poppinpillbottles · 2 years
Since my mom's breast cancer diagnosis, she's gotten:
A pet scan
A stress test
A cardiac MRI
A carotid ultrasound
A thyroid ultrasound
A spine MRI
A spine CT
And now she needs a biopsy.
Things she hasn't gotten: a lumpectomy, chemo, or radiation.
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poppinpillbottles · 3 years
One of my biggest worries has been that my daughter will inherit my migraines. Her 5th birthday is in 4 days, and I'm pretty sure that she's started getting abdominal migraines. I'm heartbroken
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poppinpillbottles · 3 years
Disabled people actually usually downplay their symptoms out of fear of making others uncomfortable.
Disabled people actually usually downplay their symptoms out of fear of making others uncomfortable.
Disabled people actually usually downplay their symptoms out of fear of making others uncomfortable.
Disabled people actually usually downplay their symptoms out of fear of making others uncomfortable.
Disabled people actually usually downplay their symptoms out of fear of making others uncomfortable.
Disabled people actually usually downplay their symptoms out of fear of making others uncomfortable.
Remember that next time you ask if something truly is needed, or if it really is that bad.
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poppinpillbottles · 3 years
I disclose my chronic migraines during job interviews because I honestly can't be fucked anymore to hide it. It majorly contributes to my attendance, etc. Like hell if I tell them that I have adhd, depression, anxiety, or ocd.
I didnt realize people were actually telling people they had adhd/autism and like other shit in job interviews i just thought it was an unspoken rule to keep that to urself that everyone knew 😭😭
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poppinpillbottles · 3 years
This is all great info! I just wanted to add that sit-to-stand canes are great options for folks who need more assistance to stand.
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First Time Walking-Stick/Cane Users Tips
I’ve seen a post about first time wheelchair users guide. Since I’ve been using a walking stick for a while now, I thought I’d make one specifically for these types of aids. These will be in no particular order– they’re just things you probably don’t know about using a walking stick.
- if you’ve hurt you left leg/ect., hold the stick in your right hand (if possible) and if you’ve hurt your right leg/ect., hold the stick in your left hand. Trust me, your shoulders and back will thank you
- the pad of your hand will hurt– it just will. You’ll get used to it and your hand will develop more protection there eventually. To start out, look into a pair of fingerless gloves. 
- a fold up/collapsable stick is good for beginners because you can take them on public transport/cars without too much hassle (they also fit nicely into desks and under chairs).
- When you’re using your stick, you only have one free hand. This may seem obvious, but it really impacts your every day life. Practice for a while around the house, so you get the feeling down.
-there are a lot of different types of walking sticks: fold up, one leg, two legs, three legs, etc. 
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(these are only a few of the many designs)
-if possible, go to a shop that specifies in walking sticks. ask to try a few out, they will also help make sure that you’re using on that’s the right height for you.
- a height adjustable walking stick is a miracle, especially if you want to wear high heels to an event.
- you don’t need a prescription to get a stick in most regions (but in some cases they may help get a discount)
- getting a stick that is the right height for you if very important (even with an adjustable one). Too short, and you’ll hurt your shoulder. Too tall, and you can’t put weight on it properly. The correct height is when the highest part of the handle reaches your wrist when the stick is standing straight up, as shown in this image.
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- if you’re young (under the age of 60) people will stare, often they wont mean to– it is annoying but you’ll get used to it. 
- again, if you’re young, people will ask why you’re using the stick, all. the. time. Even strangers will sometimes ask. You can use a really simple answer like “medical condition” and if they pry further, you can say “That’s all I’m comfortable saying”. If they don’t know you, or don’t know you well, they really have no business asking.
-Children will ask, a lot. Please be gentle with them, especially if they’re really little. I know it’s annoying but you can give children reallllllllly simple answers like “I just need it to help me walk” and most of the time they’ll be perfectly content with that and won’t ask more.
- don’t be afraid to use more advanced mobility aids if needed on bad days, or when readily available (eg. at a supermarket, when they have motorized wheelchairs for customers)
- You don’t have to use your stick every day for you to have a disability or for you to own a stick. Even if you need it once a week, once a month, you can still own one. You’re not less worthy or a mobility aid than those who need one everyday. 
-Use backpacks, the ones with 2 well-padded straps that go over your shoulders evenly. Use them as much as you can. Bags that you hold in one hand or have one strap make you unbalanced or take up your only free hand. 
- If you want to, decorate your stick, go all out. 
Even if you don’t need/use a walking stick, please reblog this to let those who do, know this information. 
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
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I see you, and in you, I see myself.
I’m so sorry. You are enough.
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
I’m so sick of feeling like a burden because I’m chronically ill. You shouldn’t be mad at me for not doing enough- you should be sad for me for not being able to do enough. I have more reason to be frustrated than you- and trust me, I am frustrated. This illness is much more inconvenient and distressing for me than it could ever be for you. Don’t treat me like I’m lazy just because you can’t see how hard I’m trying.
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
I was tentatively diagnosed about a year ago with pmdd. Mostly, my doctor and I talked about how it affected my chronic migraines and how to minimize that side of everything.
I've been looking into it more lately (because my cycle is fucked to shit), and it fits so well. My periods have been getting more and more miserable, except it's not just my period, it's the premenstrual period.
I hate it so much
PSA about PMDD
I just had to post this. I had to get the word out about something that needs to be more widely known and understood.
First of all,
PMS is not a joke. It is horrible and shitty to have to go through.
Second of all,
PMDD is different and is also not a joke.
Now let me explain for those who don’t know. PMDD stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Let’s look at those words more closely. 
Premenstrual: Roughly speaking the two-week period leading up to a woman’s menstruation every month.
Dysphoric: Dysphoria is described as being “a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation.” And can often indicate an increased risk for suicide.
Disorder:  many clinicians will describe psychiatric disorders as deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors
NOW, lets break down disorder into those 3 parts
        Deviant: thoughts or behaviors that are different from most of the rest of a given cultural context
        Distress: a subjective feeling that something is really very wrong
        Dysfunction: when a person’s ability to work, and live is clearly and often measurably impaired.
These 3 things are what the field of psychology would like to call the criteria for diagnosing someone with a mental or behavioral illness. That last one in particular. Now that was a lot of info so how about I make this all a little bit more visual…
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So now that you understand what PMDD means and that it is a real diagnosable illness, lets take a look at what it means to live with it.
PMDD was added to the DSM in its most recent addition in 2013, the DSM5 lists the following 11 symptoms as characteristic of PMDD
·      Marked lability (e.g., mood swings)
·      Marked irritability or anger
·      Markedly depressed mood
·      Marked anxiety and tension
·      Decreased interest in usual activities
·      Difficulty in concentration
·      Lethargy and marked lack of energy
·      Marked change in appetite (e.g., overeating or specific food cravings)
·      Hypersomnia or insomnia
·      Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
·       Physical symptoms (e.g., breast tenderness or swelling, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of ‘bloating’ and weight gain)
Speaking as someone who has been diagnosed with this by an actual doctor, I can say that PMDD is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with, when I am not in the premenstrual period I am constantly thinking about how far away from it I am. I plan things around it because I can, because it comes every month like clockwork. All I can do is try and enjoy my self for the two weeks every month when I am not in absolute hell. And when it comes, everything is a struggle. I have to force myself to go to class, force myself to talk to people, force myself to shower, brush my teeth and do anything other than pull myself out of crying fits and into numbness, out of anxiety attacks and into the temptation to self harm. 
After it is all over I try and move on and recover and live my life to the fullest until it comes back but that is all I can hope for. A half life.
So let me reiterate, PMDD is not a joke. If those symptoms or my testament hit a little too close to home, please share your concerns with a doctor and get a formal diagnosis and treatment. And for everyone else, all I ask is that you spread awareness and try to think twice the next time you think about accusing a girl of PMSing because ever since 2013 this has been a bona fide mental illness. We as a society can not claim that we are working towards reducing the stigma on mental illnesses if we are only doing so for a select few on a list of many.
Please reblog and spread awareness.
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
Gods bless tiger balm
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
who was i before i found out i had adhd. Like Oh my almost never works but im fine
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
bitches who are introverted and have adhd see a text and are like ‘i will deal with this when i have the social and emotional energy for it’ and then fucking forget about it for a week. anyway, i’m bitches
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
I slept on and off for about 20 hours today.
I'm so sore, my joints hurt, and I'm exhausted.
Who knows when I'll go to a doctor about it
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poppinpillbottles · 4 years
tfw your body is doing its best but its best sucks
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