publishingworld · 4 years
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publishingworld · 4 years
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publishingworld · 4 years
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publishingworld · 4 years
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publishingworld · 5 years
The Hybrid Stigma - Spot The Scammer
Breaking the monopoly and stereotype of traditional publishing became way less popular after the emergence of indie publishing. However, there were some old school authors who were readily willing to stick to their old means of publishing, i.e. traditional publishing. The reason being some of the sub-par work being published by a few authors who gave the bad rap to this publishing method.
They couldn’t help but also notice the benefits and doles indie publishing carried however, they were only willing to go halfway. This resulted in the emergence of a new publishing method, hybrid publishing.
The scenario glued to this indie publishing is the fact that any writer can make anything go. There are no screenings in particular and this artistic industry doesn’t negate it. Contractors are to be blamed.
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Companies like Austin Macauley emerged during this havoc creating times. They gave the authors the opportunities to choose their publishing method, by facilitating them in a number of ways and not unburdening themselves on the writers.
Like every other industry, there are also some black sheep here which authors and naive writers have to be aware of.
Here is a list to help you choose and distinguish the scammers from the professionals and understand this hybrid structure better.
They Burden Reading Fees
Literary magazines work in this structure where you pay to get your work reviewed. A reputable and authentic company would never ask you to pay for reading your manuscript to finalize it. An above-board publishing house will engage agents and freelancers to eye your work before reaching any agreements and finalizing.
There are companies willing to charge a minimal amount for an entire manuscript critique. Only open your wallet once you are sure and confident about the services.  
Austin Macauley doesn’t charge a single dime for reading or reviewing your work. Now that is something worth noticing.
They Pledge Bestsellers
There is not a second thought about the fact that this book publishing is a gamble. The first ever billionaire writer, J.K. Rowling couldn’t find a publisher for Harry Potter and know people won’t stop reading it.
Any publishing house that is giving any sugar-coated guarantees to you, is a scam! Publishers with a multi-pronged approach are also the right ones who are willing to make an effort and help you out through varied distribution channels but don’t give you fancy dreams.
They Tell You Your Book’s Flawless
You can be an incredible writer but that doesn’t make you a flawless one. You can’t take your manuscripts to the publishing levels alone. There are often missed errors, plot holes and content inconsistencies that you need someone to look over it for you.
You need to make a quick dive for a run if your publisher doesn’t allow changes and enhancements on different phases of the process.
They Are Faceless
Publishing a book is not a mere business. It is an art. You have to keenly weave and develop each page like it is a new big hit. And you never know maybe it will be. However, this is a wholly subjective process. It doesn’t have to a single universal process for a perfect book but every other book needs its own tailored customization and development. If your publisher doesn’t facilitate the process and doesn’t acknowledge the steps, you are at the wrong door.
Publishing houses that are well established like Austin Macauley have spread their branches around the globe. They have offices in London, Sharjah, New York, and some few more openings due soon.
They Nickel and Dime ‘You’
Even if you are opting for a self-publishing plan, it can require a few add-ons to it. Make sure that your publishing company doesn’t ask you to open your wallet every now and then or it will cost you way too much. Hybrid companies like Austin Macauley and other similar ones show you ropes and ladders through the process. They take care of your ISBNs and barcodes and the recognition stays with you.
They Claim To Be Self-Pub, But Have A Royalty Structure In Place
The idea behind Self-publishing is similar to work-for-hire. The invoice is footed by the author, resulting in owning the complete product at the end.
The traditional publishing method calls for the publisher to foot the bill and the author is paid for the royalties when the sale of the books are made if any.
Whilst the hybrid models demand the publishers to pay for some, where the author pays for some and gets a greater royalty percentage.
You need to decide your own track suiting your options and needs. If you prefer to opt self-pubbing then make sure that your chosen company also act like one. Make sure that you ask the publishing beforehand clearly about the nature of their dealings. If they don’t have a clear version of their answer, run!
They Try To Claim Your Rights Or Sub-Rights
When given the contract, go through it thoroughly. Although it is a common norm where the publisher infringes on your rights to your book, or the sub-rights. If you are not sure how your first book will turn out or the benefits the publishing company is offering are outweighing this, then it may not harm opting this.
If this clause turns your heart bitter, drop the thought of that company.
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They Have A Marginal Occurrence
The publishing company shouldn’t be a cloud or abstract. There should a thing or two solid and tangible about it. There should be a phone number, address, names of real people in the company, existence on social media, a running webpage, and books.
It is advised that whatever company you choose to work with, all of these above-mentioned boxes should be checked.
Self-publishing is not an easy task and may require you to search out the right and good people to outsource your work, which is not always easy to come across. Companies that are willing to these tasks for you and saving you from all this headache and havoc are a very good and feasible option. Reputable companies like Austin Macauley which has developed bountiful goodwill through its name in a little time is a perfect example of it.  
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