physicsapphic · 2 years
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physicsapphic · 2 years
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physicsapphic · 2 years
my opinion on quantum physics is that we should stop looking into it. it's none of our business and frankly the particles seem to agree
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physicsapphic · 2 years
tiniest lil’ wizard in the world. trying oh so hard to ponder a single electron
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physicsapphic · 3 years
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tthere are 0 hoes in thermodynamics
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physicsapphic · 3 years
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physicsapphic · 3 years
you (eats stupid eggs): hey
me, eating a book on newton’s laws of physics: whomst’d’ve, me?
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physicsapphic · 3 years
some millennial after giving birth: wow she’s beautiful
me, a STEM major, giving birth to a newton’s laws of physics book: grow up barbara
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physicsapphic · 3 years
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*chanting like a mantra* I am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics
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physicsapphic · 3 years
I think everyone’s mathematical journey would have been so much easier if they showed you the sine, cosine, and tangent unit circle (R=1) animation in precalc
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physicsapphic · 3 years
it’s funny because as someone saturated in biology, I didnt even blink at that headline and didnt think about how it would read to a layperson since CHO (chinese hamster ovary) cells are such a common cell line to use
and I think that really speaks to a serious problem in science writing. If we take these things to be completely normal without taking into account the way those outside of the field may perceive it, we can do a ton of social damage, intentional or not. I can’t speak to the intentions of the author, but scientific communicators need to hold themselves to a higher standard and remember that most of the audience is coming at this stuff with completely fresh eyes.
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physicsapphic · 3 years
My theory of dealing with depression as activation energy:
If you’re not familiar with activation energy, in chemistry/biology there are curves that determine whether or not reactions take place.
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So you start with your building blocks, and then you need a certain amount of energy to get over that hump, and after that your reactions can happen and you’ll get your final product.
There are two ways to get over that hump. The first is to add energy to your system, for instance heat it up and then you’ll rise up high enough to pass over it and get what you want. The second way is to add things that lower that activation energy. You add enzymes or other things that make the hump smaller so you can pass over it with less energy.
It’s this second method I’ve been thinking about a lot as I struggle with depression during COVID. Make things easier for yourself. Sure, I can go on a nice hike if I get in my car and drive to a mountain. But it’s easier to throw on a coat and walk from my front door, and I still get my end goal of exercising. If I’m ambitious, I could make all my own marinara from scratch, but it’s easier to buy marinara and throw some veggies in for a healthy dinner, and then I’m more likely to have healthy dinners.
This isn’t some huge revelation but just... make life easier for yourself. It’s okay to be ambitious sometimes, but on a day to day basis find ways to lower that activation energy. Buy granola bars if you have trouble remembering to eat lunch. Wear outfits multiple times without doing laundry if that’s what you need to get out of sweats for the day. Have your hobbies within an arms reach of your usual chilling spot so you’re more likely to pick up something you like to do and work on it.
The more convient things are, the easier it is to do them when you’re stuck in a super low energy rut.
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physicsapphic · 4 years
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im collecting marine biology memes does anyone have anymore
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physicsapphic · 4 years
pretty fucked up that cold drinks get hot while hot drinks get cold.. bitch stay at the temperature i put u at
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physicsapphic · 4 years
Don’t post your negativity on a positive post.
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physicsapphic · 4 years
the uncanny valley between “this academic article doesn’t make sense because i’m an idiot” and “this academic article doesn’t make sense because the author is an idiot”
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physicsapphic · 4 years
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