Different Earth's, Same Idea
Sorry for the wait! Enjoy!
Request: You're Barry's sibling on this earth and Cisco and you've never thought about a relationship ever. But then an alternate you pops in for some reason and lays one on Cisco which makes you super jealous and everything super awkward. But you all get a happy ending. (Word Count: 3884)
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Growing up as Barry’s little sister wasn’t always easy. After we’d lost our Mom and our father was arrested, things were just slightly different. Yes, we were close, but I think we were both too afraid of losing the other that there was always a distance between us.
As a result, our paths, while traveled together, always had some firm line between it. He became a forensic scientist and I became a sketch artist, both working for CCPD. Living with the Wests was great, but again, that line was always there between Barry and Iris and I, most likely due to the three year age difference we shared. Even when Barry started spending more time at STAR Labs, I wasn’t immediately notified of the major effect of his lightning incident because Joe wanted to keep his girls safe. Iris was a reporter that had a knack for discovering things, and I was only aware of something if it was drawn out right in front of me. Naturally, you can guess who found out Barry’s big secret first.
And after that, it was like a light had switched back on. Learning how our mother died and that Barry now had the power to protect us seemed to immediately close whatever distance he and I had created. It was a closure to a traumatizing night we both desperately needed. And it was one thing that Eobard Thawne had managed to do right: merge my brother and I’s paths back onto the same road.  As a result, I had two other families I fit in with: the Wests and the STAR Labs team.
And that’s all we were. Family. No harboring feelings for anyone, good or bad. I wasn’t secretly longing for a certain mechanical engineer that was a great friend for both Barry and I.
At least… I think that was the case. Until she had come along.
It was a good night as Team Flash celebrated another win. Caitlin and I were heading the Cortex as both Barry and Cisco were out on the field, an exciting moment for both guys as it was the first official outing for Vibe, and so far it was going really well.
“Alright, boys! That’s a wrap for tonight, so go ahead and come back so the Doctor can patch you up!” I smirked at Caitlin as I leaned back in the chair. I could hear the two superheroes’ confirmation and rolled my chair towards the brunette.
“We never finished our conversation.” Caitlin rolled her eyes with a gentle smile.
“We went out for dinner and had a nice time.” At my grin, she shook her head. “It really isn’t anything. Julian and I are just friends!”
“Uh-huh. Surrre.”
She glared at me, losing the seriousness as a small grin was on her face. Her grin widened though as she squinted her eyes briefly. “What about you? Anyone caught your eye lately?”
I thought briefly about it. Between work at CCPD and work at STAR Labs, there really wasn’t anytime to see or meet anyone new. The closest I got to hanging out with another male (that wasn’t my brother) was Cisco and our office movie nights. It was a way to keep ourselves sane during nights when he needed to work on superhero stuff and I needed to work on police stuff (and there were plenty of them).
Subconsciously, I smiled as I remembered last night's argument over The Princess Bride, a movie I refused to see simply because it ticked Cisco off.
“This is a MASTERPIECE. Don’t diss this just because you have some weird grudge against me.” He was holding the movie against his chest as he stared at me, offended.
“Quit calling me Baby Allen and I’ll watch it.” I told him as I set up our chairs in front of the screen he’d pulled down.
“But…” I looked up as he tried to come up with an argument. Giving up he settled with, “But you ARE Baby Allen.” I sat down and crossed my arms, rolling my eyes at him and motioned for him to pick another movie.
He started to walk away before quickly spinning around. “Let’s compromise…how about Baby West?”
Yeah. I choose movie nights with someone I’m comfortable with then an awkward dinner with a stranger any day.
Looking back at Caitlin, she pointed at my face. “There is someone!”
Waving my hands, I shook my head. “Unfortunately, there isn’t so don’t try to shine the spotlight away from you, missy!”
I glanced at the monitor as she let out a scoff, only to see the two dots at their same location. I opened up the line for communication.
“Are you both okay?” Laughter filled the Cortex as Cisco’s voice came through.
“Alright you two! Breacher or Speedster? Who’s the faster of the two? Place your bets, now!” Letting out a loud laugh, I looked at Caitlin and we both put on our poker faces immediately.
“Barry has been getting faster.” She reasoned.
“But Cisco has really gotten the hang of opening breaches.” Narrowing her eyes at me, she responded to them.
“Barry, you better win this!”
“Seriously?” Barry’s voice came through. “No points for your own bro, sis?”
Shrugging though he couldn’t see me, I answered, “I’ve got to spice it up a bit!” Addressing Cisco I shouted, “Ramon! Let’s do this!”
“Yes! You know you on the winning team, gurl! Ain’t gonna let you down!”
His shout of excitement made me giggle and Caitlin had began a countdown on the computer.
But before the race could commence, a strange sound came from Barry and Cisco’s side.
“Cisco?” Barry’s voice was slightly anxious. “Please tell me you’re cheating.”
“What’s happening?” I turned to Caitlin and she pressed a few keys on the computer. Worried she quickly looked at me, “A new breach is opening right on top of them!”
“Guys, get out of there now!” I tried to downplay how scared I was, but let’s face it: a breacher from who knows where is always a logical reason to be worried.
Barry didn’t respond and it was a few moments of silence before we heard anything from them. That’s one of the hardest parts about being on desk duty with no metahuman abilities. The not being able to help and just standing aside waiting to see what would happen next. Caitlin and I were on edge as we waited for a blue breach to open or for a gust of wind to signal their return.
Caitlin tried the comms again after a few minutes. “Barry? Cisco?”
A heartbeat.
“Uh, yeah, we’re here…” Barry’s voice came through but there was something off about it.
“Are you okay? What happened?” I threw myself in front of Caitlin, trying to figure out what was wrong.
“Um, that’s the thing, we’re okay, but something happened? Or is happening…?” His voice trailed off and I could just imagine him turning to look at Cisco.
“Just… have the med bay prepped, Cait. We’re, uh– headed back.” Caitlin nodded at Cisco’s somewhat weak voice and while confused, she began to make her way to the clinic, her heels tapping away.
“Oh, and kid?” I hated when Barry called me that. Three years age difference!
“Just… try not to freak out?”
Naturally, that caused me to do the opposite, but as my heart beat wildly in my chest I held my voice steady. “Why?”
A loud whirl behind me had me turning around and waiting for Cisco to land. However, when he did, he quickly took off his goggles and brushed his hair back, seemingly having trouble looking me in the eye. “Cisco? What happened out there?” I walked toward him and could’ve sworn he was blushing. “Uh, well…” He pointed to the entrance of the Cortex and my hair whipped around my face as Barry entered.
Except he was holding me. A scratched up and shaky me, but me nonetheless.
And I was trying my very hardest to listen to what my brother had just suggested moments ago.
He quickly took her (me?) to the med bay where Caitlin was and I was able to see her look at the girl in Barry’s arms and then back at me, a shocked look on her face, before she started looking her over. Barry walked back out, a worried look on his face before he looked at Cisco and narrowed his eyes just a little bit.
“So, uh…that’s me.” I pointed to the girl with Caitlin and then turned my back to her to face my friend and brother. The boys looked at each other briefly before both turned to me, “Yeah, that’s you.”
“But, is that a future me or–”
“No, no!” Cisco waved his hands quickly, an embarrassing smile on his face. “That’s an alternate you. And by that I mean from another universe– where things are completely different from this Earth! Because, uh…” He looked nervously at Barry before continuing his rambling, “…not everything is the same on every Earth. You know… Obviously. Um.” He awkwardly cleared his throat and banged his fist together as he made it a point to look away from me.
But while Barry had a somewhat amused look now, I stared straight at Cisco and I knew he could feel it. “What did she do to you?”
“You, uh, well– not you! Because that’s not here-you! No, uh…” He laughed nervously.
“I kissed him.”
I spun around quickly only to come face to face with my doppleganger. Looking her over quickly I saw that Caitlin had cleaned her up and that she looked fine for the most part. Taking the chance, I recognized just a few differences in us (her hair was lighter and straighter than mine and her style was slightly different) but overall it really was like looking into a mirror.
It was after the shock of meeting my doppleganger for the first time, that I finally registered what she had said and for some reason, a weird feeling landed in my stomach and my chest started fluttering.
“Wait– why would you kiss Cisco?”
“Apparently, she and Cisco are together on her Earth.” Barry crossed his arms and looked back and forth between me and Cisco, who I could now understand his reason for not looking at me because, well, I couldn’t face him either.
“But you two aren’t together here, I’ve gathered.” She stated, noticing the strange looks going on.
Glancing at the other me I nodded quickly. “We’re just really good friends! The best!”
Turning to look at Cisco for confirmation he briefly nodded his head and was about to say something but strangely paused and looked at the floor, crossing his arms across his chest. Confused, I turned to her and she had a small smirk on her face before she looked down and nodded. She looked back up to me and tilted her head. “You do the late night coffee runs?”
“Oh! They do the late night movies here at the lab!” Caitlin answered enthusiastically, causing us all to stare at her, me and Cisco with slight panic in our eyes and Barry with widened eyes.
My brother turned to me, his voice slightly high as he asked, “You said you always stayed to do your sketches at my lab?”
I held up a finger. “I said THE lab, not necessarily your lab. And I do them! The movies are just to relax and— I don’t need to explain this. Cisco and I are friends!” I stated firmly.
My doppleganger smiled knowingly as she said, “Yeah, that’s how we started, too.”
Seeing Barry’s eyebrows jump up, I quickly intervened. “Why are you here? Or– how did you get here? Are you a meta on your Earth?”
“No.” She sighed before lightly waving her hand towards the two males. “I explained it briefly to them when I came out of the breach. One created by my Cisco.” I could tell she was starting to get worried as she explained what happened.
“There’s a meta we’re handling on my Earth and he kind of just ambushed me and Cisco as we were on a date. Cisco started fighting him, but he got knocked down before the meta started coming for me.”
“Why didn’t you use the metahuman app to call Barry or Wally?” Cisco asked.
“Well… we don’t have one of those.” She thought about the idea of the app briefly before continuing. “But, uh, anyway, before the meta could attack me, Cisco created a breach and used his abilities to toss me through it.”
She turned to Cisco. “That’s why I ran up and kissed you as soon as I fell through. I thought you had looped it around to land next to you and it took me awhile to notice you were in your suit and were hesitant when kissing me back.”
Caitlin and I whipped our heads in Cisco’s direction.
“You kissed BACK?”
Blushing even darker, Cisco tried to explain. “Well, a pretty girl kisses me, I mean–” Cisco looked at me, “not to say that I just kiss anyone, because I don’t! But it was… instinctual? I–uh– Caitlin…” He looked helplessly toward her. “Help?”
“What I think he means to say is that it was just something he couldn’t help!” Caitlin suggested, a small twinkle in her eye.
Cisco raised a hand to his throat telling her to cut it out, but before I or anyone else could respond, my doppleganger continued with her story. “When Cisco created the breach, maybe in a state of panic, I think he accidentally created a breach that got me away from the danger. And that sent me to another Earth.” She flicked her hands around her. “Your Earth.”
She looked seriously at Cisco. “Which is why you need to get me back there immediately, so I can know he’s okay.”
“Makes sense.” Cisco put his glasses back on, placing his fist in front of him. “Just tell me which Earth and we’ll get you back… to…me?” His sentence had trailed off as he realized what he was saying.
Doppelgänger me hesitated before she asked, “You consider yourselves Earth-1, right?”
My eyes widened as I realized what she was saying. “You don’t know what Earth to get back to, do you?”
She nodded and ran a hand threw her hair. “Which would mean that my Cisco won’t know where to get me from either. Especially if he didn’t mean to send me here!”
Caitlin put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We’ll send you back. I know your family is missing you and will be doing the exact same thing we are in trying to get you home.”
We had separated into teams to try and figure this one out. Cisco and Barry had gone back to the scene of the crime to see if Cisco could vibe anything about her Earth. Caitlin had taken some evidence from my doppleganger’s clothes and went over to CCPD to see if Julian could get any hints about well, anything.
And that left me with her.
“So. Everyone here at STAR Labs seems pretty much the same.” She was walking around taking everything in while I sat in Cisco’s chair.
She sat down on Cisco’s desk and stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets. “Only small differences here and there.”
Slightly irritated I stared pointedly at where she was sitting. “Do you mind sitting in a chair? Cisco’s been working hard on all these diagrams.”
Surprised, she looked at the desk before getting off of it, moving over to roll another chair towards us. “Sorry! Force of habit, I guess?”
She looked down at the diagrams he had been working on for his suit before she pulled the paper toward her, grabbed a pen and started writing something on it.
“Hey!” I ripped the pen from her hand. “You can’t just write all over his stuff!”
“I do it all the time.” She stared at me, curious. “Are you not an engineer here?”
“Engineer? No. I’m a sketch artist. You’re an engineer on your Earth?”
Nodding, she gently took the pen out of my grasp before continuing her correction. “It’s how I met the team… and Cisco.” She focused on the papers in front of her as she talked. “We crushed on each other while working together, Barry became the Flash, Cisco and I grew closer, lots of stuff happened in between that and voila!” She finished writing and looked up. “Here I am.” She grinned and I asked her what I had been wanting to know ever since I saw her.
“How are you and Cisco dating? I mean, he’s awesome and a great guy… but we work together and he’s my brother’s best friend and it just seems…” I trailed off after realizing that there really wasn’t any logical reason as to why it seemed wrong.
Knowingly, she grabbed a spare sheet of paper and began doodling. “I don’t know. I always had some kind of feelings for him, but figured ‘Hey, he’s my best friend, let’s not ruin that’, but one day, this breacher from Earth 19 comes in and next thing I know she’s kissing him like there’s no tomorrow and I felt… betrayal. It was like that kiss sparked this jealousy in me that I hadn’t expected. Cait had noticed and convinced me to tell Cisco and I did. I can’t tell you how surprised the both of us were when we said we actually liked each other.” Smiling softly, she added, “As cheesy as it sounds, it’s one of the greatest things that could’ve happened to either one of us.”
Her eyes met mine and she had a thoughtful look on her face. “Maybe I’m your Gypsy.” I felt my forehead scrunch up as I looked at her completely lost. “You’re my what?”
She jumped up, sitting straight in her chair, a new wave of excitement flowing through her. “You don’t know who she is! That’s perfect! That means that I’m the one who gets your relationship going!” She pointed at me. “Tell me hearing about the kiss didn’t affect you in some way!”
I didn’t really have an answer for her. And she knew she had gotten me.
With a sweet smile she spoke softly. “Cisco said that on any Earth we find each other. A bit like Barr and Iris. Soulmates.”
“Who are soulmates?”
Footsteps entering the room made me jump as Barry and Cisco came back. Looking at Barry I was at a loss for words before my doppleganger answered for me. “You and Iris. We were talking about similarities between our Earths and you and Iris are as sickeningly cute as ever.”
Smiling, Barry took the answer, but peeking at Cisco and meeting his eyes, I knew he knew the truth. We stared at one another for a moment before I broke our eye contact.
“Did you guys find where to send our new friend back?”
“Yes.” Barry walked toward us. “Cisco managed to get a vibe from your Earth’s Cisco and they managed to figure out that you belong on Earth 14.”
“So he’s okay?”
Barry nodded at his sister and put his hands on her shoulders. “He’s fine. And from what he said the meta is taken care of and everyone is just waiting for you to get home.”
Letting out a breath of relief she hugged my brother. “Thanks, Barr.” He gave her a tight squeeze before releasing her. “Just stay safe, okay.” He smiled mischiveously before saying, “And tell Cisco he better take care of you, or I’ll run all the way over there to get him in line.”
“So you threaten my boyfriend the same way in any dimension.” She grinned widely at him.
“I’ll see you soon, kid.”
She walked up to Cisco next and they gave awkward laughs as they tried to figure out if they should hug or not. After a second, Cisco opened his arms and she stepped into them, a warm hug shared between them– a hug I was familiar with myself. She whispered something to him and Cisco cleared his throat as he pulled away, glancing at my brother and I before nodding his head briefly.
She turned around to face me and held out her hand as she said, “I always hear Barry talking about how he met past him, future him, doppleganger him… and as weird as it is, it was still pretty cool to meet you.”
Shaking her hand, I gave a smile. “Just stay safe over there, okay? And tell Cisco not to send you into anymore strange earths.”
Winking at me, she quietly said, “Oh, he’ll get a talking to.” Stepping closer she whispered, “Both of us will be having discussions with a certain Ramon tonight.” Giving my arm a squeeze, she backed away before explaining what she meant.
“Oh, and tell Caitlin thank you, will you?”
Barry nodded. “Of course”. He turned his head towards Cisco and gave him a meaningful look. “Ready?”
Pulling out his goggles he put them on and aimed his fist at the empty space in front of us, “Earth-14, welcome back your missing friend!”
The familiar swirl of the breach began to open, and turning around my doppleganger gave us one last wave before walking through, the breach immediately closing, leaving only the three of us in the room.
Talking to no one in particular, I quickly said, “Well, that’s a new one.”
“Eh, not really.” Barry replied.
Turning to look at my brother, I narrowed my eyes. “It is for those that weren’t allowed to other Earths.”
“You know what is new though?” Barry walked up and placed an arm around Cisco, playfully saying, “You two. I mean, who would’ve thought, right?” Cisco and I laughed awkwardly as Barry smiled at the two of us, loving the blushes that painted both of our faces.
“Yeah! I mean, that’s completely out of nowhere!” Cisco agreed, but his jerky movements and high pitched voice didn’t really fool me or Barry. And that got me thinking about what my doppleganger had said.
Yes, it would be a natural step between Cisco and I to move forward in our friendship. I mean, I would be lying if I said there weren’t moments that I wanted to move closer to him when we were already invading each other’s personal space, or times that I just never wanted to leave his side, even if it was just to go home and take a shower, only to see him at the lab a couple hours later.
Maybe that’s why I never thought of me and Cisco as me AND Cisco. We were already naturally gravitating around one another. Why would we need to point out the obvious?
“Hey? You okay?”
Snapping out of my thoughts, I found Cisco waving his hand in front of me, looking concerned. I looked around quickly and noticed that my brother had left.
Cisco replied to my unanswered question, “Barry said he had to go meet Iris about something or other.” He waved his hand around as an explanation.
“Ah. Right!” I nodded and we were silent for awhile.
“So what did she tell you before she left?” I asked, curious.
“Oh, that?” He smiled wistfully as he looked away from me. “Just some friendly Earth-14 advice.”
He looked down and grinned before looking back up at me. “About us.” He answered, bluntly.
I wasn’t nervous and neither was he. At least not as much as we should’ve been. And that’s probably why I was brave enough to continue the conversation.
“She seemed happy. And her Cisco probably is too.”
He stepped closer and I looked down and saw that our shoes were toe and toe, and while I could feel his gaze on me, I could also feel the warmth radiating from his body.
I looked up into his dark eyes, and smiled shyly. “I’m pretty sure I could make my Cisco happy as well.”
Giving me his wide grin, his hand swept down my arm and into my hand, interlacing our fingers.
“You already do.”
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Gods and Widows
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Prompt: Reverb is married on Earth-2. 
(Words: 2262) (Sorry for the length, it was so fun to write!)
The warehouse was such a clichéd villain’s lair, that if Cisco wasn’t going up against his best friend’s evil doppelganger, he would have scoffed. But be that as it may, he followed Mrs. West Allen and Floyd Lawton out of the dark alley to the unlocked door on the side of the place.
“Look alive, gents.” Iris stated and Cisco did just that, taking note of how much more in charge this Iris was. Was it because she was a cop, or was this just her?
It wasn’t a bad thing. He just didn’t want to get her angry. If Earth-1 Iris West was scary when mad… he didn’t want to even catch a glimpse of what Earth-2’s Iris West-Allen could do to someone she didn’t know. That knife thing at the precinct had completely caught him off guard.
But he was good.
Lawton and Iris took the lead into the warehouse, Cisco trailing behind them, holding his own weapon out in front of him as the other two were.
“Maybe your snitch was wrong about their whereabouts,” Lawton whispered to Iris, looking around cautiously (and somewhat fearfully) for the two metas.
A loud beeping came from Iris’ metahuman app and the three looked up.
“No. They’re here.”
Footsteps from up ahead caused them to look up and as Cisco took in Caitlin’s –Killer Frost­—appearance, he froze for a minute, only slightly registering her demand to lay down their weapons as he witnessed the way her hand began to produce a frosty mist among it.
After secretly hiding his weapon in his pocket, he stood up and took a step towards the two, finally taking in Ronnie’s darker look.
“Ronnie? Is Martin Stein in there?” Cisco already knew the answer, but needed to hear it. And when Deathstorm and Killer Frost laughed and confirmed that yes, the scientist was in Ronnie and not at all in charge, even partially, he looked even more ashamed of them.
“I can’t believe that you two work for Zoom! I mean, how—why, would you even consider it?” Cisco knew it wasn’t the real Caitlin and Ronnie, but to know that their doppelgangers would be evil? That was something he couldn’t register.
A voice from the left startled him as a woman answered his question. “Simple, really. The most powerful stand at the top of the totem pole.”
Everyone turned towards the woman’s voice as her figure could be made out walking toward them from the dark hallway. Unregistered to the other three, Killer Frost and Deathstorm took a few steps back.
“And quite frankly, Fire & Ice over here just aren’t as powerful as they like to think.” The young woman gave a scarily confident smile to the group, noticing the way the other two had backed up and her smile grew even bigger.
“Besides,” she looked over to the two cops and breacher, tucking her hands into her jacket pockets, her chin cropped hair hanging straight around her tanned face, “They don’t work for Zoom. That there is a privilege granted to only a special few.”
Cisco was taken aback by how gorgeous she was. Evil, evil metahuman! He mentally yelled at himself. Evil, beautiful metahuman… He shook his head to get the thoughts out of his mind, before realizing that he should be worried about this additional meta.
“So you’re the one that got Caitlin and Ronnie to join the dark side?” Jeez. Barry better be prepared for 3 metas.
“Oh, no.” She held her hands in front of her. “I don’t deal with henchmen.” She eyed Killer Frost and Deathstorm. “My husband on the other hand…” She turned to look over her shoulder into the dark hallway she came from and Cisco finally heard the second pair of footsteps headed toward them.
Make that four evil metas.
A man’s silhouette was coming this time and Cisco was quite through with all the theatrics. “And who the hell are you?”
“Funny. I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
Cisco’s mind went blank for a few seconds as he was staring at, well, himself, just a…darker version of him. Hair pulled up and all the leather on this Evil Cisco was what he took in before his doppleganger went to stand right next to the female from earlier.
Cisco stared at how close they were, Earth-2’s him standing just a little bit in front of her, before his mind snapped to that one word from she had said.
“Wait—husband? You’re—we’re…You and her? You’re married to her??” Cisco was pointing between the two, his arms crossing over one another (and with what he was sure was a shocked look on his face).
The married metas simply glanced at one another, a knowing smirk on his face and an amused one on hers, before she placed an arm around Francisco’s waist, leaning into him, her head slightly leaning onto his shoulder. “So, either we haven’t yet met on your Earth,” she then gave Cisco a slightly pouty look, “Or you’re from an Earth where I don’t exist.” She looked back to her husband, her face slightly tilting up. “Shame. A world without me? Doesn’t sound like much fun.”
Tightening the hand on her hip, Francisco looked down at her, “A world without you, would be absolutely unbearable.” She smiled lovingly, before turning her attention back to the three in front of her as Cisco spoke up.
“Alright, Romeo and Juliet,” Cisco held up his hand in front of him, “who the hell are you two?” Before they could answer, Cisco pointed to his doppleganger, “Well, obviously you’re me…but—evil—”
“Not evil. Powerful.” He pulled away from his wife, and did a mock bow, “Reverb.”
Cisco nodded slowly. “Vibe.” He turned to Reverb’s wife expectantly, when she simply shrugged her shoulders and scoffed, “Oh no, sweetheart, I don’t do nicknames.” She sent a flirty grin Cisco’s way, and if she hadn’t been his evil wife in this Earth, he definitely would’ve been affected by it. “I’m Lara. Lara Ramon.”
Iris’ voice came from behind Cisco and he honestly had forgotten that she was there with him. “Lara Ramon.” He turned around and saw the Detective with a furious look on her face. “You are wanted for the slaughter of 50 people.”
Lara laughed at Iris. “It was involuntary, Detective. After all, they shouldn’t have been in the way of my … demolition zone. They were warned.”
“Those were innocent people!”
“The minute they refused to follow Zoom, they were traitors.” Lara shot Iris a dark look and lifted her hands in front of her.
“Do I need to repeat what happened again, Detective? Maybe then you’ll learn your place.” Lawton and Cisco took a few steps back, unsure of what would happen next, but Iris held her ground.
“Try it.” Iris stated.
Lara’s eyebrow rose before her hands started to glow a violet color, but before anything could happen, Reverb gently held her elbow. “Mi amor, not yet.”
Not even glancing back, Lara’s powers retracted. “Fine. But I will be the one to take you down, West-Allen.” She glared at the woman in front of her. “You’re like a dog that won’t stop following me and I’m sick of it.”
Iris held her ground, but Cisco knew she must’ve been at least somewhat worried about the threat. She didn’t respond, but knew she wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“Now, as for you,” Lara ignored the officers and sauntered up to Cisco, giving him a wry smile, “What do you say, you leave these two deadbeats and join us?”
“What do you mean?”
Reverb spoke up, his deep voice addressing Cisco. “I’ve been watching you, Vibe, and I must say, I am very disappointed.”
“Yeah? I know the feeling.”
Ignoring the comment, Reverb continued, “Listen. What if Zoom wasn’t in charge of Central City anymore? You see, you have been using your powers for, well, cheap parlor tricks, when you can be and do so much more.” He smirked, “You can be a god. We, can be gods. And I can show you how to do more than just see sporadic glimpses of the future and past. You are much powerful than that, Francisco.”
Cisco looked confused and Lara taunted him. “Two gods and a goddess, not a bad world to live in. On any universe. What about it, handsome?” She winked.
Killerfrost’s voice echoed around the area as she walked forward. “Are you out of your mind? Let’s just hand them over to Zoom.”
Reverb turned around, his eyes flashing dangerously as he stalked forward towards his lackeys. “Speak to us like that again and I will shatter your entire nervous system without breaking a sweat.”
Lara let out a gentle laugh, “Sweetheart. Be nice. I kinda like Snowflake.”
Reverb’s dark look dropped at his wife’s comment and he smiled before turning back to Cisco. “So, Vibe. What do you say?”
Cisco gave it a moment before he signaled Barry to come in and watched as the Flash sent Reverb flying through the air. He stopped beside his friend before running over to move Iris out of the way of one of Killer Frost’s blasts.
“Ooh. The Flash.” Lara walked up, Barry standing in front of her after telling Iris to stay down. “Let’s see how much fun it’ll be to take a good speedster down.” She shot her hands out in front of her and a violet wave of what looked to be a mix of vibrations and electricity shot out of her hands, causing Barry to move Cisco out of the way as the wave shockingly destroyed everything directly in front of her, as if a wave was sweeping over the area at a rapid pace.  
The breachers then finally understood the demolition comment.
Leaning his head against the stone they hid behind, Barry winced, “That’s your wife??”
“Evil wife! And not mine, his!”
Barry ran over to try and fight Lara, before Cisco stood up and was instantly blocked off by Reverb. “Your Flash is stupid if he thinks he can take on Lara. She’s much too powerful for a newbie like him.” And as if to prove it, Barry ran at her full speed, and expecting it, Lara suddenly formed a shield, the violet energy now formed around her, encasing her like a large bubble. Barry, thinking he could phase through it, ended up running head first into the shield, his body blasting clear across the room, landing painfully on his back.
Reverb was ready to join his wife and cause even more damage, before Cisco pulled him back, “No!”
Punching Cisco, Reverb walked forward, he and Deathstorm shooting their vibrations (something that shocked Cisco as he lay on the floor, could he actually be able to do that?) and flames at Barry, while Lara and Killer Frost stayed back.
While Lara watched on, Killer Frost held a hand to a wound on her arm from Barry, before shouting, “DON’T! You know what Zoom will do if you don’t obey him!”
Before either parties could respond, Cisco heard a terrible cry come from Killer Frost, a cry so painful he winced, thinking it was really Caitlin. Looking up, he noticed Zoom had entered, his hand jetting back out of Ronnie’s chest.
Now standing in front of Reverb, Cisco saw them exchange words before the familiar seen of a speedster’s hand going through his chest made him grip his own chest as Reverb fell to the floor, dead.
“NOOOOO!” Lara’s scream echoed around the warehouse, as she instantly lifted a force field around herself. Zoom stood menacingly right outside it, before suddenly grabbing Killer Frost by the neck.
“At least some know their place.” His dark mask was staring at Lara, her shield intact around her, Frost still dangling in the air. “And you will do well to remember it.”
He dropped her before rushing off, taking Barry with him.
Cisco yelled his name, getting up before looking over to the two women and the two bodies on the ground. It was hard for Cisco to see his lifeless body on the ground. But as he watched Lara let down her shield, the violet light disappearing, as she slowly walked over to her husband’s body on the ground, he was able to see the wedding ring adorning her left ring finger as she kneeled down and placed that hand on Reverb’s shoulder.
“No, please… Francisco?” Tears were quickly running down her face as her hand glided over his hair. “Baby?” He could hear her sniffling as she lifted Francisco’s head into her lap. “I should’ve protected you… Don’t leave me here alone. Babe? Please!”
Cisco looked down as he heard her pleas. Watching himself be killed was one thing. But watching a woman who loved him, mourn him, right in front of him? That was something he never wanted to experience. Without thinking, he called out her name.
“Lara?” She looked up and the pain in her eyes killed him. Which was saying something considering this woman had just tried to kill them minutes before. Instead of responding, the violet shield was raised again, giving the room a slightly purple glow. She wasn’t hostile at the moment, Cisco decided, but knew it be best for him to leave before that changed.
He needed to find Barry and tell Harry that Zoom had taken him.
Besides, he couldn’t be in that room anymore. Not with his doppleganger’s widow sitting right in front of him.
May make a part two. Hmm.
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