persephonesnow · 18 hours
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
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persephonesnow · 4 days
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persephonesnow · 4 days
Do you block people in the same fandom as you just because you don't like their takes?
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persephonesnow · 7 days
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As always, on this, the anniversary of his passing, GNU Terry Pratchett
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persephonesnow · 7 days
“Why does Tumblr romanticize Hades so much?”
Idk Clarice, maybe we’re just tired, and life is uncertain, and we like the idea of a stable husband with a steady job and a big dog and his own place away from all the loud, shapeshifting-kink party gods.
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persephonesnow · 13 days
Because I've recently had one of those "your experiences are not universal" moments, please humor me
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persephonesnow · 16 days
I hate, hate, HATE the term “affordable housing.” I hate that we’ve normalized it. I hate that we just accept that the majority of housing, a basic human right, is unaffordable to much of the population. Housing should be affordable as a baseline. If rich people want to add arcades and gold-plated hot tubs on top so be it, but everyone, everyone, regardless of income level, should have access to a clean, comfortable home with enough light and space to make life worth living.
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persephonesnow · 18 days
I think a lot about how we as a culture have turned “forever” into the only acceptable definition of success.
Like… if you open a coffee shop and run it for a while and it makes you happy but then stuff gets too expensive and stressful and you want to do something else so you close it, it’s a “failed” business. If you write a book or two, then decide that you don’t actually want to keep doing that, you’re a “failed” writer. If you marry someone, and that marriage is good for a while, and then stops working and you get divorced, it’s a “failed” marriage.
The only acceptable “win condition” is “you keep doing that thing forever”. A friendship that lasts for a few years but then its time is done and you move on is considered less valuable or not a “real” friendship. A hobby that you do for a while and then are done with is a “phase” - or, alternatively, a “pity” that you don’t do that thing any more. A fandom is “dying” because people have had a lot of fun with it but are now moving on to other things.
I just think that something can be good, and also end, and that thing was still good. And it’s okay to be sad that it ended, too. But the idea that anything that ends is automatically less than this hypothetical eternal state of success… I don’t think that’s doing us any good at all.
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persephonesnow · 18 days
i just saw the tag “canon complicit” instead of “canon compliant” and im laughing its like “canon is a criminal act that i unfortunately support with this fic”
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persephonesnow · 18 days
those posts criticizing common writing patterns in fanfiction are so fucking harmful and they ruined me
so like yknow what??? People tell you to avoid “smirk” and “chuckle” as descriptors because no one does those things (???) but then when I need to use those words I have a ten minute crisis about how I’m a shitty writer. So heres my unwarranted writing advice: If you want your characters to smirk and chuckle fucking let them and don’t let anyone tell you that no one smirks or chuckles because I do both on a daily basis whenever I tell a shitty pun, bye 
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persephonesnow · 18 days
Honestly? My main piece of advice for writing well-rounded characters is to make them a little bit lame. No real living person is 100% cool and suave 100% of the time. Everyone's a little awkward sometimes, or gets too excited about something goofy, or has a silly fear, or laughs about stupid things. Being a bit of a loser is an incurable part of the human condition. Utilize that in your writing.
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persephonesnow · 21 days
Okay, I know I acted silly about this, but the fact that there is 1 singular year round roller skating rink in the city of Philadelphia home to 1.6 million people is kinda fucking horrifying when you think about the broader implications of it.
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persephonesnow · 25 days
Not to be a Boomer but your social media should be your own space, not something employers are allowed to look at to judge you beyond the qualifications stated in your resume and cover letter
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persephonesnow · 29 days
HEARTBREAKING: character actually mildly interesting to think about but I Dont like their fans
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persephonesnow · 1 month
Another argument against outdoor cats is that sometimes it'll be raining at 1am and the wettest cat you've ever seen in your life will jump into your nice dry bed like "we need to snuggle RIGHT NOW"
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persephonesnow · 1 month
I’m also interested hearing what exactly the ship is that you based your answer on, if you’d like to share!
(This was meant to be fandom specific but doesn’t have to be. Be free!)
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persephonesnow · 1 month
Reblog for larger sample size. Feel free to indicate in the comments your generation, approximate region of residence, your length of experience with fan fiction, or when/where you first encountered these terms.
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