oliviasecrets · 11 months
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This is life
“Yeah I’m only here for two days then I play in Ibiza”
“No way I’ve always wanted to go there I’ve heard amazing stories about the nightlife”
“Why don’t you come with me it could be fun”
Johns invitation was very tempting but you had to draw your line
“It does sound like fun but I’m currently under a lot of work I can’t take a vacation”
“Hey I understand how about this give me your number and when you’re free we can arrange something”
“Yeah sure”
What you didn’t know is that a few yards away Jack was watching this interaction and when he saw you trying into that djs phone his blood boiled he tried to fight the feeling of jealous but that overcame
“Jack where are you going… wait up man”
Jack moved fast through the crowd so that he wouldn’t be recognized by any fan that wanted a picture, as he was about to enter the dj area he turn around when he felt a hand on his arm
“Hey if I was you I wouldn’t lose her”
“Emily hey yeah thank you that’s what I’m trying to do here”
“Show her that you really do care, and if you two do end up together please invite me to the wedding”
“You already thinking way to fast but definitely em”
The bouncer tried to stop Jack but luckily for him he was too damn famous know he didn’t need an introduction
“Have a fun night mr harlow”
“Thank you sir”
As Jack was getting close to you he made eye contact with the dj making you turn around from your previous conversation you couldn’t help but to smile and get all excited to finally see Jack after a week of crying over him, you made your way to him and wrap your arms on his neck taking in his delicious LV smell and Jack couldn’t resist but giving you a hard hug and kissing your cheek
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you”
“Yeah I figured that out since it took you a week to call me”
“Come on ma are you making this difficult for me now”
“Yeah actually until you realize how much I’m worth”
That had him smiling from ear to ear
“Oh trust me you’ve been on my mind since I last saw you, even had me writing you a song and shit”
“Is that so jackman”
“Wanna hear it”
“Not really, I prefer having some fun with you”
Jack took your hand and made your way out of the vip area, walking towards the bar you order yourself some shots to make your confidence boost Jack kept placing one hand curled up on your waist as he was getting close to your ear he whispered
“Let’s get out of here”
“Jack we haven’t even danced, don’t you wanna dance with me?”
“I do but I prefer to spend some time with you just the two of us”
“One dance first”
You took jacks hand and made your way to the dance floor the one and only song played my humps by the black eye peas
“Imma get you drunk get you love drunk off my hump”
You turned around so you could grind a little with Jack, he placed both hand on your waist holding you tight and slightly touching your abs and slightly your under boobs making you turn around and wrap one hand on his neck
“You are getting very touchy jackman”
“Please can we just go already”
Jack put a hand on your neck taking care of you while you made yourself outside the club, before leaving you texted em telling her you were leaving with Jack but oh boy what a surprise you were headed towards
“Jack y/n are you together”
“Y/n please over here give a smile”
“Jack how does it feel to be with y/n”
“How long have you’ve been together”
“Please smile this way”
Neither you or Jack knew there was at least 25 paparazzi waiting outside
“just hold my hand and not let go y/n”
You grabbed his hand scared of what was happening then you started feeling people getting crowed and suddenly you felt someone grabbed your ass
“What the fuck don’t touch me”
You let go of jacks hand making him look your way he didn’t really understand what was going on but once he saw you pushing a guy away he saw red
“Get your hands off of her right now, I swear I’ll fuck you up dude”
“Jack please let’s just go away”
“Jack please
Before you realized urban had come out of no where grabbing Jack and preventing him from starting a fight
“Come on babe let’s get going”
“Em where’s Jack please”
“Y/n please just come with me he’ll find us”
The anxiety and being scared of what was going on overcame as you started to cry you walked half a block when you heard Jack
“Y/n are you okay, are you hurt please tell me you’re good”
Once you saw Jack jogging to you you stared to cry even more, maybe it was the excitement that had this effect in you
“Hey I’m here don’t worry y/n”
You looked at Jack and all you could do was kiss him a very passionate kiss wrapping your hands around his neck making the kiss more deep and intense Jack stopped and kissed your forehead
“I’m going to take that as an im okay Jack”
“Please don’t scare me like that again you dick I was so scared”
“I’ll promise I will behave but if someone else touch what’s mine I won’t promise anything”
“I’m not yours Jack”
“Fuck yeah you are I’m never letting you get away ever”
Some action plus I love jealous Jack hahah any ideas text me!!
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oliviasecrets · 11 months
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This is life
V part two
Welcome back everyone we are here with every once favorite rapper Jack Harlow.. come on everyone give him a big round of a applause
As the curtains open Jack couldn’t stop smiling very excited of what the night might bring
“Oh my lord thank you everybody I love y’all”
“Jack I have to say this is the first time we have the room full of females… do you know why”
“jimmy come on they are all my missionaries I love each and everyone of you thank you so much”
Round of a applause and screams
“Let’s get this show started Jack first of all, how have you been man we’ve seen you everywhere”
“Yeah I’ve been here and there always with my fam with private garden but I’ve been in a different mind set lately”
“Wow tell me about that”
“I just needed some time for myself I wanted to take time and find new inspections”
“Ahh I see where this is going does this have to do with someone called y/n”
“Sneaky jimmy huh, I don’t wanna but y/n on the spot but yeah I’ve been trying to find love”
“I have to be honest I’m happy for you men I can imagine what you’re feeling being everywhere but not having a love interest to spend it with”
“Exactly I have all my friends with me but I’m missing that in my life”
“We’ll for next time you’re here I’m gonna prepare a game for you, how about perfect match or something like that”
The whole droid started to laugh
“I mean I’ll take it jimmy”
“Em don’t you think this dress makes me look too much of a mean girl”
“Y/n baby we have to show what you have, see I’m showing of my boobs and you have to show your perfect hourglass figure trust everyone is going to be looking at you”
“I just hope this helps me get laid it I’m being honest with you”
“Oh trust me if you can’t get laid we can have some fun too”
“Shut up em but really i appreciate this I really do”
“Okay the Uber is 5 minutes away let’s take some cute pictures”
Meanwhile the show was over Jack was backstage talking with urban and neelam
“I have to agree with urban Jack I feel like you just put yourself really out there; if you were trying to get y/n that is ruined”
“I don’t think so I promised I would wait for her she would do the same for me”
“We’ll how absolutely you text her right know”
“Thank you urban i just texted her a little hey before the show started and she hasn’t replied”
“Like I said it’s ruined”
“I’ll call her then and prove to you she is the one for me”
Jack got up from his seat and headed to the back room where he could talk to you in private
Incoming call from Jackman Harlow
Oh shit
“Em wait I’m getting a call hold up”
“Take your time babe we have a table waiting for us”
You pressed the green bottom to answer the call
Um hey jack is that you?
Yeah y/n how have you been I’m actually in the city for a few days just did jimmy falon
Oh okay thy sounds amazing congratulations Jack
Yeah thank you….. where are you at I hear a lot of noice
I’m actually outside a club with a friend just about to go in it’s called miracle bridge by soho if you wanna come
That’s sounds like a plan I guess I’ll see you soon ma
Bye Jack
You ended the call
“Y/n what the fuck did you just do”
“Hey I just secured myself a good dance and maybe if his lucky the fuck of his life”
“You amaze me little y/n you really are trouble”
45 minutes later
You were dancing in the middle of the dance floor while John Summit played in the dj booth enjoying yourself grinding a bit with your friend Emily
“Babe he is totally checking you out”
“Who? Em are you okay i literally see no men looking at me”
“Oh come one look at the dj”
And oh he sure was he was kind cute not really your type but it passed a while and Jack was no where to be seen
“Wanna go with him” em asked at first you waited to say no but then you remembered what Liv told you have fun be wild
“Come on let’s go”
You grabbed your friends hand and made your way to the dj booth there was a bit of a mess a lot of girls trying to get the dj eye but lucky you we made a gesture for the bouncer to let you guys in backstage
He took of his headphones and pulled you into a hug placing his hand on your lower back
“I’m John it’s nice to finally meet you and please let me know if you need anything”
“Thank you love”
As you were having this small interaction with the hottie dj Jack and urban entered the club of course and Jack was the one to find you first, you having a small conversation with John summit had him on this tips
“Yo Jack I hate to tell you I told you so but little miss y/n is already in the dj hands”
“Shut the fuck up urb come let’s go get a drink”
Hello my love I’m so sorry I’ve been like crazy chilling and relaxing on vacation, I finally uploading part two I really like where this is going and as you can see I was having a bit of an obsession with John summit and ideas or comments please let me know hope everyone enjoyed this one
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oliviasecrets · 1 year
This is life
V part one
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“ the thing is that I don’t understand why I can’t go out with a friend for coffee without being seen as a date”
“y/n we’ve been through this you are not a normal person and you know it”
“Liv I honestly don’t know what to do, first this guy comes into my life and not just any guy he’s someone I’ve dreamed for a while I used to be fan I went to his concert I went through the fan girl stage, he makes me thing something could happen between us and you know his been ghosting me for 8 days. Eight fucking days I’m actually surprise we did click when he came to my apartment and yeah maybe I went out for coffee with Tim to get into Jack nerves I want him to actually want me, and yea before you tell me I know that was a very high school move from my part but I don’t care anymore.” You eventually took a breath everything was building up in you and you really had to take a break
“Baby I understand what you’re going through and yes I know that was a very immature move from your part but I beg you please make my job a little bit less stressful”
You giggles at what your friend just said “Liv I think I could really use a small vacation, at least just the weekend with my family” there was a long silence on the other side of the phone “I’ll see what I can do y/n I don’t promise anything but here’s what I’ll do for you, let’s take a bit of an advantage of the media already calling you a “slut” go out drink a lil party lol have fun okay I don’t care who you go out with but at least get laid that will help with the stress”
“Liv are you kidding me?! First of all I can’t go out I have work tomorrow and second of all ew I would just get laid with a random guy”
“Wanna bet on that y/n”
“Okay that was just one time and it was Vegas I had to do it”
“If you say so but please don’t do anything to brittney let’s just keep it low key okay?”
“I promise and thank you again for dealing with my shit I love Liv”
“I love you too bitch”
Hmm go out huh I mean the nightlife in nyc is the shit but who should I call to go out. I can check on Alex she’s down for anything but I think she has a new boyfriend so that’s probably a no. I can also call Em she’s known for being hot and messing around with hoy guys including harry styles.
Incoming FaceTime call from emrata
“Hey love”
“Y/n are you kidding or do you really wanna go out and have fun”
“I knew I called the right person for this but yeah I’ve had a rough week I just wanna dance drink and hopefully end up in someone’s bed”
“Oh y/n I think I just fell in love with you, but okay let’s do it meet me at my place by 8 we could do a bit of a bar hopping first then we get into the real shit”
“I’ll be there by 8 love you em”
Surprise, surprise, Jack and Urban had just arrived at New York City’s airport ready to have a bit of fun. Some thing I did not know was that Jack had an appearance this night at Jimmy Fallon’s making him be in New York will things go the way you wanted to or will it be an interesting night you would regret tomorrow, but at least you had fun and you did end up in someone’s bed.
“Urb harry up we have 3 hours left before the show and I really wanna surprise y/n”
“Jack please just stop and think things through she doesn’t want to see your ass you gaslighted her then ended up ghosted her she’s with that actor now you lost your chance”
And in fact Jack couldn’t stop thing about that were you really with Timothee was he just your friend, what was going on that’s why he was determined to stop by and see you but he never actually thought what if he showed up to your door and you were fucking someone else that was something he wouldn’t recover from
“Don’t say that I’ve just been busy and haven’t had the time to reached out”
“If you say so lover boy but what I’m doing to tell you is that expect jimmy to ask you about y/n just so you are prepared”
“Yeah I know nilam talked me through that already
So excited for this probably gonna upload the next part tomorrow !!!!
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oliviasecrets · 1 year
This morning you were making your famous pancakes while listening to some tunes and hearing a bit of the traffic going downstairs in New York City. Everything felt so different and so real everything felt like another universe like like if it was all a dream, including the tabloids, including Jack, including your clothing line that was just lunches, and it was doing amazing but one thing that could not get out of your head was why hasn’t Jack reached out he told you that he was going to go out of town back to Kentucky a couple of days ago that was the last thing he said or mentioned you were not wondering what the fuck was going on in this guy‘s head you were the it girl the one that every guy in America wanted the girl that was getting every opportunity in the model industry , and this guy who is not reaching out to you all of this was happening while you were with your cousin Amelia talking about how the dating how the dating nowadays was shit literally shit guy was not sending flowers or writing handwritten notes.
“I’m telling you y/n if this guy is as good as you say it is as hot as you say I can assure you 100%. He’s fucking girl back in his hometown and you’re here crying about him and still dreaming about being together”
“Amelia he is not ducking a girl I just I don’t know everything felt mutual for a moment”
“Honey, we both know what every guy ones that stick with you to have a night with you to have fun with you or to even have a bit of cloud you cannot be like this you’re more smarter than this. You are supposed to be the it girl of America”
“I just can’t stop thinking about him”
Two Days Later
Jack was sitting down at his home studio, trying to find some new beats for his new album while he was sitting in the room with urban Nemo and his brother Clay. He confessed some thing that was haunting him for now three nights he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
“I don’t know if it was a good idea talking to y/n about a possible relationship”
“What?!” Urban said while he was smoking
“Wait you talk to the y/n the one you have a poster in your room, and why the hell would you regret having something with here”
“I don’t wanna seem like clout chaser, everyone in the media says I’m a one hit wonder and now imagine me dating the new it girl she’s in her prime”
Urban started to laugh a lil making Jack angry “I can’t deal with your unsure ass right know”
Clay took his headphone off and stood up to show Jack something on his phone. As Jack took his brothers phone and started to read what appeared on the headlines of e-news he started to blush and had a different look on his face and before making urban say “hey what’s going on are you OK” Jack immediately brushed his hands through his hair and try to relax, but he couldn’t take what was now on social media
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“New Romance? Our girl y/n has a new fling with the lovely Timothee”
“From rappers to actors y/n has moved on”
“Guess Mr.Harlow was not
good enough for the one and only
Y/N Y/L/N”
hahhaha just a lil tease just added a new character I’m so happy this is slowly getting started
Thank you again for reading love you all
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oliviasecrets · 1 year
This is life
“Shit I never thought about how dark a models life could be” Jack said while trying to get a bit closer to you
“Oh trust me it can feel like hell but I gotta keep smiling right… you weren’t lying about this bagels they are amazing”
“What can I say I have excellent taste” Jack smiled trying to reach for your hand just to feel like he had your attention
“I have to say y/n I know that you have things you gotta do first but I’m into you, not in a creepy way man I’ve been trying to shoot my shot since I saw you at a billboard in LA last summer”
what last summer?! “You mean the campaign I did 7 months ago?” you asked with Jack in a flirty way making him blush like crazy
“Like I said I have excellent taste even in women, but my ma raised me right so I’ll respect your time and your decision”
“My decision in what jackman” god you like to drive him crazy
“Cmon y/n I saw the way you looked at me, I know you want me too stop being stubborn”
You took his hand as he started to draw circles with him thumb on your hand, making you blush at this small gesture. You were about to say something when he took your hand and kissed it. “I’ll wait for you I promise”
“Do you promise Jack?”
“For you I can wait a lifetime” you hit his shoulder at his in a flirty way making Jack wrap his arms around your waist and his head landing on your neck making you giggle
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“Liv would you please come down noting actually happens it’s just a picture”
“Yeah a picture with the guy you’ve been horny about for like 5 years”
“So what can’t I just get a little fun, you have no idea how I feel about this maybe we can actually go out like a normal couple, have you thought about my actual happiness”
You started to tear up, “all I’m asking is that people don’t actually give a fuck on who I’m dating or who I sleep with”
Live say next to you now hugging it out while you continue crying
“I promise you all I care about if your happiness I never said you can’t date him all I said is not right now when you have tons of doors open for you”
She kissed you hair as you started to calm down, “he said that he would wait for me, I never assumed he would be so understanding”
“Oh trust me I want you with him today in the morning I visit him and had a very serious talk”
“Where you tried to kill him right?”
“Oh please, I was just mad if he things I was trying to murder him I bet he won’t be able to handle you when your hanger”
“Never mess with a hangery Mexican right… but I do really like him Liv I just really hope he’s real about this too”
Just some blocks away Jack was having a very similar and interesting conversation with urban his best friend
“I’m telling you she is the one”
“Bro you just meet her, like I know you’ve jerked up to her pictures trust me I caught you once”
“Urb shut the fuck up, I can already feel this wired shit you feel when you’re in love”
“Ohhh jacky you’re feeling love butterflies huh you’re so down bad for her”
Jack threw himself in bed just thinking about your little love moment you had, just thinking about what he really wanted to do to you but he was a real gentleman that’s what no one really knew about him deep down he could actually imagine you together but he was going to stick with the plan. He made you about waiting for the right moment for you guys to work things out and eventually fall in love and start a family and all that shit that’s going to happen one day. all he hoped was that you were feeling the same.
Hiii!!! Finally a bit of love in the air right, I loved to include urban in this im so excited either this is going guys thank you for your support
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oliviasecrets · 1 year
This is life
Oh no
Those where my first words once I saw the headlines
“The new it girl taken?! “
“Kentucky Rapper and Y/N Y/L/N take on the red carpet”
“Your favorite model is now taken sorry guys better luck next time”
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It’s the day after your new Calvin Klein line red carpet and oh boy what a hell of a day was coming for you
“Please Liv pick up please please”
The number you are calling is now available
Oh fuck me, okay I have to do something about this but first let me take a cold shower to really wake up from this nightmare
Sweet Disposition by the temper trap playing on the background while you were doing your post shower face routine, as you looked at yourself in the mirror you saw your younger self smiling at you a very important and vulnerable moment you had to snap out from thanks to the listing stoping cause someone was calling you
Incoming call from Jackman Harlow
Oh please not right now ughh!
You answered the call and you could hear a bit of a hectic noise coming from the other end
“Um hey y/n good morning” wow his morning raspy voice did something on you
“Good morning to you too Jack, how are you doing “
“Haha well I think I’m doing a bit better than you, you won’t guess who showed up to my room and pretty much tried to kill me”
“Oh no please don’t tell me it was Liv”
“Yeah, she’s still here just wanted to call you first make sure you’re okay”
“I appreciate it Jack but I’m not doing great I haven’t been feeling like myself lately and now all this mess it’s just too much to take in”
“Mess huh and I was waiting for a please Jack come and safe take me away from all of this please help me”
This boy will be the death of me “please do come and safe me”
“To be honest if it wasn’t for this crazy manager of yours I would be at your apartment right now it’s a bag of delicious bagels so we could talk about all this mess as you said”
“Why don’t you come then, I bet I’m worth getting in a little trouble”
“God y/n you really know to turn a guy on huh”
“Yeah it’s one of my many virtues plus you know what they say about models, we really know how to work our way into what we want”
“Send me your address I’ll be on my way in 5”
“See you soon jackman”
End of call
God I’m really good at faking shit, you thought while you did your famous fake smile while looking at the mirror, small tears coming down your left eye.
What did I get myself into
Hiii i hope you’re liking my fic, I have so many ideas feel free to text me any ideas you have. It’s a small fic today but im just getting started
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oliviasecrets · 1 year
This is Life
Part I
Number 248 it’s your turn. Here thank you, oh okay I can do this it’s just another day pretending I can do it. As I entered the room my mindset changed drastically and put on my famous smile , hi I’m y/n I’m so excited for this opportunity thank you so much. It’s lovely to meet you y/n we’ve heard so much about you now for the important part we would like to see your walk please. As you prepared yourself to do your very known differ model walk one of the agents asked “sorry can we do it without the heels first” um yeah sure you said. As the music started playing in your head more specific maneares by Nelly Furtado, you stated to do your thing and in less than a minute you got the part! You finally did it a dream that seemed to good to be true. In just a couple of months your life change drastically you were now the it girl for Calvin Klein. Everything seems like the dream right what could go wrong.
Good Morning Sunshine!!! Can you please get yourself together we have to be at time square in 2 hours. Your agent a close friend Liv stormed into you apartment screaming. Ugh hey yeah I’ll take a shower you can grab my phone order some bangles, and just to be sure I won’t be doing any press today right you asked scared of the answer. No honey just do some poses for the paparazzi and take some pictures with fans. Great thank Liv for everything you said with a very forced smile. Everything was going well until you got a very intriguing notification on your phone, @JackHarlow stared following you
HOLY SHIT you said out loud, now sitting on your bathroom stall taking everything in. Huh who would’ve thought that your teen crush would follow you back. Trying to remain calm while getting ready you couldn’t help but smile a lot which caught liv’s attention. What are you smiling about now don’t tell me there’s a boy or anything like that. You couldn’t help it but laugh a bit, actually yeah someone very special to me started following me on instagram, can I know who this someone is? Hmm promise not to do anything crazy if I tell you who he is? What ofc I only care about you and your surroundings so yes please tel me who. Okay okay it’s this rapper who you might have heard about his name is Jack Harlow, you didn’t face Liv only cause you could imagine her reaction. NO FUCKING WAY the Jack Harlow the one you cried about in our senior year of high school?! Yup that one should i say something a little hey what’s up or just let it be? Are you asking your friend or your agent honey. That broke your heart a bit suddenly everything clicked you were the new it girl and had to stay single and available for the media and the fans to love you. Um just forget I asked I forgot, a sad smile pressed on liv’s faces said it all, she got up to press a kiss on your hair and said it’s for your own good you know I love you and admire you but remover why we’re here it’s the price of fame.
Y/N here please! Smile y/n to this camera, Y/N are you single who’s got you smiling like that.
One, two, three, breath was all you thought of when you walked on the small carpet on time square, you were promoting the new line of Calvin underwear with what else than a huge spectacular of you posing. Your younger would be so proud to be one of the few plus size models to have not just a spectacular but many many covers of magazines. Once you enter the vip area all you could think about was getting a very cold and wrong drink at the bar. As you approach the bartender you could feel something on your stomach like if something was going to happen, hey could I get a cosmopolitan please with one olive, sure thing coming right up. As you were waiting on your drink you felt a large and cold hand pressed on your lower back that made you turn around, and no one could have expected this but no other than Jack Harlow was smiling at you. Hey I’m Jack we haven’t meet probably but I’m fan of your work been following you for a bit. Holy fuck um hello yeah I know who you are also a big fan of your work as you probably greeted him by kissing his cheek. Huh I heard somewhere that latinas always greet like that, guess I’m in luck right. You looked deep into his ocean eyes and studied his cute curls that made him look so cute. Mind if we take a picture he said while grabbing your hand to lead the way to where the photographer was. All you could thing about was how good your kids would look very creepy from just formally meeting Jack. As he placed his hand on you lower hip you turn to look at him with love eyes and for your luck that was the picture that immediately went viral of course you didn’t know that until after the show was done but in that moment you forgot about everything. And yes even about why the number one rule of your life at the moment was no dating, no hookups, no relationships at any cost. Guess we’ll see where this goes now that that picture was in everyone’s instagram.
Hii this is my first ever fic, just a heads up this story will contain some heartthrob like, #JackHarlowChris Evans, Henry Cavill, Travis Kelce, Drake, ASAP Rocky, and best for last Timothee Chalament
Thank you for reading hope you like it !
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