parandalhayansae ¡ 2 months
this is making rounds again kinda and i just wanted to say how much i hate my younger self for not including links to the korean fans who were posting pictures of their sfh script books on twitter because i can’t find the original pics now 😔 it looks like i was making stuff up but i assure you, i’m not nearly creative enough to come up with all this
also why did i format it like that? either make everything lowercase or capitalize properly, why are some names capitalized while others aren’t 😭 2019 me was annoying and dumb
I promised to translate the original script for sfh so here it is (after 50 yrs or so)
1. Let’s start off with a goofy one. In the scene where moonjo rips the photo with jongwoo and jieun, moonjo was supposed to reenact the last (& best) scene of the kwill - “please don’t” mv. Watch the mv if you don’t know what i’m talking about i aint giving spoilers
2. Moonjo creeping out jongwoo on the rooftop and jongwoo being saved by his mom’s phone call: in the script, jongwoo asks if he can leave if moonjo’s done talking. Moonjo says “No, i’m not done talking yet.” So jongwoo shows his phone screen and says “My mother is calling. Look, i’m not lying.” To which moonjo mutters with a cold look, “My mom... I hated my mom.”
3. Script says they couldn’t find moonjo’s body in the end. Like the drama, jieun says jongwoo was talking to himself in the goshiwon, but she also adds that he was saying things like “we’re always going to be together” and “your life won’t be the same ever again,” which are the exact words moonjo apparently said to jongwoo before he died.
4. Seokyoon’s rap:
Fuck Mother! Fuck Father! Fuck Money!
Fuck Mother! Fuck Father! Fuck Money!
At age 5, i stole my mom’s money and ran.
At age 13, i stole my dad’s money and ran.
Although my mom and dad put their lives on the line
Trying to protect their baby lion, baby alligator, their own son
(baby is often used as a cuss word in korean. also seokyoon’s not very talented)
5. Everyone is just more cranky and cusses more in the script ig?? They say “fuck” a few times which isn’t allowed on tv lmao.. it also describes moonjo as having “thin and white/pale fingers” a lot, to the point where kfans found it to be kinda funny
Bonus (from a q&a with the director):
- Moonjo was abused as a child and killed his parents before going to boksoon’s orphanage (the “killed his parents” part was from the last ep of the drama)
- Looking at his behavior towards Jongwoo, Moonjo’s not a psychopath? He feels emotions like normal people & can relate to others’ pain and feelings, but his lust for blood is stronger so he just does his thing ig 🤷‍♀️
- Seo Moonjo may be a fake name
- Kihyuk wore long sleeves to imitate Moonjo (& he’s always cold), moonjo wore long sleeves to hide his scars. He’s also not affected by the weather a whole lot, but lee dong wook was sweating a ton in his long black shirt in the middle of august
- they took out the scene where nambok (the pervert) went to a butcher shop & spoke chinese while doing human (organ) trafficking
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
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I'd end my days with you, in a hail of bullets
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
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Shin Ha Kyun as Ace in Big Match 빅매치 (2014), d. Choi Ho
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
as someone who has watched and enjoyed both beyond evil and the merciless i laugh whenever i see someone being like “you shouldn’t ship juwon and dongsik together because their age gap (13 years) is toxic!!!!” bestie what do you think about these two sexy bastards huh?? do they look like father and son too???
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
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joowon really said 😐
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
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A thoughtful, kindhearted little man.
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
The Strangers from Hell drama is really good, but one major thing I like better about the webtoon is the fact that it was this totally new thing with a new episode each week and no one knew what was going on. (It’s been a while since I read the webtoon so I could be wrong but this is what I remember)
What I mean is, for the longest time, readers didn’t even know for sure whether these people at this goshiwon were serial killers or just creepy. Almost everything is shown from Jongwoo’s perspective, but Jongwoo is an incredibly unreliable narrator so we don’t know whether Jaeho is actually being mean/trying to steal his girlfriend or just looking out for Jongwoo. The author doesn’t show them killing people until very later on, so people in the comments were always debating whether Jongwoo is in real danger or he’s just being paranoid. When I was reading the webtoon when it came out I loved the possibility that this was all being exaggerated in Jongwoo’s head, like how messed up that would be and how good the author was at confusing the readers as well.
But this was also a characteristic that a lot of readers hated later because it dragged on too much and nothing dramatic happened, AND the ending for the drama is way better than the webtoon’s ending, so ultimately the drama was better overall. But when I watched the drama I was slightly disappointed that they showed the serial killers doing serial killer-y things by like, the first or second episode? I hoped that they would keep the actual violence a secret until at least halfway through the series and just work with the creepy residents, but eh. Maybe that would’ve made the drama more boring, who knows.
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
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a pair of normal ones
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
The Merciless (2017) thoughts
They really picked Im Siwan, one of the prettiest male actors in Korea with the biggest eyes and reddest lips and smoothest skin, to play what is basically a femme fatale character in a noir film against Seol Kyung-gu, a famous middle-aged actor who has almost never portrayed a rich/fashionable dilf prior to this movie.
Yeah the genre of The Merciless is definitely romance lmao. The director of this film is insane (in a good way)
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
feeling cute, might come back to tumblr to talk about im siwan because he’s all i think about these days :)))
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
My favorite idwtkoh character is probably Haze, I love everything about his personality and his face. Look at the duality of this man
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i can be your angle or yuor devil
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
IDWTKOH: Dana Facts
So before I get into this, I need to apologize. I literally got a request for a facts post about Dana over a year ago but 1. I forgor 💀 and 2. I kinda lost interest in both idwtkoh and this tumblr account at the same time lmao...... yeah I'm terrible, I'm the worst, I have no real excuse. I'm so sorry to the person who requested this (idek if you're still interested but)
Okay, so here's the actual post:
Dana's stats (clockwise from the top): Power, Speed, Unrequited love, Sense (as in having quick wits), Basic physical strength/ability
Blood type: B
DOB: January 3
Height: 175cm
Age: 28-29
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Dana is, indisputably, the physically strongest character, despite being skinny (Samchon, the author, said she has a "chopstick body"(?)). She has superhuman strength as well as invincibility to pretty much any weapon, physical attacks, viruses and poison.
Dana has the best "animal instincts" (can just tell where a hostage is being kept in, what will happen seconds later, etc.)
Dana, Naga and Amore are the three strongest people in Spoon.
However, she loses some of that ability when she gets angry to the point where she loses her rational thought. Frequently happens with Medusa because she hates her
The only person who can actually smack and "hurt" Dana is her mom
Dana, Yuda and Dune are the same age and attended the same high school. Naga also went to the same high school as these three, although obviously years later.
The scene with Naga getting flustered over Dana's beauty (as he should) is actually a remake of a similar scene from IDWTKOH's early days when it wasn't an official webtoon yet. In the original scene, it's actual snow and not marine snow.
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Her dad calls Dana "My princess"
When she hits Sasa, she avoids hitting his face. Haze is one of the only people who can survive a direct hit from Dana.
Dana has a deep voice and is good at singing because she screams a lot on a regular basis. She likes loud, exciting music and can't listen to quiet songs.
She can't play any musical instruments
Dana taught Guineung quite a bit of basic education since he didn't go to school.
Samchon planned on naming her Yuna to match Yuda/Judas, but saw that the main character for another webtoon at the time was also named Yuna so she changed it to Dana.
When the author was first brainstorming Dana's character, she was choosing between a sly, laid-back and mature woman wearing a chinese-style dress (sort of like Medusa) and a bad-tempered, masculine woman. She chose the latter.
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Dana is super popular among both men and women. The female Spoon employees also love hanging out with her and some have crushes on her. Women have also asked her out in the past. Medusa also says she would've taken Dana if she was a man.
On Valentine's Days, Dana ranks third place in getting the most chocolate out of everyone in Spoon.
Not only is Dana popular with other characters, she's also THE MOST POPULAR character in IDWTKOH, a huge fan favorite. She was literally first place in the "most popular character" fan voting thing every single time except for once.
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parandalhayansae ¡ 2 years
breaking my 1.5 years hiatus to ask: did strangers from hell/hell is other people gain a huge fandom over the last two years or so ?? cause i’m literally seeing so many people talking about jongwoo and moonjo on twitter like where did you guys come from
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parandalhayansae ¡ 4 years
Btw, this account is probably gonna continue being inactive bc i brought in too many different fandoms into this acc (kpop, kdramas, webtoons, etc.) and it got too messy for me to handle. So I wouldn’t recommend following me if you want new posts 😭 sorry abt that
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parandalhayansae ¡ 4 years
No matter what Kpop artists you stan, we can all share our love for Heechul and his drag
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parandalhayansae ¡ 4 years
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parandalhayansae ¡ 4 years
hi thank u sm for translating the fun facts with the idwtkoh characters!! idk if youre taking requests but can you do our spoon chief please? thank uuuu 💖💖💖
Sure! Spring break for our university begins this weekend so i’ll probably get to it by then. Dana is bae
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