petrichornial · 2 hours
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Dratchetparty day 6: Approached in darkness
@gunupwallflower‘s fic Flowers from a Sidewalk Crack & Two Cents from a Dead End Skiv has been a huge source of inspiration for the way I view Dead End and the time these two spent in there.
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petrichornial · 2 hours
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Conjuxing gift
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petrichornial · 2 hours
Five new paintings I’ve done in 2024. I’m really excited to continue this series and watch it evolve.
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petrichornial · 2 hours
I guess friendly reminder that you can't actually judge someone's socioeconomic status based on what they own and the classic republican "they can't be poor they own a smart phone/computer" argument doesn't suddenly stop being complete out of touch nonsense when a poor person makes it.
Anyway insert "y'all can't be trusted to eat the rich bcs you'll target taco bell shift leaders and people with playstations instead of actual billionaires" post here.
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petrichornial · 3 hours
The weather's getting warmer, so here's my seasonal reminder for other folks who have issues staying hydrated (autistics, people on certain meds, people who hate water, whatever):
Jello is, in fact, mostly water. So are a lot of fruits, like melon, cucumber, and berries. Ice chips are also water. If you find it hard to drink enough day to day, try eating your water instead. Every little bit helps!
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petrichornial · 3 hours
We don’t have to be miserable. Being afraid doesn’t make us smarter, or safer. We can’t say, “Things are bad, so this is the right way to feel.” There is no right way to feel. We can be alert to dangers, we can take reasonable precautions, we can seize on opportunities to make proactive improvements. Those are actions; we can take them no matter how we feel, and reacting from panic or fury helps no one. It’s okay to be afraid, to be angry, to be sad—our feelings tell us a lot about ourselves, our own beliefs and values. But they do not tell us anything factually definite about the world. And no matter how bad things might actually be—whether or not they’re as bad as we think—there are still, always, things we can do to feel less awful.
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petrichornial · 3 hours
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totally normal and not deranged thing to say
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petrichornial · 3 hours
Doc, what are the top five items food banks LOVE to receive? I'm doing a collection soon and want to ask for specifics.
That aside.
 I’m only going to talk about food items but if your food bank takes personal items, a lot of times diapers, feminine hygiene products, etc, are very very welcome. 
1) Canned chicken and beef 
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looooooove this stuff. It’s expensive, it lasts forever, it tastes good and it can be used a variety of ways. This stuff is fucking catnip to food banks, it’s so hard for us to provide proteins. 
2) Fancy nut butters
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Peanut butter is a standby for food banks as a shelf-stable inexpensive protein, but if we have a family with a kid with a peanut allergy that’s not going to work. Non-peanut butters are expensive and it’s something we hardly ever see donated. (we also like peanut butter, but that’s easier for us to buy ourselves than non-peanut butters)
3) Canned or packaged tuna
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You may notice a trend here in shelf-stable proteins. And yeah. That’s basically it, so I’m not going to keep harping on it. But this stuff is a godsend. 
4) Easy breakfast things for kids (Granola bars, instant oatmeal, and the like) 
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Whatever Donald Trump tells you, most people who get food from food banks are actually working their asses off and so they have to leave Obama to raise their baby or whatever, and they don’t have a lot of time in the morning. Things like this that kids can make for themselves are expensive. (Another trend you may be noticing–donate shit that costs a lot of money. That helps us more than all the shitty green bean cans in the world) But they are so helpful for busy working families where the parents may not have a set schedule and sometimes little Amanda is making her own breakfast before she runs off to school. Don’t let kids go to school hungry. 
5) Shelf-stable juice
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This is one people never think of! But if you show up with a bunch of (preferably reduced sugar stuff) bottles of juice at my door, oh man, you are gonna get so many check mark and okay hand emoticons. This stuff is great for kids, and it doesn’t require refrigeration until it’s opened, so it works great for food drives. 
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petrichornial · 3 hours
people in the queer community love to say the nastiest things about "bi women and their cishet boyfriends"... first of all, disregarding that everyone is deserving of respect, even cishet allies or partners of queer folks, people also forget that anyone can be trans as well. what if that cishet boyfriend is actually a trans girl who is stealth or in the closet? I'm sure that you saying a bunch of mean shit about her and her bi girlfriend, ab how she shouldn't have brought her to pride will make her feel so welcomed and loved /s
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petrichornial · 1 day
We were feeling pretty chuffed about having the #6 trending post on this website until we saw number 7 was a Supernatural mpreg edit
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petrichornial · 1 day
it's so fun to play with language and meaning but i am constantly haunted by the fact that it's not impossible to completely unintentionally construct a perfect replica of a shockingly offensive slur in a language you've never spoken or cultural context you've never encountered by doing this
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petrichornial · 1 day
The answer to your problems is self-discipline
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petrichornial · 1 day
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Check you privilege every day
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petrichornial · 1 day
The tumblr experience is watching someone with $50 to their name absolutely tearing at the throat of someone with $1,500 to their name.
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petrichornial · 1 day
reblog to teleport your mutuals to a massive party when jkr dies
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petrichornial · 1 day
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Money need to stop spending me
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petrichornial · 1 day
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Challengers 2024 | Luca Guadagnino
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