penguinkyun · 18 hours
Hey! I’ve been hearing a debate pretty recently about Kana’s character, especially after 151. Some are saying that Aka is weakening her character…ignoring her past development..reducing her to a love interest…etc, stuff along those lines, by making her dream be just being Aqua’s idol. What’s your take on this?
Saying this with the full awareness that i am Asking For It by phrasing it like this but. this honestly just feels like a bad faith read by people who already don't like aqukana/kana in particular LOL. Like... idk, I can get being frustrated by the sudden swing over to all the romcom stuff again when we have A Potential Serial Killer just kind of vibing in the background, but Kana -> Aqua is something that's been part of the series for over a hundred and thirty chapters. It was going to need resolving before the series ended regardless of whether they actually hook up or not and it's baffling to me that people are throwing this accusation at Kana's arc when like... sorry, but Ruby is right there, lol
Like, if we're going to talk about 'ignoring past development' and 'reducing her to a love interest' whose dreams revolve around a romance with Aqua... is that not just describing Ruby since 123? Everything to do with Sarina's trauma of abandonment and emotional abuse at Marina's hands and the way it continues to affect Ruby, Ruby being triggered and retraumatized by having to engage with material depicting Ai's abuse at Ayumi's hands, the way she mistreated and took Kana & Mem for granted while she was clout chasing and how that caused fan backlash against those two while they did their best to keep B-Komachi afloat for her - all that shit goes out the window at mach speed once she finds out Aqua is Gorou and she spends the majority of her screentime after that gushing over her oniichansensei and having her narrative recentered around her obsession with Gorou. Never mind how bizarrely she'd flanderized and dumbed down she is in relation to it all.
(Note in advance: shout out to this thread by KizzityKaito on Twitter that I stumbled on while I was chewing on this ask that helped me to articulate some of the stuff re: Kana that I was kind of struggling to put to words - I don't agree w/the whole thread but I think the Kana analysis here & 'reincarnation as child acting' is fascinating and really in line with what OnK seems to be going for.)
By contrast with Kana... this feels consistent to me! This feels like additive characterization building on top of and not contradicting what came before. I've seen people frothing and screaming about her talk vis-a-vis being an actress not being her 'dream' but like... that just kind of checked out to me?? Kana is an actress. If that's her 'dream', she's already achieved it, as she says. Everything else has been her fighting and clawing to hold onto it. That's what she means when she says she didn't have any dreams; for Kana, becoming a nationally recognize actress again isn't a dream because it's just a return to the status quo.
Not only that, but like... being an actress wasn't even necessarily Kana's dream in the first place! She herself outright says it - it was enforced onto her by her abusive mom so she could live vicariously through her.
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That's not to say Kana hasn't found her own spark for acting and that she isn't deeply passionate about it in her own way. But again, this is something Kana already has. A 'dream' is something you want to achieve - it's something you, well, dream about. And if you read between the lines, Kana's dream has never really been about acting.
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It's about love. It's about Kana feeling secure in her relationships with the people she loves.
I think a lot of people are taking Kana's words in 151 entirely at face value and just... totally failing to read the subtext because they've been ignoring her all this time and now her arc is actually coming to a climax they don't know what the conclusion is building off of lol. Kana's 'dream' right now is something pitifully simple - to have the boy she loves not even return her feelings necessarily, but just to say that in his eyes, she shines brighter than anyone else.
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penguinkyun · 2 days
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` A lie, is an exceptional form of love ! `
thank you for the love of Aqua fanart, here Ai🩷
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penguinkyun · 4 days
chapter 151 thoughts
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 8
Aqua Hoshigan Status: Black
Kana enjoyers continue to eat good in this new arc, as 151 very clearly parallels what's considered one of the more iconic AquKana chapters from the first half of the manga with a bit of role reversal in the mix. 'Reversal' is sort of the keyword for this chapter for a handful of reasons but we'll get into that when it's relevant.
the usual shout out to mengo for Peak Faces this chapter. my faves were kana's blushy face as she takes off her glasses and aqua covering his blush with his baseball glove… it does NOT get cuter than that.
It's pretty cathartic to see Kana get a similar TV spotlight to BH!Ruby, where she's centered in B-Komachi's success and Ruby is sort of just in the background lol. That said… kinda of hate that OnK is continuing to frame the ShimaD shit!!! I have a lot of complicated feelings about it but I will say that overall, it's pretty fucked that the story made all those correct assertions about sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and how women and young girls specifically are pressured to kowtow to men to retain their place in the industry and then like… not? link any of this?? to what happened to Kana??? Weird and bad!!!!
on the plus side. megarima and maskua <3
It feels like a good step for Kana to confidently assert that they are, in fact, on a date and their shared visible embarrassment is pretty cute. This is what I meant when I said this chapter was a bit of a reversal of chapter 30, which Aqua even calls explicit attention to - running from school to play catch vs running to school. It works well, imo, as a sort of marker of both change and consistency for both of these characters, showing us how far they've come… but at the same time, how much has managed to stay the same. This return to the early AQKN dynamic is really nice… their moment to moment rapport is the one I enjoy most in the series so even though it's definitely jarring to whiplash back to it after the Movie Arc… idk!! I am still enjoying it all the same.
aqua calling her out on it being a baseball date was really funny btw
And their talk about dreams is… Very Shrimptresting. I keep waffling back and forth on what to take from it, because hypothetically I think it's really interesting but whether or not I really end up liking it is going to depend on how things are handled with Aqua going forward…! IDK, this is the obvious pitfall of analyzing the story like this week to week,
I guess all I'll say now is that this falls in line with how I was reading last chapter's framing of Gorou -> Aqua, where Aqua's inheritance of that identity is just that - an inheritance and it's up to him what he chooses to do with that legacy. He can decide for himself what parts of it he wants to take with him into the future and what he chooses to leave behind.
That said: this is still black hoshigan Aqua. Is this just a 'dream' because it's something he wants but doesn't think he'll be able to have? Or is Aqua starting to seriously consider a future for himself past the end of his revenge quest? It was Kana who prompted him for an answer, after all, and he's already had to make a promise to her that he won't 'disappear'. Is he just lying here to put her at ease? Much to consider…….
Kana's side of this conversation is also really interesting. Kana is a person who acts out of genuine love for her craft, yes, but she's also correct that she kind of already got her assumed end goal of 'be a nationally famous actress' when she was a kid and it didn't necessarily make her happy or fulfilled. To a degree, she's been operating on momentum and desperation to cling to the industry so much of her identity was formed around. But if a 'dream' is something she just wants for herself, without her career coming into it… then what does Kana really want?
And the answer, obviously, is Aqua. With another 'oshi no ko' title drop, to boot…!
It's a little sad that even as Kana makes this tentative confession to him, she still downplays herself in favour of Memcho and Ruby but the emotional stakes she's putting on the table are very loaded. This essentially, without either girl knowing it, puts her in direct competition with Ruby who very much seems to still want to milk her sensei's Little Aqua and I don't imagine that conflict is going to go off without fireworks.
Interestingly, though, this isn't the only point on which the two are opposed here: this is what I mean when I said this chapter's keyword was 'reversal'. While Ruby insists that 'Sensei' is her oshi, Kana offers to be Aqua's oshi. This isn't the first time it's happened, either - when Kana talks about her feelings last chapter, she describes them as 本気の恋 (honki no koi), i.e, seriously, earnestly, truly in love whereas Ruby's confession uses the term ガチ恋 (gachikoi), a slang term referring to a fan who considers themselves to be legitimately in romantic love with a celebrity/idol/etc - and specifically says she's gachikoi for Sensei. Gachikoi is also how the first generation of B-Komachi are described in both Viewpoint B and 45510 in the original Japanese text. On just about all fronts, these two are bound to clash going into the final arc of the story and I'm tentatively interested to see where it goes.
No break next week!
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penguinkyun · 4 days
when I see something dated 2019 I think “oh that’s not too long ago” and then I remember that 2019 was not only five years ago but those five years have somehow contained several lifetimes
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penguinkyun · 5 days
What had terrified me was Ai. She'd become something otherworldly and inhuman that night, an unstoppable force of nature that swept up everything in her wake. She was a star, brighter than any of the rest of us, burning so brilliantly that she eclipsed everything else in her path. I watched her, paralyzed, as she captivated the hearts of the entire stadium and I was stricken by the overwhelming realization that once again, I would never measure up. No matter how hard I practiced, no matter how much I sacrificed, I would never be able to reach that same height she had. Oh, I had thought. So that's what true talent looks like. ✧✦✧✦ The former B-Komachi member known as Kyun mulls on her past and a possible path to her future, only for an unexpected encounter to open a door for her she had long since sealed off. Canon divergence.
Chapter 2 is live!
After an unexpected meeting, Kyun sits down with the indomitable center of B-Komachi to process not one but two bombshells - and to make a promise she's not sure she'll keep.
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penguinkyun · 7 days
i am speaking my truth hoshino aqua is demiromantic
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penguinkyun · 9 days
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old gif i did for an art collab
waiting impatiently for s2
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penguinkyun · 11 days
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penguinkyun · 12 days
What had terrified me was Ai. She'd become something otherworldly and inhuman that night, an unstoppable force of nature that swept up everything in her wake. She was a star, brighter than any of the rest of us, burning so brilliantly that she eclipsed everything else in her path. I watched her, paralyzed, as she captivated the hearts of the entire stadium and I was stricken by the overwhelming realization that once again, I would never measure up. No matter how hard I practiced, no matter how much I sacrificed, I would never be able to reach that same height she had. Oh, I had thought. So that's what true talent looks like. ~~~ The former B-Komachi member known as Kyun mulls on her past and a possible path to her future, only for an unexpected encounter to open a door for her she had long since sealed off. Canon divergence.
i've been threatening to do it for months. and now it's happened. Chapter 1 of my first Oshi no Ko fic is now live on AO3!
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penguinkyun · 13 days
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penguinkyun · 13 days
[Important Update 10/05/2024]
TLDR: Please help a trans disabled venezuelan person of color help their father appeal for an USA parole so the economic crisis doesn't eat their asses alive
[alt title: Maduro bastardo vas a caer imbécil]
I speak from complete honesty when I say that I wish I didn't have to come to this, but the situation here due to the economic crisis seems to just get worse each day, and we strongly fear that regardless of the outcome of either country's elections around the corner, the possibility to leave to the USA and work for a better situation than here will be cutted entirely from our possibilities. This week I spoke longly with my father and we got to the conclusion of saving and helping as much as everyone can to help him appeal for a parole, stay with trusted relatives in Miami, and work to help things over here a little better.
I'm currently working trying to keep things at bay as much as possible. But my relatives at Miami estimate that in order for my father to emigrate safely we'll need At least 8 Thousand, not to mention all the external spends in basic services, food, and others in the meantime we save as much as possible to help him move in the nearest future before the elections of either country
Because of this. Along with any donations anyone wishes to make, I'm currently offering semi-traditional doodles in this rendering style at $30
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You have no idea how much anyone helps by even simply sharing this post as much as possible, thinking on the future has been really exhausting and I'm open to working for anything in order to disperse my mind. I hope I explained myself as best as I could, if anyone has any doubts then please don't doubt in contacting me through DMs or Ask prefferible to avoid bot flagging.
( $30 / $10000 )
(Original post before date under readmore)
Well hey there! I used to be ghonrenoki but either the growt in traction or the high amount of ask and messages flagged my past blog as a robot :^)
I'm a venezuelan disabled trans artist still in urgent financial help over here. I don't want to repeat myself of be too personal, but essentially our car's wheels broke and we now have a new urgent thing to assist, so that's why after consulting friends and clients I elevated a little the goal and comm prices.
If you have the chance, please consider making a donation, buying a commission, or just helping me by rebloging this post is more than enough! <3
( $150 / $2000 )
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penguinkyun · 13 days
List of Palestinian Evacuation And Support Fundraisers
Last Update: 05/25/2024
All fundraisers have been looked into by me or vetted by others. If anyone notices issues in validity with any of the fundraisers listed please let me know. Funding updates daily!
Fadi Al-Sharif and family ($25,227/$62,500 goal)
Hayam Taha and family (€16,809/€30,000 goal)
Deyaa and family (€17,705/€30,000 goal)
Deyaa reached the initial evacuation fee for his family and they have extended the goal to pay to support themselves after they evacuate.
Fatima Alshanti (kr21,863 SEK/kr150,000 goal)
Shahed Ghazi and family ($22,208 CAD/$94,838 goal)
Little Yusuf and family (€25,802/€85,000 goal)
Sara & Huda Hajjaj and family ($9,281/$25,000 goal)
Mohammed JH Shamia's family (kr49,084 SEK/kr250,000 goal)
Maram Ahmed and family (€9,150/€30,000 goal)
Hamza Almofty and family ($7,021/$35,000 goal)
Mahmoud Jomaa (€2,669/€10,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Shaga ($2,605/$20,000 goal)
Abdulrahman Alshanti and family (kr148,010 SEK/kr350,000 goal)
Besan Almabhouh's family (€8,556/€25,000 goal)
Said Tanani and brothers (€33,759/€50,000 goal)
Donia Tanani and family (€76,062/€100,000 goal)
Hussein Shamiya, his pregnant wife, and son ($19,211/$40,000 goal)
Mohammed Shamia and family ($31,570/$35,000 goal)
Amro Bakr & kids Bakir and Tala (€15,119/€28,000 goal)
Almadhoun family ($26,675/$80,000 goal)
Child Mohammed and family (€20,239/€30,000 goal)
Sana'a and family (£27,691/£70,000 goal)
Noha Ayyad and family ($32,826/$95,160 goal)
Maryam Ayyad and family ($1,015/$15,000 goal) - Maryam is related to Noha listed above, who is managing her fundraiser.
Hamza Sameer and family ($6,773/$55,000 goal)
Hamza is related to Noha, he is her uncle’s son.
Nazmi Mwafi and family ($6,753/65,000 goal)
Ibrahim Almofty and family ($7,782/$40,000 goal)
Hamdi Hejazi and family ($25,312/$25,000 goal) GOAL COMPLETE!!!
Mohammed Ali and family ($10,505/$25,000 goal)
Heba and family (€60,860/€80,000 goal)
Mohammed Abuhasanein and family (kr10,817 SEK/kr 350,000 goal)
Rawan and Yemna (kr50,542 SEK/kr319,315 goal)
Laila Auda (€7,318/€35,000 goal)
Ola Madi (€2,974/€40,000 goal)
Tawfik Satoom and family ($6,367/$45,000 goal)
Laila Abd El Bari, her husband, and unborn baby Sham (€7,150/€25,000 goal)
Abdullah Mohammed and family ($7,447/$47,000 goal)
Ruba Abushaban and family (€12,891/€50,000 goal)
Hala, her husband, and their daughter ($7,272 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Hoda and Abdul Rahman ($2,669/$18,000 goal)
Al Maghari family (£4,864/£74,000 goal)
Arwa Abudawaba and family (kr241,966 NOK/kr500,000 goal)
Hani Alhajjar’s family (€14,300/€50,000 goal)
Ouda family ($19,789 CAD/$50,000 goal)
Rawan Ahmed and family ($14,795/$40,000 goal)
Dr. Wael Eldahdouh's family (€5,638/€110,000 goal)
Abdullah Lulu and family ($8,000/18,000 goal)
Lara, Abdalla, and family (€11,630/€50,000 goal)
Firas Salem and family (€17,217/€65,000 goal)
Amal Abu Shammala's family (€46,170/€47,000 goal)
Dr. Mohammed Alshaer and family (€5,675/€18,000 goal)
Roqaya Al-Hayek and Mohammad Jamal Al-Hayek (€14,769/€25,000 goal)
Haya and family (€6,471/€60,000 goal)
Mohammed Dahdooh and family (£46,055/£65,000 goal)
INITIAL GOAL COMPLETE!!! Mohammed is now raising money for his family to support themselves once they evacuate.
Ahmad Iyd and family (£6,146/£150,000 goal)
Renad and family (£1,810/£25,000 goal)
Mohammed Aljbour and family (€4,932/€25,000 goal)
Sarah's mother (€5,951/€15,000 goal)
Sarah reached her initial goal to evacuate her mother and has raised the goal to provide support for she and her family once they are in Egypt.
Dr. Hasan Adwan and family (€5,058/€98,000 goal)
Marah Atallah and family ($1,069/$27,000 goal)
Dr. Nasrallah Almassri ($8,798/$30,000 goal)
Afnan Hasaballah (€5,775/€20,000 goal)
Muhammad Al-Thalateeni and family (€7,530/€20,000 goal)
Al-Zaeem family ($6,968/$50,000 goal)
Mahmoud Al Tibi and family (€9,076/€60,000 goal)
Almoghrabi family (€5,404/€25,000 goal)
Mohammad's family (€8,925/€30,000 goal)
Aziz and his mother ($3,008/$50,000 goal)
Mohammed, his wife, and their newborn son ($991/$50,000 goal!!!)
Tala, her aunt, and their family (€18,229/€50,000 goal)
Ala Osama ($130/$50,000 goal!!!)
Aesha Balaha and family ($1,261/$10,000 goal)
Farah and family (€2,156/€35,000 goal)
Zinh Dahdooh ($5,433/$40,000 goal)
Rana and family (€7,875/€30,000 goal)
Al-Alami family ($3,078 CAD/$100,000 goal)
Khaled and family ($118/$15,000!!!)
Tamer Alnoaizy and family (€3,642/€20,000 goal)
Ahmed Dawoud and family ($2,300/$87,000 goal)
Omar and family (€4,213/€20,000 goal)
Haytham and family ($1,107 CAD/$70,000 goal)
Hamdi and family ($434 CAD/$62,000 goal!!!)
Mahmoud & Rawan (€944/€15,000 goal!!!)
Hashem, Samar, and baby Omar (€355/€45,000 goal!!!)
Aseel Maher and family (€2,080/€30,000 goal)
Mayada Jihad and family (€2,155/€30,000 goal)
Amal, her children, and her unborn baby ($2,266/$15,000 goal!!!) URGENT! 15 DAYS TO COMPLETE!!!
Margaret, Sara, and Maxine's friend and her family (£37,998/£50,000 goal)
Tahani Shorbajee and family ($3,503/$50,000 goal)
Baby Youssef and family (€5,654/€50,000 goal)
Iman Eyad and family (£1,670/£60,000 goal)
Mohammed & Hamza Hilles and family (€719/€30,000 goal!!!)
Bilal Salah and family (€21,803/€70,000 goal)
Rabah Dawoud and family ($46,020/$70,000 goal)
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penguinkyun · 13 days
Thank you so much to everyone who donated and helped in my campaign. Today was scary with the bombing close to my family's tent. 💔
€5720 raised of €55,000 goal
Verified by : @communistchilchuck and @el-shab-hussein
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Please help my family to survive and leave for Egypt, after losing their home and everything they owned. They really need your help now.
Please donate!
Please help !
Thanks to all who have and will help my family. With your support, we can give them the help they need.🙏🏻
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penguinkyun · 13 days
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【推しの子】 ✶ OSHI NO KO SEASON 2 ⇝ 2024年7月3日
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penguinkyun · 14 days
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Oshi no Ko season 2 - PV
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penguinkyun · 14 days
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penguinkyun · 14 days
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New Key Visual for Oshi No Ko Season 2! Broadcast begins on July 3rd of this year!
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