piranahaha · 2 years
Reblog if Fan Fics are just as valid as Fan Art
Affirmation for writers, please!!
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piranahaha · 2 years
Alone Together, Part Three
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Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Warnings: War Time and Associated Bad Things
Author’s Note: Here’s the final part of my reader insert fanfic. This thing got a bit bigger than I meant it to, but hey, what can you do. Comments, criticism all the things are welcome. Again, title and lyrics at the beginning are from Fall Out Boy - Alone Together.
Part 1  Part 2
And I said, I’ll check in tomorrow if I don’t wake up dead This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end
Fives would never be able to tell you just how horrible it was when your comm cut off with the sounds of explosions still echoing in the background. For several moments after the audio ended, no one in the bunk moved or spoke. Fives wasn't sure, but he thought that he might be shaking. 
"Vod'ika," Rex says quietly, leaning in to wrap one arm over the ARC's shoulders. He doesn't say anything else, what is there to say? They all know too well what sorts of things happened on battlefields.
"She'll send coordinates and we'll go grab her," Jesse's voice is sure, and Fives clings to it. 
"Yeah," his reply is a whisper, voice cracking. 
He'll never tell you how long he stared at his comm that night, willing it to ping with a message from you.
The evacuation from the camp on Meban was as organized as you could possibly make it under the circumstance. That is, it was complete and utter chaos. You had led the members of your unit through the darkness and muck, urging them all to keep running when they stumbled. No one had any type of light, both because they were forgotten in the rush and because it would draw too much attention. 
The first streaks of light were beginning to lighten the sodden sky when you called a halt to the retreat. You brought the unit to a stop in a small clearing, the plant life thick on all sides. 
“Hold up,” you order, drawing to a halt yourself. 
There’s a stitch in your side, and you feel like you might never catch your breath again. Everything aches, and you’re pretty damn sure your past the point of blisters on your feet, skipping straight to open wounds. 
The thunder of the shelling is far off now, a mere echo of the ear-shattering blasts that had rocked the ground as the unit escaped. You survey the area again, deciding it’s as safe as things are going to get for the moment. 
“We’ll hole up here for now,” you speak decisively, drawing on every ounce of leadership you’d learned over the past few years. Most of it had been learned through sheer trial and error, but still, it had been learned. 
“Rico, Liv, Tals, and Fila, post up on each side of the clearing to keep watch. Anything looks off, you call out immediately.” The four members of your unit nod, splitting up to keep watch on the perimeter. “Kidalo, send an SOS to the bosses so they know we need an emergent pick up. Anyone injured?”
There’s a series of negatives from the group before you so you nod and continue doling out orders. You set a group up to inventory the supplies brought by everyone in their bug-out bags, and a group to establish some form of shelter. It won’t be much, but you hope not to need it for long. 
“Mini, HQ says they’ll have someone to our coordinates in about eighteen hours,” Kidalo reports back, having completed the comm call. 
“Good,” you jerk your head in a sharp nod. “We just have to survive one day and half a night.”
Kidalo has worked with you many times before, so he huffs out a small laugh at the tone of your voice. Things have settled in the makeshift camp, and you take a moment to breathe. 
Everyone is safe, you think to yourself. For now at least.
In the middle of the cobbled together shelter (really it’s just a flattened down area that might provide a bit of coverage from the rain) sits one of the rookies with his knees tucked under his chin. The togruta has a look you’re all too familiar with; one of utter shock. He’s not going to be good for much, too overwhelmed by everything that happened in the last few hours. You make your way over to him, settling yourself at his side. You can’t help the grimace that crosses your face as the mud soaks into the seat of your pants. 
“Dakri,” you call his name gently. He turns to look at you, green eyes impossibly wide. “Do you remember what I said before we left for this deployment?”
He swallows hard, nodding. 
“What was it?”
“Y-you said y-you’d n-never lost any-anyone before and that y-you would bring ev-everyone home again,” he stutters, his body beginning to tremble. 
You reach out, wrapping him into a hug the best you can. “It’s a promise I intend to keep,” you whisper into his ears, squeezing him tight. “I’m getting everyone home.” 
The young man loses any composure he had left, breaking into sobs as he tucks his head onto your small shoulder. 
The clearing has remained safe for the past ten hours with no sightings of droids or suspicious movement. Everyone, except for the sentries, has bedded down as the evening begins. They’re all laying in the thick, sticky mud of the planet, but no one really cares. Thank the gods that the planet is tropical and not cold. 
You’re near the edge of the pile, wanting to be able to get up at a moment’s notice if something should go wrong. Finally you have time to send a message to Fives. You can’t call him directly, not with things the way they are but you hope to at least reassure him that you’re safe. 
Still alive. Camp was compromised. We are all safe and getting extricated in the next eight hours. I’ll call as soon as I clear the atmosphere.
Fives counted down the hours between your last message and when you said you’d be getting off the planet. He hadn’t slept since your holocall was cut off, and the rock in his stomach wouldn’t let him eat more than a few bites of a ration bar. The ARC had huddled away in his bunk, ignoring his brothers even when they tried to reassure him. 
He’d told Echo and Rex about your message, and they were waiting with him as the time ticked away. Eight hours and seven minutes after you sent him the message, his comm began chiming with an incoming holocall request. He recognized your code, stabbing furiously at the device until it connected. 
Your flickering blue image appeared and he saw immediately that you were sitting somewhere in a ship. You were filthy, but such a gorgeous sight he felt like crying. Mud was caked on every inch of skin he could see, and your hair was coming loose from the messy knot you’d tied it in. You managed an exhausted smile when the call connected, flicking a few fingers when you noticed that he wasn’t the only one present. 
“Hey Fives,” you greeted. “I don’t have a lot of time but I promised I would call.”
He’s ready to cry in relief. Around a thick throat he asks “You’re safe Mini?” 
You nod, “I’m safe. We’re on a CRC ship, just jumped to hyperspace and heading for Coruscant.” 
Relieved, he tries to lighten the mood “You look even worse than banthashit now.”
You laugh and the tension breaks. 
“What the kriff happened to you guys?” he asks. 
You sigh, launching into an abbreviated version of everything that happened between your last call and this one. Fives’s eyes widen as you recount the breaking of the Refugee Assistance Accords by the Separatists  and how you led your unit in a blind sprint into the jungle of the planet. 
“Does that happen often?” Echo pipes up. “The breaking of the Accords I mean.” 
You shrug, “Often? No. Does it happen often enough for us to have contingency plans in place? Yes. It’s also happened to me more than my fair share of times but I guess that’s what you get when you sign up for most of the deployments to planets under Separatist occupation.” 
“Why would you do that?!” Fives can’t stop the outburst. He doesn’t like the idea of you being in danger or near a battlefield, but he absolutely HATES that you seem to be choosing the more dangerous missions. 
Your face sobers, eyes darkening. “Because I am one of the best deployment leaders in the CRC and if I take those deployments, when they go to shit, everyone gets out alive.” 
Fives realizes something in that moment. You might not be a soldier, might have never held a blaster in your life but you are a warrior in your own right. He knows the difference having a good leader can make when there are lives on the line and the line is getting far too thin. And dammit, he’s so karking proud of you. 
“Mini, you’re kriffing amazing,” he breathes out, unable to say more. But his heart is swelling in his chest with some emotion he isn’t ready to look at closely yet. 
“Thanks,” you smile, glad that he understands. The holovideo version of you looks to the side, nodding at something being said to you. When you turn back, you say “I’ve gotta go. It’s my turn in the showers. I’m going to be so goddamn clean after this and I can’t wait.” 
The three troopers laugh with you.
“I’ll be in touch Fives,” you say, getting ready to go. “But if not before, I’ll see you at Loto’s the next time you’re on leave.” 
“The first round is on me,” he promises. 
“Bye Fives.”
“Bye Mini.”
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piranahaha · 2 years
Alone Together, Part Two
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PAIRING: Fives x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: War and Associated Bad Things
Author’s Note: Here’s part two of my reader insert. There is a part three which will be linked once it’s posted. Comments and criticism are welcomed with open arms. As always, the title and lyrics at the beginning are from Fall Out Boy- Alone Together.
Part 1 Part 3
I don’t know where I’m going But I don’t think I’m coming home
No one believed Fives when he told them about Mini. Not even Echo hid his eye roll when he told them about meeting her in the underworld bar on Coruscant. Jesse had snorted, and Kix made a comment that he needed to pick a better name for his hand than Mini.
But Fives shrugged it off, letting his brothers have their fun at his expense. He just hoped that he heard from her soon, not wanting to lose that connection. 
It took a week before he got his first message from you. It was just a quick note that pinged into his inbox late one night while the cruiser was traveling in hyperspace to their next posting.
I’m alive. Hope you are too. Haven’t had time to send anything until now. Things are kriffed as hell on this deployment so far. Fingers crossed it gets better. I’m getting so sick of killing mud creatures that keep popping up and getting into the supplies. -Mini
The arc was thrilled to hear from you, saving the message to reread again and again. He sent one back that night.
I’m alive too. Not much going on for us right now. Currently sitting in my bunk while the cruiser is in hyperspace. Obviously I can’t tell you anything about where we’re going, but it doesn’t sound like too terrible of a mission. Are you allowed to say anything about where you are right now and what you’re doing? Oh, my brothers don’t think you’re real. Any ideas on ways I can prove them wrong? - Fives
Fives pressed send, then laid down on his back in the bunk, one arm tucked behind his head. From above him, Echo snickered. 
“Messaging your pretend girl, Fives?” He asked, poking his head over the edge. 
Fives rolled his eyes, ready to deliver a smart comeback when his comm chimed again. It was another message from you. He opened it, seeing it was a short video file. 
Hope this helps, it read. He pulled the file up and clicked play. 
The recording was shaky, clearly being done while you were walking. You didn’t show your face, having chosen to record the muddy ground and your boots. 
“Hey Fives,” your voice said. “And hey Fives’s brothers. Yes I’m real.”
From in front of your boots, a small brown creature erupted from the ground, scuttling towards your feet. You broke out into a series of curses, stomping down on it. Its exoskeleton crunched under your heel. 
“I am so karking sick of these things and the mud all over this planet,” you grumbled, wiping the creature’s guts off the sole of your boot in the thick mud. “But anyway, I’m real.”
The video ended there. Fives looked up at his brother, smirking. 
“Told you she was real.” 
Echo’s face was comical, his mouth hanging open in surprise. “I guess we stand corrected.” 
You'd sent a few messages back and forth with Fives over the past couple of weeks. His replies never failed to make you smile a little bit amid the muck and grime on Meban. There wasn't much to smile about otherwise. You hadn't been lying when you told him in your first message that things were karked up beyond belief. You were in charge of a CRC unit that was desperately trying to provide support to civilian casualties all while the Separatists were continuing to wreak havoc just a couple dozen kilometers away. 
Things were deteriorating by the day. There were too many in need of help, too few supplies to go around. You were sitting in your tent, stripped down to your undershirt in an effort to feel just a bit cleaner. In your hand was a datapad showing the recent movements of the droids in relation to your position. It was starting to look like they were scoping the area, and you had a terrible feeling that they were going to violate the Refugee Assistance Accord any day now. 
You sighed, switching to the details of remaining supplies. It wasn't much. Daily rations for the unit for another week if everyone dropped to two meals a day and even less for the hungry mouths that showed up daily. You'd already cut your own rations down to the bare minimum and it was showing. At least your stomach had stopped hurting so much the longer you went without food. 
You also weren't sleeping much at all, but that was to be expected in a situation like this. Gods, what you would give for a five minute water shower.
Your comm beeped with an incoming message from Fives. You set the datapad aside, pulling it up. 
We just finished a campaign. Can you holo-call? My brothers are bugging me to see your face.
You chuckle a bit, typing out a quick reply. 
Sure. Fair warning, I look like banthashit at the moment. Call whenever as long as it's in the next half hour. 
You run your fingers through your hair, untangling some of the knots there. It's greasy and lank, your scalp itchy from all the muck caked onto it. Giving up on being actually presentable, you tie it back in a knot and leave it at that. You don't bother putting your uniform shirt back on, choosing to stay in your short sleeved undershirt instead. You still had your cargo pants and boots on, so you figured that was dressed enough. 
Your comm pings with the holo-call request from Fives. You tap it, answering. In front of you is the blue flickering image of Fives. He's grinning, but he's not alone. Around him are four or five identical faces. Well, identical but different at the same time. 
"Hey Mini!" Fives chirps as soon as your message connects. He seems to study you for a moment, a wrinkle forming between his eyes. "You do look like shit."
You chuckle. "I know I do Fives. It's been a long few weeks."
"Damn, Mini you are real!" A clone with a large tattoo covering his face chimes in, a lopsided grin on his face. 
"Jesse!" Fives scolds, elbowing his brother. "By the way, this is Jesse. Beside him is Kix, then on my other side is Echo and the blond is Rex. He's the captain."
"Damn," you say. "Got the whole family with you."
"Yeah well, they're all curious about you."
You shake your head at the trooper's antics. It's nice to take a break from the reality of where you are for a bit. 
"So what are you doing anyway? Like what's your objective wherever it is you are?" Echo ask, a curious look on his face. "Fives says he doesn't know where you are."
You hesitate for a moment, considering how much to share. Finally you decide on a mostly truth and omitting what you can't share. 
"That's because I can't tell him since it's technically Separatist occupied." You hold up a hand at the shocked looks. "We're covered by the Refugee Assistance Accord here so technically they can't attack us or interfere with operations."
But I'm pretty sure they're going to anyway, you add in your head grimly. 
"As far as what I'm doing," you continue "I'm running the unit deployed here. Trying to provide medical assistance and necessary supplies to the people here while they're being occupied."
"Kriff," the captain curses. 
"That sounds like an impossible mission," Kix adds.
"Pretty much feels like one," you tell him. "We're running out of everything and the CRC isn't sure if they're going to be able to send any more to us before we're completely out."
Under your bunk, the ground rumbles ominously. Something is wrong, you feel it in your gut. 
Fives starts to speak, but you cut him off with a hand. "Hold on."
You listen, and then you hear it. The distant sound of an explosion. 
"Kriff all!" You scramble for your gear, leaving the transmission up. 
"Mini!" Fives calls. "What's going on?"
"They're violating the accords," you snap, throwing things as you grab your go bag. "I fucking knew they were going to soon."
Outside the tent, the alarm begins wailing. It's the evacuation tone, the sound sending chills down your spine. You bolt from the tent, bag over your shoulder. Around you, the rest of your unit is stumbling out. Bomb blasts shake the ground, and by their light you can faintly make out the forms of droids advancing.
"On me," you call, bringing your unit together. 
You don't realize that your comm is still on, now only audio until you hear Fives screaming at you for coordinates so they can send help. 
"I’ll be in touch when we’re safe." You click the comm off. 
"Everyone accounted for?" You ask, checking to make sure the fifteen members under your command are there. 
"Good, now let's get the hells out of here."
You start out at a dead run, heading from the camp and the advancing droids into the darkness beyond.  
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piranahaha · 2 years
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the situation is still out of control
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piranahaha · 2 years
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“Spread too thin…”
Or when Cody finds his Jedi asleep over battle plans and reports yet again, and takes care of him.
I have a weakness for the bridal-style carry… especially for codywan.
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piranahaha · 2 years
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piranahaha · 2 years
Alone Together, Part One
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PAIRING: Pre-Fives x Fem!Reader.
WARNINGS: Drinking/Alcohol Use, Vaguely Depressed Reader, Mentions of War
Author's Note:
Full disclosure: I have never posted any kind of writing here on tumblr. I haven't really even used tumblr much. I also have never written in second person or written a reader insert. Oh well. I got inspired, I wrote a thing, voila here it is. Any comments, critiques, etc are welcome. Be aware this was written completely on mobile. Things may be a hot mess. (Edit 3/30/22: I have gone through and edited formatting slightly on desktop. It should no longer be a hot mess express. I also changed the reader’s nickname to one I think is better.)
Additional note: Lyrics and title are from Fall Out Boy- Alone Together. There is a part two sort of planned.
Edit 03/30/22: Part 2 posted
Part 3
I don't know where you're going But do you got room for one more troubled soul?
He met you in a bar. Not 79's because that wasn't a place for civilians unless they were the working type trying to pick up the troopers as tricks for the night. Why he made it all the way to Loto's on the lower levels of Coruscant is a question you'll probably never get a straight answer to. But go there he did.
You were seated on the far end of the bar, a glass of nameless brown liquor in front of you. The bartender, Ania, hadn't told you the name of it, just that it was one of the strongest they stocked. She knew you too well, having met you several times when you stopped by between your deployments with the Civilian Relief Corps. Another sip was burning its way down your throat when someone took the seat to your left. A glance from the corner of your eye was enough for you to tell that it was a clone, one with a small five tattooed on his temple. He had facial hair, trimmed into a neat goatee and his hair was regulation.
"A Drelian mixer, please," he ordered, smiling at Ania as she nodded and left to make it for him.
You couldn't stop the snort that escaped when you overheard his order. Of course a member of the GAR would have one of the sweetest, least alcoholic drinks in existence.
He turned a bit towards you, arching an eyebrow. "Something funny, Miss?"
"Not a thing, trooper." You smiled and shook your head. "Your drink choice just caught me off guard."
His eyes widened in mock offense. "What's wrong with my drink?"
You made a face, raising your own glass for another gulp "Too damn sweet."
"That's why I like it though."
You shrugged, "To each their own I guess. I'll stick to the stronger stuff thanks."
Ania placed his bright red drink down on the bar, glancing at you. "Need another babe?"
You swirled the remainder of yours, considering. "Sure love. On my tab please."
"You got it." The twi'lek turned away again.
He's still looking at you. "I take it you're a regular?"
You nod. "I come here more than I probably should."
You're both silent for a few moments. Ania puts your next drink down and you nod your thanks at her. He breaks the silence once she leaves again.
"My name is Fives."
You consider for a moment, "Everyone calls me Mini. You can too."
He makes a face. "Mini?"
You laugh, a real one. "Yeah, I'm pretty small. My head probably only makes it to your armpit if we stand up."
He laughs too. It's a nice laugh you decide.
"What are you doing down here instead of at 79's? You decide to ask.
He shrugs. "I dunno. Wanted a change of scenery and a chance to meet some new people I guess."
"Fair enough." You raise your new glass in a mock toast and toss half back in one go.
"How about you?" He asks, taking a gulp of his own.
You don't want to tell him the truth, at least not all of it. It's a buzzkill to tell strangers that you drink between deployments in an attempt to forget the things you've seen. You go for a half truth. "I'm between deployments for the CRC."
"CRC?" He asks, confused. "I haven't heard of that."
"That's not surprising. Not many people know about the Civilian Relief Corps unless we're on their planet to help out or they meet a recruiter."
He's turned sideways on his bar stool now so he faces you. You aren't sure, but he seems genuinely interested.
"What does the CRC do?"
You hesitate to answer. "A lot of things."
"Come on." He rolls his eyes. "What kind of things?"
"Do you want the party line or the reality?" You ask, mood dropping. You didn't usually like to talk about the things you saw and did during CRC deployment.
He seems to pick up on that and considers for a moment before he answers. "I'd like to hear the reality, if you're willing to share."
"We provide a lot of aid to people impacted by the war. Whether that means food, medical supplies, help searching rubble for survivors; whatever needs doing so they can keep surviving. Sometimes it means providing aid under fire, or on Separatist controlled planets."
He doesn't say anything for a long moment. You take another sip, draining the last of the liquid in your glass to cover your discomfort. This is why you generally preferred to drink alone.
"I'm glad someone is there to help," he finally says. "I always wondered what happened after we left."
You breathe a silent sigh of relief. "We do what we can."
You glance at the time displayed on your wrist and curse. You've stayed later than you meant to.
"I have to go Fives," you say, standing up and placing enough credits on the bar top to cover your drinks plus his and a decent tip. "My group is deploying again in a few hours."
He stands too and seems a little startled to see that you were right about the height difference. The top of your head barely makes the middle of his chest.
"When will you be back on Coruscant?" He asks, falling in at your side to walk with you towards the door of the dive bar.
"I'm not sure," you reply as the two of you step out into the nightlife of the lower levels. "This one might be a while. When on Coruscant again, you can always ask Ania if I'm around."
He stops, hand stroking his goatee as he thinks. His eyes light up. "What if I gave you my comm code?"
At the look on your face he backpedals "Nothing serious! I was just hoping to keep in touch since you're really the first person outside of the GAR who didn't treat me differently because I'm a clone."
He grins and adds "Plus you probably have some wicked stories to share."
You can't help it, you laugh. He's right, you do have some rather wild stories. "Sure Fives," you say once you stop giggling.
He rattles off his private comm code, watching as you key it into yours. Another check of the time and you tell him "I'll be in touch soon."
On impulse, you throw your arms around him in a hug. He's so broad your arms don't quite touch in the back, but his chest feels nice under your cheek. Maybe too nice. He hugs you back, easily circling your small body. You pull back after a moment, looking up at him. There's something in his golden eyes you can't quite identify, but you don't think too hard about it.
Turning on your heel to head for your transport, you toss him a mock salute.
"Bye Fives!"
"Bye Mini!"
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piranahaha · 2 years
Can we talk about the row of clone corporals that are sitting in the coruscant courtroom-
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piranahaha · 4 years
Me after finishing a new chapter and reading it through:
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piranahaha · 4 years
how do you deal with stress?
Ahsoka: I go to the gym and do 50 pull ups, 500 pushups, run three miles, deadlift the nearest trooper,
Rex: Sometimes I get really passive-aggressive at Skywalker. Sometimes I find Fives and just supplex him directly into the ground. It depends.
Obi-Wan: I release my stress into the Force.
Cody: Apparently I am the Force.
Anakin: w h a t  s t r e s s  *eye twitching*
Wolffe: I obsessively clean everyth- THIS IS A BOOTS-OFF HOUSEHOLD, COMET
Fox: i am handling e v er y t hi n g  p er f e c tly  F I N  EE THANK YOU
Mace Windu: I don’t think you understand. I don’t deal with stress, I am the stress
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piranahaha · 4 years
why, yes, good sir. i would indeed throw out the entire jedi council to rescue all of the clones.
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piranahaha · 4 years
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‘A thousand fahrenheit and we’re about to ignite So keep the throttle to the bottom We may never see tomorrow If tonight’s our time to go, the one thing I know We’ll need a coin for the ferryman Leave us a coin for the ferryman’ 
-Coin for the Ferryman by Nickelback
I was listening to music and thinking about clones, so here’s a tribute to the ones marching far ahead through the clone wars. 
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piranahaha · 4 years
Mouse: There are anomalies in the northwest quadrant.
Voight: Speak English.
Mouse: Turn right, find bomb.
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piranahaha · 4 years
Padme: You're very mature for your age.
Ahsoka: Thanks. It's the trauma.
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piranahaha · 4 years
Civilian: Excuse me, who's in charge here?
Ahsoka: Usually it's whoever yells the loudest.
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piranahaha · 4 years
No no, he is an idiot. Smart. But still an idiot.
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piranahaha · 4 years
Hardcase: *pulls curtain back while Rex is in the shower*
Hardcase: are we–stop screaming, it’s me–are we going to battle soon?
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