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happy pride or whatever
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WIP Wednesday
I'm writing an RJK baby fic- it'll be full of mayhem and shenanigans, y'all will love it- and I just wrote a cute little snippet about them finding out the sex of the baby (shoutout to the TIP squad for furthering my Jame and Roy as girldads agenda)
Jamie’s leg bounced erratically as they all three waited for the sonogram tech to come into the room. He’d been nervous and restless for days leading up to it but without any explanation aside from a stilted shrug and brushing off whatever questions Keeley and Roy tried to ask him.
But it was the scan where they were going to find out the sex of the baby and as it got closer and closer, they all felt the weight of the moment.
Not because it really mattered, but it was one more piece to make it all seem more real than it had felt in the beginning.
The tech came in with a bright smile on her face. “My name is Steph and I’ll be doing your scan today,” she introduced herself and then they went through the familiar routine of Keeley lifting her shirt and then getting the gel applied to her skin. Jamie’s nervous bouncing intensified and he lifted his hand to his mouth to chew at his nails as the tech moved the wand about.
“Nervous, Dad?” Steph asked teasingly as she glanced over at Jamie’s fidgeting.
“Erm, maybe a little, yeah,” he said around his thumbnail. Roy gently tapped his wrist with two fingers and offered to hold Jamie’s hand instead so that he didn’t chew them straight down to the skin. Jamie let out a short sigh and held onto Roy’s hand tightly.
“That’s okay, lots of parents are nervous for this,” Steph said calmly and shot Jamie a reassuring smile. “Now, if the little one will just cooperate…” She trailed off and a small furrow of concentration formed between her brows. Jamie’s hand twitched in Roy’s. “Ah, there it is.” She turned the screen towards them. “Right there,” she said and tapped part of the screen, “you can see the legs.”
Jamie, Roy, and Keeley all squinted a little at the slightly blurred blob on the screen.
“We’ll double-check the blood test to confirm it, but it looks like you’re having a girl,” Steph said and smiled at them. “Congratulations.” Keeley sucked in a sharp breath and Roy’s hand tightened slightly around Jamie’s.
“A girl,” Keeley said and she turned to beam over at the both of them. “Seems like we’re evening things out here, boys,” Keeley teased and Roy let out a rough sort of laugh. Jamie let out a shaky breath and he felt relief flood his body. “Oh, Jamie, babe, you alright?”
“Jamie?” Roy was looking at him funny but Jamie just felt a little lightheaded from the rush of adrenaline leaving his body.
“Don’t usually have fainters at this stage,” Steph said and she tapped a few keys on the keyboard in front of her before turning her chair around to look at Jamie. “Head down between your knees, alright? And be sure to take some slow, deep breaths.” Jamie nodded and dropped Roy’s hand so he could prop his forearms on his thighs and hang his head down a little. Not quite between his knees but good enough. “There we are. I’ll just step out and give you all a minute.”
“Thank you,” Roy murmured and there was a quick shuffle before the heavy door to the exam room swung shut. Jamie focused on getting air in and out before slowly lifting his head to see Roy and Keeley both looking at him with concern.
“You’re not… disappointed, are you?” Keeley asked, her voice sounding small and nervous as she fidgeted with the little towel-thing the tech must have given her to wipe the gel off her skin.
“Fuck no,” Jamie choked out and shook his head. “’M dead relieved. Was fuckin’ outta me head terrified that it would be a boy.” Jamie shook his head and raked a hand back through his hair. “Not that I’d’ve been disappointed if it- she- where a boy, I just-” Jamie bit his lip. “I didn’t want to be me dad and I were worried that if the baby were a boy that I’d…” Jamie closed his mouth and hated how his cheeks and eyes burned as he ducked his head again.
This was supposed to be happy. It was a good moment and Jamie was ruining it by being an idiot. Keeley made a soft sound and then Roy’s hand was underneath his chin, forcing it up to look them both.
“You’re going to be a better dad than he was no matter what, yeah?” Roy said and he smoothed his thumb over Jamie’s chin softly. “You are so good, Jamie. And you already love this fucking kid so much.” Jamie let out a strangled laugh and nodded as a tear rolled down his cheek. “You’re going to be great.”
“And it’s not like you’re going to be on your own, yeah?” Keeley pointed out. “Roy and I are gonna be there. And not that I think you could ever be like that-” Keeley said fiercely, “but we’ll protect her. Just like I have no doubt whatsoever that you will too.” Keeley held out a hand and Jamie stood and walked over to hold onto her. She tilted her face up and Jamie pressed as close as the exam table would allow to kiss her. Keeley pulled back and gave him a quick peck before reaching up to thumb away the tear from his cheek. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Jamie murmured and buried his face into her temple.
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taps the sign that says You are not entitled to comments on fic
Taps the sign that says
You are not entitled to fics.
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Not gonna lie, Eddie’s speech to “Shannon” is making me cringe so hard omg 😟
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They're all wrong
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Jamie felt a spike of pain in his stomach and he moved to brace his hand against the sink for a moment. He thought that he was going to throw up all over his own trainers with how hard his stomach clenched, and then all the pieces start to sink in. The sudden mood shifts, the pain, the dread, the stickiness between his thighs.
Jamie tripped his way into a stall and fumbled his trackies down.
Even with the black pants he was wearing, the blood was visible. Even if it weren’t, the streaks of it between his thighs were pretty damning. Jamie squeezed his eyes closed and fought against the unhelpful tears that were pooling in his eyes.Jamie has to deal with the issue with his Dad, the upcoming match against Man City, and his period all in one horrible clusterfuck of disaster
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Jamie and Keeley texts from the newest installment of not that kind of man, my trans Jamie series ;)
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she wanted to paint his nails too :)
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Went on twitter to find a specific Jamie fan vid and instead stumbled across this tweet from @dreamlandbarnes. And died.
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Full pics:
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ship headcanon meme
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
I’m procrastinating. If you fancy it send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanon.
1. Who makes the first move and how? 2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better? 3. Who is the most romantic? 4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves? 5. Who says ‘I love you’ first? 6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome? 7. What do they get up to on a night out? 8. What do they like in bed? 9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other? 10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island? 11. What do they hide from one another? 12. What first changes when it starts getting serious? 13. When do they realise they should get together? 14. When one has a cold, what does the other do? 15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote? 16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together? 17. When they find a time machine, where do they go? 18. When they fight, how do they make up? 19. Where do they go on their first date? 20. Where do they go on holiday? 21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another? 22. Where does their first kiss happen? 23. Where is their favourite place to be together? 24. Where do they first have sex? 25. Why do they fight? 26. Why do they need to have a serious chat? 27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them? 28. Why do they get jealous? 29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love? 30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
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The way that Dufresne says “the captain likes his books” in episode one feels like it’s a slur
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I do think it's kind of funny that Jamie, who says cock a dozen other times throughout the series- can't say it in front of Georgie
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”Who’s this then?” she asks, as if she doesn’t know, and only to hear the excitement in Jamie’s voice as he tells her all about Roy Kent.
She’s a City girl through and through and it is a little jarring to see different colours up on her wall, but that’s what being a parent is all about, isn’t it? Loving someone enough to love what they love, even if it turns out to be the captain of bloody Chelsea. 
Posters come and go, there are girls and footballers and other girls and other footballers and then others still, but Roy Kent stays where he is, slap bang in the middle and staring right at her with those weirdly intense eyes whenever she gets in the room to hoover.
Needs to relax a bit, that one, she thinks, more than once. For all the pictures and clips Jamie has shown her, she’s never seen Kent smile. Plays like a god, though, one of those vengeful ones, so she guesses she can see the attraction.
It’s obvious that Jamie’s not happy, and she’s not either, what with having him move down all the way to London to play for AFC Richmond of all teams. Still, she supposed a loan make sense, get him more minutes and bit of experience.
“Didn’t Roy Kent move there after he quit Chelsea?” she asks, and is pleased with the way Jamie’s eyes light up a little at that. “You’ll get to play together now.”
“He’s a nasty bastard. Right fucking bitter about not being as good as he was, yeah?”
She doesn’t hear much more about Roy Kent after that, not for another year or so. Doesn’t hear much from Jamie at all, really, not even after he returns to Manchester. When he does stop by – for Christmas, for her birthday – he talks about just about anything but football. Doesn’t mention fighting Kent on the pitch, doesn’t say a word about calling him a knob on national television.
Doesn’t take the poster down either, though, she notices when he’s gone.
“Jamie Tartt is a muppet and I hope he dies of the incurable condition of being a little bitch,” Roy Kent says and she’s already halfway out the sofa when Simon’s hand on her arm holds her back.
“If Jamie wants it down he’ll take it down,” her husband tells her.
She sees her son crouching, defeated, on Wembley grass, and her heart breaks for him. Two days later he’s outside her door and in her arms and he’s talking like he hasn’t talked to her since he was loaned to Richmond and her heart breaks for him all over again.
She can’t wish she had never gotten with his wanker of a father, for how can she, when she got Jamie out if? Still, there’s no stopping her from wishing James falls down a sewer and drowns in shit, gagging on it as he goes.
“And I’m just standing there, like I couldn’t move or something, right, but then Roy walks over and I though he was going to fucking punch me, but he just hugged me, like really tight, and I fucking bawled my eyes out. Dead embarrassing, it was, but… made me feel safe, too. Made me think of you.”
She stops flipping the poster off, after that
“So Roy offered to train me, special,” Jamie says, and she thinks it sounds a bit like torture personally, the things Kent is apparently having him do in the middle of the bloody night, but Jamie’s nothing but enthusiasm and barely contained pride so she’s happy for him.
She knows that other parents might have been surprised to see their son befriend and then bring home people whose pictures he still has on his wall, but their sons are not Jamie, are they?
Roy Kent proves far less domineering than she might have suspected. Doesn’t shout once, is polite about Simon’s baking, and tells her he loves her before he leaves. Definitively has some issues, but seems a nice enough lad for all of that.
Simon drives them down to London for Jamie’s 26:th birtday and it’s only the third time she’s ever been to his Richmond home. As she exits the car, Roy Kent exits Jamie’s front door and pauses at the sight of her.
“Hey,” he says, and it’s a bit endearing, the way he sounds unsure, like he doesn’t know what to make of her or how to act around her.
No need for any of that, though.
“There he is,” she exclaims, adding, “I’m going to hug you now,” before doing just that.
His body is solid and hard and held so fucking stiff, but after just a moment – surprisingly quickly, really – he relaxes into the embrace, like maybe it’s one he’s been wanting for a very long time. He holds her tight and she lets him and she can see what Jamie means about him being a great hugger.  
Eventually, she gently pulls back a little, so she can smile up at him as she says, “Thank you.”
Off his furrowed brow, she continues, “For what you’ve done for our Jamie. I know it’s meant a lot to him, you training him and being his friend and everything.” 
“Oh. Jamie’s told you about that, has he?”
And she must raise her eyebrows at that, kindly but incredulously. “Of course he has, love. Never shuts up about you, does he?”
As it turns out, Roy Kent does know how to smile after all.
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rebecca saying ‘are you fucking with me’ when higgins suggests she asks her mother for advice and ted lying to his mother about his ongoing panic attacks… but jamie cuddling up on the sofa with his mother and telling her what’s wrong whilst she lets him know he’s amazing and that he’s got nothing to prove to his shithead dad and that everything’s going to be okay…
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