olivewinchester · 8 years
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olivewinchester · 11 years
loosing followers for posting about your freedom
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"You hurt me with your words Sammy," she sniffed with a mock pout.
"And what makes us so much different then you then? Humans kill, more then us. All your Holy Wars and killing in gods name, compared to all those killed in the name of your god, we're practically girl scouts." She smirked again, her eyes flashing back to green but the cold inhuman glint remand.
bless me father // priest!au ((open))
Lucifer bit his lips. The fact that the poor woman wasn’t there anymore didn’t change a thing. Her body should be allowed to rest now that the soul was gone, not worn around by a demon. They had no respect. Not even for the death.
“You are disgusting. It’s hard to believe that any if you were human once.” He knew that there were terrible people out there who did horrible things. Sick people that were more monster than human. But looking at the blackness of their eyes made his skin crawl.
“That body is not yours to walk around with complete disregard of her. You use them to kill and hurt others.” If they at least used them for good.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
((Hey I get my muse back and turns out she's fucking horny.))
Hey I have needs too you know.
(Shut up Olive...-___-))
Any takers?
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(( I will lock you up if I have too))
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olivewinchester · 11 years
For the first time fear shot though the redhead, but she didn't show it. Though now she was thinking she had made a mistake, and she was about to pay for it with her life.
When he let her go, Olive had to fight not to let out a sigh of relief. Though as scared as she was, she had to fight the urge to egg him on, to get in the last word. A bad habit she had picked up from Dean.
"May I go?" she asked though gritted teeth.
The sin sneered, fixating a piercing glare on the pinned woman.
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"I am no abomination! We are not the monsters! You humans are a plague and we are the cure. When will you get that?!" He yelled slightly. Humans thought they had a right to speak with entitlement. Pride knew this. He caused it in most cases."You insects need to learn your place and stop meddling in the affairs of beings much more powerful than yourselves." 
He wanted to snap her neck, to let her know what happens to those who nip at his heels, but such a move would be unsafe and he was not looking for a war with the Winchesters. They were scum, but they were effective.
With a sigh, he loosened his grip on the girl, turning away like a lion who lost interest in its prey.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"Hey!" Olive hissed though her teeth. More out of anger for besmirching her family name like that then the physical assault.
"Look, maybe a known hunter taking a little kid monster away looks really bad. That was my fault, I'll admit that. But I didn't hurt anyone here."Olive said slowly, trying to keep calm. Snapping at the angry super Sin wasn't the best idea while he had her pinned like this.
"YOU yelled at him, not me. It was your own pride getting in the way here man." Olive really couldn't help herself, even know it was just too easy. "I get it, your a big brother, even if you are an unholy abomination... I'm not sorry for helping the um...big little kid. He seems...nice...But I get were you're coming from... But leave my  family outa this."
Pride watched as his fat little brother ran away from him. It took every ounce of will power he had not to run after the boy and apologize but his sin was so embedded in him that to do so would be more painful than to watch his younger brothers trust in him fade. He would have to deal with Gluttony later. For now, there was a pesky human who has over stepped her boundry.
Inhumanly fast, the sin spun around, pinning the hunter against the wall.  "This is your fault! How typical of a Winchester to cause nothing but pain!" he hissed, still not hurting the girl. Not yet.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"You're so cute when you think you can save everyone." She laughed, though it had a cold edge to it like everything else about her. Just hinting at the malevolent demon under the pretty face.
"What if I was to say this meatsuit was totally brain dead when I took the wheel?  A very expensive plant was all she was in the end." She leand back in the chair, her eyes settling on his own.  "I'm thinking green after all, recycling."
She just left out the part where it was her fault the woman was brain dead because of something she had done.
bless me father // priest!au ((open))
Lucifer felt exposed under her eyes. But he ignored the feeling. His mind needed to stay focus. She was doing a good job of making him feel uncomfortable. But from the other exorcisms he’d watched during training it could be worse. Sine if the videos had made him sick.
“Everyone should have a chance of redemption no matter what they are.” If a criminal could be redeemed then maybe one day a demon could be cured to. If others could believe it so could he. It was unlikely but miracles happens.
“That’s not for you to decide. That body is not yours.” If he could still save the poor soul trapped in there along with the demon.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"Wow A+ there asshole," Olive crossed her arms, looking at him coldly."Really brother of the year stuff right there."
Though she couldn't imagine Dean and Sam taking it any better if she just wondered off with some demons...oh...wait...
"Look, why don't you go say you're sorry, and I can just leave with all my limbs intaked." she jerked her thumb behind her, though she doubtful she would get off that easy.
Gluttony quickly finished his candy bar, The girl had helped him. If Pride knew that, surely he wouldn't be so mad at her. But he couldn't defend her with a mouth full of chocolate so...
"She helped me, Pride!" He said, tugging on his brothers white sleeve with his chocolatey hand. "And she didn't take me! I went with her."
"Oh I'm sure you did!" The older sin snapped. "You have such an inability to control yourself, I don't even know why I bother! Perhaps I should let you leave with her. The hunters will have you roasting like a pig in no time." That  came out harshed than he intended and the sin regretted his words the instant they came out of his mouth.
Gluttony was hurt by his big brother's words. He dropped Prides hands and ran off.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
It was fast, and quickly covered but Olive had seen a glimpse of it. A big brother fear and worry for their younger sibling. Hell shit, the youngest of two brothers Olive could understand that.
"You know it sounds really bad when you say it like that..." Olive mumbled scratching the back of her head. "The kid was in pain so I wanted to help. Call me soft, but I dont like to see a kid cry, even if they are a demon...or whatever..." She wouldn't say she was sorry to him, because frankly she wasn't.
"And that gives you the right to take my child?! I've flayed people for less!" The older sin was starting to calm down, if only a little. The truth was, he was frightened. Hunters have killed demons far more powerful than Gluttony. And he left him with her. A sense of regret hit him when he saw his brother was gone.
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"What did you tell him? That you'd give him candy if he came with you?" Honestly, the thought of a human even touching his little brother was enough to make the older sin's skin crawl.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
Olive just sighed at the ruined bandages, they would have to be changed sooner then she first thought.
When they got back to the hall Olive had expedient the sin to loose his shit, and for someone so full of themselves Olive had to say she was very pleased she got such a rise out of him. Even if it was at the expense of the poor kid.
Though she had to admit when his head wasn't totally up his own ass he was kinda cute mad.
"I healed him," Olive never wavering from his anger, her eyes meeting his, never looking away. "I never even left the property, how could I have stolen him? He was in pain, so I helped."
Gluttony nodded, taking a huge bite of the candy bar (and simultaneously getting sticky chocolate all over his bandages.)
Upon arriving back in the hall, the pair found the older sin with a look of worry on his face. Of course, that look changed as soon as he set eyes on his fat little brother and his "Kidnapper." He marched over to the red head and grabbed his brothers hand. The fat sin would be punished but first thing first.
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"You theif! I could kill you right now and rightfully so!" he yelled, losing his composure.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
Yeah Olive really didn't want to test him on that threat. But still she couldn't shack the feeling something was very off. All it her Witch Sense or woman's intuition, whatever it was she knew something wasn't right.. Besides the fact Satan has started wearing her older brother's body.
She still stood outside the door, waring with herself if she wanted to risk opening it.
"Look, we're mortal enemies are fair as I'm considered. But you ARE wearing my brother and once we kick your ass I would like to know he will still be intact." She said things along those lines a lot but still a part of her (the annoying snarky side) was not convinced fully. A thought she shoved into the back of her mind, where she may just have a tiny tenny bit kinda sorta sympathy for the Devil. Or at lest an unwanted understand of sorts about how he feels about the whole dead beat dad thing...
He was still an asshole though.
"Just...Let me see you for a sec and then I'll leave you alone...ok." Olive shock her head, trying to ride herself of any decent thoughts of the fallen angel...or other thoughts she was not willing to admit under pain of death.
death by incubus? // open
Lucifer cursed to himself when he heard steps coming closer. He was starting to believe that humans where incapable of comprehension and following simple orders. His wings opened behind him as he wrapped his arms around his still naked form.
“Do you have a death wish?” He called from the shadows.
It was one of the only good tricks that came from this. Succubus and incubus had a neat trick that helped them on their job. He couldn’t be seen if he didn’t want to.
Right now he didn’t want to. Only his voice was allowed to echo through the building. “If you do, I’ll be more than happy to help you with it.”
Lucifer moved letting the dark shadow of his wings move through the walls. It was the only part of his visible. Not the wings themselves though. “Really, you just have to ask.” 
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"Christ in heaven kid just chill. Olive sighed taking the bar away from him and unwrapping it herself.
"Now lets get back to the hall before your brother freaks out and comes to kill me" She said handing the candy back to the fat little child.
She took him by his free hand and led him out of her room and back down to the main hall. Wondering just how pissed the sin would be. She DID help his little brother, so she was pretty sure it couldn't be to bad.
Gluttony shook his head, whiping his drool. He tried desperately to hold the candy bar and unwrap it but his hands were too sore and bandaged. Getting frustrated, he started to cry again.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"Probably,"Olive shrugged as she warped up his hands in elastic bandages. "Just at me at lest."
Careful not to make then to tight she tied off the ends before looking them over.
"There we go. All better, make sure you have your brother change them every other day and they should be totally healed in about a week, maybe even less." Olive told him, though she doughty he was really listing as he drooled over the candy bar as only a fat kid could.
The younge sin just sat on the chair, swinging his feet, chair squeaking under his weight, as the girl dabbed to medicine on his hands. He wanted to eat the candy so bad but he couldn't move his hands.
His burns were already feeling better. She couldn't be bad. Maybe Pride just didn't like her.
"Is my brother gonna be mad?"
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"It's a king sized snickers." Olive said with a small smile. Christ this kid was scary easy to lure away. She almost felt bad like she WAS doing something wrong and not just helping him.
The building they where in was huge, though it didn't take long to find her room. She told the kid it sit down (wondering idly if the chair could even hold him) and got him the candy bar. Before digging around to find the right herb, none of her bags where labeled but she could tell which was which just by looking at them.
"Ah!" She cried holding up a small plastic baggy, inside looked like a dried purple flower. "This is burdock," she expanded, dumping the content into a bowl of water. "It'll dull the pain, and help it heal faster. Even stop's inflictions from getting into it." She got a small towel and kneels down next to him, taking his hand gently. "And the best part? It doesn't sting."
She gently started washed the burnt hand in the cool water, careful not to hurt him any more then he all ready was.
Gluttony sniffled, clearly hesitant at the offer. She said she was good, but then why didn't she like Pride? And Pride said never to go anywhere with strangers, but he left her alone with this girl. Would it really be much of a difference if he was alone with this girl in her room instead of alone with her in this hallway?
"What kind of candy?" He asked in true fat-kid-fashion as he walked with her.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
Olive really did have more the half a mind to punch this guy in the face. Though she didn't say anything as he ran off, she DID however make a face behind his back.
"Aw jeezs... Look kid I aint gonna hurt you." Olive promised, kneeling down so she was in even height with him. "I'm a good guy, and good guys don't hurt kids." She smiled at him, she really wanted him to stop crying though.... And it would be nice to spit the asshole but fixing the kid up herself.
"In fact I'll do you one better, I have some special herbs that would make your hand stop hurting, even make it heal faster." She expanded, quit glade she had brought her back with her. "They're in my room though, if your to scared to come with me I can go an get them real quick. All though I do have some candy in the bag too you can have if you come with me."
God she felt like a creep, luring a small fat child to her room with promises of candy. Dean would never let her live that down, thank god he wasn't here.
Pride grabbed his brothers wrists and tried to get the boy to calm down so he could look at the wounds. But that was easier said than done with a child as big as Gluttony.
"It hurts!" The poor child cried as his brother looked at his palms. They were boiling over. "Fix it! Make it stop hurting.
The elder sin sighed. "I told you not to mess with the cookies until I got back! This is what happens when you don't listen! I have half a mind to let you stay like this-" 
"NO!" Gluttony bawled, 
"But I wont. I can't have you running around crying like this." Pride continued to think before turning to the redheaded human.  "I'll be gone a minute. I don't very well trust you so much as I trust you're inability to kill the boy in less time than it'll take for me to get back. But know, if you harm him, you will regret it." He said hastily befor running off to find some burn ointment. The fat sin just looked at the woman, his fear of what Pride said quelling is tears. "A-are you gonna hurt me? I promise, I won't touch the cookie pan again. Don't hurt me." He wimpered, giving her the look of a sad, scared puppy.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"But I rather like this body, she really is very pretty." she pouted. "Wouldn't you agree Sammy?"
She uncrossed her legs to lean foreword again, her eyes boring into him. From the look on her face it seem like she could see right throw him...or at lest his clothes.
"You know even before Hell I had something of a Priest kink. Kinda half the reason I ended up down under really." She tilted her head, as if recalling found memories.
"If you have no faith in any of us redeeming ourselves why bather asking at all?" a sudden series crossing her face.
bless me father // priest!au ((open))
Lucifer did his best to remain expressionless and relaxed. He had to ignore whatever the demon said or she would be able to pick inside his mind. Many priest had failed their first time because of that. They had allowed the demon’s words to affect them. Lucifer had to prove he could do it.
“It would be worthless unless someone means it.” He doubted demons were even capable of that. Their souls too twisted and corrupted for that.
“You were given a choice to willing abandon that girl. Now you will be forceful cast out.” Lucifer picked and blessed the holy water again.
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olivewinchester · 11 years
"Very," Olive said smoothly. Her mind going over what kind of magic may work on him. Even if it was the petty stuff.
Her eyes widen in shock when the small (and fat...very fat) child ran into the room. She may dislike kids, but that didn't mean she was heartless. She hated to see them cry or in pain. Though she was pretty sure his familiarity with the monster calling it's self Pride meant the child was one of them too.
Still Olive wouldn't react violently towards him unless he tried to eat her or something. Though given his size that may be more of a fact then she would like.
She glared once more at Pride coldly before turning to the kid her face softening. She did have some herbs, that went mixed with water would sooth the burn on his hand. She had half a mind to offer it to him, though Olive opted to see how this all played out first.
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"Is that so?" He bated. How often people came to him assuming he was a mere demon, expecting him to crumble under minor powers. Pride was the first son of Lucifer. Born from the falling angel's wake. He was much more than some demon. He was a sin. The sin.
The moment of amusement was short-lived, however. Loud stomping noises came from a few feet away that Pride knew could only belong to his youngest brother.  "Pride!" He cried, running to his brother. He had burns on his hands. "I wanted to *sob* get the *sob* cookies but I *sob* burned my hands!" 
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