queenrhenpendragon · 7 days
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Do my laptop work? Still no. Am I drawing anyway? Heck ye, jus try and stop me, evil laptop goblins!
So here's Rhen and Dameon in a warm safe hug, which took so many careful hours of balancing my laptop precariously on different surfaces to make it charge and jiggling the usb connection desperately. Also featuring purple trees, because the purple trees in Aveyond... one of my fave little world design details. Every world should have purple trees. 
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queenrhenpendragon · 27 days
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You either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the hero accidentally on account of your dog ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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queenrhenpendragon · 2 months
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Here is a chibi Te'ijal<3 She will not suck your blood if you have garlic. Probably >.>
Also, unrelated, anybody got some sunscreen?
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queenrhenpendragon · 2 months
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Talia as Trident FIGHT ME the parallels are irresistible plus cool mermaid dream powers plus plus cool mermaid hair FIGHT ME YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE THIS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS AND EVEN THEN I WILL MAKE SURE IT HAUNTS YOU TO THE END OF TIME
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queenrhenpendragon · 6 months
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So yes here is Rhen with her kitty on the beach. She likes to go to the ocean to escape the pressures of royal life (more on that later), and to practice her swordsinging. Lately she also finds herself daydreaming about the kind stranger who healed her and hoping maybe, somehow, she'll meet him again if she just keeps returning to the same spot. For her part, Softly does not mind the extra cuddle time<3
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queenrhenpendragon · 6 months
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Myst of the mist wraiths! Very convenient name. I still do not know. How to draw hair.
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queenrhenpendragon · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!
Rhen is dressed as Avhren, guardian of the underworld, and Dameon is the skeleton guard. They are at a costume party in Sedona^^ There's a summer ball so there should be an autumn ball too. Please also enjoy the jack o'lanterns, whose faces are representative of my actual carving skills ("skills" lol) 
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queenrhenpendragon · 7 months
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Is it really a little mermaid au if we do not have this moment? The longing for another world, grief for a love that can never be, frustration with a parent who can't seem to understand. The tears are sea glass, aka "mermaid tears," because how could I not. Cool, nice. Enjoy the gizmos. I wonder what that locked chest could contain? If only Dameon could find the key. 
(And don't worry, happiness is coming soon I promise)
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queenrhenpendragon · 8 months
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queenrhenpendragon · 8 months
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Mermaids are magic in this AU and Dameon's affinity is the sun. He's not completely aware of it yet because, obviously, since this is the little mermaid, he's not allowed on the surface. But he's a little rebel and keeps going anyway, and then he met a cute cat, and a princess who inspired him, and when they were in trouble. Well};D That's when the plot begins. 
You know the story, her ship goes down, she tries to save her cat and goes under, he catches her and brings her to the surface and now here he is trying out the healing powers of the sun<3 
Also, MERMAID TAIL!!! And kitty<33 I am so sorry Softly had to get soaked for this, it was necessary for the plot, I promise she will be warm and dry soon. I PROMISE!!!!
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queenrhenpendragon · 9 months
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Princess Rhen has a pet cat named Softly because I will take every opportunity to include my pet headcanons from the game in every au ever. You see her there? Yes, she is a fluffy white cat and she loves fish (and fish people;D) Dameon doesn't know what cats are but he thinks she is a majestic creature and he likes her human too.
Rhen is oblivious to this entire exchange of opinions because she is saying bye to her bird friend and the sky is pretty and etc.
Also I was sad not to get to draw Dameon's mermaid tail but I do not know what a ship looks like and this was the most ship I was willing to draw at this time. The next pic will not have a ship and thank goodness for that XD
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queenrhenpendragon · 9 months
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Here's more little mermaid au<33 Rhen is the gallant princess and there is a little bird taking a rest on her finger because I wanted to add a cute little bird. Aannd yeah that's it, bye now^^
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queenrhenpendragon · 9 months
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Yoooooooo I don't remember if I ranted here or not but the short version is... the Rhen and Dameon feels in The Little Mermaid... are superb, here is my AU, I started it in May but this blog is way behind all my other art places XD
I usually keep characters' looks pretty much the same in AUs and just change the outfits but some of my favorite shots in the movie are when Ariel is twirling underwater and her hair does the swishy thing, so I drew Dameon's hair long, and I liked it so I kept it. Hopefully I'll be able to draw some of the underwater stuff, for my own indulgence.
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queenrhenpendragon · 9 months
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Robin is such a goofy cutie, with his rusty oversized armor and his complete goofball smile and those dimples. Does his faceset actually have dimples? Oops sorry I don't actually care he has dimples to me<3
I have. No idea why I tried so hard on the background this time. It's his nan's house. The one Boyle and the others "kidnapped" him to XD I could have just drawn a tree. Or the sky. But no, I drew the whole house. I can't even draw buildings. I don't know. What's wrong with me.
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queenrhenpendragon · 10 months
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I drew my favorite children from beyond the Mists, Dameon Maurva and his bini friends. If you can guess which one is Morsel I will honor you forever in my mental hall of fame. Also pictured are Tidbit and Lambchop:D
Fun fact, I almost... forgot to add the mist XD XD XD 
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queenrhenpendragon · 10 months
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Sometimes instead of finishing any of my 43536342 wips, I like to go through old ink doodles and color them.
One of my favorite headcanons is that Rhen calls Dameon Sunshine. Hopefully this pic tells you one or two of the reasons why^^
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queenrhenpendragon · 10 months
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Here's Stella<33 She is an angel. She even has wings so it's canon. This has been facts by Berry, thanks for tuning in
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