polyamorousparson · 6 years
Here’s some super quick night beach Charmer for @abominableobriens
Boston isn’t like California, Chris tells her.
The others always tease him for it, West Coast Best Coast, etc….  From a lot of people, Caitlin can see how it would come off that way.  It helps that Caitlin is innately familiar with the complicated mix of emotions, the homesickness and the longing and the vague unease with the grey, snowy skies that last until mid-May.
It means something different even now, in late summer, when Boston is sticky air that clogs her lungs when she steps outside, that traps the heat until it becomes almost unbearable.  When ‘going to the ocean’ seems to mean sitting around by the docks and watching sailboats with her lungs slowly drowning.
“It’s the ocean,” April tells her, as if this is normal, as if Caitlin is just supposed to accept the way the sky in Boston always looms a little too close to comfort.  
“Boston isn’t like California,” Chris reminds her softly, because he may be from Northern California, but he still understands what she is missing.
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
Here’s some super quick night beach Charmer for @abominableobriens
Boston isn’t like California, Chris tells her.
The others always tease him for it, West Coast Best Coast, etc….  From a lot of people, Caitlin can see how it would come off that way.  It helps that Caitlin is innately familiar with the complicated mix of emotions, the homesickness and the longing and the vague unease with the grey, snowy skies that last until mid-May.
It means something different even now, in late summer, when Boston is sticky air that clogs her lungs when she steps outside, that traps the heat until it becomes almost unbearable.  When ‘going to the ocean’ seems to mean sitting around by the docks and watching sailboats with her lungs slowly drowning.
“It’s the ocean,” April tells her, as if this is normal, as if Caitlin is just supposed to accept the way the sky in Boston always looms a little too close to comfort.  
“Boston isn’t like California,” Chris reminds her softly, because he may be from Northern California, but he still understands what she is missing.
“I want to go somewhere,” Chris says one night after dinner, when Caitlin thinks they’ve settled in for the day.  She almost protests that the heat has sapped the energy out of her, that Boston has sapped the energy out of her.  That it’s been a long day, and she’s Tired.  She knows that Chris, of all people, would understand.
“Somewhere specific?” she asks.
“Yeah.  Somewhere specific,” Chris says.  Caitlin knows the look on his face enough to trust him, enough to only ask him how dressed up she needs to get.  His eyes are bright, his body tense, like he’s physically suppressing a secret bubbling up inside him.  
“Don’t get dressed up,” Chris tells her.  “But bring a towel.”
It’s enough to set Caitlin’s heart aching, enough for her to wrap her arms tight around Chris, so grateful she could burst.  
There’s only one place she’d need a towel this time of year.
The sun sinks down on the horizon, the edges of pink and orange light catching the tops of the waves.  The water has already risen along the sand, the waves crashing heavier against the shore as the tide comes in.  Caitlin can feel the breeze picking up already, blowing the frizzy tendrils of hair that escaped her ponytail away from her face.
Back home, she would consider this too cool to get in the water.  Here in Boston, she knows that this is as warm as it is ever going to get, for the beach at night.  
Chris lays out beach towels that Caitlin knows will only collect sand.  He kicks off his flip flops, and she follows suit.  Caitlin closes her eyes and basks in the familiar discomfort of sand between her toes, images in her head of beach volleyball games at dusk lasting until the light faded so much that she couldn’t see the ball anymore.
Chris’ hand finds hers, and she squeezes it tightly.
It isn’t the same as back home.  The sand cools too quickly.  The ocean waves are a shock to her system, the brisk water making her teeth chatter when she wades in shin-deep.  Chris’ laughter echoes in the open air as she goes back and forth, back and forth, running from the cold water only to find that the breeze outside it only makes things worse.  Chris holds her hands as she braces herself, until the water feels warm enough for her to brave going in up to her knees.
Chris holds her close, though, when she gets there, his shoulders broad and his arms strong and his chest warm.  She leans down and kisses him with the sand beneath her toes and the first peek of the moonlight reflecting on their skin, casting shadows on the waves and making Chris glow.
“Thank you,” she says quietly, her voice barely audible over the water splashing around them.
When they leave the water, they wander back to their beach towels and sit together for a while while their legs dry.  Chris tells her about going to the beach with his friends, about borrowing his sister’s longboard in exchange for bringing home In-N-Out.  Caitlin tells him about senior year driftwood fires and the summer her best friend briefly worked at the food stand on the boardwalk.
“Boston isn’t like California,” Chris says as he stares out into the waves.  It’s as close to wistful as Caitlin has heard him get all night; he was unfailingly positive even in the frigid waters, the hockey player in him comfortable at temperatures much lower than Caitlin.
“No, it isn’t,” Caitlin agrees softly.  
But with Chris’ arm around her shoulder, his body pressed warm against hers, she can’t help but add.
“In some ways.  Just a few.  It’s better.”
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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During warmups at the World Junior Hockey Championships, despite playing on different teams, Kent saw Jack was looking tense and rattled and skated over to the red line and beckoned. Jack skated up to him and Kent leaned their foreheads together and gave Jack a pep talk. Jack listened and nodded and breathed in Kent’s air and went back to his own side much calmer. Then they did their best to beat each other during the game.
~ headcanon by @star-anise for @pimmsweek! I read this hc and pretty much started sketching right away.
(Done for the 48 Hour Draft Challenge ) 
  (Don’t judge me if I got the jerseys wrong I was uhhhh using my work’s shitty basement internet on my phone and pinpointing jerseys by year is hard) (also I did another thing based on one of the submitted hcs because the urge to sketch was strong and the paint was just sitting there)
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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trans + pan Whiskey icons for @morriganbregonis, sorry theyre so late!!!
please rb/credit if using, icon requests are open, happy pride month!
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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Foxtrot icons based on recent ask-a-wellie responses! 
Please like/reblog if you use
Feel free to check out my other icon sets
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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George looking stunning on the red carpet at the NHL Awards! A Y3 Kickstarter print set illustration by @pichikui!  Pichikui aka Gaby is a story artist for TV and a cartoonist. And? She even played hockey back in the day and is an avid hockey fan! Please check out her work! Twitter | Tumblr | Porfolio
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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“ that’s kent parson “
from @ngoziu‘s comic omgcp!
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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am I the only one who thought about this, or
(I see you, Jack. I see the way you like to have cute blond boys in your lap DON’T THINK I DON’T SEE YOU)
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
Dex: okay who added “don’t talk to the captain about his senior project” to the bylaws behind the water heater
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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@justinoluransiinthehaus’s Valentine’s gift for @more-protien ♥
“Like Lardo just throws one back and like winks at me and Holtzy and just like murders our last cup with some MJ fade-away bullshit. Then goes and burps in Holster’s face for like 8 seconds.”
“I was disgusted at first? But then I realised it was a show of respect.”
Color palette by @palette-time
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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Guess potato champ DOES need more sleep
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
do any smh alumni visit often? if yes, who?
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Tater: You can also call me “дядя попoйка” or “дядя картошка”.Shitty: And you can call me Uncle Shitty.Jack: Uh….Jack.
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
How are the Lax Bros doing lately?
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
Has Ford knitted any other hockey themed things since being manager?
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Nursey: Damn. I wish my friends were cool.Chowder: –hey
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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Anon: drawing prompt: kitchen witch!bitty??
Anon: Witch Bitty? 
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polyamorousparson · 6 years
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jack is the only one wearing a cap because he’s bisexual and that’s just the Fashion
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