it all being wonderful. He smiled and stopped the kiss to place a few pecks and then continue the cuddling, his fingers caressing up and down your arm.
It was no surprise that you both fell asleep, your agendas being full most of the time and him recording mostly at night these last days of recording. Everything was dark when you opened your eyes, Jinyoung’s body warmth being too comfortable for you to move, still you reached for your phone on the floor and once you saw the hour you thought twice about getting up or not, as you didn’t want him to wake up and his possessive grip telling you that you couldn’t go away didn’t make anything easier. But just as you were giving up, you felt him stir.
“What happened?” you loved his husky sleepy voice, it made your heart melt, “your phone screen light woke me.”
“Nothing, just stay here, I’ll be right back,” to which he protested as soon as you started moving away from him, earning you a pout and grabby hands from him, “I just need to grab something quickly,” you gave him a peck, “I’ll be right back.”
You went to the fridge and took out the mini cake that you bought without him noticing it, grabbed a few candles and turned them on before making your way back to him singing happy birthday. The look in his face was everything, his eyes looking at you in adoration, mirroring yours. “Now, blow the candles, birthday boy.”
And so he did.
You placed the cake on the coffee table and covered it with the box it came in. Then, you hugged him tightly and he made you both fall back to the cuddling position on the couch, and he started singing just so softly that made you realize that the rain hadn’t stopped. So you laid there, in his arms, hearing him sing while the rain accompanied Jinyoung’s melody.
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nyongsimp · 2 years
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KIM YUMI & YOO BABI Yumi’s Cells 2 (EP.1)
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nyongsimp · 2 years
i do (pjy)
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pjy x female reader word count: 2.6k genre: fluff. warnings: just jinyoung using a tuxedo mature content: no.
summary: the biggest and happiest day of your life should feel different, shouldn't it?
It would be a total lie if you said that you weren’t nervous today. Today, of all days, you felt your headache growing stronger, your stomach going sick just at the thought of what’s about to happen, your knees falter. You felt like this wasn’t going to go as it should, and today should be perfect.
You heard a knock at the door of your apartment, the same one that you had been emptying for a while now, only having the basic furniture and the least amount of decoration on it, you just had some plants around so it wouldn’t be too tasteless. Taking deep breaths you walked to open the door and before you could welcome them, there were squeals from them.
“It’s the day!”
“How are you feeling?”
“Aren’t you excited?”
“Look at your eyebags! You sure you slept well?”
“We’ll take care of that.”
“Come on people, we have a huge day ahead.”
Trying not to let the overwhelming sensation of anxiety rise from the depths of your stomach, you smiled and nodded in agreement, welcoming all your friends and the team who would help you get ready. They brought breakfast, makeup, hair tools, and everything you could need to feel and be the prettiest bride in town.
The make up artist let you grab some food before they start getting you ready, so you went for some fruit and scrambled eggs, once you finished eating some of the staff started preparing your hair, while others did your nails and moisturized your skin. You were given a white silk robe a week prior to wear today while you were being pampered and getting ready for the ceremony.
Everything that happened after was a fuzz, the only thing you knew is that you were having a lot of doubts and you were hating yourself for that. You loved Jinyoung with everything in you, so why the hell were you doubting about marrying him when this was all you ever wanted?
After hours of hair and makeup, you were finally getting your dress, and it was the most wonderful bridal dress you had laid eyes on. Only you and your Maid of Honor -and maybe Bambam- had seen it, and three of you agreed that it was the dress. It felt so fresh and not as heavy as it seemed, it had everything you wanted; the constellations, the ocean waves, the feeling of forever and always.
Standing on your bridal shoes, your Maid of Honor helped you place the veil and the tiara. Only then, while looking at yourself in the mirror you felt like crying, which she noticed and asked the people there, even your parents, to go to their places as the wedding was about to begin, which wasn’t a total lie.
“Hey…” she started with a low voice, “are you alright? Wanna talk about it?”
You denied and then nodded with your head, feeling the knot tight on your throat, “It’s nothing,” you sobbed, trying not to ruin your makeup, “it’s just that… What if he stops loving me? what if he regrets this later on?” you felt the tears trying to escape from your eyes, so you looked up and blinked to make the tears go, “what if he notices later on that I’m not what he wants, what he needs?”
“And you’re thinking all of this because…?” she came near you and hugged you.
“It’s stupid, really,” you sobbed again.
“Was it the article?” you nodded. There was an article released stating how you seemed unfitting for the nation’s first love, Park Jinyoung, as you were a foreigner and you knew nothing about their culture. You thought that his fans would be harsher, but even then, their fandom was welcoming and accepting. Why did the media and the rest of the public thought they had a word on it? Why do they feel so entitled to say that?
There was a knock on the door that made you both jump, your Maid of Honor stood up and before walking to attend the door said, “just remember this: the boys had said that they have never seen Jinyoung to be like this to someone, to look at them with so many emotion in his eyes. You are the one he chose to marry, and that's all that matters.”
“Who's that?” your friend said, and then the ones knocking spoke.
“How’s the bride? Asking for the groom, but it’s not as if he was becoming a mess because he misses her so much.”
“Jackson, you’re not supposed to say that.” Mark said to the first one who spoke.
“Can we come in? I wanna see the bride though.”
“Bam-ah.” That was Jaebeom.
“No, no you can’t. How do I know that the groom isn’t there with y’all, don’t you know it’s bad luck if they see each other before the wedding?” you laughed lightly.
“Damn, she’s good,” you heard Yugyeom say, “come on, hyung, just speak to her.”
He was there? 
Your Maid of Honor looked at you and you nodded. Maybe all you needed was to hear his voice to know that everything would be fine. Standing up you went all the way to the door, always so careful not to trip on the edges of your dress. You heard the whispers behind the door and breathed deeply, not wanting another breakdown for them to hear and worry.
“Babe?” his voice was calm and warm as always, you felt your heart flutter and heard a tiny ew before a hit was landed onto someone’s head -maybe Bambam’s-, “How are you feeling?”
“Ow, he’s placing a hand on the door. Do it too, do it too!”
Making you take some steps backwards, your Maid of Honor went out of the bride’s room to give you some privacy, “come on boys, the bridesmaids are over here. Let’s give the love birds some alone time.”
You heard some steps and then the deep sigh of your groom, “I know you read the article. You know that doesn’t matter to me, right? The reason I’m here today is because I know you’re the one for me, and I hope to be the one for you.”
“It’s hard, Jinyoung. My life has never been in the public eye, I- my life was as if I didn’t exist.” you laughed out of anxiety.
“I don’t want to tell you that it won’t be hard, the public will always be there, but something I learned through all my years as an artist is that they will never know the truth behind everything, so just let them play with what they think, and enjoy your privacy. I won’t let anybody hurt you, ever.” you could feel his anger and annoyance towards the media, his worry towards you.
Your hand was on the doorknob while the other was on a fist, trying to stop yourself from opening the door and throwing yourself in your lover’s arms.
“What are you doing here?!” you heard the planner say to Jinyoung, “you are supposed to be at the altar now, waiting for her. Go, boy, go.”
“Jinyoung!” you said as soon as you heard some shifting on his side of the door, “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” you heard his smile, “See you in a bit.”
You went to fix your skirt and veil, and a few seconds later your Maid of Honor came in with your bridal bouquet. It was time for it. You took the bridal bouquet from her hands and she went in for a hug right when the rest of the bridesmaids went inside the room. You inhaled deeply just in time for all of you to go down the aisle. Your heart was on your ears and your hands were a bit sweaty.
As you approximated the bridal party you felt the anxiety fading away. He chose you, he wanted you forever.
You hugged your parents and held them by the arm, as they were going to escort you to Jinyoung. Your Maid of Honor walked along with Jaebeom, Jinyoung’s Best Man, and in a blink of an eye the doors opened again and the piano started playing the bridal arrangement you asked for, your feet started walking and you were watching how they moved the hem of your dress. Taking another deep breath you looked up to your guests, your parents, Jinyoung’s family, your bridesmaids and Jinyoung’s groomsmen, to finally see Jinyoung the most handsome you have ever seen him.
Just by looking at him you felt everything else disappear, there were only you and him. By the whiskers in his eyes you knew he was smiling, but his shoulders were shaking and his hands were covering his mouth.
Could he be…?
At the moment he turned around and bent a bit over himself you knew he was crying which made you start crying. You counted the steps before you could be with him. Jinyoung turned back at you and now that you were closer you could actually see his tears rolling on his cheeks. 10 more steps and you will be next to him. This felt just like in the movies; the music in the background, the rest of the people fading away and only existing you two. You never thought the movie feeling could be so real.
4 more steps and you will be with your forever.
You both whispered a hi to the other before your father spoke, “I had my doubts about you, and I may not like you for the rest of my life because you’re taking her too far away from me, but I know that you care about her, that you love her, and that you make her the happiest I have ever seen her, and that’s why I trust you with my daughter, son.”
You felt your mother’s embrace and then your father’s just before he placed your hand on Jinyoung’s, and they went to their seats. Your Maid of Honor took your bouquet and both your hands were in Jinyoung’s, and as soon as you felt the warmth of his hands you knew he was nervous as well. He placed a gentle kiss in your knuckles before uncovering your face from the veil, which caused both of you to laugh lovingly at each other.
Jinyoung’s eyes were glossy and his cheeks puffy, you felt like you could explode from joy at the moment he smiled back at you and caressed your face with his hand. Your doubts and anxiety fading away every second you felt Jinyoung by your side or grabbing your hands. You were sure that none of you were paying attention to what the minister was saying, focused on playing with your fingers or stealing glances of the other. The minister asked you both to stand so you could say your vows to each other.
Taking Jinyoung's hands in yours, you spoke, “If someone told me years ago, that I would be marrying the love of my life, my person, at the other side of the world, I would have never believed them. Mostly because I couldn’t see myself without being near my family, but now I found a new family here,” you looked at your friends and his family.
“I know I dreamed of you when I was younger, but you didn’t have a face nor a name. Ever since we first spoke I felt something different with you, and I know you felt it too,” you felt your throat close and your eyes fill with tears, “and weeks later we confirmed it on our very first date as a couple, when I knew that–” you sobbed, feeling the tears rolling down your face. “That if I let you go I would regret that for the rest of my life.” Jinyoung kissed you softly on the lips, causing you to smile, and you looked at his family, “So, I want to thank your family, and everyone you shared your life with for making you the man you are today, the man I fell in love with, and the one and only I want to spend the rest of my life with, because with you life is better, Jinyoung. I love you.”
Once you finished your vows, you looked at him in the eye and you knew he was on the verge of crying. Jinyoung squeezed your hands a little and you squeezed back, giving him strength. You swear you saw the oldests of the group holding back his tears.
“Yah, don’t cry hyungs.” you heard Youngjae whisper.
Jinyoung spoke after licking his lips, “I am aware that most of the media says that you’re not good enough for me, but what they don’t know is that I am the one who’s not good enough for you. You are staying away from your parents, speaking a different language, and adapting to a new culture while I stay here with everything I knew since child. I know that I wouldn't be here today if it wasn’t for you; your enthusiasm every time I told you about a new script or a new song that I had on mind, the joy you received me after long weeks of shooting or recording, even though I knew you were waiting for me awake even if you were exhausted, how every time you said that haters didn’t know the real me and gave me strength by staying by my side. None of them knows that I’m the one that’s lacking, and none of them knows me better than you do.” his hand went to cup your cheek, caressing your skin with his thumb.
“You said–'' he gulped, drowning his tears, “said that we confirmed that this was how it’s supposed to be on our first date, but for me it was before; when we ran to each other that day on the beach of my hometown at night, when the moon was shining above us, and at that moment I knew that you would be my moon and my stars, enlightening my darkest nights. You’re my one and only, and I’m the happiest man on Earth because I get to spend the rest of my life with you. And if there’s another life, I’ll do my best to find you again and be together until the end of time.”
You looked at him with adoration in your eyes, and then you felt a tug in your hands. Jinyoung made you move closer to him to hug you before placing a kiss on your forehead, “I’m going to protect you for the rest of my life,” he swore to you in a whisper. 
Your Maid of Honor and his Best Man came next to you to give you the rings, which you helped the other put on. 
“To the bride,” started the minister, “do you swear yourself to this man to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?”, you nodded, sliding your marriage ring on Jinyoung’s finger.
“Yes!” you looked at your lover with the biggest smile on your face, “yes, I do.”
The minister repeated the process with Jinyoung, and then Jinyoung slided your marriage ring, “I may pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss now.”
And no more had to be said, you hugged each other tightly before sharing the kiss that would seal this new chapter in your life. Jinyoung lifted you from the floor and made you spin, forgetting the size of the tail and almost making you both fall.
Your kiss tasted like a promise, like a beginning, like the purest form of joy.
The guests clapped at you and started congratulating you. Jinyoung grabbed your hand and traced your wedding ring with his thumb before pressing some more kisses on your lips.
Looking at him you knew this was the best decision you could ever make, and the one you would never regret.
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nyongsimp · 2 years
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cr. nyoungchunzi
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nyongsimp · 2 years
language learners:
“ah shit wrong keyboard”
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nyongsimp · 2 years
This is a great way to use a song to write a fic, I LOVED THIS.
track 1. WHO DO YOU LOVE?
feat: jinyoung x reader
release date: february 1st 2022
genre: angst, comedy, fluff
word count: 1200
warnings: jealousy, alcohol drinking
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— Stop jumping around — he chuckled. — You look like a little kid.
But you weren’t able to, even if you tried very hard. Ever since your best friends from abroad had announced they were visiting you, you were so excited that not even Jinyoung was able to calm you down. He was happy for you, you talked a lot about those two friends and wanted them to finally meet your boyfriend.
Jinyoung smiled and grabbed your hand, squeezing it. However you didn’t mind him a bit when you saw a familiar face and ran towards the person with open arms. Your boyfriend didn’t have time to process your action, he could only see you being rotated in the arms of a guy and other passengers smiling at you two, probably thinking you were a couple. Finally, you stopped and walked towards him with the guy.
— Jackson, that’s Jinyoung, my boyfriend. Jinyoung, that’s Jackson, my friend.
— Best friend — he smiled and stretched his hand for the other. — Nice to finally meet you, Jinyoung, I’ve heard a lot about you.
— Only good things, I hope — he greeted Jackson with humor.
— I can’t promise.
You slapped Jackson’s shoulder, laughing, and didn’t see Jinyoung’s smile faltering a bit, but he recomposed himself and spoke:
— I thought there was another one of you?
— Ah, there is, but she lost the flight due to personal reasons. She called me right before I was boarding.
It was your time to stop smiling.
— Ah, really?
— Yes, but she told me she would try to take the next flight! I know she will make it.
You nodded and took your cell phone, seeing there was an unread message from your other friend and answering it, saying you hoped everything was alright. Then, vou clapped and exclaimed:
— Okay! Let’s go home, then we can go out to a restaurant. What do you guys say?
Both nodded. Before Jinyoung could hold your hand or your waist as he was used to, Jackson laced his arms with yours and walked in front of him. Your boyfriend pressed the tip of his tongue on the inside of his cheek and shook his head, walking in the same direction as you two. They are just happy to meet, that’s all, he thought to himself.
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The other friend sadly couldn't join you, but you had assured her you would do everything to meet her next time. Nonetheless, three days later, you were thriving beside your best friend, Jackson. You had spent so much time with him already and had hung out at many places. Jinyoung, on the other hand, wasn't too happy with the boy's presence, because it meant he would get less attention from you.
That night, you decided on going to a nightclub with Jackson, which made Jinyoung a bit confused. He leaned against the door frame of your room and looked at you through the mirror.
— I thought you didn't like nightclubs. We never went to one.
— Ah… we never did, because you hate it, that's why I didn't invite you. I'd like to try it, at least.
He clenched his jaw and breathed deeply.
— Okay, have fun.
He left the room and sat on the living room's couch, beside Jackson, where he was using his cellphone. Minutes later, you walked to the same room, showing off your outfit. Jinyoung would compliment you if he hadn't spot Jackson eyeing you in a way he didn't consider appropriate, so instead of pointing how you looked really nice, your boyfriend said:
— Hey, mate, her eyes are up there — Jinyoung warned and pushed Jackson’s chin up, making the man laugh.
— Jealous type, huh?
— You decide — he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
— Chill out.
But he couldn't "chill out", not when the man went out with his — very excited to be going out — girl, hugging her too close to be considered friendly.
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When you entered your apartment at one in the morning, too tired from partying with your friend, you were greeted with an avid kiss and quick hands on your already messy hair, Jinyoung was all over you, kissing your lips hungrily as if the world would end up the next day, almost bending your body backwards with the weight of his own. After he let go of your lips, but not of your body, securing you close to him, you breathed out:
— Wow, I don’t remember our hello kiss being a make out kiss. Is everything okay?
— More than okay.
You squinted as you felt a strong smell coming from him and stated:
— You have been drinking.
He nodded and tried to come closer to kiss you once again, but you pressed your finger on his puckered lips.
— What is wrong?
You heard a low sarcastic chuckle coming from him and watched him running both hands through his hair while turning his back to you.
— I know what’s going on and I just want you to be honest with me, ok?
— I don't know what you're talking about.
He gestured around, turning to you once again and speaking louder as he went:
— I saw your pics, okay?! You and Jackdon drinking together, you and Jackson dancing too close, the captions saying you love him and such! Just tell me who you truly love and I’ll know if I stay or if I go. Is it me or Jackson?
— Jinyoung, he is nothing like that to me.
— Then why do you give him so much attention? Why do you say you love him? Hm? When you lay on your bed, when there’s nothing else on your mind, do you think about him or about me?
— I actually think about nothing and focus on slee-
Tired of your antics, he trapped your body against his own and the wall, slapping his hand on it.
— You're not helping your situation, my dear.
You chuckled and held his face, rubbing your thumbs on his cheeks. The act made him close his eyes in enjoyment despite the reddish color on his face due to the jealousy. That couldn't make you fear him at all, since you knew he was just a bit upset.
— You know I love you more than anyone else. I tell Jackson I love him, but it's a very different kind of love. For you, I feel something intense, romantic, I want you all the time, but with Jackson is something friendly. I only romantic love you. I only think about you. But, understand, he is my best friend who I hadn't seen for a long time.
— You promise? — he slurred out, the alcohol on his bloodstream making itself more present.
— I promise you.
He hugged you tight, tighter than usual, and placed a small kiss on your shoulder.
— But he was looking at your ass earlier today.
You laughed and shook your head, having forgotten how cute your boyfriend could be when he was drunk. For that statement of his you had a comeback:
— But who gets to grab it?
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taglist: @laconic-abditory
© treasure-hwa 2022, all rights reserved. please do not repost or translate.
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nyongsimp · 2 years
Let bi boys date girls
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nyongsimp · 2 years
I really want to finish all my COMING SOON fics, but my job it's really exhausting and I just come home to eat, sleep, eat and sleep again.
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nyongsimp · 2 years
It’s weird to grow up in a family where you know you’re loved but you don’t feel loved. And then later in adulthood you understand how almost impossible it seems to cross that distance and let yourself experience closeness, how otherworldly love feels now and how love feels unbearable at times. You flinch when someone tries to wholeheartedly love you. And over and over you see so clearly how you cannot be loved unless it's from afar and love is mixed with that familiar sensation of distance and coldness.
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nyongsimp · 2 years
here you can find any fanfiction i've written and some of the others i'm currently working on. the masterlist will be updated as soon as anoher fic is uploaded, and this could mean to update it from idol to groups.
the warnings of each work will be shown once you get redirected to the fic you choose.
if you're underage, i ask you not to read any of the smut/nsfw.
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truly, madly, deeply
word count: 4.1k
genre: fluff
waking up besides the love of your life has always been a blessing, and today is no exception.
and the winner is...
word count: 814 
genre: fluff
jinyoung wants to surprise you with the prizes you didn’t know he won until the AAA aired on TV.
best part
word count: 800
genre: fluff, established relationship, domestic life.
you find yourself wondering which is your best part. turns out, he is.
word count: 3k
genre: smut/nsfw, established relationship.
you feel sexually frustrated and neglected by your boyfriend, jinyoung. after doing some cleaning you found a birthday gift for jinyoung, you send a picture with a lingerie set on to your best friend, which causes your boyfriend to rush back home to give you what you wanted.
christmas eve
word count: 1.8k
genre: christmas fluff, established relationship, married couple.
it’s christmas eve, and there wouldn’t be other place you wanted to be nor other person you’d rather spend it with.
i do
word count: 2.6k
genre: fluff, wedding.
the biggest and happiest day of your life should feel different, shouldn’t it?
birthday boy
word count: 1.3k
genre: fluff, domestic life, slice of life, field trip.
as it's his birthday, you decided to visit his family to celebrate and explore his hometown, but he had other plans for the first day back home.
since i met you
word count: 1.4k
genre: fluff, married life, domestic life, slice of life, christmas time, surprise gift, meet the family.
it's christmas time, and also the first time jinyoung gets to meet your whole family who doesn't speak English nor Korean, something that makes you uneasy until you see how well jinyoung gets along with everybody.
look, ducks!
word count: 1.3k
genre: fluff, slice of life, first snow.
summary: it's your first time spending christmas with your boyfriend, and with help of the first snow, he finds a way to make this time memorable.
genre: fluff, some angst, soulmate!au
there's only one way to communicate with your soulmate until you two meet, by dreaming with them. no one says it's easy, as you don't even know if your destined person lives in the same state or country, and no one says it's hard, as they could be one of your classmates. you know eachother by heart, but not by face.
no title yet
genre: fluff, college!au, strangers-friends-lovers.
who could have told you college was such a weird experience, you never finish knowing all your classmates, and for fools in love, there's nodoby who doesn't know you are inlove but you and the person you love.
oh, oh...
genre: fluff, e2l, childhood academic rivals, banter.
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genre: fluff, angst, royal!au
the kingdom had never had this kind of fuss, the Crown Prince will hold a ball to chose a betrothed. a new era was starting, and when your best friend proposes you, your life takes a way that confuses you more each time, and you can only hope not to end heartbroken.
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word count: 5.1k
genre: college!au, e2l, smut, fluff(?
you and younghyun didn’t have the best of the relationships, never more than classmates. one day you almost fall onto him at the library, that event triggering reactions from you both that could make you more than classmates.
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genre: fantasy!au, vampire!au
they have been between us for centuries, looking for the one who could save their kind and help to complete the prophecy.
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nyongsimp · 2 years
I’m just a kinky little introvert and that’s just how it is
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nyongsimp · 2 years
as a fanfic reader and writer i can relate to this a lot. like, there are times when i'm writing and the scene makes me feel so many things and i know that is gonna be good. or when i'm reading someone else's work and i can feel it, damn, i live for that.
do you ever read a piece of fanfic that is just so fucking spectacular that makes you actually feel things? 
boy, i swear to god, i’m so goddamn grateful for every single one of you writers, yall literally giving us entertainment for free almost every goddamn week; and this is not only for those gracious magnificent bastards that are practically gods because they’ve perfected (and keep developing) their craft, this is also to that little (and equally amazing) writer that is just starting and might not be the best at it, you my friend keep writing because practice makes perfect, don’t stop writing if that’s what makes you happy. i just want all of yall to know that i appreciate you so goddamn much and yall the fucking best
to every fanfic writer out there: i love you, u crazy motherfucker
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nyongsimp · 2 years
Eat her till she can't say your name right>>
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