ppdaisab · 4 years
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ppdaisab · 4 years
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ppdaisab · 4 years
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Why not both?
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ppdaisab · 4 years
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ppdaisab · 4 years
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Luminol-based ECL reagent injected in a solution containing 10% bleach. Via cyan1618. 
More interesting science posts here: @sixpenceee 
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Fortune Teller: I see flames, and five- no- seven skeletons carrying your body away, as a murder of crows flies over your head.
Customer: Is that good?
Fortune Teller: No idea. But it looks- [mouth clicks twice] like, super badass.
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ppdaisab · 4 years
The person who first discovered that coconut could be eaten must have experienced depths of hunger many will never know.
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ppdaisab · 4 years
wow i just cant take this anymore *continues to take it*
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ppdaisab · 4 years
DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Distraction Plan
Notes from DBT lesson:
Not meant to be how you live your life, but more like tools to bring out when you need them like a “break in case of emergency” box
Example: Red Bull is good for when you need energy once in a while but it’s not healthy to be having it with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Make a distraction plan for times of distress
DBT’s T.I.P.P. can help you snap out of your crisis state:
Tip The Temperature
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Paired Muscle Relaxation
Personal distraction suggestions to acquire: henna and voodoo dolls with pins
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Radical Acceptance
A few notes I made during our lesson on “radical acceptance”...
Radical acceptance doesn’t mean what you’re accepting is “OK”, but accept it as it is so you can find a way to move forward and maybe fix it
Acceptance does not mean complacency towards an issues
“I won’t be overly disturbed by this.”
“I am (temporarily) angry, but not in a state of prolonged or overly disturbance.”
Example: “With my anger am I really achieving my goal to be an advocate for my brother or am I just making myself overly upset?”
Example: Does it make sense to continue to hurt yourself by not accepting and moving past it? 
Personal Note: I think that by “hurting” myself (physical or by holding onto anger/hurt/pain) I have been protecting myself from letting myself be blind-sighted when another big bad thing happens. Starting at a mid-level instead of in a beautiful hilly valley full of flowers... I’ve gone back to the starting point of the beautiful valley so many times only to be blown into the desert that maybe I haven’t let myself go back in the thought to keep myself from hurting even more by losing that beautiful state on top of just already being hurt.
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Sometimes pain can't be avoided, but suffering can.
DBT Workbook
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Feel the feels, eat the meals.
PHP peer on recovering from an eating disorder she had that let her avoid processing hard feelings
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Assignment: Love Language Quiz
I have been assigned the task to take the Love Languages for Singles quiz (https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes-2/singles-quiz/) (despite being married) because my counselor thinks that I seek something that I’m missing from my relationship in others, and she wants me to try to be able to provide it to myself instead of via potentially unhealthy or inappropriate relationships. 
Drum-roll please...
30% Acts of Service
27% Quality Time
20% Physical Touch
13% Words of Affirmation
10% Receiving Gifts
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ppdaisab · 4 years
I will handle it. Maybe not gracefully, but I will handle it.
PHP peer on getting through your responsibilities, day by day
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Emotionally Sore
After doing the bio-psycho-social evaluation on Day 2 of the program, I am drained. It’s like if you’ve been collecting rocks on the way home from school, maybe one or two a day, and you throw them in a box when you get home. You don’t look in the box until one day your mom tells you you need to move the box and then oh my God there are so many f*cking rocks in there, it’s overwhelming, and it’s going to take a lot of work to move them. 
Day 1 I was excited and happy and ready to start this journey.
Day 2 I am still happy to be there and ready to do the work but I’m tired. My family could tell that I was tired so they offered to take my shift for the baby tonight so I could get uninterrupted sleep for the first time in weeks. I was very surprised and accepted and got 8 hours of sleep. Unfortunately the next day came and the sleep did not help my mood.
Day 3 I felt much more depressed. One of the peers said it was normal but equated it to working out after not working out ever. On the first day you feel excited and good, hopeful. Day two comes around and... you’re sore. I feel emotionally sore.
I have been asked, “What do you need?” a lot lately and I feel like I never know how to answer that. I mentioned this in group and the participants encouraged me to ask myself, “What am I feeling at this moment?” to be able to help answer that. “How could I satisfy this deficit (if there is one)?” “Look at it like it’s a map. This is where you are, this is where you want to be. How do you get from point A to point B? What’s on the path that will help you get there?” 
A new assignment for me is to try to do this two times per day for (at least) one week: ask myself "What am I feeling?”, identify what need I have, and then identify how I could solve this need.
We reviewed Radical Acceptance and DBT Distress Tolerance Skills, individual posts made for those.
One of the members, an explosive, unstable man expressed his frustration that his wife gave him grief that she found his medicine and his gun in his car together. “Just because they’re in the same space don’t mean nothin’.” I support the right to own guns and conceal carry but sometimes you find out the people who do are unstable as all get out and it’s scary.
To end the week, my depression and anxiety was up, my appetite and energy were low. I went to the local park during the lunch break to watch the water and get some fresh air because I wasn’t hungry. A park that I’ve regularly been to since I was a young adult that has always brought me joy. I sat in my car with my windows and moon roof open and felt so much depression as I stared out at the waves. The day was really overcast and windy. I was surprised when my wandering thoughts jumped to that if I did have to kill myself, drowning in this pond wouldn’t be a bad way to go. I haven’t had any more clear visions of suicide in a while, just general thoughts that “this would be better” or “this would be easier if I weren’t alive”.
I realize that this program is asking me to break the walls down that I have up and to move away from the coping skills I’ve used for so long and to try to use the new ones they’re teaching. That’s great but man I feel like I had a mountain between me and my depression, I could barely see it, but then an earthquake happened and leveled the mountains and now there’s nothing standing between us and it’s coming for me.
Friday night I got OK sleep but my family brought my girls for me to my parents’ house so they could watch them while I got more sleep and tried to get some homework done for the program. I felt so depressed, I couldn’t get myself out of bed and ended up asking my parents to keep my girls for a few more hours longer than expected, which I am so thankful they agreed to. I slept a little more and then woke up and could barely move I felt so bad. I asked my family if they could get the girls home and I am thankful they agreed to it. Once the girls were home I mustered my energy and had a nice day/evening with them. My girls are my major source of joy. I was still too tired from the depression to give them baths. I wouldn’t have brushed my toddlers teeth tonight if she hadn’t asked me to. Luckily I keep my toothbrush with hers so when she does it I do it, too. Easy way to show her a good technique for brushing teeth and to check one thing off my daily maintenance list.
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ppdaisab · 4 years
Re-phrase the need for ISOLATION to a need for SOLITUDE regarding recharging.
Nice Vibe, Day 1
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