pablo9306 · 7 months
The Impact of Instagram on Teen Body Images and ways to ignore them
In todays age of social media, Instagram has emerged as one of the most popular platforms among teenagers. While it provides a space for self-expression and connection with friends and family, it also has a significant impact on the body images of young individuals. In this blog post, I am going to go in depth on how Instagram influences teen body images and how we can ignore them
So to start us off, I wanted to talk about Comparison Culture Instagram is filled with carefully picked profiles showcasing seemingly flawless bodies and lifestyles either if its body builders or people with a lot of makeup on. Teens are bombarded with images of those profiles. This constant exposure creates a culture of comparison, where teenagers feel pressured to conform to unrealistic and often unattainable body ideals. This was one big thing that has been on my mind for awhile, that Comparing one another is not right and should never happen, it destroys people's mental health for not being up to date on things and looks
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Next up on the list is Influencer Culture Influencers on Instagram often promote certain beauty standards and products. People, mostly Teens, who are highly impressionable, may idolize these influencers and would want to emulate their appearance. They may start comparing themselves to these influencers and feeling horrible or left out if they don't meet the same standards. One example being a teenager might feel dissatisfied with their body because it doesn't resemble that of their favorite fitness influencer. for example maybe its someone who wants to look like Brooke Monk, or someone who wants to look like one of the Trent twins (these are just exemples) this is what destroys people self confidence and mental health and gives them a lot of stress for “not being up to date on beauty standards'' 
Finally we have Filters and Editing. I wanted to talk about this as it's just stupid all around as so many people use these nowadays you cant tell whats real or not. So to start off Instagram offers a range of filters and editing tools that allow users to enhance their appearance. These tools can be used to mess around and have fun, but they also contribute to the distortion of reality. Teens might develop an unhealthy obsession with achieving the perfect look through excessive editing or using filters that create a false sense of beauty. People out there go nuts for attention, some people even spend hours on those filters perfecting them, and they don't even look like that in real life.
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I also wanted to mention Makeup, Its used everywhere now even if it's just a quick photo or going out, people will always use makeup, makeup in my opinion is like using one of the Instagram filters but having it on you temporally and only taking it off when you want to stop receiving attention. People go crazy on makeup just like Instagram filters which has the same consequences.
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So what are some things we can do to ignore and stop it?
One main thing anyone can do is take breaks from social media take periods of time or days where you intentionally disconnect from Instagram and other social media platforms.  As well you can set a few boundaries by only being on Instagram for a few hours or even just every few days. Another thing is to take control of the content you see on Instagram by actively curating your feed by unfollowing accounts that show unrealistic beauty standards or negatively impact your self-esteem. Instead, we can follow accounts that promote body positivity, self-acceptance, and mental well-being.
In Conclusion, Instagram Is a great social media app that is used by many people worldwide, while that is the case teens will have body image issues that cannot be underestimated. The constant exposure to beauty/body building profiles, influencer culture, and the use of filters and editing tools all contribute to an environment that fosters comparison and unrealistic beauty standards. However, it's important to remember that Instagram also offers opportunities for positive change, with body positivity leading the way. As others mostly teens navigate this digital landscape, we should promote self-acceptance and a healthy relationship with social media.
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pablo9306 · 7 months
The dark and weird side of reddit
Reddit is a vast and mysterious realm, essentially it being the dark web of all social media, with diverse communities and strange encounters. Within reddit communities, some individuals embrace, share bizarre stories and engage in questionable activities. In this blog post, I will dive into a collection of unsettling online tales that will leave you both intrigued and disturbed. I also chose reddit has this app is more for anonymous people has you dont have to share your name or even post at all
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lets start off with YAYVIDEOGAMES: A Bizarre Commenting Spree: In the depths of online gaming forums, a user known as YAYVIDEOGAMES gained popularity for their weird behavior. After the yleft a help comment someone asked them Wat? to which YAYVIDEOGAMES responds with over 4000 comments, often accompanied by obscure and unsettling image links. These images only added to the mystery surrounding YAYVIDEOGAMES, leaving fellow users scared and intrigued. The true intentions and motives behind YAYVIDEOGAMES remain shrouded and hidden, leaving us to ponder the strange world of online interactions. Its weird how he commented so much essentially showing us he lost his mind or programmed a bot to do it, either one is weird and scary. just shows you what reddit can do to someone and to not engage with everyone on the internet.
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Now we have The Poisonedbyma Saga: In a throwaway account, a user named "poisendbyma" shared his experiences of being poisoned by his own mother. He claimed that his mother had been manipulated, leading to her stalking him at work and even watching him at his bus stop. The shocking story shows us that the sparking debates about family dynamics, mental health, and the dark underbelly of domestic relationships. While his tale remains uncertain, it serves as a stark reminder of the hidden stories that may lurk behind the screens. Its horrible how someone's mom is willing to do all that just so her son could live with her.
So here we have The Dark Addiction of Controllable Webcams: The internet brings both wonders and horrors. One disturbing phenomenon that has emerged is the sharing of controllable webcams, which provide a big window into people's lives. Some individuals develop addictions to watching others, invading their privacy from afar. Up to one anonymous user contemplated apologizing for watching others but concluded to the fact that him stopping of this twisted fascination would dissipate if they were to cease their activities. This shows us that people who cover there webcams weren't stupid but instead trying to be safe from this risk 
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And finally the Troubling Obsession of u/darlyprat: In a tale of online stalking, u/darlyprat fixated on popular content creator Alanah Pearce who now has about 250k subscribers on youtube and many more across multiple platforms. This individual created numerous YouTube accounts to bombard Pearce's videos and Instagram posts with unwelcome comments, expressing a desire to be in a relationship with her. Eventually, u/darlyprat escalated their actions by creating a dedicated Reddit account, further intensifying their obsession. and asking for help on how to get into contact with someone after they have blocked them multiple times, and at some point Alanah Pearce was gonna be at a youtuber convention and u/darlyprat asked if it would be ok to hug someone even if they don't consent to it. This story serves as a reminder that people will wanna stalk you and will want to have you people should be extra careful while on the internet especially reddit.
In conclusion, these disturbing stories give us a peek into the sinister side of the internet, especially reddit, where people can hide behind fake identities and become obsessed with others or manipulate them. They serve as a strong reminder to be careful and stay alert when using the internet.. Let's remember how crucial it is to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. And to make sure not to engage with everyone on the internet.
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pablo9306 · 7 months
Social media challenges and their effects on us
For this blog I will be exploring six different social media challenges and their effects on us, the challenges on this list will be from the least harmful to the most starting with the Skull Breaker Challenge some details of the challenge: This challenge gained attention in 2020. It involved three people standing in a line, with the two outer people tricking the middle person into jumping into the air before kicking their legs out from under them. This resulted in the middle person falling violently to the ground. Ironically for the given name, it’s still the least harmful challenge on this list, basically the effects of the challenge are super dangerous as falling violently to the ground can result in head injuries, broken bones, concussions, and other physical trauma. So far it’s already really bad but the next challenge is one we have probably all heard of already, which is also known as the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge some details of the challenge: This challenge gained popularity in 2015 after Kylie Jenner, a big social media influencer, revealed plump lips. People online attempted to achieve similar results by using suction or pressure to enlarge their lips, often resulting in painful bruising or injuries. This challenge is one of the older ones on the list but is still being used as a challenge for social media. In severe cases, it can cause lip damage, burst blood vessels, lip deformation, and even infections. which is all horrible consequences for a challenge.
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Next up on the list is the Bird Box Challenge some details about the origins: This challenge was inspired by the popular Netflix movie "Bird Box," people attempted to perform various tasks while blindfolded, mimicking the characters in the film who had to navigate the world while blindfolded to avoid a supernatural threat. This challenge posed significant safety risks as some people engaged in activities such as driving, cooking, or moving around their environment without their sense of sight. This challenge was something you could easily do and get a lot of attention on social media, the effect it has on us is the fact that while driving we need to see the damn road, same goes for cooking as you could cut a finger off. this challenge and the last are tied in terms of danger in my opinion but getting into a car accident or losing a hand is far worse in my opinion. Now, these are where the challenges get interesting and more dangerous, as the next one being the Tide Pod Challenge some insight to the challenge: This challenge was gaining popularity in 2018 and involved people, mostly teenagers, filming themselves biting into or even eating laundry detergent pods, which are toxic if ingested. Ingesting these substances can lead to nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, chemical pneumonia, and even life-threatening conditions some of those reasons are why the challenge is so low on the list, as these consequences affect the rest of your life.
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Next up on the list is the Fire Challenge a little insight: This challenge involved people dousing themselves in flammable substances and setting themselves on fire. The goal was to quickly extinguish the flames. Some effects on us were when this challenge gained popularity severe burns can cause long-term damage physically, requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. In some cases, the injuries could be fatal. As well, when people started to light themselves on fire trying to extinguish the flames quickly is challenging, and having those injuries for the rest is horrible. Now, for the last one being so low was because it was not something funny or something where everyone can get up and laugh it off, that is the Blue Whale Challenge. Some insight to it: This challenge originated on social media platforms and reportedly led participants through a series of increasingly dangerous and self-harming tasks that got harder and harder over 50 days. The final task was to commit suicide. the effects it had on us is that people would do anything for clout, this challenge was just a long SAW trap in my opinion, this challenge exploited vulnerable people, mostly teens and had them go through psychologically manipulative experiences, basically resembling the horror of the traps in the SAW movies.
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You don’t even win or anything you just got a few likes. It even normalizes dangerous behaviors. This shows us how far people will go just for clout. In conclusion, these social media challenges have significant effects on people and society. Physically, they lead to injuries and health complications and, psychologically, they manipulate people and can result in distress. Societally, they normalize dangerous behaviors and influence vulnerable people, especially teens. By implementing stricter guidelines, raising awareness, and focusing on a safe digital environment, we can minimize the harm caused by these challenges.
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pablo9306 · 8 months
Doomscrolling is Bad News for Your Health here's how to stop
In today's digital age, our constant access to news and social media has led to a phenomenon known as doomscrolling. This habit involves compulsively scrolling through negative and distressing content, which can have significant impacts on our mental health and overall well-being. In this blog post, I will explore the detrimental effects of doomscrolling and how it can disrupt our lives.
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What is doom scrolling?
For short doomscrolling refers to the habit of compulsively scrolling through negative or distressing content on news and social media feeds. It involves becoming trapped in a cycle of consuming alarming news and catastrophic events, which can have detrimental effects on mental health and overall well-being.
Anxiety and stress:
One thing im going to talk about is Increased anxiety and stress. One of the primary consequences of doomscrolling is heightened anxiety levels and chronic stress. The continuous exposure to negative news and distressing information overwhelms individuals, leading to feelings of helplessness, fear, and worry. The never-ending stream of alarming content can make it difficult to find relief and contribute to a constant state of anxiety. 
Sleep disturbances:
Engaging in doomscrolling, especially before bedtime is something I do and I assume most of you do as well, can disrupt our sleep patterns. The exposure to distressing content lingers in our minds, making it challenging to relax and fall asleep. This can result in insomnia or poor sleep quality, further exacerbating feelings of fatigue and impacting our overall well-being. 
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Loss of productivity:
Loss of productivity Doomscrolling can significantly detract from our productivity and focus. The constant need to refresh news feeds and the absorption in negative content can disrupt our work or other important activities. The time spent scrolling endlessly could be better utilized for tasks that contribute to our personal and professional growth.
Neglect of self-care:
The neglect of self-care is when we get absorbed in doomscrolling, we often neglect essential self-care practices. Engaging with negative news diverts our attention from activities that promote physical and mental well-being. Exercise, relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones take a backseat as we become consumed by the never-ending cycle of distressing information. 
To stop doomscrolling:
To stop doomscrolling, I've found a few things that work for me and maybe for you: Setting time limits for social media and news consumption. Being selective about the content I follow and unfollowing negative accounts. Trusting reliable sources and avoiding sensationalized news. I practice self-care through walks with my dog in nature and Minimizing notifications to regain control over my attention. Connecting with others like family and friends for meaningful conversations and support.
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In conclusion, While staying informed is important, doomscrolling can have severe consequences for our mental health and overall well-being. The constant exposure to negative news and distressing content takes a toll on our anxiety levels, sleep patterns, emotional state, productivity, and self-care practices. It is crucial to recognize the detrimental effects of doomscrolling and take proactive steps to manage our media consumption appropriately. By setting boundaries, curating our feeds, and prioritizing self-care, we can strike a balance between staying informed and protecting our mental well-being in the digital age.
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pablo9306 · 8 months
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We all have TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter, these social media apps are great for finding all about the new news or trends going around, in reality, social media platforms bombard us with an overwhelming amount of information, including news, updates, opinions, and advertisements. This constant stream of information can lead to information overload, making it challenging to process relevant and reliable content. Additionally, we have decreased productivity, Spending excessive time on social media can significantly reduce productivity. Constant notifications, scrolling feeds, and the temptation to check social media frequently can distract us from important tasks such as homework, responsibilities, and even work leading to decreased focus and efficiency this happens to me as I just don't want to do my homework and just get distracted by social media. In addition, we have one of my favorite topics Fear of Missing Out! or (FOMO), Social media platforms can induce a fear of missing out on events, activities, or experiences that others are sharing. one good example is the Napoleon trend on TikTok, It's one I've seen all over TikTok usually containing a picture of Napoleon with the text “There is nothing we can do”
So many people are following this trend just because of fear of missing out they see all the likes people are getting and want to get that same feeling with the dopamine they get from a few likes.
I would also love to talk about the overstimulation social media has on mental health, the overstimulation from social media has been linked to various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, loneliness, and decreased overall well-being. In fact, spending more than six hours on social media a day causes you to have a higher chance of developing symptoms of depression.  
Time mismanagement, social media can be highly addictive, causing individuals to spend excessive amounts of time scrolling, liking, and commenting on posts. This is happening to my brother right now, instead of doing his homework right away he sits on his bed scrolling TikTok, texting people until his phone dies. This can lead to a mismanagement of time, with hours passing by unnoticed and important tasks being neglected I've seen people miss work because of it or forget to study.
Finally we have a false sense of reality, one big exemple is Instagram most social media platforms offer various filters, editing tools, and photo enhancements that allow users to present an idealized version of themselves or their surroundings making themselves or others appear amazing in there photos which leads us to believe we have to look like them, even if they have 7 pounds of makeup on there face and 20 different filters. Similarly, Influencers and celebrities on social media often post about how there lifestyle that can appear glamorous, luxurious, and unattainable for many which again leads us to a false sense of reality.
In conclusion, social media in my opinion has its benefits, overstimulation from these platforms can have detrimental effects on our daily lives. It is important for us to be aware of the potential negative impacts, such as information overload, decreased productivity, FOMO, mental health issues, time mismanagement, and the false sense of reality it can create. Finding a balance and practicing mindful use of social media can help maintain a healthier relationship with these platforms.
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