officergrimes-muses · 3 months
Long time
Hey, how is everyone? been a while since I have been active here.
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Stella - //How does she feel about having sex out in the woods or on the back of a motorcycle? //Does she have any positions that she prefers over any others? //Is there anything that is completely off limits?
@wexarethewalkingxdead | NFSW ANON HOUR |
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How does she feel about having sex out in the woods or on the back of a motorcycle?
She’d be down for both. Stella would find it oh so sexy. She may even suggest is before Daryl can.
He’d have to find a way to keep her quiet though, because she gets loud.
Whimpers, moans, dirty talk. This woman has no shame in letting her man know she’s enjoying it.
Does she have any positions that she prefers over any others?
Stella enjoys a good ol’ simple mating press. It’s a lot like missionary except it brings her man a lot closer. She enjoys touching and loving on her partner while he drills into her.
Loves making eyes contact and giving sloppy kisses.
She also has a breeding kink so-
Not to mention she’s super flexible.
Another one she likes when feeling more dominant is reverse cowgirl, she just hates not being able to touch on her man in this position.
Is there anything that is completely off limits?
No face slapping, but I think she and Daryl would be on the same page for this one
Even if she is a switch, I don’t think she would personally be too comfortable pegging someone.
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Rick - //How many partners has he had aside? //What is his favorite and least favorite sexual position? //Did he and Lori ever have sex in any public spaces? //Would he have sex in public spaces now?
@wexarethewalkingxdead | NFSW ANON HOUR |
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How many partners has he had aside?
I wanna say that maybe Rick has done some wild stuff in his life time. He may have been a bit of a party goer in college (he was friends with Shane. Come on.)
So I’m gonna put his body count at nine. I feel like he’s been with his fair share of women, but not so many that he’s a man-whore? I feel like he still has boundaries.
But I’ve mentioned before that he is a flirty and touchy drunk- sooo-.
This is including Lori.
What is his favorite and least favorite sexual position?
I feel like his favorite sex position is cowgirl. He enjoys letting his partner take the lead, but he likes watching the expressions and-
(if his partner is a woman) he likes to watch her tits bounce. It turns him on.
He also likes to be able to grasp those hips and take control anytime he pleases. Though as I have also mentioned before, I feel he is VERY big on consent. So he’d get the okay before turning the tables.
Did he and Lori ever have sex in any public spaces?
I feel like he and Lori would have went horse back riding a few times and did it out in the woods, but that’s the only public place I see her allowing him to access.
Maybe a drunken night at he friends how in a spare bedroom at a party?
Would he have sex in public spaces now?
He absolutely would if his partner was down.
He believes public sex can be a turn on for him. I also bet if his partner were to hint at/ show him they were going commando? Bonus points.
He definitely would have a hard time not ushering his partner to a safe place to do the deed no matter where they were at.
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[WORDS | 👂] The first words your soulmate speaks to you is written somewhere on your body. (from Daryl to Stella)
@wexarethewalkingxdead | Soulmate Prompts: a collection of prompts about different soulmate scenarios inspired by different media. Send in a prompt/symbol and I'll write out a soulmate scenario for our muses! |
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Stella had woken up to see the words of her soulmate on her wrist on her eighteenth birthday. If she was being honest, her mother had noticed before she did. They were simple words, but a little odd. 'who are you?' they confused her a little, but they were pretty valid first words. She didn't think much about it was she went on with life. Marrying someone she knew wasn't her soulmate which she thought would last forever. The outbreak hitting the world had changed her into a different person. Making her and her husband grow apart. She'd decided to go be on her own. She ended up coming across a forest she didn't know was charted by a society. Alexandria. She was in her forties, and with the world being how it was, she figured her soulmate was dead by now. finding a pond she speared a fish. Lifting the spear from the water she was unaware a man had been watching her for the past ten minutes or so. She looked over the fish diligently, a pretty good catch. Hearing a twig snap she tried to react, but was too slow. soon feeling a knife against her throat and a strong arm around her stomach, pulling her close so she couldn't get away. A gruff voice speaking up in her ear. "Who are you?" "Who's asking?" She questioned back. Then they both seemed to fall silent. Realization seeming to settle in. He slowly let her go, and she whipped around to get a look at him. "Where is it?" He asked, staring her down, his guard still up. "Yer mark." He added. His blue eyes looking to her wrist as she showed it to him. His eyes moved to her eyes again as he unbuttoned the first three buttons of his black shirt. Showing her the words written just under the front of his shoulder. 'Who's asking?' It read. Her eyes scanned it before her mouth went agape and she moved to meet his eyes again. She was not really sure what to say or do. A pull to him suddenly attracting her instantly, telling her that she could trust him. He must of felt it too because he stared at her a good while before buttoning his shirt back and pulling his crossbow off his back. "Follow me." Was all he said. She did as told. This was definitely not the way she expected to meet her soulmate.
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[COLOUR | 🙈] The world is black and white until you make contact with your soulmate. (from Carol to Rick)
@wexarethewalkingxdead | Soulmate Prompts: a collection of prompts about different soulmate scenarios inspired by different media. Send in a prompt/symbol and I'll write out a soulmate scenario for our muses! |
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Rick had given up on finding his soulmate. Heard stories about how once you found them, your entire world changed. Hell, he even hoped for the day when he did find his one and only. Though that time never came. He'd settled with a woman by the name of Lori and had a son. Their marriage lasted for a good eight years before it crumbled under him. She had found her soulmate to be his best friend and co-worker. When woken in the outbreak from a coma-like state, Rick believed he'd be alone forever. Not that he was too worried about finding his soulmate at the time. His main focus was to survive with the group of strangers who'd helped him out of Atlanta. He was just hoping his boy and ex-wife were out there somewhere and okay. Hoping out of the vehicle and setting foot onto their camp for the first time, he'd been overjoyed to hear his young son's voice calling for him. "Dad!!" kneeling down and embracing Carl as he ran into his arms. He was okay. Tears in his eyes as he held him tight and picked him up. One arm supporting his son so that the other could embrace Lori when he saw her rush up to him as well. Kissing Carl's head he was focused on them. That was till he caught a glimpse of a frail looking woman who was hugging herself as she watched the scene. Suddenly, his vision was of color. No long black and white. He was stunned. "What's wrong?" He heard Lori question him with concern. Rick looked down to her and gave a small smile. "Um, nothing. Just glad you two are safe." He then moved to look at the woman again. Her face seeming to now match the shocked expression he, himself just wore. So he did find her after all. Though seeing a rather angry man approach her, he knew that this wasn't going to be easy for either of them to accept their fate together.
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Soulmate Prompts: a collection of prompts about different soulmate scenarios inspired by different media. Send in a prompt/symbol and I'll write out a soulmate scenario for our muses!
[RED STRING | 🧶] Our muses are tied together by a red string of fate that is only visible to them.
[GLOW | ❤️] A glow appears from your chest when you first meet your soulmate.
[WORDS | 👂] The first words your soulmate speaks to you is written somewhere on your body.
[NAME | ✍️] Your soulmate's name is written somewhere on your body.
[INITIALS | 💬] Your soulmate's initials are written somewhere on your body.
[SIGNATURE | 🖋️] Your soulmate's signature is written somewhere on your body.
[WRITING | ✏️] Everything you write on your body will appear on your soulmate's body as well.
[DREAMS | 💭] You and your soulmate are capable of visiting each other's dreams.
[COLOUR | 🙈] The world is black and white until you make contact with your soulmate.
[BIRTHMARK | ❄️] You and your soulmate have matching birthmarks.
[TIME | ⏱️] Everyone have timers on their wrist that hits zero when they meet their soulmate. The time can fluctuate (go both up and down in time) depending on their soulmate's behaviour.
[NUMBER | 🔢] Everyone is born with a unique number on their skin that matches their soulmate.
[COUNTER | ️⬆️] Everyone is born with a counter on their arm that goes up every time you pass by your soulmate.
[FLOWERS | 🌸] Flowers bloom on your skin whenever your soulmate is nearby. This stops when you touch your soulmate for the first time.
[SCARS | 🪡] You and your soulmate share scars.
[SONGS | 🎶] Songs sung by your soulmate gets stuck in your head.
[TASTE | 🍽️] You can taste what your soulmate is eating/drinking.
[TRUTH | 🫢] You cannot lie to your soulmate.
[HARM | 🔪] You cannot harm your soulmate.
[FOOTPRINTS | 🦶] Your soulmates leave coloured footprints only you can see.
[COMPASS | 🧭] Everyone is born with a compass on their wrist that leads to their soulmate.
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8x12 | The Key
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slow living 🌿
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new photshoot
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Don’t I know you?
[Estella and Daryl CLOSED starter for the lovely @wexarethewalkingxdead]     Pulling up to the mechanic shop, a young blonde in her early 20′s climbed out of the front seat of a yellow Volkswagen beetle. She was pretty stressed out and tired. Her boyfriend of almost a year had taken her car out in the middle of the night again. Granted he asked permission. Though that next morning she had a bit of trouble getting it to turn over and it seemed to be sputtering a bit.
She’d confronted him before coming to the shop which had resulted into a small fight. Thankfully she dropped him off at work, so she wouldn’t have to deal with him a while.     Stepping into the garage she walked up to a mechanic about her age, maybe a little older. Giving a small smile as she ran a hand through her long blonde hair, the ends dyed a pink color that seemed to be fading. He looked kind of familiar? She just couldn’t pin point where she might have known him from. “Hi, um- My car has been giving me some issues this morning? I was hoping you guys could check it out?” Her voice was soft and inviting. Even if she was pissed at Jonny, Stella wasn’t going to take it out on this guy.
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✵(from Carol to Rick)
@wexarethewalkingxdead | Send me ✵ and I will describe or post a picture/gif of how I think our muses would have sex |
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✵(from Daryl to Stella)
@wexarethewalkingxdead | Send me ✵ and I will describe or post a picture/gif of how I think our muses would have sex|
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Send me ✵ and I will describe or post a picture/gif of how I think our muses would have sex
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send my muse nsfw related questions and they HAVE to answer them
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📸(to Stella from Daryl)
@wexarethewalkingxdead | Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) |
{Pictures Estella would have of Daryl}
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📸(to Rick from Carol)
@wexarethewalkingxdead | Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) |
{Pictures Rick would have of Carol}
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Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s)
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